Топ дпс blade and soul 2021

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

my friends and I would like to play BnS and would really like to know which classes are very bad for pve and which are very good for pve and which are good for pvp and which are bad for pvp. And which Deal most damage which deal least. Thank you in advance !

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tank with low cd block skill

3 hit party iframe (hm block)

great maneuverability to direct boss easily

party projectile resist (not very useful as it has high cd and is part of their dps rotation)

regarded as the "defensive tank"

tank with low cd counter skill

multiple party dps buffs (blue buff amongst others)

decent maneuverability (gets better with awakening)

can grapple aired bosses but generally not useful

regarded as the "offensive tank"

5 sec infinite party iframe (sheathe)

good mobility for a variety of mechanics

5 sec infinite party iframe (sheathe)

party projectile resist

only class with ability to "taxi" party members

party offensive buff (blue buff)

party iframe (stealth)

party projectile resist

support dps with grapple skill (since their familiar grapples, it is not a dps loss for this class)

party iframe (stealth)

party projectile resist

familiar can taunt for certain mechs

party res (requires summoner to be dead) and faster manual res

self and party near death protection (projectile resist can be placed on a near death ally to prevent them from dying while chi ressing)

support dps with a grab skill

3 hit party iframe (hm block)

powerful party offensive buff (Soul Burn)

ability to reset party cooldowns (Time Distort)

familiar can taunt for certain mechs

reliable party res

very high mobility (combined with being ranged makes them ideal for many mechs)

ability to reset party buffs/iframes (Alpha Call)

tank with nearly full cc immunity

powerful party offensive buff (Soul Flare. same as SB in almost every regard)

Blade Master (tank/hm block)

Force Master (sheathe)

Assassin (blue buff/stealth)

Warlock (soul burn)

Gunslinger (alpha call)

Soul Fighter (res/heal)

How populated is the game atm is worth starting now as f2p? I wont invest my time in a game dying, I dont mind invest more hours than the rest in other to catch up whales.

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Why not just play WoW or FFXIV?

I second this, dont play BnS xD

Late reply but slow ass combat. I don’t play bns either tho

I would love to play these 2 games. But iam broke

because i dont wanna pay a subscription

i liked ffxiv, but its p2p, has no pvp, combat is slow and i dont get the point of GC
i tried it for 2 month, i liked it tbh the part of having all classes in one but still no open world pvp.
if it was b2p yea i would try it again

Because both of those games are trash? Lol

My goal is not be as competitive as a whale, but be aple to catch up most players, clear all content and enjoy endgame in general, is possible to do it starting now? And how populated is the game in eu?

ty for your answer, i will find another game then

Do you have a extremely good pc? If not prepare to play on low graphics. This game is very poorly optimized and even with 3rd party utility such as BNS Buddy and effect removers, it is still poorly optimized. Fun game overall though imo

I dont think you can catch up alone with this toxic bns community, game is dying in my opinion

Oh hell no, except you want to whale, then I would say go ahead and enjoy.

Ok, jokes aside. The game is fun, combat is action based and the story is actually good. At least until Act 4. From there the plot starts meandering but is still good.

The only thing going on in the game were the constant "events". But they too started becoming less interesting since covid hit.

Once you hit end game and if you play during catch-up events, you will reach a point where you will be able to beg other players for a chance to complete advanced dungeons. And you will be stuck in the begging, a.k.a. "f-2-peasant" phase forever.

I should add that "end-game events" are all just the same. They all require you to grind the same old dungeons over and over. Sometimes they include one of the event-exclusive mini-dungeons that they cycle year after year.

With enough Ability Power (AP) you can clear every dungeons without doing special boss mechanics, using nothing but simple-mode combat.

But the main quest is still good.

I love how people who dont play the game give opinions. Try the game for a bit and see how it goes. It has good and bad stuff like any other MMO. If you wanna get to Endgame content you will have to spent some money and time, atlest for premium. Playin as casual is possible but quite time consuming. I have several clanmates who have not spent a dime on the game and do IA without dps problems

Story in game is pretty good, ost is amazing. If you are there just to play it as any other RPG game, everything will be fine even for pure f2p player. Everything starts to complicate at the end-game but I will get to that in a moment.

Game had sooo much potential. Amazing skins are completely free to farm from the dungeons but super rare (for example it took me

Everything is great until you get to the endgame. This is not FF14, this is not even WoW. Endgame is dull and all you have to do is to finish few dungeons daily, do a Mushin tower dailies, moon refuge dailies and you are pretty much done. Each day is exact the same, same dailies, same stuff to do, same rewards in the end and you have to repeat it for months and months. You can boost yourself by paying rl money tho.

So yeah, if you want give BnS a try, just go for it. Play it, have fun with the story, maybe farm some stuff, do some events because events in this game are pretty frequent. As F2P player you have like 150-200 hours of pure fun and joy. After that just try the endgame for yourself, see how it is and probably move to another title - I can suggest you FF14.

also btw. The fps problems are there only on really old rigs. If you have something like ryzen 3300/3500x and GTX 1660ti (pretty budget specs these days) you will be able to play the game with

50fps during the dungeons easily, which is ok for such unoptimized title.

returning after quite awhile just to test things out, whats the game situation like now as for as pve and pvp and the classes?

This was another thread about this topic roughly 6 days ago, you can check that one out

There is no way to ever catch up to the people who are currently doing the new raid tho,

No matter how much you pay.

Pvp 6v6 (gear maters):

1-2. 3rd spec Assassin/Force Master

Pvp 1v1 (gear equalized):

1/2. Blade Dancer/Assassin

Highly suggest to make FM/Sin if you want to faceroll any type of content B).

So I take it that Warlocks and Blade Masters are trash?


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  • Replies 81
  • Created 5 yr
  • Last Reply 3 yr

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Sighs . all this talk about best DPS. really thisGame got other stats only for decoration. thx to the awesome Gamedesign of every stupid Boss got Enrage Timer . Listen. u cant say for s



@Shiune dude i dont want to quote all of that hogwash u have there. but bro i think u got ur shit mixed up. dps != dph. they are 2 very different concepts. dps = damage per second while dph = da

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