Crusader kings 2 сохранения как редактировать

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.
At least some were last verified for version 2.7.

Modifiers are bonus or penalties, referenced by a variable, localized and attached to characters, province, religion or opinion depending on the type.

Modifiers are everywhere and can be attached in multiple ways: traits, technology, events, culture, triggers, .

All values of modifiers are double, but depending on how they are used in formulas, they can either be:

  • Flat (additive): 1 means +1
  • Percentage (multiplicative): 1 means +100% (i.e. x 2), 0.1 means +10% (i.e. x 1.1), etc.


Crusader kings 2 сохранения как редактировать

Crusader Kings 3 / Крестоносцы 3

Андрей Пека

Андрей Пека запись закреплена

Гайз , кто шарит в редактировании сохранений? У меня вылетает игра после того как я изменяю вообще любой параметр. Будь то герб , или портрет персонажа. Кто-то в курсе как фиксить?

Вадим Родионов

Вадим Родионов

Тебе нужно сохранить игру через консоль (пример: save save_01) и отредактировать его через блокнот или +Notepad. Должно помочь.

Event modifiers

Event modifiers are either:

  • character modifiers
  • province modifiers
  • holding modifiers (since patch 2.4)

They are stored under common/event_modifiers/ and grouped and referenced by a name.

In addition to their modifier properties, they also have:

  • an optional is_visible condition block, to decides if the viewer can see this trait on holder (default is yes). ROOT is the viewer, FROM is the holder.
  • the optional major = yes property
  • a mandatory icon , see vanilla icons below:

List of vanilla icons (positive index / negative index):

Event modifiers are attached by event to a character/province via add_character_modifier/add_province_modifier effects:

Crusader kings 2 сохранения как редактировать

Europa Universalis 4 / Европа Универсалис 4

Макс Шумилин

Макс Шумилин запись закреплена

Часть названий стран станут английскими, но названия вида Z00 пропадут.
Запускаем с Litle переводом и желательно выставить опцию "Original country" (если такая есть). Игра при первом запуске после переписки может вылетить. Не расстраивайся, просто перезайди второй раз. Профит.

Артём Фомкин

Артём Фомкин

ничего себе, самая полезная инфа которую я когда либо видел в этой группе

Static modifiers

Static modifiers are global modifiers (character, province, or unit), and defined in /common/static_modifiers.txt

Some of these modifiers are referenced from the code.

Culture modifiers

Culture modifiers can be used to differentiate between different cultures.

Vanilla CK2 uses a single modifier, default_culture_modifier, which does nothing and appears to simply be a placeholder. Modders can use these culture modifiers to, for example, enhance a specific culture's heavy infantry statistics, reduce or increase specific troop type numbers per holding, increase tax income, or any number of other effects.

For example, the following is a culture modifier used in the Elder Scrolls Modification to differentiate unit statistics of the Nibenean from other cultures in the modification.

Society modifiers

The equivalent of religious moral authority for societies is influence.

They are stored under common/event_modifiers/ .

Flag Value Description Code
society_influence int Percentage of society influence. society_influence = 1

They can also be capped via static modifier's static_modifier_cap = 10 .

Society modifiers are attached via event with add_society_modifier command.

List of modifiers

Modifiers can only be used in the correct scope. When using modifier in wrong scope, it will display as NONE in tooltip and/or will do absolutely nothing (though some modifier displayed as NONE may actually apply its effect):

  • [1] Character: Character modifiers are attached to characters and modify their personal or state abilities, their behavior (for the AI characters), or the opinion a group of people have of that character. They are primarily used in events via command add_character_modifier , combat tactics (for commanders), ambitions & focuses, artifacts, bloodlines, and religion character_modifier .
  • Traits: Traits modifiers are used inside traits. All character modifiers work in traits, but not vice-versa.
  • [2] Province: Province modifiers are attached to provinces and impact the actions of characters while they are in that province. They are added in events via add_province_modifier command, or via disease.
  • Councillor: Councillor jobs modifiers give bonus to a province where the job is being performed by the councillor.
  • Technology: Technology modifiers give bonus to a provinces which have attained that technological level. Anything that works as a province modifier will work as a tech modifier, though not vice-versa.
  • [3] Holding: Holding modifiers are attached to individual holdings in a province with the add_holding_modifier command. In pre-2.4 patches, this kind of modifier was only attached via vanilla code.
  • [4] Building: Building modifiers only affect the holding they're built in. For family palace buildings, any character modifier can also be used, and will apply to its owner. Some modifiers can only work in family palaces.
  • Laws: Laws modifiers apply to the primary title having such laws active.
  • <holding_type> can be city, castle or temple
  • <unit> can be pikemen, light_cavalry, knights, heavy_infantry, archers or light_infantry. Entries from /common/special_troops are also valid: horse_archers, war_elephants, camel_cavalry.
  • <tech_type> can be economy, culture or military
  • ✓ means the modifier is known to work in that scope (used in vanilla or tested)
  • X means the modifier is known not to work in that scope

Custom modifiers

Custom modifiers can be defined in common/modifier_definitions .

Flag Value Description Code
show_as_percent bool Show it as a percentage boost, rather than a regular number. Automatically multiplies it by 100 for display as well show_as_percent = yes
is_good bool Show positive numbers in green is_good = yes
is_monthly bool Add a "(monthly)" to the display is_monthly = no
is_hidden bool Don't show it at all is_hidden = no
max_decimals int How many numbers after the decimal point to show max_decimals = 2
show_value bool Whether to show its value at all. Setting to "no" can be useful for showing a modifier unlocks some sort of feature. Note it will only show up when the modifier is not equal to zero show_value = no

They are based on an hardcoded convention on their name, similarly to the sympathy_<religion> modifier, which works for any custom religion, not only vanilla religions.

