Генератор имен орков скайрим

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Часто бывает такое, что для игры на сервере требуется придумать имя своему персонажу, да ещё и с определенными условиями. Генератор имен поможет Вам подобрать красивое имя для персонажа, будь то человек, эльф, орк, гном или другой фентези персонаж. Ведь далеко не каждый человек сам может придумать эльфийское имя.

Генератор русских имен будет полезен игрокам на РП (RolePlay) серверах. На них часто нужно генерировать новые имена после каждой смерти персонажа. В этом вопросе снова поможет наш сервис. Он сгенерирует случайное мужское или женское имя.

Генератор работает по принципу случайных чисел. Вы можете уточнять подбор полом, рассой или особенностями будущего имени. Так же имеется возможность выбрать язык написания имени.

Bjadhmund Star-Gobler
Tormir Jurgikverdottir
Hyrar Boulder-Hewer
Lisath Oaken-Sword
Ingrfrida Ingmardedottir
Dorina Ahlensdottir
Lailver Green-Torn
Illgljot Argisverdottir
Aumsfa Whetted-Gale
Rigelver Mjorarnedottir
Silde White
Hjolara Highlander

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Forge Your Own Name: Discover Our Name Suggestions & Backstories

  • Ozren Kalember
  • Last update: June 27, 2020
  • Be the First to Comment

Table of Contents

Nords are tall, strong people living in cold places. They are Viking-like in nature, and they love fighting, raiding, and making a name for themselves. Earning a place in Sovngarde, their afterlife, is what awaits any Nord who dies gloriously in battle.

Two things Nords like the most are mead and music, and they are rather religious and superstitions, giving importance to omens where they see them. Living mostly in huts and wooden houses, they build them in a way they can withstand cold with ease.

Nords make for excellent warriors, mercenaries, guards, and soldiers. They can be disciplined when needed, though their fury often gets on display in any fight. Some good Nord names are Raloldr Mjorenson, Evete Farseer, and Rigmrir the Fearsome.

Male Nord Names

Only a few use magic as most of them prefer to prove themselves in battle the old fashion way with cold steel in hand. They like musicians and bards, preferring to have one at their side so their exploits are well remembered.

  • Yngoael Merkiller
  • Maltrenor Ingmikson
  • Assuers Jargervonssen
  • Stagar Torvorkessen
  • Jeeksmar Head-Nail
  • Hulund Flat-Bane

Bjadhmund Star-Gobler

As it was for generations in his family, his father taught him how to read the stars which provided much more information than some thought. Sometimes ridiculed, and sometimes admired, he always learns something from the stars that soon proves to be true.

  • Hadrbjof Fiery-Breeks
  • Nelsan the Walker
  • Narfvard the Braggart
  • Garimar Windrime
  • Vipigen Ehrersson
  • Ylgager Asgenson

Hrungvir Jarganssen

Son of the famous warrior, he has much to prove. He’s been taking all sorts of jobs that involve killing, but the feeling of belonging somewhere still eludes him. Sovngarde is everything for him, though he is not in the hurry to see it just yet.

  • Ysmidgeir Doom-Fang
  • Mojgi Secret-Robber
  • Girgff Cabbage-Breaker
  • Vidiad Strong-Breeks
  • Miraom Smith

Balgferth Nightingale

Known for his rather incredible imitation of birds, something which he uses as signals before an ambush, he’s also well respected by his fellow warriors. As a skilled fighter himself, he’s a natural-born leader and an honest ally and friend.

  • Higers the Unmentioned
  • Hlanon Asgenssson
  • Kjorlnar Asgenrson
  • Dagric Sararikson
  • Hednunn Cloud-Pierced

Tall, powerful, and resistant to cold, Nords are very experienced fighters known for their resilience. Preferring mostly melee combat, while sometimes wearing heavy armor, most wear fur and leather and rely on their own skills and physical abilities. With swords and axes, they like to prove themselves wherever they go. The day they fall in battle, all is well for them, as they are going to Sovngarde in which they feast and fight for eternity. Give your Nord a name and earn your place in the afterlife.

