Restricted mode osu что это

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Everything related to your osu! account. Read below to find out if there's a suitable solution to your issue.

What if my appeal is granted?

If we decide to let you return, we will require that you agree to some terms before unrestricting your account.

You will not offend again. This includes cheating and account sharing. You will not create another account, be it for yourself or someone else. You should not associate with other accounts including playing on shared computers. Any major misbehaviour will result in immediate restriction. This includes major silences.

Additionally, for a period of one year, we will not grant any flag changes for your account.

In some cases, an appeal returnee may be banned from official and badged tournaments, both as a competitor and member of the tournament's team. The duration of this ban is 1 year per offence (if a user is on their second appeal, the ban lasts 2 years). The unrestriction email will clarify the duration of this ban.

Cheating or account sharing during an official or badged tournament will lead to the user's permanent ban from any future ones. This ban cannot be appealed (your email will be ignored if you attempt to) and will not be removed, reduced, or waived under any circumstances.

Some players may become restricted again once they start playing after having their appeal granted. This is an automated process and will generally be removed within 24 hours. Don't hesitate to ask questions on twitter at @osusupport or by sending an email to if this happens to you!

Some offences will lead to your account being rolled back upon unrestriction. They are meant to delete illegitimate scores that were submitted on your account across all modes, as well as unlocked medals and profile badges. Playcount and playtime will not be modified.


I've paid for a supporter tag, but still have not received it!

Depending on what payment service you used (PayPal or Xsolla), there may be a slight delay in the processing of your payment before it reaches us.

Usually, these issues resolve themselves within a few hours, and our systems will automatically apply your tag to your account.

If it has been over 24 hours and you still do not have your supporter tag, please email and let us know about your problem.

Make sure to include any receipts that you received during the process (PayPal transaction IDs, Xsolla receipts, etc) - these help us a lot in tracking down what happened to your payment!

Why am I restricted?

There are several reasons why an account might be restricted.

It is not your first account. Multi-accounting is against the rules. Any accounts other than a player's first will become permanently restricted, but their original one will in most cases be left open and the user is encouraged to continue playing on it. If the multi-accounting is severe or abusive, a silence may be applied to their original account as a warning to cease creating new ones, and a restriction will be placed on the main account if the multi-accounting behaviour continues. If your account is restricted and you know you own other ones, please do not continue accessing the restricted accounts you have and stick to playing on your original one. If you have trouble accessing or verifying it, please send us an email at so that we can help you recover access to it. You have allowed someone to play on your account. Account sharing is also against the rules. If you allow someone to use your account, it will be restricted, and the player who used it will likely receive a silence on their account or be restricted themselves. If this happened accidentally, please let us know as soon as possible by sending an email to You cheated. Using a third-party program, macros, or any form of unfair advantage will result in an immediate restriction. Other cases. The accounts team reserves the right to restrict an account for cases that are not covered by the three above.

If an account has been found to be rightfully restricted, we will ask that the user waits for some time before sending their appeal. This is referred to as a cooldown, and its duration varies depending on the offences that have taken place.

Account restrictions

A restriction is a timeout from the community forced upon accounts that exhibit abnormal, suspicious, or rule-breaking behaviour.

When an account is restricted, it is unable to interact with the community until the restriction is lifted. Restricted players can still continue playing the game, downloading beatmaps and submitting scores, but their profile will be invisible to others.

The following features are disabled for restricted accounts:

Other issues

The flag on my account profile is wrong!

We can change this for you, but only if you are actively living in the country that you wish to change to.

We determine your country as shown on your profile page from the area in which you first registered your account from.

If you create an account while on holiday in the United States, your account will show as belonging to the US - you'll even appear on the country rankings for the US too.

The support team can happily change your account's country upon request, but only if you are actively living within that country at the time.

To confirm this, the support team will ask for proof of residency - be it the appropriate passport, drivers license for your country, or some other form of ID. This must be displayed in a picture next to your monitor with the osu! client open and signed in to your account.

We will never display this information to anyone else, and we encourage you to blank out any personal information (while still allowing us to determine which country the document is for!) if you are concerned about your privacy.

Can I make more than one account?

Unfortunately, no, you cannot.

If we were to allow everybody to make and play on multiple accounts, the ranked scoreboards would be nearly worthless!

Other games encounter this issue a lot with what is commonly known as "smurfs" - accounts with low playtimes and totals that inflate the rankings and prevent other users from playing competitively.

In osu!, we are very much against users having multiple accounts, and we enforce a strict rule of only one account per person, ever. You get to play on the first account you ever registered with us, and that's it!

If you currently have more than one account, please contact to get things sorted out.

Is it possible to start over or have my account's statistics wiped?

Not at the moment.