They are restricted to the following entities:

  • Special units:
    • <special_unit> : defines the modifier providing the troop itself. E.G., "horse_archers". It's what you'd use in the building giving the special unit.
    • <special_unit>_offensive : Defines the unit's offensive modifier. E.G., horse_archers_offensive
    • <special_unit>_defensive : Defines the unit's defensive modifier
    • <special_unit>_morale : Defines the unit's morale modifier
    • <culture>_opinion : Gives opinion bonus with specified culture, E.G., norse_opinion
    • <culture_group>_opinion : Gives opinion bonus with specified group, E.G., north_germanic_opinion
    • <religion>_opinion : Gives opinion bonus with specified religion, E.G., catholic_opinion
    • <religion_group>_opinion : Gives opinion bonus with specified group, E.G., muslim_opinion
    • <trait>_opinion : Gives opinion bonus with persons who have specified trait, E.G., genius_opinion
    • opinion_of_<trait> : Makes the character like characters who have the specified trait, E.G., opinion_of_lustful

    If not matching any convention, custom modifiers with show_value = no can still be used to display a localized text in the tooltip of an element that accepts a modifier ( bloodlines, traits, . ). This allows to describe features that are managed externally via scripting (events, . ).

    Custom modifiers are localized via the following keys:

    • <modifier> : the description of the modifier
    • <modifier>_EXPLANATION : shows an explanation in places that sum up different modifiers (opinion breakdowns, . )

    Crusader kings 2 сохранения как редактировать

    Crusader Kings 2 / Крестоносцы 2

    F1: Основной титул (Primary Title)
    F2: Персонаж (Character)
    F3: Совет (Council)
    F4: Законы (Laws)
    F5: Технологии (Technology)
    F6: Армии (Military)
    F7: Интриги (Intrigue)
    F8: Фракции (Factions)
    F9: Религия (Religion)

    ,: Предыдущее владение
    .: Следующее владение

    Режимы карты:
    Q: Физическая (Terrain)
    W: Независимые государства (Independent realms)
    E: Дипломатические отношения (Diplomatic relations)
    R: Религии (Religions)
    T: Культуры (Cultures)
    U: Экономика (Economy)
    I: Де-юре герцогства (De jure duchies)
    O: Де-юре королевства (De jure kingdoms)
    P: Де-юре империи (De jure empires)
    A: Вероятность восстаний (Revolt risk)
    S: Династии (Dynasties)
    D: Мнения (Opinions)
    F: Прямые вассалы (Direct vassals)
    G: Торговые зоны республик (Republic trade zones)
    H: Торговые зоны семей патрициев (Family trade zones)

    Alt+Выделение: Выбрать только флот

    +: Увеличить скорость игры
    -: Уменьшить скорость игры
    Space (Пробел): Пауза / Снятие с паузы
    Alt+2+1 / `: Консоль
    Esc: Главное меню
    Backspace: Сфокусировать камеру на столичной провинции
    F10: Скриншот всей карты (в

    Religion modifiers

    Religion modifiers impact the moral authority of a religion. They are stored under common/religion_modifiers/ .

    Flag Value Description Code
    authority int Percentage of religion moral authority. authority = -10
    years int Duration of the modifier in years. years = 20

    Religion modifiers can be attached via event with the religion_authority command:

    Triggered modifiers

    Triggered modifiers are similar to character event modifiers, except that they do not need to be attached or detached by script: depending on conditions they will automatically be applied or removed.

    For performance reasons, they only apply to playable characters (counts or above). As they are evaluated every day for every landed character in existence, these are very resource intensive.

    They are stored in /common/triggered_modifiers/00_triggered_modifiers.txt

    Opinion modifiers

    Opinion modifiers modify the relations between two characters. They are somehow similar to the opinion_xxx character modifiers, but apply to a single character, rather than a group of character (clergy, mayors, . ). In addition they can contain extra information, such as cause for imprisonment. They are stored under common/opinion_modifiers/.

    In patch 2.1.5 some hardcoded opinion modifiers for relatives have been added for brother, half-brother, sister, half-sister, grandfather, grandmother, grandchild, uncle, aunt, nephew and niece.

    Flag Value Description Code
    opinion double opinion = -30
    days int Duration in days days = 120
    months int Duration in months months = 120
    years int Duration in years years = 3
    inherit bool Heirs inherit this opinion
    decay bool Linear decay over time
    revoke_reason bool Gives righteous cause to revoke one title
    prison_reason bool Gives righteous cause to imprison a character
    execute_reason bool Gives righteous cause to execute a character
    banish_reason bool Gives righteous cause to banish a character
    preparing_adventure_against_me bool preparing_adventure_against_me = yes
    preparing_to_invade_me bool Used by Prepared Invasion mechanic preparing_to_invade_me = yes
    preparing_invasion bool Used by Prepared Invasion mechanic
    enemy bool Makes the characters enemies of each other (effectively at war)
    crime bool Character counts as a rival for the is_foe condition (committed a criminal act against me)
    disable_non_aggression_pacts bool Temporarily disables all non-aggression pacts between the two characters
    non_aggression_pact bool Gives a temporary non-aggression pact between the two characters
    obedient bool The AI will accept all diplomatic interactions from the other character. Also makes the trigger obedient return true.
    non_interference bool The AI will accept all diplomatic interactions from the other character. Non-interference is considered a subset of obedient, so any obedient character is automatically non-interfering as well. Also makes the trigger non_interference return true.

    Opinion modifiers can be attached via event, via the opinion effect:

    Command modifiers

    These modifiers apply only to the command_modifier clause of traits. They are multiplied by the number of martial points times COMMAND_MODIFIER_MARTIAL_MULTIPLIER = 0.05

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