Топ челленджей geometry dash

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

The Geometry Dash Challenge List is a community created list that ranks various different challenges in Geometry Dash based on difficulty. These challenges are very short levels (under 30 seconds), usually with insane timings and/or gameplay that would only be feasible to complete in said shortened setting. The list has resided on an independent website since October 2020 and receives updates by a team of moderators and helpers.

As of now, the list classifies VSC by BoBoBoBoBoBoBo as the hardest challenge in the game.



The Challenge List officially sorts out 75 challenges in what is known as the Main List. These challenges are the hardest in the game and are frequently raised or lowered based on formal debates and opinions from the Mod Team. Other challenges easier than these 75 are held on the Legacy List, which includes challenges that were previously in the Main List but were pushed off as new, more difficult challenges were added. The Legacy List also holds challenges that have been removed from the list following a replacement, update, or deemed unworthy of the list. These challenges are marked with the (REMOVED) tag.

Main List

  1. VSC by BoBoBoBoBoBoBo
  2. Determination Dance by Cursed
  3. Delusion by xEl3cTr0
  4. 3SH in Hell by UFWM
  5. Flutterwonder by DaG
  6. Deorum by Exen
  7. ingrown toenail 3 by Eclipseyy
  8. Lost Sense by PataNATION
  9. Toxic Blades by xEl3cTr0
  10. Gloom by xEl3cTr0
  11. Craven Soul by NineDice
  13. Virulent Verge by NineDice
  14. Shock by Exen
  15. Sheol Death by Zerviot
  16. Distorted by NineDice
  17. Bocadillo De Albondiga by Yossarian
  18. Sakupen circles 66 p by AkriaKurisu
  19. Cooked Balls by MeatiusGaming
  20. Paraballa by Gorling
  21. Baphomet by nayf
  22. Vanuatu by nayf
  23. Activate by zNeon0
  24. TACO REDUX by zNeon0
  25. Sizzling Balls by M4nst3r
  27. Quite Hard Challenge by IIKugelBlitZII
  28. Chall List Smelly by Hyperbola
  29. Black Lung X by Scware
  30. Flyers by Avenaa
  31. S M I L E by DaG
  32. Sprite People by nayf
  33. fuclk CHALLENGE by Nyan Cat
  34. Tartarus by Nyan Cat
  35. Spitting Bar by JoinMolten
  36. Alphanetic is Trash by Asdner
  37. Subsuming Vortex 66p by HaydenDom
  38. Vesivius by NineDice
  39. Hill by Exen
  40. Soccermoms by lMilez
  41. Agile by nayf
  42. i suppose by HaydenDom
  43. Radiation by ionlycreate
  44. Superr Challenge by BoBoBoBoBoBoBo
  45. BIBLE STUDY by Zeronium
  46. bedrock dance by Suni
  47. The Acro Challenge by MetaManZ
  48. alpha dan by BiancaDiAngelo
  49. Siding challenge by BrutalSword107
  50. Quotient by DoubleEggSalad
  51. Techno Love by DaG
  52. Nino Nakano by Franzy
  53. Slightly buffed Bath by Yossarian
  54. D by BoBoBoBoBoBoBo
  55. Slightly buffed Math by Yossarian
  56. Samsung Galaxy Fold by Zerviot
  57. Sideflip by GenoXideGD
  58. Tuliva by nayf
  59. AAHhaahahAHAAHahahah by maxmur
  60. Nauru by Nyan Cat
  61. Impertinencer by maxmur
  62. Benzherep 2 by telepracity
  63. Ravioli by Toastii
  64. Rat Trap by mark.
  65. coughy bean by jcack
  66. Hell Ball III by romgames
  67. Clouded Park by mark.
  68. ingrown toenail 2 by Eclipse
  69. OXYGEN REDUX by X99
  70. Vera Lynn by Zeronium
  71. Silence by Zeronium
  72. Cong Challenge IV by lMilez
  73. Illusion by Semispace
  74. KOWABUNGA by LTerra
  75. No Rider by jcack

