Isle escape the house прохождение

Обновлено: 13.05.2024

Вы просыпаетесь в гостевой комнате, принадлежащей Миссис Редоу, которая сама живет на «другой стороне острова», и осознаете, что заперты. Ваша задача — решить все головоломки и выбраться отсюда как можно скорее. Визуально проект довольно яркий, но рассказываемая история сможет похвастаться куда более мрачными тонами. The House, если верить разработчику, будет короче грядущих проектов и станет своеобразным прологом.

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Android 28 февраля 2020 Вышла

IOS 28 февраля 2020 Вышла


Анонсирована Isle Escape: The House — первая часть грядущей серии игр в стиле Rusty Lake

Анонсирована Isle Escape: The House — первая часть грядущей серии игр в стиле Rusty Lake

Разработчик по имени Simeon Angelov анонсировал скорый релиз приключенческой головоломки Isle Escape: The House, которая станет первой частью грядущей серии. Фанатов жанра она может заинтересовать .


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Отзывы к Isle Escape: The House

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Escapes provide a motive for players to seek out completing certain objectives in order to escape the Isle and beat the session. There are 4 endings that can be completed currently, with each ending holding a different level of difficulty to accomplish. With time and familiarization however, these escapes can become relatively easy to complete.



The Plane ending is an easy, beginner ending with the least amount of risk for gathering the parts of an out-of-commissioned plane.

This ending can only allow only 2 people to escape the Isle.

Image of the fully repaired Plane


1. Walk towards the generators and power the warehouse

2. Head to the powered warehouse and get the steering wheel and plane wheel from within.

3. Grab the propeller from the unpowered warehouse

4. Make your way to the plane runway. Attach all three items by holding them near their respective places on the plane.

Plane Walkthrough on the map, click to enlarge

5. Sitting in the front seat the will start up the plane, allowing you to fly off the island. The plane can fit one other person.

1. Head to the small fishing hut near lake and grab the plane steering wheel.

2. The unpowered warehouse should still house the plane propeller - grab it on your way to the runway.

3. Once you reach the runway, grab the plane wheel from the nearby shed

4. Repeat steps 4-5 from Method 1.

The Boat ending is an alternative to the Plane ending, with the need to gather parts for an out-of-commissioned vehicle which, in this case, is a fishing boat at the Docks. This ending, however, requires a lot more traversing of the Isle, which can take long enough for “new obstacles“ to appear.


1. Get to the generators and power the warehouse.

2. Head to the powered warehouse and grab a fuel inside.

Image of the Boat

From here, we have two different options:

3A. Hacking Route

  • Find the dirt path next to the unpowered warehouse that leads up the mountain.
  • Climb the mountain until you find the radio tower. Take the master bypass console.
  • Retrace your steps and head back to the boat.

Boat Walkthrough on the map, click to enlarge

3B. Level 2 Keycard Route

  • Drop down into the grand lake and start heading towards the bridge.
  • Find the large secondary cave opening below and to the left of the bridge and enter the cave.
  • Once inside, make a left turn when available and keep going straight until you approach the waterfall and the level 2 keycard. Take the keycard.
  • Retrace your steps and head back to the boat.

4. At the boat, either hack or use the keycard on the armory door. Grab 1 decoy module.

5. By this point, it should be almost time to sleep (if you haven't already). You can choose to either sleep in the armory, take a detour along the path to the docks and sleep in the warehouse or lighthouse, or try to make it to the boat and escape in time. Once you are ready to do so, however, make your way to the docks.

6. Approach the boat and insert the decoy module and fuel into the boat.

7. Sitting in the driver's seat will start up the boat, allowing you to sail away from the island. Anyone else doing the escape should sit in one of the seats in front (of which there are only 4).

Side Note: If the player decides to not use a decoy module and instead only adds fuel, the Sea Monster will break the boat a couple seconds after it travels away from the island. The Sea Monster will then kill the player shortly after.


The Facility ending yields the second highest risk factor out of all the other endings, with the various traps inside the Facility to either slow down or halt the player's progression. Familiarization of the Facility's layout however can prove these traps ineffective and thus make this ending very straightforward and even easy to achieve with the right preparation.