Did you enjoy this guide? Tell us some of your favorite names in the comments and share your own methods of coming up with a Nord name.

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Forge Your Own Name: Discover Our Name Suggestions & Backstories

  • Ozren Kalember
  • Last update: July 12, 2020
  • Be the First to Comment

Table of Contents

Tracing their lineage back to stone giants and even titans from long ago. Living as shamanistic clans, they were tricked by the demons and the traitors of their own kind into drinking demon blood, which made all who drank to obey their new masters.

Battling on their own world, and on Azeroth as well, they now live on Kalimdor in huge cities but also small settlements as well. They are proud, strong, and like to boast, sing, feast, and fight. Weakness is not to be tolerated in almost all clans.

Orcs can be selfish, but also spiritual and honorable, bringing some of the more positive traits to the table. Orcs are proud of their names and some good examples are Del Noseguard, Esha Quicksmoke, and Morguk Goreaxe.

Nord Last Names

Nords can have surnames, while some of them use a given nickname, a name based on their deeds.

  • Woodcutter
  • Windrime
  • Ahlaeldssen
  • Djaldssen
  • Torbahriksen
  • Iron-Anvil
  • Winter-Winter
  • Flat-Wish
  • Stout-Champion
  • Crow
  • Merkiller
  • Ingmikson
  • Jargervonssen
  • Torvorkessen
  • Head-Nail
  • Flat-Bane
  • Star-Gobler
  • Fiery-Breeks
  • the Braggart
  • Ehrersson

Female Orc Names

There is no place for weakness and females Orcs are just as capable as the males. While perhaps not completely equal in raw strength, they can easily outmatch others by a combination of skill, vigor, and toughness.


Hunter and the best bow user in the clan, she can shoot while running, and hit her target nine times out of ten. If you saw her doing that, without knowing who it was, you could mistake her for an elf; she’s that good. Along with her trusty black wolf, they hunt anything they want.

  • Krekka
  • Golkra
  • Zorrana
  • Nokka
  • Kuhga
  • Unge


As a former scout in Ashenvale, she’s used to being in enemy territory to the point that she feels almost lost in safety. While she is currently having her well-deserved rest back in the clan’s camp, she’s already longing for danger and the unknown, where she feels most alive.

  • Ehkeva
  • Gamdi
  • Zetoma
  • Shoti
  • Sanege


Being frail and somewhat shorter than the average Orc, she uses her agility, stealth, cat-like movement, and long-distance stamina to fight her foes. While she doesn’t get the respect she deserves, her actions have certainly made others pause and think before trying to do something to hurt her.

  • Draka
  • Shemra
  • Grengha
  • Tornu
  • Mezra
  • Rigmarra

Male Orc Names

Feasting and fighting, there’s not much else an Orc loves more. They love a challenge and most always feel up to the task, even if the truth is otherwise. On the battlefield, even a dozen orcs can be a sight to behold, howling as they cleave through the enemy.

  • Blackhand
  • Thrall
  • Orgrim
  • Nerzhul
  • Grommash
  • Durotan


Once considered the runt of the litter, he grew up to be a great warrior, the best one among his clan. During his travels, he met a young Tauren named Agron, with whom he bonded during an ambush that they both survived thanks to their team work. They have been good friends ever since.

  • Drakthar
  • Garad
  • Rend
  • Malkorok
  • Kringar


A shaman of the old code, kind, honorable, and always ready to help those in need. One day he was simply gone. No message, and no trail left as if he vanished into thin air. He was never seen again.

  • Killrogg
  • Kargath
  • Cromush
  • Nekros
  • Nazgrel
  • Ragnok


A veteran of the First and Second war, he’s the orc that met Tirion Fordring. He fought him in an honorable duel, only to then save him as the building collapsed on them. The story they share is a story of honor and respect.