Legacy List

  1. The Unseen by Zeronium
  2. Silent Terror by IiFossail
  3. Slightly buffed Cata by MeatiusGaming
  4. Coggers by Avenaa
  5. Pickle Chamber by Acratic
  6. Waveeeeee by Exen
  7. Africa Chamber by BoBoBoBoBoBoBo
  8. MeatiusShutUp by Pixel YT
  9. ILY by Yossarian
  10. FLATLINE by Zeronium
  11. Silly Sucker by Stitze
  12. Inchoation by AdqmGD
  13. Kubik by BiancaDiAngelo
  14. Dissipate by NineDice
  15. Vandal by Sledgehammer
  16. wave TECHNIC by jcack
  17. 66 tea by HaydenDom
  18. Masochism II by Nyalter
  19. Carbon Commination by Wvffles
  20. trap monitor breed by nintenfox
  21. PenitencE by Zain
  22. Masochism by Nyalter
  23. Zeronium by Zeronium
  24. Crystalline by exerity
  25. Transient by Lukie
  26. Last Minute by Emaen
  27. gay lol 4 by Doopliss
  28. Action by CursedZ
  29. Raw Sausage so tasty by BoBoBoBoBoBoBo
  30. Clicktrap by Extravagon
  31. Skribbl Challenge by lMilez
  32. First Circle by ParanoiacAK
  33. Challenge XIV by Gooey
  34. Crimson Christmas by KyuPlays
  35. Dark Melodies by DaG
  36. NEODYMIUM by Fergon
  37. D minor by polycarbonyl
  38. STTBG by hyakubands
  39. A Moment in Hell x2 by tomleonardgd
  40. gay lol ULTIMATE by Nyan Cat
  41. Naufira by hyakubands
  42. Magic Touch by DaG
  43. Hell Ball II by romgames
  44. De Florale by Zerviot
  45. Kinda Hard Challenge by IIKugelBlitZII
  46. Vain by LimeTime313
  47. Hades Hell by GDVenom1
  48. Tuvalu by CrazeyXD
  49. romgames by M4nst3r
  50. Kudos by Kxyyyy
  51. my mom is dead by xPi
  52. Balaball by Gorling
  53. 8063 by Nwolc
  54. Cabin Fever by DoubleEggSalad
  55. LAST RESORT by Saturn
  56. Demolish by Zagros
  57. Yubin by nayf
  58. Not The Golden Wave by Poobah
  59. pain by Avenaa
  60. Cube Timings 3 by tomleonardgd
  61. Personal Challenge X by V453C70M14
  62. Challenger by GDVenom1
  63. I Love You by Avenaa
  64. Riboid by maleg016
  65. Challengester by Zagros
  66. Challenge XX by FLIPJB
  67. Pennutoh Challenge by Zeronium
  68. Sorrow Chamber by xEl3cTr0
  69. your mom challenge by xPi
  70. Bioddy Knuckles by Nyan Cat
  71. Breathing Room by LimeTime313
  72. UBaSUNhW by BoBoBoBoBoBoBo
  73. gizmo gulCh by jackmeup
  74. Demonlist challenge by Pablohh
  75. Zone Wave by Blathers
  76. Random Chimp Event by crumche
  77. liverpool by Combined
  78. Deterioration by Woom
  79. Challenge XII by Gui999
  80. hard wave thingy by ItzKelly
  81. Dolphy Challenge II by BiancaDiAngelo
  82. Venom Challenge by Zagros
  83. taste beat penetrate by Andrew7171
  84. Georgia Chamber by paqoe
  85. Lamp Level 1 by GDVenom1
  86. BL Swingcopter ch by MetaManZ
  87. Kristina Vogel by Woom
  88. Planned Parenthood by AlphaneticGD
  89. shulk abp by Synactive GD
  90. Y a m a x a n a d u by GenoXideGD
  91. Bear grylls by BoBoBoBoBoBoBo
  92. dancing massacre by electrolyte99
  93. AtroCity by bomf
  94. NASTY by ColorBolt
  95. Funk God by sizzli
  96. Kadra by ItzKeyyy
  97. Challenge II by iNeo
  98. cong challenge III by lolwut
  99. click consistency v3 by Shuri
  100. Challenge XI by Gui999
  101. Transience by GDVenom1
  102. Box Benta by BoBoBoBoBoBoBo
  103. challenge IX by Gui999
  104. Parasite by Axinity
  105. AbomiNation by bomf
  106. jumps mastery by SeptaGon7 (REMOVED)
  107. Flight of Hell by Iando (REMOVED)
  108. Impertinence by maxmur (REMOVED)
  109. Pinewood by JoinMolten (REMOVED)
  110. DIAMOND DANCE by sizzli (REMOVED)
  111. I See by Cursed (REMOVED)
  112. Albondiga by V453C70M14 (REMOVED)


