Combat cards warhammer гайд

Обновлено: 01.07.2024

i have many hours on mobile so can share a few tips i have acquired along my journey to terra. Note i have spend $0 of on this game and have great warlords/cards.

this game is one of the better ones while it gets difficult you are still able to attain very good decks that can rival whales without spending any money.

while you can buy packs etc for real money, this game allows you to buy packs etc with the free currency you earn.

- when you start your main goal is to unlock clans, level up some cards (not too many) just enough to unlock clans at player level 6 i believe it is.

- player level is the number in the red purity seal.

- the reason why you want to join a clan is it will give you extra cards depending on the clans dedication. eg: X clan is dedicated to space marines = you getting more space marine pulls from packs you get.

- don't go crazy upgrading cards everywhere, pick a faction you like the play style of and upgrade with them, also join the corresponding clan. So if you like tau play style, join tau clan.

- save your currency that you get from opening free packs and missions etc to buy cards and warlords you like in the shop, the shop rotates check the timer on the bottom.

-play campaigns that the game offers (its the sword symbol) as you unlock great cards and warlords.

-you unlock ranked mode at player level 10. this begins your climb to terra. in ranked you vs AI controlled player made decks. You always vs AI in this game, so it is easy to trick them if you have the right tactics.

- do your daily missions! you can check this progress by going to the power fist symbol then clicking the gold star medallion at the top. here you can find your free pack count down and missions objectives that give you XP towards your player level (red purity seal).

- if you come across missions that you don't like you can wait and refresh them, nearly all of them are pretty simple which is nice.

- player customisation: you can change your banner, avatar and title by going to
power fist> click your name in portrait> click yellow feather in circle. when you pull a warlord form packs or missions etc - you will get its avatar.

- in the same area (your profile) you can see your stats and also what clan you are in.

- change your name: go to the cog in the top right of your screen then click the change your name and type new name.

- in ranked mode it will take your 4 highest score to calculate medals, if you don't know what this is just wait till you unlocked ranked mode and you will understand.

- again you vs AI at all times in this game, accept in a clan you can request a clan friendly battle. the AI will use players decks so u never technically pvp in real time accept clans.
this is good because the AI can be tricked and not use player decks the way the actual player built it.

- in clans you can chat to members, vets will give you great advice on builds and card combos etc. join one in your preferred language.

- JOIN CLAN ASAP for more free cards.

- also when you join a clan you get a free pack in the store for your first clan dedication.

- you can freely change clans, but some clans have a player cap before you can join them. if your a new player join a clan that you like the faction they are dedicated to and is open to all levels.

- some clans rotate faction dedication every 10 days like my clan so we can get a variety of cards.

my clan is open and welcome to new players at all levels, if anyone wants to join i can answer any more question thru there. if you would like to join once your level 6 go to clans tab and search Ordo Chronos

sorry if i missed anything im tired but hope this helps!


This is a detailed guide to how to play Warhammer Combat Cards, covering cards, deck-building, battles, traits and so on. The guide is intended for players who’ve been playing the game for a while and want to dig a little deeper, so it goes into quite a lot of detail!

We’ve broken the guide up with the tabs below, so you can jump to the section you’re interested in.

Let us know if the information you want isn’t here, so we can update the guide. You can get in touch via our contact page .



1. Warlords

2. Bodyguards

3. Points cost

4. Faction

5. Wounds

If a card is reduced to zero Wounds, it is defeated and removed from the battlefield. If this happens to your Warlord, you lose the battle immediately.

6. Ranged attack

Shows the amount of damage the card will inflict if you choose to make a ranged attack this turn.

If the number is green then the card has been ‘buffed’, increasing the damage its next attack of this type will do. If the number’s red, then it has been ‘debuffed’ lowering the damage its next attack will cause.

7. Psychic attack

Shows the amount of damage the card will inflict if you choose to make a psychic attack this turn.

If the number is green then the card has been ‘buffed’, increasing the damage its next attack of this type will do. If the number’s red, then it has been ‘debuffed’ lowering the damage.

8. Melee attack

Shows the amount of damage the card will inflict if you choose to make a melee attack this turn.

If the number is green then the card has been ‘buffed’, increasing the damage its next attack of this type will do. If the number’s red, then it has been ‘debuffed’ lowering the damage.

