Почему в сталкер аномалия мало нпс

Обновлено: 18.05.2024

The stand-alone mod S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly aims to be the most stable and customizable experience for fans of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. It's powered by the Monolith 64-bit engine, a custom fork of the X-Ray engine.

Add addon Report Anomaly BETA 3 0 NPC Vision/AIM and actor speed Mod

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BETA_3.0 NPC Vision/AIM fix, and player movement modification for the early version of the BETA_3.0 I edited the actor and m_stalker LTX files to get the NPC vision playable (in my opinion). I tried to make their vision as realistic as possible.

This is a Mod for Anomay BETA 3.0
First off, I am very new to Modding.
This a Quick Fix for the NPC vision/AIMing problem. The enemy NPCs where walking right in front of me and not seeing me, and couldn't Aim for shit. Many of the Parameter seem far different from the way BETA_2.0 works.

I also tweeked the actor file is just there to modify the players movementspeed,(walk/run/sprint) The actor File is not necessary, but i felt it worked and felt better with the parameters.

I edited the actor and m_stalker LTX files to get the NPC vision playable (in my opinion)
I had to make the transparency Value pretty crazy IMO. But I think it feels right. I'm not getting NPCs shooting at walls or anything like that.

I like an extreemly realistic Hardcore gameplay. Let me know what you think, or have any problems. Go easy on me, I am very new at this, and it was a quick fix.

If you enjoy Dark electronic Drum and Bass Music, check out my sideproject, its heavily inspired by stalker.

What happens if i only keep actor.ltx Is it gonna make any difference to NPC ?

actor is just modifying the actor , sprinting and walkng speed, I will make a note of that, forgot i included that.

Not needed, you could delete it and it would not affect the vision/AIM fix, I just thougt it felt smoother, forgot I Added that.

I believe that this is a topic worth addressing, CAREFULLY.

Here are the chief issues that must be balanced for a believable AI in terms of its ability to detect and interact with their targets (including, of course, the player).

. Being seen does NOT mean that one is RECOGNIZED as a friend or foe! Let's reflect on how often it occurs in a game such as STALKER that we're traveling across a field, we spot a human NPC, and we CANNOT DISCERN IF HE'S A FRIEND OR AN ENEMY. Do we automatically shoot at anyone we instantly see? I would dearly hope not! We instead pull out our binoculars, or we rest our crosshair on the NPC, and we wait to see whether the HUD informs us if they're an enemy or not. An ENEMY NPC needs to have this very reasonable TIME DELAY built in, especially if its on FIRST CONTACT; that is, NO ONE HAS YET OPENED FIRE because a human has yet to be classified. Changing this would break believable immersion in a major way. The NPCs' response time SHOULD SHORTEN, but only AFTER gunfire has been directed their way. Even then, should the NPC have a lightning quick ability to PERFECTLY identify a human that's in front of them? NO! Here's why.

. ADRENALINE and the FOG OF WAR increases the odds of deadly accidents happening. This is just the way it is. My advice would be that once bullets start flying, NPCs may shorten the time they take to identify the target, but doing so INCREASES THE ODDS OF MISIDENTIFYING WHO IS IN FRONT OF THEM, and SHOULD lead to ACCIDENTAL FRIENDLY FIRE. This is ENTIRELY BELIEVABLE.

. Factors that should be considered for proper identification: amount of light, whether the target is obscured by any kind of concealment, whether the target is in shadow (the effectiveness of camouflage increases ENORMOUSLY in shadow), how quickly the target is moving (the faster the target, the harder he is to identify), the speed of the identifier (if the identifier is running, the bouncing around makes it harder to process who it is he's looking at), the quality of weather, how tired they are, how hungry they are, and their own adrenaline level.

. Reflect on playing a REALISTIC online shooter. Think about how frequently one dies because one was trying to figure out who the shooter was - this happens a lot and for GOOD REASON. What's that reason? Re-read all of the above; THAT'S why.

Now, let's pretend that we can do a great job of modeling the above in the enemy AI, let's pretend that they decide to shoot, what then should be modeled?

