Где находится умбра в sea of thieves

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

It is broken into 4 parts, the 2 bigger ones having vegetation. All of the islands are broken apart. The island is also half surrounded by boulders. The Island is home to a makeshift camp and a jetty, home to Duke and Umbra.

  • With the January 2020 Legends of the Sea (Content Update), Umbra has set up shop on the Island, gathering tales of legendary Player Pirates and offering unique Tattoos in return.
  • With the September 2020 Vaults of the Ancients Content Update, Duke left his duties of Bilge Rats representative at Taverns and joined Umbra on the island. The Island also received a small jetty. can be found on the island.
  • The island contains seven resource barrels.

The following Tall Tales related landmarks can be found on Lagoon of Whispers:

Umbra is an NPC and shopkeeper found on Lagoon of Whispers. She is known for chronicling tales of greatness, and using those tales as inspiration for the tattoos she sells.


Legends of the Sea [ ]

Quest for the Golden Bananas [ ]

Being a member of the Scribes, a band of cartographers that know all the hidden corners of the Sea of Thieves. It was because of this knowledge that she found herself a captive of Captain Bronzebeard who demanded that she decipher riddles, left by another prisoner, Blind Bob, that lead to a hidden stash of Golden Bananas. Rather than doing Bronzebeard's bidding, Umbra slipped from her chains, and made an escape on a skiff. She found herself caught in a great storm that battered and destroyed, leaving her marooned on an island. Though as luck would have it this was the very island Blind Bob hid the Golden Bananas.

Umbra would spend days racking her brain, remembering every riddle and symbol Blind Bob had shared with her during their time together in Captain Bronzebeard's brig. Several days passed until a crew of savvy pirates found her island and assisted her in uncovering the Golden Bananas. They then they struck a deal: her rescue in return for the Golden Bananas.

Dialogue [ ]

Current dialogue [ ]

Mid-Season 2 (Patch 2.1.1):

Greetings. My name is Umbra, I'm new to these shores. I seek the greatest of legends. perhaps you could help me?

Of all the places I've seen, the Sea of Thieves holds the most magical and wonderful stories! A place where piracy can live forever.
I have devoted my life to recording tales of greatness. the most important being inked on my body. You see? Even my own tale is among my tattoos.
The adventures of the bold and unpredictable pirates who live here are perfect inspiration for more tattoos. Maybe I'll even ink your legend.
I have begun compiling a list of all the rumours and tales of pirates great and small. However, I cannot follow all these threads by myself.
I need you to track down and verify the rumours I hear. Even the list I have now is still growing. If you can find them, I shall reward you!

Have you tried searching for Duke?

Oh what would be the point? He clearly doesn't want to be found, least of all by me.
I spent so long alone as a prisoner, I suppose I was desperate to think I'd make a friend - any friend. Duke was just in the right place at the right time.
Now I realise I'd forgotten just how much it stings when a friendship gets ripped away from your heart.

The Umbra’s Chronicle Tattoo Set is a Tattoo variant in Sea of Thieves.
The Umbra’s Chronicle Tattoo Set functions identically to other Tattoo versions, providing only a unique appearance.


The Umbra’s Chronicle Tattoo Set is purchased from the Umbra, but requires:

  • The Chronicler of Legend commendation.

In-game description

"This curious set of intertwining tattoos tells the most important tales that Umbra has uncovered."

Поиски дневников в Sea of Thieves – дело не простое и долгое. Именно поэтому, в сегодняшней статье, мы покажем вам месторасположение всех дневников Умбры, которые вам предстоит отыскать. Дневник № 1 Первый из дневников Умбры располагается на Хребте Дьявола, на одной из скал в восточной его части. Дневник будет лежать на самом краю уступа, и даже немного в «сторону падения».

Дневник № 2 Второй дневник Умбры можно будет найти на острове Полумесяц, в разбитой бочке, лежащей поломанной частью вверх.

Дневник № 3 Третий дневник вы сможете найти на Дьявольской Жажде, в разбитом корпусе корабля. Там вы перелезаете через бочки, и в ящике с канатом будет лежать нужная вам вещь.

Дневник № 4 Четвертый дневник можно смело называть самым труднодоступным. Находится он на вершине, на Кривых Мачтах, у сигнального костра, прямо на углу строения.

Дневник № 5 Пятый дневник расположен на Погибели Кракена, в одном из позвонков огромного кракена.

Дневник № 6 Шестой по счету дневник находится в Легендарной Таверне. Сам же дневник будет находится на книжной полке, недалеко от группы, играющей на музыкальных инструментах.

Дневник № 7 Седьмой дневник находится на Крепости Тайного Источника. Он будет лежать у края деревянной балки, за кадкой с огнем. Находится это место строго на западе.

Дневник № 8 Восьмой дневник находится в Заливе Затонувших Кораблей. Там, между столом и столом, на полу и будет лежать то, что вам нужно.

Дневник № 9 Предпоследний дневник спрята на Фактории, справа от торговца.

Дневник № 10 Последний дневник спрятан на одной из башен Проклятого Форта, около одной из балок.

Дневник № 11 (или нулевой) Данный дневник находится недалеко от самой Умбры. Собственно, она на него смотрит, в ту сторону. Данный дневник не имеет номера, однако он есть, и мы его вам показываем.

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