The Challenge List is run and overseen by a team of leaders, managers, moderators, and helpers. Like the Geometry Dash Demonlist, they have a public Discord Server where participants can be informed of changes in the list, and get information about the Challenge List.

Name Position
paqoe Leader
telepracity Leader
saturn Manager
maxmur Manager
Zain Manager
sizzli Moderator
Franzy Moderator
noeruchan Moderator
Divade Moderator
Blanket Addict Moderator
cln Moderator
Ncat Helper
Cursed Helper
FrostBurn Helper
Lukie Helper
Yossarian Helper
GMDomy Helper
alex Helper

Challenge placements as well as player submissions for completing a challenge must follow these guidelines. All subsequent sections are directly taken from the Challenge List Guidelines.

Level Placement/Standards

What is a Challenge?

  • A challenge is a level under 30 seconds, simply put. The difficulty is pretty much irrelevant. Speed portals obviously can’t be used to abuse the ingame length of the level; it has to be 30 seconds when played.


  • Duplicate (same part in a level back to back) levels may freely be made if you created the source material - for instance, 3SH is Dead and any related levels have no restrictions for UFWM only since he made the level. If you did not create the original level, you must ask for permission from the original creator. This ONLY applies to challenges, however: you may copy paste parts from impossible levels or full levels freely, as shown in some levels like Diamond Dance or Sakupen Circles 66p, which are both cut parts from the impossible level Sakupen Circles. Duplicate challenges will completely replace the original, which will be removed from the list.

Redundant Gameplay

  • If a level pending placement has gameplay extremely similar to another level, we will add/keep the more difficult of the two. If it is gameplay from an existing challenge, you must ask for permission first. There are, however, a few exceptions to this; most notably, Kinda Hard Challenge was decided to be on the list instead of Epilogue, a harder and newer level with a very similar concept, because the former had victors and more effort when it comes to the decoration. It's unclear how this will affect straight fly challenges or levels with cube frame perfects multiple times in a row, due to the inherent similarities present in these sorts of gameplay. Depending on how egregious the similarities are, we may delete the original level from the list altogether.

Invisible Levels

  • Currently, invisible levels OR levels with an invisible icon for an extended period of time are generally not allowed due to ease of noclipping for verification/completion or buffing after verification. The rule of thumb for this is that there should not be any inputs that we can't perfectly trace. If you aren't sure if your level has too much invisibility on either the player or the level itself, ask a list mod or just don't do it.

Gameplay Restrictions

  • There are very few restrictions when it comes to gameplay you can make - the only two that really exist are micro/swift clicking and spam, but the latter needs a whole section to itself. Currently, microclicking and any derivatives of that are not allowed due to many mice (Razer Vipers and some Logitechs) being unable to perform them. This is a case-by-case basis, so ask someone with that hardware to test it for you and make sure it works. Swift-clicking is defined as clicking within 1 frame; this is under NO circumstances allowed.

