X4 foundations смарт чипы на какой фабрике производят

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

В общем, поделюсь своим опытом строительства станций. Впервые за долгое время получилось сдать миссию на строительство.

1 - Хранилище 30 000
2 - 5 туррелей
3 - Участок 3х3х5

Долго не мог понять почему станция все-таки не сдается по миссии.

Если не получается выполнить пункт: Застолбить участок
- вначале вы лично сами на своем корабле влетите в нужную отмеченную зону, и после этого начните создавать участок нужного размера. У меня это +x=2 -x=1 +y=2 -y=1 +z=3 -z=2 в сумме и получается нужный участок. Далее постарайтесь разместить новый участок на карте максимально по центру зоны (лучше всего поставить его прямо на середину восклицательного знака, а не в саму точку знака)

Если не получается выполнить пункт: Построить станцию
- несколько раз перестраивал станцию с сохранения. Что только не делал, но миссия никак не сдавалась. У меня были Аргонские хранилища, докпорт который дается по миссии (обычный док порт) и надо еще было поставить 5 турелей. Сначала я так и делал, но миссия не сдавалась. Потом одному из участников группы пришла мысль что может это не сами турели а структурные постройки для турелей? Это я тоже попробовал но безрезультатно. А сегодня я решил вместо ПАР турели поставить АРГ турели иии, все получилось)))

Сгонял купил чертежи АРГ турелей (можно любые, но 100% плазменные проканают) и все выполнилось к моей радости.

Так что пару советов: Делайте участок на 1 больше задуманного по миссии чтобы не промахнуться. Выполняйте миссию теми модулями строительными для рассы которой вы выполняете миссию. Может быть что турели именно нужны той рассы, либо просто Аргонские турели только засчитываются в строительство по миссии.

Вот именно эта миссия выполнилась из 3х модулей (1 дока и 2 хранилища мелких на 25 000 и я решил на все места поставить турели чтобы уж наверняка)

Может такое быть что вам придется после постройки станции и турелей на хранилищах перебрать ее чтобы миссия сдалась. Просто переставьте хранилища на другие места.

Иногда сама игра может залагать, так что перед строительством советуюю сохраниться, перезапустить игру, и начать строить. Пока станция строится - можете полетать поделать другие миссии, главное избегайте частых телепортаций - это может забаговать миссию или еще что.

X4: Foundations

18 дек. 2018 в 18:30 18 дек. 2018 в 19:44 18 дек. 2018 в 19:44 18 дек. 2018 в 19:48 IF you are into scanning stations for blueprints then you can track down modules you want by searching for sellers of the wares. 18 дек. 2018 в 20:24

Build or buy a spacesuit EMP bomb, use it on a module that you want, and scan the data leaks that come out (3 or 4).

Sometimes 1 data leak will give you the blueprints and the rest will give you a trade partnership, sometimes you need to scan all 4 to get the blueprint.

The station might go hostile but it's temporary, turrets don't shoot me though, it just goes red.

Rarely there might be a data leak already there that will give you the blueprints without using an EMP bomb.

18 дек. 2018 в 12:58

I have looked all over the map and not 1 station that sells smart chips.
you dont get any information like what makes what until you have bought the modules..

Any idea what production module makes smart chaips?

18 дек. 2018 в 13:01

At least in this case, the straight up "Smart chip production". I've got some notes and I saw it listed for sale by ANT, but not ARG in my launch playthrough.

It's perfectly understandable to assume Microchip production would make Smart chips becayse, you know, that's still a microchip.

I agree the lack of initial info can be silly. Take the Teladi start for example.

You are given a free sunrise flower factory. But your encyclopedia doesn't come with any information on what is needed to make your own factory's production. Yes, the menu of the factory itself shows it, but that's a big catch 22.

18 дек. 2018 в 13:01 18 дек. 2018 в 13:29

You can use the map trading system to find out. Simply type Smart Chips into the Search top right and hit Enter. When you then zoom out on the map, you're looking for Smart Chips under Sold Wares on the Trade overlay, top right. Hold your mouse over Smart Chips and it'll show you which station on the map sells Smart Chips.

18 дек. 2018 в 13:32

Smart chip factories, they seem to be very rare.

You can see the station production chain by scanning it and going to the logical view.

18 дек. 2018 в 13:34 You can use the map trading system to find out. Simply type Smart Chips into the Search top right and hit Enter. When you then zoom out on the map, you're looking for Smart Chips under Sold Wares on the Trade overlay, top right. Hold your mouse over Smart Chips and it'll show you which station on the map sells Smart Chips.

I mean, trade overlay working for that requires trade to not be busted at the time.

Whole lot of false positives "Oh, THERE is the Meat sales-wait, no. It's just a HAT freeport stockpiling it" style results, when the actual productions you even went out of your way to mark with satellites are not selling anything.

