Roid damage borderlands 2 что это

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

14 сен. 2015 в 6:35

Great video, sums up all the stuff you might have trouble finding since they migrated the official forum.

Just the class guide part of the video is outdated, this is for lvl 61 and doesn't take all the gameplay changes into account.

- Grog instead of Rubi for guaranteed Slag and much higher healing amount:
Rubi slag chance is what it says in the tooltip, but Grog actually has nearly 100% chance with its hidden AoE splash. Can also slag multiple targets, in particular with B0re. You just don't have the time to shoot targets 4-5 times to apply slag, even less so if you want to kill several targets with MMF.
Enemies also take reduced damage in OP modes, in fact the top tier bosses get so much damage reduction that your DoTs might not keep you topped with just the Rubi.

- Legendary Ninja COM over anything else:
The L-Ninja COM didn't exist when the video was made, get one and use it instead. The melee % bonus doesn't matter, so a level 62 version is just as good as an OP8 one.

- 4/5 Resurgence is a better filler now with the L-Ninja COM bonus, as the formula shows neither Be Like Water nor Ir0n Hand make a visible damage difference but the free healing certainly does in OP modes

- enemies in OP modes take reduced damage and the bosses oneshot you with everything, for the top level bosses this makes melee attacks a suicide mission but you can get Headsh0t + Killer + B0re + 2/5 Vel0city instead at level 72 which massively boosts your gun performance (Vel0city is also kind of necessary with the Grog)

- Chain Lightning is a must once you enter OP training in Digistruct Peak, the instant explosion + ammo regen + smart chain targeting + DoT are essential for survival. In particular the ammo regen is something you really depend on once the fights take longer and longer, and this thing can even kill those annoying Surveyors.

14 сен. 2015 в 7:50 Just the class guide part of the video is outdated, this is for lvl 61 and doesn't take all the gameplay changes into account.

Well, i think the OP literally just started, so I guess he doesn't consern himself much with op levels yet ;) Anyway, you are right with all your points.

anyway, for the entire leveling & building process of melee zer0, this here is a real gem:

it's really amazing work. The only thing I personally do different on op8 is

- Be Like Water maxed
- Velocity maxed (if you go FFYL it helps a lot for your Norfleet)
- then rest of the points in Iron Hand.

But those are just matters of personal playstly. Altogether, that guide is some of the best content I have ever seen published for melee zer0, together with the great effort the community has done to figure out zer0's melee math.


Orb Shields or simply Shields are rechargeable shield generators that prevent characters from receiving damage to their health, including projectile weapon damage, elemental, melee or even damage from falling, until a shield's charge is depleted.


Roid damage borderlands 2 что это

This guide will be showcasing different legendary shields in Borderlands 2. The one you are willing to pick/use is up to you.

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The Neogenator is a Legendary Adaptive Shield manufactured by Anshin. Neogenator is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source but has an increased chance to drop from Spycho located in Frostburn Canyon. It also has an increased chance to drop from Sully the Blacksmith in TK Baha's Bloody Harvest.

– Increased max health and health regeneration. High elemental resistance. Lowered shield capacity.

"For an impenetrable shield stand inside yourself"

The Hide of Terramorphous is a legendary Maylay Shield manufactured by Bandit. The Hide of Terramorphous can be obtained as a rare drop from Terramorphous the Invincible in Terramorphous Peak.

– It is a combination of the Maylay, Nova (fire), and Spike (fire) shield types. It also gives an extremely high roid damage boost.

". His hide turned the mightiest tame. "

Whisky Tango Foxtrot is a legendary booster shield manufactured by Dahl that can be obtained in Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.

In Borderlands 2, Whisky Tango Foxtrot is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source but has an increased chance to drop from Chubby enemies. In Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, Whisky Tango Foxtrot is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source

On shield: – Chance to drop an IED Booster when damaged.

On boosters: – Spawns 3 volleys of shock grenades.

The Bee is a legendary Amplify Shield made by Hyperion in Borderlands 2. The Bee is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source but has an increased chance to drop from Hunter Hellquist located in Arid Nexus - Boneyard. As of Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep, the Bee has an increased chance to drop from Treants in the Forest.