9. Buffed / debuffed attacks

If any of the attack numbers are green then that attack has been ‘buffed’, increasing the damage its next attack of this type will do. If the number’s red then it has been ‘debuffed’, lowering the damage.

10. Ready stat

Every card has one stat that it ‘affects’ when the card Readies, and this icon shows which stat that is.

A card Readies if it cannot make the attack type you’ve chosen this round because it has zero in that attack. For example, if you choose to make a psychic attack then all your cards with zero in their psychic attack stat will instead Ready.

If the icon is red instead of green, then the card will debuff this attack type when it Readies. This means the next time your opponent chooses to make this attack type all their cards will do less damage.

11. Name and description

All cards show the name and description of the 40K miniature on them.



Your opponent

Each battle is against a deck created either by:

Another player who’s not online right now (meaning your deck is battling opponents while you’re offline). This player’s deck will be controlled by the AI.

The AI (usually in Campaigns).

Each player has a Match Making Ranking which is used to calculate who you are matched against. Your score goes up as you win battles.

Deck Initiative

At the start of each battle the Initiative value of each card in both decks is displayed, and the faster (higher number) deck gets to choose the first attack.

Deck initiative is the average of the initiative of all the cards in that deck.

You can see your deck’s initiative changing on the ‘edit deck’ screen as you add or remove cards.

Deploying and moving cards

There are three battlefield ‘slots’ which you can deploy cards to – left, centre and right.

Deploy cards by holding and dragging them from your hand to the slot you choose.

Cards attack the card opposite them, unless there’s no card there – in which case they attack the centre card.

You are dealt three cards from your deck, and must drag one to a slot to deploy it. If you need to deploy another card, then a new one will be dealt from your deck to your hand.

As you’re deploying cards you can ‘hover’ them over cards you’ve already deployed, letting you shift cards left / right to target new enemies. This is the only way you can move cards that are already on the battlefield.

Note that Warlord cards always deploy to the centre of the battlefield and will rearrange your cards on the battlefield to do so.

Choosing an attack

When it’s your turn you can choose whether to make a melee (close combat), ranged (shooting) or psychic (the power of the Warp) attack.

Tap one of the three attack icons at the bottom of the screen to see how much damage your – and your opponent’s – cards will do to the cards opposite them.

You can tap each attack icon to see the different damage numbers – you only confirm your attack choice if you tap the same attack icon a second time.

Your cards attack first when you choose the attack, and your opponent’s go first when they choose. Use this to make tactical choices (if a card is destroyed before it gets to make its attack then obviously it can’t attack back).

Which cards will attack

If a card shifts position when you choose an attack type, then that card will deliver an attack to the card opposite it.

‘Readying’ – when cards can’t attack

If a card doesn’t shift when you choose an attack type, then that card cannot make that attack. Instead it will Ready.

End of Round bonus

At the end of each round, the two attack types you did not choose get an automatic boost – and the same thing happens to your opponent’s attacks at the end of their round.

For example, if you chose to make a melee attack, at the end of that round both your ranged and psychic attacks will be boosted and will do more damage next time you choose them.

Card wounds

When cards are attacked they lose Wounds.

Cards with zero Wounds are destroyed.

If a bodyguard is destroyed, you will need to deploy a new one (if you have any left in your deck).

If a Warlord is destroyed that player immediately loses the battle.

End of battles

Victory / defeat

If you lose the battle, then you don’t get a Warlord pack.

Skulls earned

Whether you win or lose a battle, each bodyguard you’ve destroyed earns you a skull.

Deck building



Each deck contains exactly one Warlord. Your Warlord choice determines your deck’s faction, dictating which cards can and can’t be used (your allies).

Campaigns specify a faction all players must use, restricting which Warlords you can take.

Warlords are powerful cards with a ‘special rule’ and high Wounds, but if they’re destroyed then you immediately lose the battle. As a result, unless you have a plan in mind it’s usually best to deploy your Warlord late in the battle.

Because Warlords have a lot of Wounds, it may not always be the best tactic to focus all your best cards on them. Removing their bodyguards means all three of your cards can then attack the Warlord together, while it only gets one attack back.

Warlords have a point cost (in the top left corner of the card) to include in your deck. This affects how many points you have left to include bodyguards in your deck.


Decks can include bodyguards, chosen from your Warlord’s faction or cards allied to your Warlord’s faction. More on factions, below.

