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Danmachi: Memoria Freese

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Danmachi: Memoria Freese

Danmachi: Memoria Freese запись закреплена

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Danmachi: Memoria Freese

Danmachi: Memoria Freese запись закреплена

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Danmachi: Memoria Freese

Danmachi: Memoria Freese запись закреплена

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Danmachi: Memoria Freese

Danmachi: Memoria Freese запись закреплена

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Danmachi: Memoria Freese

Danmachi: Memoria Freese запись закреплена


The game has made several crossover events with other franchises like Kino's Journey, Date A Live, Attack on Titan, Goblin Slayer, and Strike The Blood.


Information [ ]

Story [ ]

DanMemo Screenshot.jpg

The game is fully voiced, ranging from the conversations with characters on the main screen to every main story stage and side story scenario, containing over 27,000 words. While the main story can be accessed by progressing through each individual stage, the side stories can only be unlocked by raising a character's CP Level, which can be done by talking with them when they appear in the streets, through experience gained after battles, and giving them presents.

Also, there is an option to switch between the DanMachi and Sword Oratoria stories, which have an Ais part and a Lefiya part. For the main story, chapters 1-6 cover volume 1, 7-13 cover volume 2, 14-18 cover volume 3, 19-21 cover volume 4, 22-29 cover volume 5, 30-34 cover volume 6, 35-40 cover volume 7 and 41-47 cover volume 8. Currently, the main story ends at the end of volume 8. For Sword Oratoria, the story has been currently covered up to volume 6.

For the third anniversary of the game it was released Astraea Record, which is the only game original event that is canon. More chapters are being added which adapt some side stories, such as Episode Ryuu, QuestxQuest, The Goddess' Campanella, the Volume 13 Drama CD and various others as well. Cut content from seasons 2 and 3 of the anime have also been adapted as side stories to promote the anime. Story, event, and side story stages each have a reward for clearing it the first time through, and the rewards are better the higher the difficulty.

Gameplay [ ]

Main Menu [ ]

DanMemo Main Menu.jpg

From the main screen, players can access a variety of options through the buttons at the bottom of the screen or tapping the individual buildings. As of release, all of them are available except for the forge and colosseum options. Progressing through the game requires stamina that can be restored with time or through items.

Events [ ]

Events are limited time stories that are not canon to the main story with a few exceptions like Astraea Record, QuestxQuest, The Goddess' Campanella, and the cut content from seasons 2 and 3 of the anime that were adapted as side stories to promote the anime.

Adventurers/Assist Characters [ ]

Adventurers and assist characters are mainly acquired through the gacha system, however a ☆1 Bell and Hestia are given through the tutorial. Adventurers can be made stronger through the status board and proficiency strengthening systems, or through gaining experience after battles, though the former method is necessary to properly play through the game. Both systems require special material items, such as experience books and specific falna, that are gathered through various means in addition to having a valis cost for each action.

Adventurers and assist character rarities range from ☆1 to ☆4, with each level having its own color: ☆1 are bronze, ☆2 are silver, ☆3 are gold, and ☆4 and above are rainbow. Despite this, all rarities can be upgraded to ☆6 through the status board system, though higher rarities will have better stats.

All adventurers have a special technique that can be used once the gauge fills to a certain point during a battle, and the gauge will deplete that amount per technique used. They are based off of any magic, skills, aliases, equipment, or items the adventurer has. Examples include Bell's Argonaut Firebolt, Ais' Tempest Lil Lafarga, and Finn's Braver Assault. Some techniques aren't canonically accurate as Gareth's Dvergr Enhance is an axe attack despite it being a skill that increases the user's strength stat.

Although character models and images exist for a lot of characters, only Bell, Hestia, Lili, Welf, Mikoto, Loki, Ais, Finn, Riveria, Gareth, Tione, Tiona, Bete, Ouka, Chigusa, Asfi, Mia, Syr, Anya, Chloe, Lunoire, Eina, Misha, Freya, Hephaestus, Demeter, Miach, Hermes, Ganesha, and Goibniu were able to be used upon release. Filvis, Lefiya, and Dionysus were added with the first event on June 29.

Quests [ ]

Quests can be accessed through the event tab in the adventure menu. There are currently four quests: an excilia quest, a valis quest, a falna quest, and Eina's lessons quest for new players to get used to how the game works. The first three quests have three different difficulty settings that give different rewards based on the difficulty, however higher difficulty quests can also give the rewards of the lower quests. While the excilia and valis quests are relatively straightforward, the rewards of the falna quest rotate every day between strength and dexterity falna, magic and technique falna, and endurance and speed falna.