We are considering extra 'score reset' purchases from the osu!store for the truly hardcore players who wish nothing but perfection in their stats, but as it currently stands, we cannot wipe an account's statistics for you.

This doesn't mean you can make a new account to do the same thing, either! Having multiple accounts is against the rules, and we will disable any such accounts that are brought to our attention.

Can I delete my account?

For more information on account deletion, see: your rights and controls.

Caution: Account deletion is permanent, and therefore cannot be undone!

Yes, any user can request for their account to be deleted by sending an email to Keep in mind that deleting your account is final, meaning that it cannot be reversed or undone. Deleting your account does not mean you can create a new account, as having multiple accounts is against the rules. This means you will no longer be able to use any of osu!'s online features.

Can I play on a computer that another osu! user has used before?

Yes, absolutely. This includes shared PCs like netcafes or PC bangs.

So long as you are playing on only your own account, you can play osu! anywhere!

If you are playing from a public place, make sure to keep a close eye on your account security. Shared computers are often prime targets for malicious software.

Can I get a list of all maps I've played or downloaded?

You can see all maps you've played on the website.

If you have an active supporter tag, you can see all maps you have submitted a score on by going to the beatmap list page, clicking More Search Options , then selecting the Played filter. Alternatively, you can access the filtered list of beatmaps directly.

Unfortunately, we do not keep track of all maps a user has downloaded, so it is impossible to get a list of them. The closest you could be to it would be using the aforementioned filter to recover at least the maps you've played before.


What is "restricted" mode, exactly?

A person with a restricted account is temporarily or permanently prevented from interacting with the community in any meaningful way, including chatting, participating in multiplayer, and having their scores on leaderboards.

If your account has been restricted, you'll likely know why after a brief conversation with the support team.

In situations where we are absolutely assured that foul play or wrongdoing has taken place, we will ask you to wait out a period of three (3) months from the date of your last offense before we consider an appeal from you to let you back into the game.

Refer to Account Restrictions for more information on account restrictions and the appeal process.

My appeal has been denied!

There are several reasons why an appeal might be denied.

It was sent too early. If the cooldown for your account has not yet passed, your appeal will be denied. If you are unsure when you can actually appeal, please reply to our answer - we will give you the correct date. Your appeal was insufficient or incomplete. If your appeal does not sufficiently cover the four points listed above, we will request that you write a more complete one. This does not necessarily reset the cooldown for your account and you are free to send your new appeal at any point in time! However. if you attempted lying or hiding major rule violations you committed (mainly multi-accounting or cheating), your appeal will be denied for being non-truthful, and your cooldown will be reset to three months. This is another chance for you to reflect on your actions and make sure you did not forget anything. You have been evading or playing on other accounts. Creating another account to be able to play online while your account is restricted is considered an attempt at evading the restriction and will reset your cooldown to three months from the date you created the account. If you attempt evading too many times, your appeal might be permanently denied. If you are still accessing or playing on your multi-accounts while restricted, your cooldown will also be reset. Remember that multi-accounting is against the rules and you are expected to only play on your original account. If you are unsure which account counts as your original account, send us an email and we will let you know! You continued offending while restricted. There is no reason to unrestrict someone who continues to break the rules even after having been restricted. If you do continue offending, the cooldown for your account will be reset to your last offence. In the case of extreme or continuous offences, your appeal might be permanently denied. Your history is too severe. In cases of extreme offenders, or players who get restricted again after they have already been unrestricted on a successful appeal, we might simply state that your history is too severe to rejoin the game at the current time. Should this apply to you, we recommend waiting a long time before appealing again, and making sure you do not break any further rules in that time.

Restricted mode..

Hello guys! So lately my account has been put in restricted mode, I have gotten it before so I thought it was no big deal.

But it has now been over 3 days :( .

I have sent an appeal and also and E-Mail to osu!support. They said it was because of "osu NPS calculator", an exe that I downloaded off the forums. The E-Mail also told me to send them the executable file, and I did.

My E-Mail response:

They have yet to answer my E-Mail and it has been about 2 days. I am anxious about this because: When I first sent the E-Mail, I got a response in the next day or so. When I had restricted mode for the first time, it lasted about a day.

I just wanted to know if this sort of stuff has happened to you guys, and your experiences in general. thx


I've forgotten my username and password!

Please use the password recovery page to reclaim your account automatically, provided that you still have access to the email you registered with.

If this does not work for you (or you do not have access to your registration email), please send an email to our support team with as much information as you can think of to help us identify you as the owner of your account.

Good information to include in this email would be:

The email address that you registered the account on, or any other email the account has been associated with since Any receipts for purchased osu!supporter tags or other items from the osu!store The last date you can remember being able to access your account normally Any other identifying information that you think could be helpful (excluding scores or replays, those do not help us very much!)

My account has been stolen!