– High amp shot damage, 0 amp shot drain. Lowered shield capacity. Increased shield recharge rate. Increased recharge delay.

"Float like a butterfly. "

The Flame of the Firehawk is a legendary nova shield manufactured by Maliwan. The Flame of the Firehawk is obtained from the mission Cult Following: The Enkindling located in Frostburn Canyon.

– Constant fire nova effect when the shield is depleted. This effect lasts indefinitely, as long as the shield remains at 0, and triggers roughly every second. Any shield recovery forces for a complete shield recharge before the effect can trigger again.

"From the ashes she will rise."

The Black Hole is a legendary Maliwan shield in Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. In Borderlands 2, it is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source but has an increased chance to drop from Foreman Jasper located in Opportunity.

In Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, it is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source but has an increased chance to drop from Colonel Zarpedon in Eye of Helios and The Invincible Empyrean Sentinel in Eleseer.

– Pulls nearby enemies towards the wearer when its shield charge is depleted, then explodes in a huge nova. Increased damage and range, always shock element.

"You are the center of the universe."

The Impaler is a legendary Spike Shield manufactured by Maliwan. Impaler is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source but has an increased chance to drop from The Warrior located in Vault of the Warrior. It also has an increased drop chance from the Handsome Sorcerer located in Dragon Keep.

– Launches corrosive homing spikes when damaged with bullets, and deals corrosive spike damage to melee attackers.

"Vlad would be proud."

The Fabled Tortoise is a legendary Turtle Shield manufactured by Pangolin. Fabled Tortoise is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source but has an increased chance to drop from Blue located in Caustic Caverns.

– Very high shield capacity, but reduced movement speed while active. Movement speed is increased beyond normal upon shield depletion. Greatly reduced health.

The Cradle is a legendary shield made by Tediore. The Cradle is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source but has an increased chance to drop from Henry located in The Highlands. It can also drop from the Bosun in the Pre-Sequel.

– When shield is depleted, the shield is tossed in similar fashion to other Tediore weapons to cause an explosion from a grenade.

The Sham is a legendary absorb shield manufactured by Vladof. The Sham is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source but has an increased chance to drop from BNK-3R located in The Bunker.

– Extremely high bullet absorption chance. Greatly reduced shield capacity, reduced recharge delay. Cannot spawn with elemental resistance.

"Wow, I CAN do this all day."

The Transformer is a legendary absorb shield manufactured by Vladof. The Transformer is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source but has an increased chance to drop from Pimon located in Wildlife Exploitation Preserve.

– Chance to absorb enemy bullets. Immunity to electrocution damage-over-time effects, and shock damage recharges the shield.



Shields are invisible when not active, however once a character takes damage a colored hexagonal grid contours to the character's figure as the bullets are blocked. The color of the shield (as it takes damage) denotes what kind of shield it is and what kind of special ability it has. Shields with fire resistance will be red, shields with shock resistance will be purplish-blue, shields with corrosive resistance will be green, non-elemental shields will be white. There are only a few shields that offer protection from explosive damage.


Shields are essential to any player as they recharge much faster than conventional health regeneration. An equipped shield will gradually recharge to full power during periods when the wearer is not sustaining damage. It does however take a slight delay after the last time damage was taken to initiate the recharge effect. When mostly depleted, a blue exclamation alert flashes above a character's Health bar to warn the player.

  • Shields are acquired in the same manner as all other loot: dropped by enemies and chests, purchased at vending machines or rewarded by missions.
  • Shield rarity is similar to that of all weapons, except that the rarity found among shields goes from purple to pearlescent with no yellow or orange rarity in between.
  • Shield capacity can be increased by some character skills or COMs.
  • Shield recharge rates (energy recharged per second) directly affect the time it takes to recharge to 100% capacity - the higher the recharge rate, the faster the shield recharges to full.
  • Shield recharge delay is a hidden value that determines the number of seconds after taking damage that the shield begins to recharge. This delay is not directly related to the recharge rate. The only way of finding this rate is either through the debug info for PC users, or timing with a grenade. A bit of reverse engineering with gear-calc can also help.
  • Shield recharge delay may simply be a dividend of capacity divided by recharge rate with the result measured in seconds.
  • Shields with elemental resistances reduce damage taken by that element. 66% damage received for regular resistant Shields, 50% damage received for high resistant Shields & 33% damage received for extreme resistant Shields. For example, if a shock bullet were to hit a character for 120 damage (100%), then they would only receive 80 damage (66%) with a regular shock resistant shield, 60 damage (50%) for a high shock resistant shield, and 40 damage (33%) for an extreme shock resistant Shield. (Note that different elements naturally have different affinity for shields, for example, shock is 200% effective against shields, thus a shock bullet will actually do 33% x 2 = 66% damage to an extreme shock resistant shield)
  • Shields which create elemental bursts when depleted will do so only if the shield was recharging or full before being depleted. However the skills Quick Charge, Girl Power and Unbreakable will not cause such shields to continuously emit elemental bursts if they are repeatedly depleted when the skill is active.