Status Board/Proficiency Strengthening [ ]

The status board is a set of diamond shaped boards comprised of a number of smaller diamonds within each one. Each board has a mix of five falna diamonds (strength, dexterity, endurance, speed, and magic) that need to be filled in, with some boards having a special technique falna diamond that give abilities to characters. Filling in diamonds require the a certain number of proper sized falna along with a certain amount of valis. The number of falna needed can vary based on what the rarity of the character originally was. All boards also have a rank up diamond that requires a number of technique falna, valis, and if ranking up to ☆6, a number of heroic essence.

Once a player has filled in a character's ☆6 board completely and raised their level to 60, they are able to access a feature known as limit break, which is a set of 5 rectangular bars that serve the same purpose as the status boards. A character can limit break a total of 5 times, and a duplicate of the character is needed per limit break along with 50,000 valis.

Proficiency strengthening is also located in the same place. Unlike the status board system, proficiency strengthening is a simple process of gathering excilia books and spending them and any valis needed to raise the levels of characters. Raising character levels increases their HP and mana, the latter being used in battles for abilities and magic. Sometimes when levelling up a character, the process can end up as a great success, doubling the amount of experience gained.

Blacksmith [ ]

At the blacksmith, players can buy various weapons and armors to equip on characters to raise their stats. Certain weapons are only equippable with certain characters, such as a knife with Bell. If players have completed certain stages of the main story, they can exchange for 2 weapons and 4 armors using the exchange menu. Equipment will also get damaged as players go through rounds, requiring the player to pay the proper amount needed to repair them.

Music [ ]


AIS WARS was originally a mini-game for April, 2020 as a April fools Event with its own story. Due to the mini-game being well received by players the game got a direct sequel call Operation: Ishtarean Fortress Assault AIS WARS this time a permanent mini-game.

Город Орарио ждет, и история восстания авантюриста по имени Белл развернется перед вами. Пора чтобы попасть в подземелье с нашим DanMachi Memoria Freese Читы, советы и рекомендации руководство по стратегии! кто знает – вы могли бы даже забрать некоторые девушки!

Завершить миссии

Миссии разделены на четыре категории для вашего удобства. Есть ежедневные, общие, ограниченные по времени и новички миссии.

Ежедневные миссии попросят вас выполнить стандартные и событийные квесты. Как правило, вы будете получать картофельные закуски в качестве награды за ежедневное завершение миссии, которые являются расходными материалами, которые восстанавливают 50 выносливость. Это здорово, если вы находитесь в долгосрочной перспективе.

DanMachi Memoria Freese Читы: Советы И Руководство По Стратегии

Миссии с ограниченным временем-это именно то, что они звучат. Они обычно относятся к событийному квесту, который в настоящее время происходит, поэтому обязательно проверить его. Вы получите специальные эксклюзивные награды, не говоря уже о некоторых других Ирис.

И, наконец, миссии новобранца там, чтобы привести вас по общему пути прогрессии. Эти миссии проведут вас через историю Белла и покажут вам основную механику ваших персонажей и сражений.

Взаимодействуйте с вашими персонажами для бонусных лакомств!

Когда ваши персонажи отправятся в подземелья, они получат CP (очки персонажа) в дополнение к обычному опыту точки. Когда их CP увеличивается, вы сможете разблокировать новые взаимодействия с ними.

В меню Interact вы можете принять участие в личном квесте или истории персонажа. Квест разыгрывается как обычные битвы в подземелье, но они могут иметь особенно опасного противника, так что будьте готовы!

В разделе Истории вы можете наслаждаться небольшими фрагментами, которые дают вам представление о фоне персонажа. Оба эти события вознаградят вас валисом, ирис и другими полезные вкусности. Кроме того, персонаж получает небольшие бонусы stat, когда их CP увеличивается. Дно line: не пренебрегайте своими персонажами!

DanMachi Memoria Freese Читы: Советы И Руководство По Стратегии

Получить Фальна по воскресеньям!

Вам понадобится специальный материал под названием Falna, чтобы разблокировать новые панели на доске состояния, основной метод включения ваших персонажей. Falna иногда падает через обычный сюжетный квест, но если вы ищете конкретную falna, вы можете обратиться к заданиям Falna в квестах события. Какой тип фальны вы получите из подземелья, зависит от текущего дня недели.