It doesn’t matter how many of your bodyguards are destroyed in a battle, only that your Warlord survives.

Points cost and limits

Your Warlord and each bodyguard uses some of the points you have to build your deck, and you can’t deploy to battle if you’ve spent too many points on your deck (remove some cards to get below your points limit).

You’re restricted to a single Warlord card in your deck.



The factions

You can find much detailed looks at each of Combat Cards’ factions in the early Dev Blogs at but here’s a very quick overview:

Space Marines – A large faction containing all the Space Marine Chapters. Most Space Marine cards can make at least two of the attack types, meaning they’re flexible in battle, but tend towards higher points costs.

Chaos – This faction includes Chaos Space Marines and Chaos Daemons, so is extremely flexible, but with a tendency towards melee and psychic attacks. Chaos decks put the most emphasis on their Warlord, so should be built around this.

Necrons – Necrons have no psychic attacks, but can do well in both ranged and melee combat. Their speciality is survival, outlasting other factions with the number of cards and Wounds they can bring to battle.

Orks – Ork decks are usually focused on melee combat, but this means thought needs to be given to how they’ll deal with opponents who are even better at melee combat than they are! Careful card deployment can help with this.

Servants of the Emperor – Because it includes all the Imperial armies other than Space Marines, this is the largest and most diverse faction. Decks tend towards melee or ranged attacks; and can easily fill all bodyguard slots with cheap cards.

Aeldari – Contains the Drukhari, Craftworlds, Harlequins and Ynnari, so Aeldari decks are highly flexible. They’re also one of the more ‘psychic’ factions, meaning you can balance all the attack types or focus on one.

Tyranids – Favour melee attacks, but can create decks around ranged or psychic combat. Decks can be built around a horde of cheap cards or a few, high Wound monsters, but a combination of both offers the most flexibility.

T’au – Favour ranged attacks (and are probably the strongest faction in this area) but have no psychic cards at all. T’au decks tend towards a few very high Wound cards supported by cheap infantry and Drones.

Allied factions

Currently, these factions are ‘allied’ and can be used in each other’s decks during battles:

  • Imperial = Space Marine and Servants of the Emperor cards.
  • Destroyer = Chaos, Tyranid and Ork cards.
  • Ascendant = Necron, Aeldari and T’au cards.

Note that no allies are allowed in Campaigns, so you’re restricted to only cards of the faction all players must use in the Campaign.

Use the ‘Faction only’ and ‘Include Allies’ buttons on the deck building screen to toggle which cards you can see.

По вселенной сорокатысячника выходит очень много игр. Тактические и глобальные стратегии, в реальном времени и пошаговые, шутеры от первого и третьего лица, одиночные и многопользовательские, экшен-РПГ - всех не перечесть. Учитывая спорную, на мой взгляд, политику Games Workshop раздавать лицензии направо и налево, многие выходящие игры оказываются не самого высокого качества, разочаровывают бюджетностью исполнения и техническими проблемами. Сегодня будет рассмотрена мобильная коллекционная карточная игра по легендарной уже вселенной, и имя ей - Warhammer Combat Cards (далее - WhCC).

Стоит отметить, что это не первая ККИ по вахе - также на мобильных устройствах и ПК выпущена Horus Heresy: Legions. Но если авторы "легионов" явно вдохновлялись Hearthstone, то WhCC является адаптацией на мобильные устройства настольной игры Citadel Combat Cards (ссылка). Игровой процесс представляет собой быстрые карточные PVP-дуэли, целью которых является уничтожение вражеского командира. Колоды не безразмерны - сначала это командир и 3 телохранителя (рядовых юнита), к тому же выбор карт ограничивается лимитом очков реквизиции. С повышением ранга игрока увеличивается число очков и количество карт, которые игрок может взять в руку. Одновременно на стол выкладывается по три карты с каждой стороны (или меньше, если игрок взял с собой лишь одного телохранителя).