Spam Guidelines

  • Currently, spam is one of the most vague and hard-to-define topics on the list. Due to the subjectivity of this sort of gameplay, the general rule that the Team goes by is that if the CPS required, NOT the consistency, of a section makes up a significant portion of the difficulty of a challenge, said challenge is spam based. This does not include transitions in / out of the spam, and, for example, doesn't affect the spam in VSC at all. Straight fly challenges, despite being easily bruteforced with extremely high CPS, require a high level of consistency to be list worthy. If a level is extremely difficult, such as Sheol Death, we will generally be more lenient with how we define spam in that level and how it factors into the difficulty. Since there's no way to objectively define spam, this is generally judged on a case-by-case basis.

Buffing/Remaking Levels

  • Similarly to duplicating or copying gameplay, you must ask the original creator if it is a challenge, and are free to do whatever you want if it is a full level of any sort. Buffdates will only count if the gameplay is significantly changed to the point of not giving victors of the original version of the gameplay much of an advantage, and they will supersede the original version, which will be deleted from the list altogether.

Player Guidelines and Regulations

Allowed Hacks

  • FPS Bypass (50-360, with restrictions - skip to Section V for more info)
  • Icon Hack
  • RGB Icons
  • Trail On/Off
  • Accurate Percentage (decimal percentage)
  • Hide Pause Button
  • No Wave Pulse (Use at your own risk, raw footage may be required)
  • No Particles
  • Custom TP (skinny wave allowed, anything that shows object hitboxes disallowed)
  • Hide Attempt (RAW FOOTAGE IS 100% REQUIRED)
  • Anything visual is generally fine; ask a List Team member if there’s any confusion.

Hacks/Unfair Advantages

  • FPS abuse (view Section V for more info)
  • ANY sort of macros
  • NoClip/NoSpike
  • Speedhacks
  • Semi-Auto
  • Secretly nerfing levels
  • Making levels possible on refresh rates that are normally impossible
  • Cutting completions

Use common sense for these - this isn’t a comprehensive list! Ask a list mod if you need clarification.

Standards for Legitimacy

For First Records:

  • Raw footage or completion stream linked in description (if you have none, you will likely have to do a proof stream)
  • Meet standards expected of all records

For Subsequent Records (PC):

  • Clicks
  • FPS Counter (MSI Afterburner, Steam, Shadowplay, etc.)
  • Raw footage (no need to upload, just have it saved)
  • High enough quality to clearly see the level (turn up bitrate)
  • Previous attempt(s) (HIGHLY recommended)

For Subsequent Records (Android):

  • Particles ON with Everyplay OR
  • Raw footage + tap circle OR
  • Audible taps

For Subsequent Records (iOS):

  • Particles ON with everyplay OR
  • Taps with everyplay OR
  • Raw footage with tap circles

The following are recommended if you wish to further your legitimacy:

  • Handcam
  • Liveplay
  • Play in windowed
  • Stream
  • Request a proof stream with the List Team


  • Being caught hacking is a perma list ban, no questions asked. Depending on the severity, Demon List bans may carry over to the Challenge List even if you haven't submitted a record here. Confessing, however, may result in a more lenient ban.

FPS Abuse and Guidelines

  • FPS abuse is defined as purposely using an fps that makes timings easier due to alignment. Put simply, frame perfects become harder on higher refresh rates - a 60 FPS frame perfect is much easier than a 360 FPS frame perfect, for instance. This is why bugfixing challenges is not allowed; it can cause some challenges to become much easier than they otherwise would be if played on intended refresh rates. Here is a list of levels with special requirements for FPS:
    • Toxic Blades: 144+
    • FINAL DESTINATION: 144, 240 only
    • 3SH is Dead: 60 only
    • Slightly Buffed Cata: 150+ only
    • jumps mastery: 144, 240, 300, 360 only
    • AAHhaahahAHAAHahahah: 60 only
    • 8063: 144+
    • Balaball: 60 only
    • Kinda Hard Challenge: 60 only
    • Personal Challenge: 150 only
    • Albondiga: 144+
    • Demonlist Challenge: 120+
    • Impertinence: 60 only
    • Georgia Chamber: 144+ only

    If you are unsure if the FPS you are using is allowed, ask a List Team member!