В воскресенье каждое подземелье фалны открыто для доступа, поэтому воскресенье-это время для фермы для фалны!

Попробуйте различные передачи!

Помощь-введите символы повышают характеристики регулярной характер и даровать им специальные пассивные способности. Вспомогательные персонажи имеют свою собственную статистику, и они непосредственно добавляются в статистику главного героя. Вы можете сделать физического атакующего героя еще сильнее, снабдив его мощным вспомогательным персонажем, как пример игры на сильные стороны ваших персонажей.

Общие боевые советы

При борьбе через подземелье, имейте в виду, что есть не так много способов восстановить MP на ранней стадии. Потому что это, вы можете сохранить свои навыки для борьбы с боссом, если он есть. Придерживайтесь регулярных атак, чтобы создать художественный Калибр!

Говоря об искусстве, эти ультра мощные спецы могут уничтожить врагов одним ударом, но вам понадобится по крайней мере один заряд датчика искусства, чтобы развязать его. Любой персонаж, который является по крайней мере 3-звездочным, имеет искусство, и арт-датчик заряжается всякий раз, когда вы наносите или получаете урон.

Некоторые враги устойчивы к определенному типу атаки. Если физические атаки не слишком хорошо работают, попробуйте использовать magic атака, чтобы уравнять шансы.

Это все для DanMachi Memoria Freese! Если у вас есть какие-либо другие советы или приемы, чтобы поделиться, дайте нам знать в комментариях ниже!

Assists are paired with Adventure units. An assist’s stats will add on to the paired adventurer’s stats. The assist’s skill may help with the team’s overall stats or individual adventure.

2. Types of Adventures

Balance Units - support types that generally helps survivability, can also help buff/debuff

3. Currencies

Iris - used to pull for units

Valis - used to pay for most things like leveling up, unlocking status boards, crafting, etc

4. Stats

Affects your physical attacks and penetration rates

Affects your guard rates and damage dealt by enemies

Affects your crit rates, penetration rates, and counter rates.

Affects your action orders, crit rates, guard rates, and counter rates.

Affects your magic damage and heal amount*.*

Your Status may be increased / decreased by Lv. / Status Board / Development Ability / CP Rewards / Equipments.

5. Falna

Helps boost a unit’s stats by unlocking nodes in the status board.

Comes in 3 sizes:

Small- Unlocks stats for 1* to 3 * units

Medium - Unlocks stats for 4* and 5* units

Large - Unlocks stats for 6* units

You may need different sized black skills falna to rank up units

Types of Falnas

Str (Red) - Unlocks Str stats

End (Yellow) - Unlocks End stats

Dex (Purple) - Unlocks Dex stats

Agi (Green) - Unlock Agi stats

Mag (Blue) - Unlock Magic stats

Skill (Black)- Unlock skills and used to rank up

Hero Falna (HF) (Rainbow orbs)- used to rank up and unlock limit break stats

6. Exilia Books

Helps boost a unit’s level. Comes in 3 size: Small, Med, Large

7. Ascension

You may Ascend a unit when they reach level 60. Not all units are ascendable and some may have their ascension locked.

Units featured on banners will generally come with ascension unlocked. *You will know if a unit has their ascension unlocked if their picture border is **pink** instead of a mix of **blue/purple**.*

Part of Ascension, you require two materials.

Ascension Falna (Pink) - Used to unlock level 1 - 3


Hero Light can also be used to unlock a unit’s ascension.

8. Characters Points (CP)

You can view the Character List and see the CP level of each character.

Each Hero has their own CP. When selected, the CP level for the current Hero will be shown.

r/DanmachiMemoriaFreese - An Intro Guide to Danmachi Memoria Freese

Character Points:

You can increase CP by talking to characters in the Home Screen, clearing Quests with the relevant Unit in your Party, or by offering Presents.

When clearing conditions, you can receive CP Rewards for the selected Hero.

PresentsBy offering CP Items to characters, CP for the current selected Hero will increase.

There are 3 types of CP Item: [Food], [Flower], and [Book]. These can be earned in Events.

Each character has their favorite CP Item which will raise the amount of CP received when offering a Present. This is indicated with a heart logo symbol.

A table for the exact CP needed for each level will be shortly located on the subreddit.

9. Party Formation

You can build a party of *6 adventures* and *6 assists*.