  • Rokaro
  • Samuro
  • Zuluhed
  • Orkus
  • Rothgar

Mag’har are uncorrupted orcs that haven’t drunk the demonic blood, thus avoiding the taint of bloodlust. They take pride in staying true to their nature and old ways.


One of the first orcs to run into corrupted counterparts of his race, he quickly warned his clan of what he saw. For the time being, they managed to stay hidden, but as the time passed by, no Mag’har will manage to stay truly distant to the dangers that the demonic blood brings with it.


Her healing powers have always come in handy, and even other clans sometimes ask for her help. She’s always more than happy to help and so she’s also known as Brightlight across the region.

  • Darma
  • Bugrash
  • Worthag
  • Kartag
  • Olgrog
  • Ghorza


The champion of his clan. He uses both hands when he fights, using his force and skill to wield Blood and Thunder, his trusted axe and mace. With a warrior with such skills, as well as the ability to teach the young Orcs how to fight, the clan’s future looks bright indeed.

  • Durzal
  • Surgy
  • Greram
  • Kerde
  • Bormgar
  • Suzrak

Strong, proud, and honorable, with a somewhat primitive and clan-oriented lifestyle, Orcs are a very interesting race. The best of them prove to be worthy allies who hold to their words and promises and would die before breaking the oath. The worst of them are sly, cunning, and treacherous creatures, caring only about themselves and their own personal goals. Shamanism and spirituality still have a place in their lives, and the thought of an honorable race still occupies the minds of most of their kind. Create an Orc, come up with a worthy name which your enemies will utter in terror, while your allies will sing you praises, and venture on through the world that awaits you.

Did you enjoy this guide? Tell us some of your favorite names in the comments and share your own methods of coming up with an Orc name.

Часто бывает такое, что для игры на сервере требуется придумать имя своему персонажу, да ещё и с определенными условиями. Генератор имен поможет Вам подобрать красивое имя для персонажа, будь то человек, эльф, орк, гном или другой фентези персонаж. Ведь далеко не каждый человек сам может придумать эльфийское имя.

Генератор имен и фамилий будет полезен игрокам на РП (RolePlay) серверах. На них часто нужно генерировать новые имена после каждой смерти персонажа. В этом вопросе снова поможет наш сервис. Он сгенерирует случайное мужское или женское имя.

Генератор работает по принципу случайных чисел. Вы можете уточнять подбор полом, рассой или особенностями будущего имени. Так же имеется возможность выбрать язык написания имени.

Female Nord Names

Female Nords can be as fearsome as any other Nord, sometimes with even more to prove.

  • Erdritte Gray-Drums
  • Beihvir the Maulhand
  • Finja the Fair
  • Ernaalla the Greycloak
  • Haemarte Bjoahrsdottir

Rigelver Mjorarnedottir

Also known as the Red, she’s been the talk of the village for weeks now, ever since she came back from a hunt all covered in blood. There are many different stories on what happened that day, but the real truth remains to be a secret that only she knows.

  • Greyvild Erensvesdottir
  • Hremir Two-Sung
  • Thrbbi Wind-Free
  • Gislsel Silver-Hewer
  • Fjoren Red-Eyes

Sapfnhild the Unwavering

The first female Jarl to run the village, now a town, in their history. Wise, intelligent, and very capable, she has brought prosperity to her birthplace. Soon, however, everything will come into question as the unknown forces keep closing in from the east.

  • Eydidolyn Curse-Bringer
  • Mereella Bloodmouth
  • Roni Bjahrsdottir
  • Faiine Heraeldsdottir
  • Mettfna Tarbersdottir
  • Yrsdrika Rich-Shield

Matlsa of the River

Ever since she fell in the river and somehow didn’t drown, she actually loves to go for a swim. If you asked most of the people who know her, they would probably tell you she spends more time in the water than staying dry.

  • Mjolrun Flat-Pommel
  • Brejorg Milk-Wave
  • Reyur Lonely-Feet
  • Eldata the Mumbling
  • Hjodur the Tall
  • Hrorphire Mjaroksdottir

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