Try using the password recovery page to see if your account's email is still valid.

If this succeeds, you will be able to reset your own password without the assistance of the support staff.

If this does not work for you, please send us a support ticket immediately to with as much identifying information as possible that will help us identify you as the owner of your account.

Emailing from your registration address is a huge bonus here, as well as any other information you can provide that only the holder of the account would know.

Please do not include replay or score data in your ticket - we cannot use this to verify your ownership of the account.

What is this 'Bancho authentication error' I keep receiving?

This typically happens when there are network issues between you and our servers.

There are a few things you can try to resolve this issue:

Have you entered your password correctly?

If you've forgotten what your password is, you can use the password recovery page to recover access to your account.

Are you using any proxy servers or VPNs?

Disabling these before attempting to connect again will likely fix your issue.

Some VPN providers and proxy servers simply do not work with osu! for whatever reason.

I'm still getting the error!

We'll need a network.log file from you to figure out what's going on if neither of the above solutions work.

For information on how to get a network.log file to send to us, see Help Centre § Log files.

Rarely, you might need to contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to inquire about these problems. Certain ISPs have historically had issues connecting to osu!, usually due to poor routing.

The website is telling me that I have tried to sign in too many times!

This is a temporary protection measure after repeated failures to access your account. Try signing in again after 10-20 minutes.

If this happens to you, simply wait for a while and try to sign in a little later.

A couple of hours, at the absolute maximum, will clear the status for most people and allow them to sign in again.

I'm not receiving any emails from osu!/I forgot my email address!

There might be an issue with your account's current email address.

If you remember your account's attached email address, or think you do, try visiting the Email section in account settings page to change your email address. Fill out the necessary fields and click Update when you're done.

If you have lost your account's password and are not receiving any password recovery emails, or you really cannot remember what email address you were using, please contact us at Any information you have about your account (your username, any screenshots that show you signed in to the client, past transactions through the store or supporter payments, etc.) will be helpful!

Lastly, we are aware that some providers do not accept automated emails from us. If you are using any of these providers, please contact us by email and we'll change your email address for you:

My cooldown has passed. How do I appeal?

You can appeal by sending an email to including the username of your account. Make sure you are sending the appeal from the email address associated with your account. After you send your appeal, expect a reply within one week. If you have not received one by then, please contact us on twitter or by email - there is a chance we may not have received it.

When appealing, we expect the following points to be covered:

Account history. It does not need to be too detailed. This should include all your breaches of the major rules (multi-accounting, account sharing, cheating, or major silences). You do not need to remember every date, every silence, or every account you created, as long as you are honest with what you did. This includes any rules you have broken while restricted, if applicable. Why you broke the rules. An explanation as to what led you to decide to create new accounts, give your account away, cheat, etc. will help us (and you) determine whether or not you are at risk of offending again. If you continued offending while restricted, we are also interested in knowing why. How you obtained the means to do so. This applies mostly to cheating - we want to know where you obtained the tool you used, how you came across it, and whether or not it is still present on your computer. Why we should allow you back. Most of the time, this ties in to the second point. We just want to ensure that you will not be breaking the rules again! Please understand that the more rule violations in your account's history, the more we will expect in this section of the appeal.

My emails are being ignored / I don't think my appeal was handled fairly

In the event that you feel your emails are not being read or addressed properly by our support team, please send us a full email at containing the following information:

The main reason why you think you've been restricted Any previous appeals you've sent in that have been ignored/refused A short summary of why you're unhappy with your appeal outcome (if applicable)

All emails sent to the appeal review address will be investigated by a third party that isn't involved in the day-to-day operations of the support team and flagged for revision or further review.

Please understand that sending an email to this address only guarantees a second look/initial answer to your appeal, it does not guarantee a change in any outcome if you have been found to be violating the expectations involved in the appealing process.

Бан в osu!


Привет обитателям форума, имею хобби играть в осу, есть планшет и механоклава, как-то 2 года назад играл в осу, было на тот момент 2500pp(еле набрал, тогда еще на клаве+мышь играл), в какой-то момент мне прилетел бан, написав в поддержку мне ничего не ответили, писал несколько раз, забросил игру и в марте импрувнулся обратно в игру, вчера прилетел бан, было 2100pp, 1500pp я набрал за неделю, остальные добил до 2100 за 3 месяца, может кто объяснить что происходит? И как поддержке доказать что играю честно?

Аккуратность 97% (после бана сразу упала до 93%)

Играю 2 клавиши

Чел там корейцы играют как роботы, система точно не могла тебя опознать как читера, ибо скорость кликов пенсионера она даже не обрабатывает


Чел там корейцы играют как роботы, система точно не могла тебя опознать как читера, ибо скорость кликов пенсионера она даже не обрабатывает

Если честно, до марта у меня еще 3 аккаунта которые сразу после создания уходили в бан если я играл на картах 4*, этот аккаунт оказался самым живучим

My account has been restricted! What do I do?