Shields are an effective defense against projectile attacks like bullets and rockets and will also protect against any melee attack. They are, however, extremely vulnerable to shock attacks and will diminish quickly if under constant fire.

Unique Shields

Pearlescent Shields

These Shields are only available from The Secret Armory of General Knoxx DLC. They are the first shields in the game to have red text abilities.

    - "I stand unvanquished!" - Boosted Shield capacity. - "The alpha and that other thing" - High recharge rate, buffed capacity. - "Beauty and life" - Gives massive health regeneration when depleted, super fast recharge rate.

Special Effects

All shields 1 in Borderlands are outfitted with special modules, giving them various effects, from offensive elemental properties to extra health or healing. The effects are chosen by the manufacturer, and the intensity of the effect by the Material Grade. As a general rule, effects or higher quality effects do not come at any trade-off to Shield stats. You do not "pay" to have the effect (unlike, for example, weapons that "pay" reduced damage, to have elemental ability).

Finally, note that this effect (material grade) is responsible for the Shield's name. Torgue will share several Titles for the same effect.

Shield Prefixes from Materials
Manufacturer Name Description Effect
Anshin Guerrilla Fast Recharge Recharge Delay -30%,
Recharge Rate +20%
Skirmisher Very Fast Recharge Recharge Delay -40%,
Recharge Rate +27%
Ambush Super Fast Recharge! Recharge Delay -60%,
Recharge Rate +54%
Atlas Grounded Shock Resistance Only 66% of shock damage taken
Anionic High Shock Resistance Only 50% of shock damage taken
Cationic Extreme Shock Resistance! Only 33% of shock damage taken
Dahl Neutralizing Corrosive Resistance Only 66% of corrosive damage taken
Dilution High Corrosive Resistance Only 50% of corrosive damage taken
Hazmat Extreme Corrosive Resistance! Only 33% of corrosive damage taken
Hyperion Thermal Fire Resistance Only 66% of fire damage taken
Asbestic High Fire Resistance Only 55% of fire damage taken
Endothermic Extreme Fire Resistance! Only 33% of fire damage taken
Maliwan Shock Burst Creates a small Shock Burst
when depleted
Shock Burst radius 256
Shock Wave Creates a Shock Wave
when depleted
Shock Wave radius 384
Shock Nova Creates a large Shock Nova
when depleted
Shock Nova radius 512
Pangolin Unyielding High Capacity +30% Capacity,
+30% Recharge Delay
Enduring Very High Capacity +40% Capacity,
+20% Recharge Delay
Fortified Overcharge Capacity! +60% Capacity,
+10% Recharge Delay
S&S Munitions Acid Burst Creates a small Acid Burst
when depleted
Acid Burst radius 256
Acid Wave Creates an Acid Wave
when depleted
Acid Wave radius 384
Acid Nova Creates a large Acid Nova
when depleted
Acid Nova radius 512
Tediore Healing Very slow health regeneration +(0.4 Base + 0.04 per Shield Lvl)
Health Regeneration/Second
Restorative Slow health regeneration +(1.0 Base + 0.08 per Shield Lvl)
Health Regeneration/Second
Panacea Quick Health Regeneration! +(2.4 Base + 0.2 per Shield Lvl)
Health Regeneration/Second
Torgue Tough Guy Health Boost 30% Health Boost 30%
Tough Guy or
Health Boost 40% Health Boost 40%
or Macho
Health Boost 60% Health Boost 60%
Vladof Fire Burst Creates a small Fire Burst
when depleted 2
Fire Burst radius 256
Fire Wave Creates a Fire Wave
when depleted
Fire Wave radius 384
Fire Nova Creates a large Fire
Nova when depleted
Fire Nova radius 512

1 With the exception of Tediore Standard Shields found in the very first Med Vendor in Playthrough 1 Fyrestone.
2 This Shield's name is bugged, in-game it will be only called a Shield instead of a Fire Burst Shield (e.g. VDF-10FRR Quick Charge Shield). Vladof's other shields are named correctly.