. Any enemy wearing DECENT camouflage SHOULD be able to disappear FAIRLY QUICKLY in foliage, or by crouching ultra-low to the terrain, and the effectiveness of their disappearance should be strongly impacted by the AMOUNT OF SHADOW in the area they are disappearing into. That said, the AI hunting the "disappeared" target should KEEP FIRING THEIR WEAPON into the foliage and towards the terrain or towards walls or any other cover or concealment that they saw their target run towards at the time of their disappearance. In real life, how many men have been killed while NOT ACTUALLY SEEN but their hunter WISELY kept shooting into the region they were last observed in? So, at first it may SEEM "unbalancing" that one's target disappears quickly into his environment, but it is BALANCED out by the fact that the AI smartly KEEPS SHOOTING INTO THE ENVIRONMENT. For how long should this "shooting-by-educated-guesses" continue after the target is no longer seen nor HEARD? If it's a rookie-AI, I'd have him fire 5-10 rounds' worth of ammo into the environment before he stops to reevaluate. If it's a veteran-AI, I'd have him fire off 10-20 rounds into the environment. And if it's a professional-AI. I'd have him fire off 20-45 rounds into the environment before he stops to reevaluate the situation.

. Also, one's MOVEMENT SPEED has an enormous impact on how quickly one is SPOTTED. Notice that I said "spotted." I did NOT say "identified." The SLOWER ONE MOVES through an environment, the HARDER IT IS TO BE SPOTTED. Moving quickly increases the odds of being noticed. The human brain PRIORITIZES threats by their speed.

In the most recent build of Anomaly, I have been in numerous firefights where I've engaged a GROUP of enemies. They are not shooting even though are looking in my direction. At first I thought this was stupid. But then it dawned on me that I was in shadow, peaking out from behind jagged cover and concealment, and then it dawned on me, that they should NOT be able to see me in those challenging conditions, as THEY WERE IN MY FAVOR.

That said, stepping over their buddies' corpses, having seen WHERE THEIR BUDDIES WERE PREVIOUSLY SHOOTING, having seen THE DIRECTION THAT THEIR BODIES FELL, having BEEN TOLD WHERE the shooter likely was at, they should have shot in my direction NOT because they could see me (I am rightfully VISUALLY "invisible" to them), but because it was TACTICALLY THE CORRECT THING TO DO. They should've HOSED the area I was in. This is called SUPPRESSING/COVERING fire, and it's done in real life because it results in real DEATH. It WORKS.

It would also be nice if he AI were able to lean out from behind cover and concealment themselves. STALKER Clear Sky enabled some of this believable behavior – it would be VERY nice to see it return for CoC/STALKER Call of Pripyat.

In the end, THIS is the kind of AI we need in STALKER. The above type of AI would force the Lone Wolf player to KEEP MOVING. This would greatly deepen the sense of believable immersion, and it would keep the game CHALLENGING while also permitting the player to PLAUSIBLY melt away and disappear into the environment.

all of that would be great, but you forget the ai in this game is not that advanced and scripting of that level would take years to accomplish. i hope one day it might be possible but this is a beta. they have not even got the game to a finished state yet and are far from it. i trust in these guys but i expect no miracles. hell they are still working at finishing kinks in the 64 bit engine let alone fixing the ai itself. and this guy has already stated what he has done is just a quick fix. give it some time, and even then getting ai at the level you describe would take QUITE a while. if even possible in a game like this.

It wouldnt be that hard if not for the ancient way the game is coded, best bet is to just leave it the way it is, and wait for stalker 2

AI already does a lot of what he is describing. They fire into areas they lost sight of you in, throw grenades to flush you out of cover. and a dedicated scripter should be able to look at the AI combat behavior and make any necessary changes pretty quickly.

I think their primary point is that we shouldn't just bump config file values to "realistic" because the way the game handles those values is not in a realistic manner. Thus if you give human NPC's infinite vision, they will instantly spot you no matter how far away you are and instantly start engaging you (assuming line of sight). Vanilla Anomaly is pretty unforgiving in this regard, although it seems to have gotten a bit better over the last few patches.

Animals continue to be a bit ridiculous though, some of them spot me hundreds of meters away through bushes, while others seems to have some kind of pathing restriction, an invisible barrier that keeps them from approaching me. This was really noticeable in Jupiter underground as monsters could not leave the main central room to attack me.

Почему в сталкер аномалия мало нпс

Вадим Гончаров

1. Когда они ходят через аномалии это и правда немного бесит. Но я с другом пришел к выводу, что это сделано для того, чтобы твои напарники не дохли постоянно на аномалиях. Ну окей, это правильно, но частично. Если уж так, пусть только напарники не дохнут? Может у меня план-капкан и я заманиваю врагов в аномалии. Но и другой выход, пусть уже они действуют на всех, даже напарников. Просто когда идешь в аномалии говоришь им чтобы не рыпались.