    Эта публикация удалена, так как она нарушает рекомендации по поведению и контенту в Steam. Её можете видеть только вы. Если вы уверены, что публикацию удалили по ошибке, свяжитесь со службой поддержки Steam.

    Этот предмет несовместим с Geometry Dash. Пожалуйста, прочитайте справочную статью, почему этот предмет может не работать в Geometry Dash.

    Этот предмет виден только вам, администраторам и тем, кто будет отмечен как создатель.

    В результатах поиска этот предмет сможете видеть только вы, ваши друзья и администраторы.



    [GD] Challenges List


    76 posts

    Post by [GD] Challenges List on Mar 26, 2017 8:14:12 GMT -5


    Okay, so ad you maybe saw, this list is inactive / dead. A new list by "Defthlow", "Maxmur", and more has been created. Here is a link to the new "Website" : gdchallengelist.ml/.
    Hope you'll understand our move

    A challenge is a hard level length 29 seconds or less (Tiny or Short, not medium).

    Which levels are in this list?

    All the challenges and records in this list need to have a legit gameplay (Seems pretty logic right). If someone has hacked gameplay or a challenge and we have proof of it, all thier records will be removed (Can be a temp ban or a perma ban, depends of the gravity of the act).

    Challenges that use a part of a level (Ex : Sakupen Hell wave) wont be added (That's pointless, and not original). Remakes of them are allowed. That mean if you change the gameplay of this part (Ex : You buff it), it's allowed. If you just change the speed, it wont be added.

    All challenges that are hard enough can be requested in this thread : [Send Your Challenge] (Please don't send too easy challenges/Hacked Challenges or troll entry, that useless).

    Records are accepted here (100% only) (Video of the record needed) : [Send Your Record] (Legit records only, if this challenge is a wave challenge, don't play with low detail mode ON. If you can't remove LDM, use an assymetrical wave).

    Rating System :

    Ok, because of some problem with the old rating system, we decided to delete it.
    The old one was pretty useless, because some easy challenges can have alot of points.
    For the moment, it will be judged by me, El3cTr0 (Co Owner) and the moderators (If you think a challenge is overrated/underrated, you can join our discord server so we can talk about that).


    Help us to make this list better

    1-Illusion of Hell by Exen - [Difficulty 87 - Fun ?/20 - Tags - Wave / Memory / Timing]

    2-Gay Lol 4 by Doopliss - [Difficulty 85 - Fun ?/20 - Tags - Wave / Tight]

    3-Challenge EX by HequinoX - [Difficulty 82 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    4-The Hell Gate by HequinoX - [Difficulty 74 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    5-Challenge II by iNeo - [Difficulty 73 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    6-What the by UFokinWotM8 - [Difficulty 72- Fun 2/20 - Tags - INTENSE SPAM]

    7-Hill by Exen - [Difficulty 72- Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    9-3 Seconds Hell by UFokinWotM8 - [Difficulty 70 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    10-Challenge dot com by Woffe - [Difficulty 68 - Fun ?/20 - Tags : miniwave, straightfly]

    11-Some timing idk by Kv082 - [Difficulty 68 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    12-DefThlow by HequinoX - [Difficulty 68 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    13-ozpectro challenge by Ozpectro - [Difficulty 68 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    14-Wave Spam God by Ternasius - [Difficulty 68 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    15-Kewl challenge by Woffe - [Difficulty 68 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    16-Impertinence by Aktimoose and Celenzone - [Difficulty 68 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    17-Wave Cancer XD by UFokinWotM8 - [Difficulty 67 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    20-Rustam Challenge by Davphla - [Difficulty 64 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    21-Critical error by Aelerity - [Difficulty 64 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    22-Another Challenge by Sightorld - [Difficulty 64 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    23-gay lol 3 by Doopliss - [Difficulty 63 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    24-Skill chall remastered by El3ctr0 (Original by Worre) - [Difficulty 62 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    25-Silent Lava Temple by sevenx - [Difficulty 62 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    26-Creeper Challenge by HequinoX - [Difficulty 61 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    27-Sonic Wave Chal I by HequinoX - [Difficulty 60 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    29-ok lol by Zagros - [Difficulty 59 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    30-Timing Challenge by Landest - [Difficulty 59 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    31-Hell Straight Flying by MetaManZ - [Difficulty 57 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    32-4Sec Swift Challenge by Aktimoose - [Diificulty 56 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    33-Straight Wave 2 by Silliest - [Difficulty 56 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    34-cLICK CONSISTANCY by Shuri - [Difficulty 56 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    35-Mental Massacre Chal by LordDivinity - [Difficulty 56 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    36-Spider Challenge by NoctaFly - [Difficulty 54 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    37-20 Seconds of Hell by Benjamanian - [Difficulty 53 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    39-Erebes by MaxmurXd - [Difficulty 52 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    40-WOMBO COMBO by GBCGD - [Difficulty 52 - Fun 14/20 - Tags]