Shield Anatomy

All shields have the same base stats that are entirely determined only by their level. The recharge rate is always 15% of the capacity, and the Recharge Delay is of 7 seconds.

Shields are constituted of 4 parts: The body, the left side, the right side and the manufacturer material. The shield stats are then modified by its parts. Shield effects have no effect on shield stats, apart from Anshin and Pangolin shields. Notice that part modifiers stack additively.

The left side and right side of the shield improves the shield's speed and capacity respectively. There is no trade-off: Higher quality is better.

Note: the parts of the shield known as "left" and "right" are relative to the shield's point of view. This means that on screen, the shield's "left part" appears on the right, and the "right part" appears on the left.

Left & Right Side Effects
Part Name Effect Graphics Part Name Effect
rightside1 - leftside1 -
rightside2 Capacity +10% leftside2 Recharge Delay: -15%
Recharge Rate: +13%
rightside3 Capacity +20% leftside3 Recharge Delay: -25%
Recharge Rate: +27%
rightside4 Capacity +35% leftside4 Recharge Delay: -45%
Recharge Rate: +47%

The body is the most defining feature of the shield. The parts come in three categories: Balanced, High Capacity, and Fast Recharge. There is a choice to be made, as each have their ups and down:

Shield Name

Unlike weapons, the name of the shield has no incidence on the stats of the Shield. An Alacritous Shield will recharge quite fast, but this is just an indication, not an extra effect.

The shield's name is determined by the manufacturer and material quality. The shield's prefix is determined by the body type and the quality/rarity of the shield (and not by any actual stats):

Shield Prefixes from Modules
Obtained From Prefix Denotes Requirements
All body types Standard No Particular Quality Rarity <= 4
body1 or body1_balanced Balanced Good Quality Rarity > 4
Symmetrical High Quality Rarity > 7
Sterling Higher Quality Rarity > 10
Harmonious Highest Quality Rarity > 14
body3 or body3b_power Reinforced Good Max Capacity Rarity > 4
Hardened High Max Capacity Rarity > 7
Unbreakable Higher Max Capacity Rarity > 10
Impenetrable Highest Max Capacity Rarity > 14
body2 or body4 Quick Charge Good Recharge Speed Rarity > 4
Accelerated High Recharge Speed Rarity > 7
Rapid Higher Recharge Speed Rarity > 10
Alacritous Highest Recharge Speed Rarity > 14

The shield code is determined by all of the above. It starts with manufacturer code, an hyphen, then the sum of the left and right side code 3 , and finally body code, as follows:

Shield Codes
Manufact. Prefix Left Side Prefix Right Side Prefix Body Prefix
Tediore TDR leftside1 - rightside1 - body1 OBS
Dahl DHL leftside2 200 rightside2 100 body1_balanced OS
Vladof VDF leftside3 400 rightside3 300 body2 FRR
S&S SnS leftside4 50 rightside4 500 body3 OC
Maliwan MLN body3_power XC
Anshin 4 ANS body4 AWE
Pangolin 5 PNG
Torgue TRG
Hyperion HYP
Atlas ATL

3 When the rightside is rightside1 , or the leftside is leftside1 , a 0 is removed from the code. For example, rightside1 + leftside3 becomes 40.
4 When material2 or material3 is used, Anshin shields are promoted to ANS2.
5 When material3 is used, Pangolin shields are promoted to PNG2.

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Roid damage adds to your melee damage. When you melee, the roid damage is also multiplied by any effects that boost melee damage.

Yeah, so basically from this shield, you will deal an extra 59 melee damage whenever your shield is depleted. (Plus any other bonuses, as Rurian mentioned)

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