Image of the active Portal

1. Head to the generators and power the observatory

2. Enter the observatory and find the open computer. Using your scroll button on the computer screen, find the page with a series of numbers.

3. Write down this series of numbers on a piece of paper or in your game journal (can be accessed by pressing M)

From here, we have two different options:

Facility Walkthrough on the map, part 1, click to enlarge

4A: Docks Entrance Cross the bridge.

  • Climb up the mountain to the radio tower.
  • Find the code written on a sticky note inside.
  • Grab the master bypass console (if you want to disable security).
  • Head to the docks, and find the hole underneath.
  • Jump down, then enter the code to the keypad to open up the door.
  • Walk straight, and on your right will be the facility entrance.

4B: Direct Cave System

  • Cross the bridge and enter the cave system.
  • When faced with multiple paths, always take the right path. This will lead you to the facility entrance.

5. Descend the stairs. When descending, enter the open room and grab the master bypass console if you don't have one already (if you want to disable security).

6. Once you reach the bottom, enter the long corridor. Start spam clicking the vent ladder that can be seen on the ceiling while avoiding the laser trap.

7. Pass through the vent and drop down into the facility.

From here, you can choose 2 approaches to travel around the facility:

Facility Walkthrough on the map, part 2, click to enlarge

8A. Hacking Method

  • Go to the door directly in front of you and hack the level 3 door.
  • When finished, press the red button. All traps are now disabled.

8B. Manual Disabling Method

  • Use guns to disable turrets and manually disable tripwires along the way.
  • The page on Facility traps can be seen here.

9. Head to the furthest room in Wing A. Find the red button near the center of the room and press it. A door should open.

10. Head to Wing B. Keep walking forward until you reach a small room on your left.

11. Enter the numbers you got from the observatory into the screen. Press the circle in the middle when complete.

12. Head into the large portal room. The portal will take some time to activate and the escape can be completed. This escape can accommodate any number of players.


The most extensive of all the endings, the Truth ending requires the most time, risk, and essentials to complete.

The true escape, click here to see the full guide.

This ending can allow an unlimited number of players to escape and the escape will remain open for the rest of the game after being activated.

Isle Escape

Time stamps:
0:09 - Matches
0:20 - Yellow Key
0:25 - Cable
0:30 - (use) Yellow Key / Red piece
0:46 - Text Books / Lightbulb
1:07 - Puzzle
1:55 - Tape
2:08 - (use) Cable, Tape & Lightbulb
2:40 - Hammer
2:43 - Green Key
2:50 - Blue Key
2:58 - (use) Hammer / Axe
3:05 - Wood
3:14 - (use) Green Key / Poison
3:26 - (use) Blue Key / Green Piece
3:42 - (use) Poison
3:54 - Blue Piece
4:08 - Stuffed Animal
4:15 - Sins Books [First hint: In the Diary, look at the page number]
4:42 - Sins Books [Second hint: the blocks are the same color as the books. Order from lightest to heaviest]
6:00 - Sin Books order / Pink Key
6:15 - Fireplace
6:27 - Compass / Paintings code
7:38 - Golden Key

This first chapter is a short preview of what you can expect from Isle Escape. We think The House is the perfect place to begin our story.

прохождение игры Дом Ужасов

1. Возле забора поднимите верёвку.

2. Звонок не работает и двери закрытые, поэтому откройте багажник полицейские машины и возьмите магнит.

3. Объедините магнит с веревкой. Затем перебросьте их через дверь ворот, чтобы они открылись.

4. Поднимите ключ под деревом.

5. У правого перила заберите первую деревяшку. В ней есть замочная скважина, объедините ее с ключом, чтобы получить лом.

6. Используя лом уберите деревянные доски с окон.

7. Войдите через правое окно. Вы в ванной.

8. Подберите швабру. Посмотрите под раковиной, возьмите там вантуз и скотч.

9. Объедините швабру, вантуз и скотч, чтобы почистить ванну, получите за это резиновые перчатки.

10. Одев перчатки, вытащите ключ из унитаза.

11. Вернитесь на улицу, чтобы открыть ключом входную дверь.

12. Коснитесь плаща возле двери, подберите странный предмет.

13. Средняя картина на стене указывает на цифры 3271.

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