If your account has been restricted, do not panic. Please follow these steps:

Wait 24 hours. Some restrictions are the results of automated processes. As we check every new restriction daily, please wait 24 hours - if your restriction was erroneous, it will hopefully be lifted within that time. Contact our account support team. If your account remains restricted after that time, please send an email to from the email address attached to your account to ask for details on your restriction. Make sure you include your username, along with any details you can provide as to why you think you may have been restricted. The more you tell us, the easier it is for us to resolve the issue. If you strongly believe that your restriction is erroneous, please contact us immediately so that we can discuss your case.

If your account has become restricted for breaking the rules, a strict cooldown of three months will be enforced before you are allowed to send an appeal.

If your original account is not restricted, you may log into it and continue playing normally, but make sure not to log into your multi-accounts from then on, as doing so may lead to further punishment.

If you have recently been granted an appeal and your account becomes restricted again after playing, do not panic! Automated systems may have falsely flagged your account, but you will be unrestricted again within 24 hours if this is found to be the case. Feel free to send us an email or a tweet to catch our attention and be unrestricted faster!

What do I do while on cooldown before appealing?

Keep enjoying the game! While your account is restricted and you are on cooldown, you are more than welcome to continue playing the game (as long as you play on your original account!). The scores you achieve while restricted will be submitted, and unless your account is rolled back, they will remain after you become unrestricted. Maintain good behaviour. We understand that being restricted can be frustrating, but think of it as a chance to take some time off, away from the community. Try to avoid interacting with the community for at least a few days (whether it be via Discord, social media, or other forms of contact) to cool down and reflect on the actions that may have contributed to your account being restricted. Make sure you respect the rules. Long-term restrictions are punishments for breaking the rules. If you continue to do so while restricted, the cooldown before you can appeal will be reset to three months from your last offence. This includes, for example, continuing to cheat, accessing others' accounts, or creating new accounts to evade a restriction. Follow the support team's instructions. The three-month cooldown is a chance to take time off and reflect on your actions. If you attempt submitting an appeal before the cooldown period is over, your emails will be ignored. If you are unsure when your cooldown expires, when you will be allowed to appeal, or which of your accounts you should be playing on (and appealing from), you are welcome to send us an email to ask. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. As long as you are not trying to circumvent punishment, we will happily answer any questions you have about your account's restriction!

Name Changes

Can I change my account's username?

Yes, absolutely!

If you have purchased (or been gifted) a supporter tag at any point, you will be able to change your username once for free. This username change can be redeemed at the osu!store page.

At any point thereafter, you may purchase a username change to change your username to whatever you wish. However, each change will become progressively more expensive - the second will cost $8 USD, the third $16 USD, and so on, up to a cap of $100 USD. We do this to prevent people from abusing the system to change their names in rapid succession.

Please note that usernames must abide by our community rules in that they must not be broadly offensive to other users, overly provocative or otherwise inflammatory in any way. In addition, usernames that impersonate or assume the identity of major public figures (such as celebrities, politicians, etc.) are not allowed and will be forcefully reverted once we find out about them.

If you are only after minor capitalization or grammar/spelling changes, you can email to request a free name change to fix these issues. We will not charge you for these sorts of name changes, but you MUST do them through a support email. Keep in mind we will only perform this a limited number of times, so make sure you really want it!

Can I take another player's username?

Yes, but only under certain circumstances.

If a player has not signed in for at least 6 months and has no plays, their username may be claimed via the osu!store player name change page for the standard fee associated with username changes.

If that player does have any plays across all game modes, a non-linear function is used to calculate how much extra time is added to those 6 months. This is to prevent people from stealing the usernames of active or recently retired players.

Is it possible to change my name back or revert to my old username?

Yes, but only under certain circumstances.

We grant free reverts for a user's direct previous username. Simply contact and request your name change reverted.

Changes to any other previous names must be purchased via the store.

Username reverts are limited to one per year, so please consider carefully before requesting!

My username has been changed back/reverted!

We only force username reverts for usernames we deem inappropriate or abusive.

If you find your recent name change has been undone, it may be because the username you changed to was abusive, inappropriate, or considered offensive. We will not perform the change again even if requested, but if you purchased it at the osu!store, we will offer a free change to replace it.

If the change was done with the free change that comes with a supporter tag, we cannot offer to change it again.

Can I remove my previous usernames/delete username history?

Under certain circumstances.

Your profile will show all your previous purchased name changes, but we only selectively remove the ones that may be an issue for you. If one of your previous usernames breaches your privacy (for example, if it contains your legal name) or can lead to your privacy being breached (via other websites), contact to request it removed.

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