    41-Old SH end dual wave by Silliest - [Difficulty 51 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    42-Ultra wave chall 2 by RedUniverse - [Difficulty 51 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    43-straight wave by Silliest - [Difficulty 50 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    44-Gravity Challenge 2 by HequinoX - [Difficulty 49 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    45-DefThlow II by HequinoX - [Difficulty 48 - Fun ?/20 - Tags

    46-Namtars Part by GD Quasar - [Difficulty 48 - Fun 11/20 - Tags]

    47-Down low by Ternasius [On Doopliss account] - [Difficulty 46 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    49-Challenge 6 by F1re1337 - [Difficulty 45 - Fun 7/20 - Tags - Wave, Consistency]

    50-Challenge 16 by ItsBlue - [Difficulty 45 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]


    The whole list is in a google sheet right there -> [HERE]. Our opinion about difficulty / placement are here

    This list of challenge are the best challenge of this list ! They are for the beginner, people that want to have fun on this list or more !
    All this challenge aren't cancer / inconsistant. They can be hard, but not painful to play. All the record will be added if you respect rule.
    All this challenge have tags (Like Tight, Wave, Ship, . ). Good luck, and have fun
    You will get a achievement if you done an amount of this challenge
    Here is the difficulty of all the challenge : Easy - Medium - Hard - Insane - EXTREME
    Link to send your record : [HERE]
    Link to send a challenge : [HERE]


    [GD] Challenges List


    76 posts

    Post by [GD] Challenges List on Mar 26, 2017 8:14:12 GMT -5


    Okay, so ad you maybe saw, this list is inactive / dead. A new list by "Defthlow", "Maxmur", and more has been created. Here is a link to the new "Website" : gdchallengelist.ml/.
    Hope you'll understand our move

    A challenge is a hard level length 29 seconds or less (Tiny or Short, not medium).

    Which levels are in this list?

    All the challenges and records in this list need to have a legit gameplay (Seems pretty logic right). If someone has hacked gameplay or a challenge and we have proof of it, all thier records will be removed (Can be a temp ban or a perma ban, depends of the gravity of the act).

    Challenges that use a part of a level (Ex : Sakupen Hell wave) wont be added (That's pointless, and not original). Remakes of them are allowed. That mean if you change the gameplay of this part (Ex : You buff it), it's allowed. If you just change the speed, it wont be added.

    All challenges that are hard enough can be requested in this thread : [Send Your Challenge] (Please don't send too easy challenges/Hacked Challenges or troll entry, that useless).

    Records are accepted here (100% only) (Video of the record needed) : [Send Your Record] (Legit records only, if this challenge is a wave challenge, don't play with low detail mode ON. If you can't remove LDM, use an assymetrical wave).

    Rating System :

    Ok, because of some problem with the old rating system, we decided to delete it.
    The old one was pretty useless, because some easy challenges can have alot of points.
    For the moment, it will be judged by me, El3cTr0 (Co Owner) and the moderators (If you think a challenge is overrated/underrated, you can join our discord server so we can talk about that).