Обзор Warhammer Combat Cards. - Изображение 1
Обзор Warhammer Combat Cards. - Изображение 2

В отличие от многих ККИ, в WhCC отсутствует возможность выбрать цель для атаки - карта атакует противника, находящегося напротив, либо центрального при отсутствии оппонента. У каждой карты есть три параметра атаки - ближний бой, огнестрел и пси-атака, выраженный числом либо отсутствующий. В свой ход игрок выбирает, каким образом все его карты будут атаковать врага, основываясь на показателях урона. Если карта не может, например, атаковать в рукопашную, то при ближнем бое она пропускает ход, но увеличивает пси- или огнестрельный урон игрока (или уменьшает аналогичный параметр противника) на следующий ход в зависимости от свойства данной карты. Данная механика позволяет придумывать нехитрые тактики накопления определённого типа урона и затем нанесения серьёзных повреждений противнику.

Всего в игре представлено 8 фракций из вселенной Wh40K, условно разделённых на три альянса - предки (эльдар, некроны и тау), имперцы (собственно Империум человечества, в лице гвардейцев и механикус, и космодесантники) и уничтожители (хаоситы, орки и тираниды). По состоянию на момент публикации обзора, каждая фракция имеет от 14 (некроны) до 37 (космодесант) карт, большинство из которых заблокировано и открывается по достижении определённого ранга игрока. Командиры отличаются от телохранителей уникальными качествами, вроде увеличения здоровья за каждого выложенного на стол телохранителя своей фракции, отхила после атаки, увеличения силы всех карт при определённых условиях и так далее.

Помимо PVP-сражений, составляющих основу геймплея, присутствует режим игры с ИИ, существующий в форме периодических ивентов и посвящённый определённому событию из сеттинга. В данном режиме, как правило, ограничен выбор фракции, а количество возможных схваток ограничено энергией кампании, которая восстанавливается в количестве одной единицы в течение двух часов. Всего единиц энергии 4, что, скажем прямо, немного.

Наградой за победы в PVP служат сундуки-лутбоксы, содержащие наборы карт. Одновременно игрок может хранить у себя не более 4 сундуков, которые открываются от 3 до 18 часов реального времени (может, бывает и дольше, но такие мне ещё не попадались). Присутствует возможность открывать сундуки за плазму - одну из двух внутриигровых валют. Вторая валюта - монеты. Для приобретения валют обоих видов, как всегда, есть более одного пути: или получать по минимальному количеству (30-50 монет и 1-5 единиц плазмы) из бесплатных сундуков раз в 8 часов и специальных сундуков за убийство 10 вражеских юнитов (которые также обновляются раз в 8 часов), или купить во внутриигровом магазине. Плазма в игре, помимо сундуков, тратится на приобретение наборов карт, за монеты прокачиваются карты телохранителей и командиров.

Такая система монетизации вызывает ряд вопросов, так как при более-менее активной игре игрок быстро тратит монеты на прокачку карт и вынужден ожидать по 8 часов открытия сундуков с монетами (из сундуков за победу над врагами монеты не выпадают, только карты), либо донатить для того, чтобы прокачать свои войска. К слову, прогресс игрока не зависит от количества сыгранных партий напрямую - опыт начисляется только за выполнение ежедневных заданий (определённое количество побед указанной фракцией, суммарный урон определённым видом атаки и так далее). К счастью, в отличие от недавней TES: Blades, игра не запрещает играть при достижении лимита сундуков, но отсутствие какого-либо прогресса при такой игре может оттолкнуть многих пользователей.

Не обошлось и без технических проблем: матчмейкинг порой забрасывает низкоуровнего игрока к основательно прокачанным противникам, что делает победу физически невозможной. Игра часто зависает, порой не засчитывает убийства, необходимые для открытия сундуков, нередки отключения от сервера.

Графика, в целом, на достаточно приятном для мобильной игры уровне, изображения на карточках тщательно прорисованы, работает всё шустро на далеко не самом топовом смартфоне. Что касается музыки и звука - они просто есть, ничего выдающегося, но уши не режет.

Не думаю, что WhCC станет откровением как для любителей ККИ, так и для фанатов мира мрачного будущего, но для быстрой партии в общественном транспорте игрушка может оказаться вполне подходящим вариантом. Сам играть, как регулярный пользователь общественного транспорта, продолжу, но, принимая во внимание довольно простую базовую механику и особенности внутриигровой экономики, не думаю, что игра затянет надолго. 5,5/10.

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Warhammer Combat Cards

Warhammer Combat Cards

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tips for new players

i have many hours on mobile so can share a few tips i have acquired along my journey to terra. Note i have spend $0 of on this game and have great warlords/cards. this game is one of the better ones while it gets difficult you are still able to attain v.

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