18 дек. 2018 в 13:42 You can use the map trading system to find out. Simply type Smart Chips into the Search top right and hit Enter. When you then zoom out on the map, you're looking for Smart Chips under Sold Wares on the Trade overlay, top right. Hold your mouse over Smart Chips and it'll show you which station on the map sells Smart Chips.

I mean, trade overlay working for that requires trade to not be busted at the time.

Whole lot of false positives "Oh, THERE is the Meat sales-wait, no. It's just a HAT freeport stockpiling it" style results, when the actual productions you even went out of your way to mark with satellites are not selling anything.
The functionality I pointed you to works well. Use it, or don't, but it's the quickest way to find where you can clear excess from a Traders inventory. It also tells you where to go for blueprints.

18 дек. 2018 в 13:48

I mean, trade overlay working for that requires trade to not be busted at the time.

Whole lot of false positives "Oh, THERE is the Meat sales-wait, no. It's just a HAT freeport stockpiling it" style results, when the actual productions you even went out of your way to mark with satellites are not selling anything.

The functionality I pointed you to works well. Use it, or don't, but it's the quickest way to find where you can clear excess from a Traders inventory. It also tells you where to go for blueprints. That's the thing. It won't "Tell you where to go to scan for blueprints" if they don't have any wares to make the trade overlay display them

A straight text filter search can work (Which has it's own imperfections. Like trying to search for ARG showing ANT stations because of naming conventions).

But white knighting the trade overlay's known flaws just means encouraging the OP to be misslead further in trying to find a desired production module.

They should certainly TRY to make use of it, because it COULD work. But making players aware "Hey, might not work because demonstrated repeatable reasons." will help them far better than a brush off.

5 янв. 2019 в 7:16

Energy Cells + Silicon = Silicon Wafers || Energy + Silicon Wafers = Smart Chips

However, my Smart Chip factory remains devoid of Smart Chips. I see the manufacture and I will have a few Smart Chips for a few minutes, and then . they are gone. I have "Restrict Trade with other factions" ticked, so it's not selling them, and my factory's Drone count remains zero, so it's not using them . they simply disappear.

I have used the search and then bought up ALL the smart chips in the galaxy, and stored them in the HQ wares (with the restrict trade with other factions ticked), and I had 2x 55K Shuyaku Sentinel's full with them - yet the smart chips are no longer there . they simply disappear into a deep black hole somewhere.

I'm assuming X4 Foundations was alpha & beta tested but sometimes I wonder if the 'testers' actually tested as opposed to played. Smart Chips are like Ice Bullets in a warm room, except I don't even have the water puddle to show for it :-(

30 дек. 2018 в 8:42

Hi, how do I find the blueprints for smart chips? The Argon rep doesn’t have it.

Also, is there an easy way to transfer materials from my station to the build section?

Also, is there an easy way to transfer materials from my station to the build section?

If the resources are in the same complex.
Go into plan build and set the resource buying limit to max and restrict trade to other factions.
Go into logical view and set the prices for needed resources to low and restrict trade to other races.
Put a 2-3 million credits into build funds.
Assign 1-2 container freighters to the staion to autotrade.
If the freighters don't do there thing there is a mod on nexusmods that can fix this. The use of mods will prevent you from sending ships via ventures but you can still receive them.

I don't have small stations setup so unsure if the above works the same when trying to supply from different stations. Technically it should but whether or not it does?

30 дек. 2018 в 8:51 you can find a smartchip factory and scan for it or try the other factions theres 2 argon blueprint faction reps argon antigone if one doesnt have it other probly will same for all factions they 30 дек. 2018 в 8:58 30 дек. 2018 в 9:02

The Antigone Republic (ANT) have the smart chip blue prints. You need 20 rep with them to buy it. And of course you've got to find them.

The other alternative is to steal them from the Argon prime smart chip factory. This is an involved and sculdugerous process. Ther are vids explaining how to do it better than I could. However if you need to get your rep up with ANT a long way it could be quicker. Having said that getting in with ANT is going to serve you well exploration- and trade-wise so it's a bit six of one half a dozen of the other.

I've just been through the process of getting this damned blueprint (via the ANT rep method) so can attest to the effort required to do it.

The good news is that that you've hit on a very good plan and rewards for all that effort are pretty considerable. I simply can't make enough smart chips it seems.

30 дек. 2018 в 12:29

Also, is there an easy way to transfer materials from my station to the build section?

If the resources are in the same complex.
Go into plan build and set the resource buying limit to max and restrict trade to other factions.
Go into logical view and set the prices for needed resources to low and restrict trade to other races.
Put a 2-3 million credits into build funds.
Assign 1-2 container freighters to the staion to autotrade.
If the freighters don't do there thing there is a mod on nexusmods that can fix this. The use of mods will prevent you from sending ships via ventures but you can still receive them.

I don't have small stations setup so unsure if the above works the same when trying to supply from different stations. Technically it should but whether or not it does?

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