3. У меня работал вроде

4. Да и фи с ним, меня это не раздражало

4. Да вроде бы это правильно. Люди так и устроены примерно. Но я бы немного уменшил скорость повышения голода и жажды во время сна.

Почему в сталкер аномалия мало нпс

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly

В. Нужно ли устанавливать Anomaly поверх Зова Припяти или любой другой игры?
О. Аномали это "Stand-alone" модификация, поэтому НИ В КОЕМ СЛУЧАЕ не устанавливайте её поверх любой другой модификации или игры. Просто распакуйте архив в любую пустую папку на компьютере и играйте.

В. Игра не запускается на моем ПК.
О. Аномали работает на 64х движке Monolith engine, 32х битные системы не поддерживаются.

В. В чем разница между настройками в лаунчере?
О. Выберите устройство рендера, на котором вы обычно играете, затем запустите игру. Выбранный рендер должен соответствовать рендеру во внутриигровых настройках.
Поэтому, когда вы запускаете игру в первый раз, или вы хотите изменить устройство рендера, сначала измените его в настройках игры (вкладка Видео), затем выйдите из игры, выберите нужный рендер в лаунчере и запускайте игру.
Для R2.5 выбирайте DirectX 9.0 в лаунчере.
Опция АВХ сделана для современных процессоров. Её включение ускоряет поиск пути НПС, рендеринг и просчет физики.

В. Могу ли я использовать сохранения из прошлых версий мода?
О. Да, сохранения совместимы начиная с версии 1.5.0 beta 3.0. Для переноса сохранений в папке "appdata" есть папка "savedgames" ее закинуть туда же в новой версии игры.

В. Как поиграть за Ренегатов/ИИГ/Грех?
О. Вы можете разблокировать бонусные группировки путем прохождения главных сюжетных веток в сюжетном режиме.

В. Дальние объекты некооректно отображаются/прогружаются. Что делать?
О. 3 новые команды были добавлены для оптимизации и настройки дистанции рендера для динамических объектов, статических объектов, теней. Вы можете найти их в расширенных настройках изображения.
Чтобы убрать ограничение на максимальную дистанцию рендера, откройте консоль и введите туда:
r__optimize_dynamic_geom 0 - для динамических объектов
r__optimize_static_geom 0 - для статических объектов
r__optimize_shadow_geom 0 - для теней

В. Игра кажется слишком легкой/сложной. Что мне делать?
О. Зайти в доп. опции и настроить факторы сложности.

Big spawn NPC mod for Stalker.Anomaly RC21-22 addon

The stand-alone mod S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly aims to be the most stable and customizable experience for fans of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. It's powered by the Monolith 64-bit engine, a custom fork of the X-Ray engine.

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Увеличил количество НПС в игре. Increased the number of NPCs in the game.

Big spawn mod for RC21-22. от 13.01.2021

Увеличил количество НПС в игре. Куча мутантов. Куча сталкеров. Зона реально полна жизни. Есть версия со сталкерами и мутантами по отдельности и версия уменьшающая спаун.

BSMS3-5 увеличен спаун сталкеров и монстров от 3 до 5 раз - на старте 2400 сталкеров.
BSMS2 увеличен спаун сталкеров и монстров в 2 раза - на старте 1400 сталкеров.
BSM2 увеличен спаун монстров в 2 раза - на старте 900 сталкеров.
BSS2 увеличен спаун сталкеров в 2 раза - на старте 1400 сталкеров.
MSMS уменьшен спаун сталкеров и монстров в 2 раза - на старте 700 сталкеров.

Big spawn mod for RC21-22. from 13.01.2021

Increased the number of NPCs in the game. A bunch of mutants. A bunch of stalkers. The zone is really full of life. There is a version with stalkers and mutants separately and a version that reduces spawn.


BSMS3-5 increased spawn of stalkers and monsters from 3 to 5 times - at the start of 2400 stalkers.

BSMS2 increased spawn of stalkers and monsters by 2 times - at the start of 1400 stalkers.

BSM2 increased spawn of monsters by 2 times - at the start of 900 stalkers.

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