Crown and council обзор

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

. Клеточки, с которых идёт доход в казну, захват территории, башни для обороны своих владений. Да это же Slay в новом обличие!, подумал я.

. Подумал, и, затаив дыхание, решил скачать, а после с радостью и надеждой запустил. Но разочарование пришло очень быстро. Вся стратегия сводится к хапанью как можно быстрее большего количества "клеток" и безудержная и почти бездумная штамповка юнитов (а что, ведь "жрать не просят", как в случае со Slay). С появлением флота решать, какую клетку попытаться* захватить следующей тоже можно не продумывая. В любом случае напасть могут с любой стороны, отчего одиноко стоящая башня в стратегическом узком проходе к своим владениям смотрится весьма нелепо. А как происходит *захват территорий? Территория, охраняемая сторожевой башней, может покориться с первого раза, а пустая клетка на отшибе может потрепать нервы. Не спасает ситуацию и прикрученная за уши невнятная система прокачки — боевые и мирные единицы можно улучшить. Но прокачанная сторожевая башня всё так же может быстро пасть под натиском "необразованных" вражеских солдат, а собственные "элитные" подразделения всё так же могут спасовать. Пожалуй, единственным стоящим улучшением является лишь улучшение городов — доход повышается в два раза, строго и всегда, без элемента вероятности.

. Вероятность тоже сомнительный элемент в данном жанре. Это не Дотка, где вполне допускается и даже к месту разброс единиц урона и даже вероятность промахнуться. Здесь же, как в шахматах, должны быть конкретные значения атаки, чтобы не было случаем с захватом пустых территорий и территорий с башнями, как описано выше.

. Если есть желание скоротать время и покликать, то можно опробовать. Если ждать чего-то большего, если играли в Slay, то однозначно нет!

Crown and Council

Crown and Council is a casual strategy game with short game sessions.

Самый популярный контент от разработчиков и сообщества за прошедшую неделю. (?)

A guide to describe some of the features of the game that some users might not know about.

Final Version of the custom map. Played on stage 06.

A patcher i made, which fixes issues and adds new features.

Surprise! Mojang released a new game! I was stuck on multiple levels but if you read this guide (1 of if not the first Crown & Council guide!) I'll walk you through the game's basics and tell you some tips in this very quick read!

There seems to be a bug on this particular map involving one last remaining AI. Whenever I conquer all the territories of the last AI, he/she is apparently still around and attacking. I don't even have a clue where they're hiding either.

Hello everyone, Excuse me for my errors, I'm not english, I'm french. My game not run. I try to install and desinstall but no result. I try in Administrator mode, no result. I'm on Windows 10. Can you help me ? I'm very hype by this game.

Thought I'd better report something odd. Twice in this mission green was the last enemy. Somehow, it kept receiving four gold even though it had no territory and I was unable to complete the mission. This happened twice. I was able to beat it by taking out green first, and finished with red instead.

Custom Maps: Scandinavia|Mediterranean|Madagascar (And how to make custom maps)

A guide to describe some of the features of the game that some users might not know about.

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This is an intro guide to some of the features of Crown and Council. The game doesn't really do a good job of explaining some of these things but it comes with the source code and most of this I figured out by looking at the source code. I decided to share this so that other people can fully enjoy this game without needing to be able to decipher the source code.

This game actually has a local multiplayer mode so that you can play with up to 4 people on the same computer. To enter local multiplayer press one of the numbers 1-4 depending on how many players you want.

If one player wants to leave the game at any time they can press 'k' on their turn and that player will become an AI player for the rest of the game.

The game saves a settings file with your preferences so that when you close it your previous level and a couple other settings are saved.

This file is located in the steam directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Crown and Council\data\settings.txt

Here is an example of what is listed in the file:

As you can see it lists the current level, the current window scale, and whether the sound or music are muted.

showAreaInfo toggles whether each location on the map shows a name and how much income it generates. The names are randomly selected from a list in the source code. I looked but I don't think there is a hotkey to toggle this while in the game.

The other two fields are designed to allow players to create their own campaigns. The campaignFolder indicates which folder, inside the data folder, to load levels from and the lastMap field indicates how many maps before the game starts over from the first map.

You can also jump to the next level by entering debug mode by typing "wow" and then pressing the "n" key to go to the next level.

This game actually has some hotkeys and they are explained in some of the tips before the start of the level but others I had to actually look them up in the source code.

  • esc - show list of hot keys
  • r - restart the level
  • m - toggle music
  • s - toggle sound effects
  • k - "auto finish map". Actually it switches the current player to AI, if you are the only non-AI player in the game this will mean all players will be AI in which case you will be just watching, spectator mode. If you are playing with multiple players this is a way for one player to leave the game and be replaced with an AI.
  • g - generates a new random level to play
  • right click - when attacking this will continue attacking until the attack succeeds or you run out of gold.
  • z/x/c/v/b - select one of the actions
  • space - next turn
  • +/- - increase and decrease the size of the window
  • 1-4 - Generates a new map and starts a local multiplayer game with the number of players entered.
  • wow - type the characters "wow" to turn debug mode on or off.
  • y - gives the current player 10 gold
  • u - gives the current player 1 research
  • n - go to the next level
  • q - shakes the screen
  • q - in addition to shaking the screen if it is pressed during the level generation (see "g" key) it will pause the level generator.
  • h - toggles hostile mode, adjusts the scoring to make enemies more likely to attack
  • t - starts some kind of test mode
  • l - restart the level but with a new random starting space for each player
  • o - saves the current level. It saves the level as a 'png' file in the data folder with the other levels and gives it the name "worldmap<number>.jpg" where <number> is a random number between 0 and 10000. This name could end up being the same as one of the default levels and may overwrite one of the default levels so it would be good to backup the default levels before doing this.
  • iddqd - turns on cheat mode. I don't think this works anymore because in the code it trims the cheat codes to the last 3 characters typed in and this code is longer than 3 characters. But this means cheat and debug mode are no longer linked so debug mode no only enables the debug hotkeys.

Note: This may be out of date, I haven't updated this for the most recent version of the game

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Henrik "carnalizer" Pettersson, Henrik "carnalizer" Pettersson, Henrik "carnalizer" Pettersson, Henrik "carnalizer" Pettersson

casual, free to play, indie, local multiplayer, singleplayer, strategy, turn-based, бесплатная игра, инди, казуальная игра, стратегия

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