Slot 1-4 are your frontline. Slot 5 and 6 are your backline.

When the frontline enters a battle, everyone benefits from the frontline’s assists if their skills apply to allies. Backline units that comes in *after a frontline unit has fallen*, does not gain the assist skills of frontline units that apply to allies. However, frontline units will receive backline assist’s skills if it applies to allies.

Simple Example

Frontline unit falls. Slot 5 enters. Slot 5’s assist gives allies HP regen. As slot 5 enters, everyone who is already in the frontline will gain the HP regen assist skill. However, slot 5 will not get the assist skills from those already in the frontlines.

Same logic can be applied to Slot 6. If another unit falls and slot 6 enters, everyone in the current frontline will gain slot 6 assist’s skills if it applies to allies. Slot 6 will not benefit from anyone’s assist skills that apply to allies.

Saving Your Party

You have up to 7 different parties at a given time. You can make a party to grind events or a party for a particular stage for a familia event. Regardless, it is always good to make use of the save/load feature. Saving a party will save the units, weapons and armor equipped to those units, and the slot order. Loading the saved party will load what you saved. It is always smart to double check whenever you load a party. Make sure the proper equipment and armor is on.

Auto Equipment feature needs improvement and should generally be avoided.

10. Blacksmith

You can craft unit’s personal weapons in the blacksmith. Almost all units have their own personal weapons.

10.1 Blacksmith Shop Basics

From the shop:

Purchase - Buy basic weapons and armor with valis

Crafting - Make more special weapons and armors

Rehammer - Rerolling stats and attributes

Upgrade - Level up weapons and armor

Smelting - Ranking up weapons and armor

Equipment Ascension - Limit break weapons and armor

Repair - Repair equipment durability: 0 durability equipment losses attribute effects

Change Equipment - Change unit’s equipment

Equipment List - List of your weapons and armor, sell/rid of them here

10.2 Basic Crafting Materials

These are the common crafting materials used for general weapons and most armor. Can be farmed from Crafting Quests. You can also farm for Secret Hammers, Mystic Bellows, and Moonbow Gems but only dropped by Blue Bunnies which has a chance appearance in 2nd enemy wave.

1 StarBronze OreBasic BoneBasic HideBasic ClothBasic Wood
2 StarSteel OreQuality BoneQuality HideQuality ClothQuality Wood
3 StarSilver OreFlawless BoneFlawless HideFlawless ClothFlawless Wood
4 StarGold OreRare BoneRare HideRare ClothRare Wood

10.3 Special Crafting Items

Farmable from Crafting Quests

Moonbow Gems - Used in the special exchange shop (inside shop tab) to get a unit’s weapon crafting materials

Secret Hammer - Used to reroll a weapon’s/armor’s status

Mystic Bellows - Used to reroll a weapon’s/armor’s attributes

Farmable from Events shops

Whetstone - Similar to Exilia Books, they increase a weapon’s/armor’s level. Available in Small, Medium, and Large

Smelting Stone - Similar to falna, they help rank up a weapon’s/armor’s rank. Also available in 3 sizes

Obtainable from doing Record Buster and certain Dispatch Quests

Buster Medal - Used to craft Glorious Anklets (these anklets gives ailment protection)

Buster Badge - Used to craft Revolving Amulets and ‘Glorious’ series weapons. Only obtainable from doing Record Buster

Obtainable from clearing 7th Zone

Sharp Carbonado - Used to ascend weapons (weapon needs to be lvl 60)

Ultramafic Rock - Used to ascend armors (armor needs to be lvl 60)

10.4 Crafting

When crafting, you can get 4* weapons/armor with different stats and attributes.

A. Weapons

A character’s weapons has a default Crit +15% (Exception is Lefiya which gets End +30)

Stats Ranges:

+190-230 for physical or magic attacks for 4* weapons

Stats range increases when you rank up a weapon. Max 6*

Attribute includes

Str +10/+30 for physical weapons

Mag +10/+30 for magic weapons

You may get up to 3 attributes on a single weapon (not including the default Crit/End +)

Example: You may craft and get just Agi +30, or Agi +30, Dex +30, and Str +30.

You may reroll stats and attributes

Rerolling stats will roll any number within the said range

Rerolling attributes will rid your current one and give you new random ones

B. Armor

Similar to weapons. You have stats and attributes.

Check details to see what attributes armor has since each armor tends to have its one special attribute for itself. Each has its usefulness depending on the situation.

