Clicker heroes 2 обзор

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

Независимая студия Playsaurus решила изменить модель распространения своей ролевой игры Clicker Heroes 2. Свои побуждения авторы объяснили в блоге.

Первая часть игры была бесплатной, с возможностью микротранзакций. Разработчики не скрывают, что эта модель принесла им хорошую прибыль. Однако во второй части Clicker Heroes игрового магазина не будет. Все желающие приобщиться к своеобразному игровому процессу смогут просто купить игру и не сталкиваться в дальнейшем с ограничениями.

Главной причиной отказа от микротранзакций разработчики назвали этические соображения. В первой части возможность прибегнуть к трате реальных денег была совершенно необязательной, тем не менее ряд игроков платил тысячи долларов за дополнительные возможности. И хотя именно такие «киты» принесли студии Playsaurus кучу денег, удовольствие от доходов омрачала мысль о том, что кто-то может сильно пожалеть о своём импульсивном решении впоследствии. Чтобы не дать увлекающимся игрокам наделать глупостей, на этот раз игрового магазина не будет вообще.

Вдобавок создатели планируют дорабатывать, перерабатывать и существенно менять игровой процесс. Не исключено, что на каком-то этапе игрокам придётся потерять весь полученный прогресс и начать сначала. Покупки за реальные деньги при этом связывали бы руки разработчикам, вынуждая отказываться от ряда нововведений.

Наконец, авторы очень любят пользовательские модификации и намерены их повсеместно вводить и поддерживать. Но поддержка модификаций ставит крест на игровом магазине: зачем покупать то, с чем создатели модов прекрасно справляются бесплатно?

Студия Playsaurus не привела в качестве дополнительной причины растущее недовольство игроков по поводу повсеместного внедрения микротранзакций. Хотя крестовый поход против игровых магазинов вполне мог повлиять на это решение.

Отказ от игровых ограничений авторы Clicker Heroes 2 оценили в 30 долларов. Приём предварительных заказов уже открыт.

My biggest complaint is that for a game that was touted for "hating clicking", you still end up having to click a lot before you can idle. Then, when you can idle, it takes more active play to make idling worthwhile.

The Automator

The Gear and Babysitting

To compound this issue certain effects on gear seem far better than others. There is an effect called Haste which increases the rate of auto-attacks, reduces cooldowns, and reduces automator cooldowns. Haste also increase the players energy regeneration rate as every attack done earns the player some energy. This means haste is an effect you want to almost always pick. The problem is that the automator can only select random gear, which means the player still needs to babysit the game even if their automator has the random gear skill.


Clickables, The Flying Shop, and Timed Stages

(Note: The Skill tree is very large, there may be automator options for this stuff in there, but it is currently difficult to go through the whole skill tree.)

Clickables, The Flying Shop, and Timed Stages all baffle me as to there inclusion. These are all things that either need to be automated by the automator or else will force some form of babysitting, be it minor.

You could argue that timed stages need player participation, so you have to be there to play the game and squeeze out that DPS. And, you have to be there to feel that nail biting excitement. But then that contradicts The Automator and pushes players toward actively clicking, watching, and waiting for timed stages. Watching and waiting, both things it seems this game is trying to move away from.

The Gameplay Loop

TL:DR (Conclusion)


Great presentation, graphics, music, sound, animation, and runs smoothly.

Features are hearty and robust.

The Dev Team. They delivered in the past, so it means that CH2 should eventually become a really solid game.

CH2 is a solid footprint to be developed upon.


Slow progress (or, monotonous progress with few player incentives that is difficult to idle.)

Lots of babysitting and an inability to really idle. (Or, it will take you a very long time before the automator becomes useful and you can actually idle).

Not having any "Wow!" moments.

You think Steam will refund you if the game is abandoned and unfinished ? nope.
You think the stupid policy of 2 week / 2 hours does not apply in case like this ? nope.
You think that it fall under non-conformity guarantee? nope.
You think they can legally sell a game that is not finished without any guarantee? well. yep.

Lesson learned.
Never buy Early Access game.
Steam clearly does not encourage early access game purchases.
Big F to Steam and Playsaurus / Clicker Heroes for this d*ck move.

Well, well, . unless I get a refund, I guess its the first and last time I buy an early access game.

Honestly when I purchased it, it was not really playable because of crashes or bugs (erased and/or corrupted savefile. )
So after a couple days (its an idle game) I decided to wait until next update, thinking it seems promising and could only be better with the advertised promised continued updates.
Since then, I came back now and then to see the progress of the game but nothing new.

Four months later (October 9 2021), I learned (from reddit) the game has been officially abandoned since July 28 2021, for 3 months now.
A month after I purchased the game.
And how come the store page has not been update since July to tell people.

Its quite disrespectful for the people who paid for an early access game to not keep them updated on the store page.
It's like they don't want people to know that the game is dead.
To this day, there is no indication anywhere on the store page that the game will never get the promised full release and continued updates you were sold.
Anyone can still buy the game without knowing that the game has been abandoned by the devs for a few months.

On top of that,
The fact there has been a big discount (in order to motivate people buying it?) a month before they suddenly announced that they cant keep up with the game is very questionable.

Added Difficulty Modes

Casual Mode: For when you want a fun, smooth experience without worrying about whether the decisions you make are mathematically optimal.

Difficult Mode: For when you want a challenging experience where your ability to progress is based entirely on how well you play.

Cid’s skill tree has been completely replaced and functions differently. You now get all of the most important abilities for a given build with the first point you spend.

Forge cores now drop from bosses instead of rubies.

Forge cores can be spent to craft and upgrade Artifacts, which have replaced Ethereal items.

Difficulty/Player power rebalance.

Item costs and damage increased.

Kuma buff has been removed.

Empyrean Motes have been removed, you can now transcend whenever you want for full hero soul rewards, once you have completed system eight.

Hero soul costs and rewards adjusted to better reward pushing to higher systems.

Automator now persists through Transcension.

Challenges temporarily disabled as we work to get them updated.

Added a currency tab to the miscellaneous panel where you can see all of your currencies, with tool-tips on how you get them and what they do.

Added a save conversion tab for converting a difficult save to casual. Which makes a copy of your save first in case you want to come back to it later.

Added a Crafting Panel for spending your Forge Cores to craft and Upgrade Artifacts.

Upon logging in your save will be adjusted to accommodate the significant game play changes.

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