Радио зенит dayz где находится

Обновлено: 29.06.2024

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Radio Zenit was a major radio station in South Zagoria pre-outbreak; it can be found near Altar, to the west of Gorka.

General [ ]

Situated on Altar, The Radio Zenit facility is host to a unique building, two radio towers and a military guardhouse.

The building itself has 5 rooms (control room, recording studio, bathroom, cloakroom and maintenance room). Inside the control room there is a Altar itself, with various smaller radio masts and antennas at their base. Climbing the larger of the two towers will take a survivor to one of the tallest points they can travel to in the South Zagoria region.

Given the large quantity of wrecked military vehicles, the CDF clearly deemed the radio station to be a key asset; it is likely the station was used to broadcast situational information relating to the outbreak to the Chernarussian populace, prior to being overrun.

DayZ Wiki Update Project! — DayZ has undergone a lot of big changes in a short timespan. We need you to help us keep our pages and images up to date! Want to get started? Follow the link or Join the Update Project on Discord!

Altar map.jpg


Altar is a large hill in South Zagoria. It is located between Dwarf's Castle (to the west) and Gorka (to the east).

General [ ]

Standing at 474m in elevation, Altar is one of the larger hills in South Zagoria - for comparison, Stary Yar is roughly 460/470m in elevation, although it falls well below Saint Roman, the highest natural point in the game. The area is host to the Radio Zenit facility, with the main broadcasting building found a small distance from the peak to the north. Immediately to the south and south-east of the peak is a large and medium radio tower respectively, no-doubt constructed here to take advantage of the hill's elevation.

The location of this hill is perfect for defending off any form of hostility, as the peak and side of the hill gives a whole spectrum of a view. The northern road to the site has a military guardhouse, while the south-west road has a small green guardhouse. Using the Zenit Radio Station roof access as height advantage is perfect for scanning the base of the towers.

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Делал в первую очередь для себя
















ВНИМАНИЕ ВНИМАНИЕ: ГОВОРИТ Радиостанция Зенит Черноруссии.
В одной из военных Баз мы нашли останки тела одного офицера и во внутреннем кармане его кителя было письмо с содержанием текста.
Тому кто найдет мое письмо я от себя оставляю самую элитную свою снайперскую винтовку и к ней еще не мало вкусняшек, она лежит там в военном аэродроме где Рука великого повелевает скалами, там голос божий слышится с небес.

Князев Святослав

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