    Help us to make this list better

    1-Illusion of Hell by Exen - [Difficulty 87 - Fun ?/20 - Tags - Wave / Memory / Timing]

    2-Gay Lol 4 by Doopliss - [Difficulty 85 - Fun ?/20 - Tags - Wave / Tight]

    3-Challenge EX by HequinoX - [Difficulty 82 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    4-The Hell Gate by HequinoX - [Difficulty 74 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    5-Challenge II by iNeo - [Difficulty 73 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    6-What the by UFokinWotM8 - [Difficulty 72- Fun 2/20 - Tags - INTENSE SPAM]

    7-Hill by Exen - [Difficulty 72- Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    9-3 Seconds Hell by UFokinWotM8 - [Difficulty 70 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    10-Challenge dot com by Woffe - [Difficulty 68 - Fun ?/20 - Tags : miniwave, straightfly]

    11-Some timing idk by Kv082 - [Difficulty 68 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    12-DefThlow by HequinoX - [Difficulty 68 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    13-ozpectro challenge by Ozpectro - [Difficulty 68 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    14-Wave Spam God by Ternasius - [Difficulty 68 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    15-Kewl challenge by Woffe - [Difficulty 68 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    16-Impertinence by Aktimoose and Celenzone - [Difficulty 68 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    17-Wave Cancer XD by UFokinWotM8 - [Difficulty 67 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    20-Rustam Challenge by Davphla - [Difficulty 64 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    21-Critical error by Aelerity - [Difficulty 64 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    22-Another Challenge by Sightorld - [Difficulty 64 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    23-gay lol 3 by Doopliss - [Difficulty 63 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    24-Skill chall remastered by El3ctr0 (Original by Worre) - [Difficulty 62 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    25-Silent Lava Temple by sevenx - [Difficulty 62 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    26-Creeper Challenge by HequinoX - [Difficulty 61 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    27-Sonic Wave Chal I by HequinoX - [Difficulty 60 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    29-ok lol by Zagros - [Difficulty 59 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    30-Timing Challenge by Landest - [Difficulty 59 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    31-Hell Straight Flying by MetaManZ - [Difficulty 57 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    32-4Sec Swift Challenge by Aktimoose - [Diificulty 56 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    33-Straight Wave 2 by Silliest - [Difficulty 56 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    34-cLICK CONSISTANCY by Shuri - [Difficulty 56 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    35-Mental Massacre Chal by LordDivinity - [Difficulty 56 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    36-Spider Challenge by NoctaFly - [Difficulty 54 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    37-20 Seconds of Hell by Benjamanian - [Difficulty 53 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    39-Erebes by MaxmurXd - [Difficulty 52 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    40-WOMBO COMBO by GBCGD - [Difficulty 52 - Fun 14/20 - Tags]

    41-Old SH end dual wave by Silliest - [Difficulty 51 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    42-Ultra wave chall 2 by RedUniverse - [Difficulty 51 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    43-straight wave by Silliest - [Difficulty 50 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    44-Gravity Challenge 2 by HequinoX - [Difficulty 49 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    45-DefThlow II by HequinoX - [Difficulty 48 - Fun ?/20 - Tags

    46-Namtars Part by GD Quasar - [Difficulty 48 - Fun 11/20 - Tags]

    47-Down low by Ternasius [On Doopliss account] - [Difficulty 46 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]

    49-Challenge 6 by F1re1337 - [Difficulty 45 - Fun 7/20 - Tags - Wave, Consistency]

    50-Challenge 16 by ItsBlue - [Difficulty 45 - Fun ?/20 - Tags]


    The whole list is in a google sheet right there -> [HERE]. Our opinion about difficulty / placement are here

    This list of challenge are the best challenge of this list ! They are for the beginner, people that want to have fun on this list or more !
    All this challenge aren't cancer / inconsistant. They can be hard, but not painful to play. All the record will be added if you respect rule.
    All this challenge have tags (Like Tight, Wave, Ship, . ). Good luck, and have fun
    You will get a achievement if you done an amount of this challenge
    Here is the difficulty of all the challenge : Easy - Medium - Hard - Insane - EXTREME
    Link to send your record : [HERE]
    Link to send a challenge : [HERE]

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