Tips for Armor

Breastplates are a good general armor

Glorious Anklets are good for RB and some events that applies status ailments on your team

Elemental Coats can be useful depending on the stage, make sure to get elemental resist attribute to actually get damage reduction

Revolving Amulets are good to put on sacs to get them out after 1 action at the end of turn.

Sacs are units you sacrifice to benefit the frontline with their skills or assist’s skill.

When rolling weapons, settle for 108/111 defense. For the attributes, always make sure the primary attribute of the weapon appears in the given attributes. For Example**, a breastplate without the 15% guard attribute is useless. Prioritize Agi as a second stat for units/armor to be used for WG.**

11. Other Items and Their Uses

Stamina Restore items

Potato Snacks: Restore stamina

Crepes: Restore stamina

Crystal Drops: Restore stamina

Bonds Related Items

Prism Bond (Ad.): Unlocks limit breaks for regular 4* adventure units

Prism Bond (As.): Unlocks limit breaks for regular 4* assist units

Star Bond (Ad.): Unlocks limit breaks for only time-limited 4* adventure units

Star Bond (As.): Unlocks limit breaks for only time-limited 4* assist units

Hero Medal: Collect 3 to exchange for Prism Bond(Ad.) in Shop

Flame Amulet: Collect 3 to exchange for Prism Bond(As.) in Shop

1000 gnome tickets for Star Bond (Ad.)

1500 gnome tickets for Star Bond (As.)

Serios and Dulb

Gained when you sell extra bonds of 2*, 3*, and free event units

Can be exchanged for a variety of items

Gained when you sell extra bonds of 4* units

Can be exchanged for prism bonds, hero light, and 4* tickets (don’t ever get 4* tickets with dulbs)

CP Items

Dungeon Sandwich: CP +100

Dungeon Cake: CP +200

Book of Knowledge: CP +100

Book of Nobility: CP +200

Single Flower: CP +100

Big Bouquet: CP +200

Orario Souvenir: CP +200 (Used on units not part of Danmachi Series/Collab units)

Character specific: CP +500 (Usually for special characters from big events)


Event Unit Ticket: Used in shop to get a previous free event unit. Can get multiple copies to max limit break (MLB)

Gacha Tickets: Comes in 2*, 3*, 4*, 11 draw 3*, 11 draw 4*, and 2* scratch variations

**12. What to do?**Always ask for help when you run into difficulty in any game mode

Note: This list is subject to different opinions

See what you can complete in Time-Limited

Check what other missions are available (new players have beginners quests to complete for good items)

2. Talk to all characters, CP will level up faster

3. Check Arena

Do whatever is available, Record Buster or War Games

4. Farm for items, events, or get more iris through story/guild quests

13. Events

There is generally a tale event always going on. Clear the event if you can. They are a good source of iris and items.

Farm the most difficult stage, usually gives the most drops

Use drops to get items from the event exchange

Items includes (in importance of order, personal opinion)

Smelting Stones (S, M, L)

Faith Stones (S, M, L)

CP Items - Vary per event if available

Gacha Tickets - Can vary per event but usually 2* gacha tickets

Falna (S, M, L) - Best place to get M Skill (Black) Falna. Usually most in need for newer players starting the game since its more difficult to farm

Event Unit Ticket - There are a few good free units for new players, depends on what you have, best to ask for advice since depends on what you have. Can sell bonds for Serios, which can be used to buy CP items.

Alarm Gem - Kinda useless if not totally useless

14. Game Calendar

There are events/holiday themed events that can be expected. Events generally last about 3 weeks.

Japan Game’s Anniversary June 18th

Biggest event in the game. Usually we see new game mechanics and great units that last for a long time. Best to have some iris saved up beforehand. Majority of Anniversary units have been time-limited.

There is also NA and EU Anniversary but usually no special event, just gifts for the occasion

Halloween October

Usually we see a Halloween themed event. Tends to be a popular one. Halloween units tend to be good and useful. Always been time-limited units.

Winter/Xmas December

Similar to Halloween

New Years Eve January

Valentines Day February

Summer Event Mid July/August

Same as above. Features swimsuit characters.

Crossover Collaboration TBA

It can be assumed that there will be a crossover collaboration event once a year. Time-limited units and their usefulness can vary but usually good.

Attack on Titans

Familia Events

There are three current known Familia events you can do with your Familia.

Check links for more details about the events. Generally FWG and FR/TFR will alternate with one another.

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