Kantai collection как играть

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

“A ship is called a she because there is always a great deal of bustle around her; there is usually a gang of men about; she has a waist and stays; it takes a lot of paint to keep her good-looking; it is not the initial expense that breaks you, it is the upkeep; she can be all decked out; it takes an experienced man to handle her correctly; and without a man at the helm, she is absolutely uncontrollable. She shows her topsides, hiders her bottom and, when coming into port, always heads for the buoys.”

Цитата-шутка из интернетов, переводить лень. Но в общем есть несколько объяснений этого феномена в английском языке. Самая прозаичная - это отсылка к латыне, где Navis (корабль) женского рода. Но народ любит более романтические версии. Издревле владельцы кораблей по традиции (а откуда такая традиция уже хз, может таки латынь) называли их женскими именами в честь жен, возлюбленных, матерей. Еще более популярно было назвать корабль в честь богини или в честь какой-либо известной женщины. Потом еще начали вешать фигуры женщин на нос корабля. Таким образом, корабль наделили женской душой, которая помогает ходить по морям-океанам, и, соответственно, обращаться к нему можно теперь только используя местоимение "she".

В общем, как только ты что-то одушевляешь - тут же перестаешь использовать it. Интересно, что вот смерть в английском языке - мужик.

Авиационный этап [ ]

Авиационный этап боя

Stage Notes
Fighter Combat Battle for air supremacy. Determines if Artillery Spotting and/or Contact are possible.
Anti-bomber Combat Number of bombers shot down by fighters is affected by the result of the previous phase
Anti-Air Cut-In An Anti-Air Director may cause heavy damage to enemy bombers
Fleet Anti-air Defense Fleet defends against enemy bombers
Bombing See Damage Calculation for details

Fighter Combat [ ]

Fighter planes, fighter-bombers (bombers with +AA stat), and seaplane bombers participate in Fighter Combat.

The allied fleet and enemy fleet's Fighter Powers are compared to determine the result of Fighter Combat:

  • EFP: Enemy Fighter Power, FP: Fighter Power. Abbreviated to save space.
  • This calculation does not take into account any anti-air weaponry equipped on ships. Carrier anti-air stat is also not considered.
  • The percentage of planes shot down applies for both sides' respective outcomes, and is calculated per slot.
    • For example, securing Air Superiority means allied planes shoot down up to 80% of enemy planes, and the enemy under Air Incapability will shoot down up to 40%.
    • As this is applied per slot, 80% of one enemy bomber group can be shot down while a second has 0% shot down.
    Enemy Ship Fighter Power [ ]
    Enemy Ship Type Fighter Power Enemy Ship Type Fighter Power
    8 Armored Carrier Demon 44
    24 Armored Carrier Princess 48
    23 Floating Fortress 27
    10 Southern War Demon 41
    27 Southern War Princess 47
    28 94
    76 107
    102 Northern Princess World 3-5 76

    Anti-Air Cut-In [ ]

    An Anti-Air Cut-In

    Certain equipment combinations will provide a chance for an Anti-Air Cut-In (AACI) during the aerial combat. When activated, the cut-in CG (shown on the right) would appear before engaging the enemy fighters, but does not appear to affect the resulting air control state (AS+, AS, Air Parity or Denial). Although there's currently no conclusion on how it's applied onto the Fleet Anti-air Defense formula, a general consensus suggests the effectiveness scales with the AA stat ( ) of the ship triggering it .


    • Provide an AoE blast on all the incoming enemy bombers, from the ship who is triggering it. (source 1, 2)

    Trigger chance:

    • Luck stat does not affect the trigger rate significantly. (source, require further verification)
    • Air radar on CA does not increase the trigger chance on a large scale. (source, require further verification)
    • With the same equipment set up, Akizuki has significantly higher chance of triggering AACI.
    • According to the previous sources, the trigger chance is usually around 33%.

    With an AA Cut-In from ship with high AA stat ( ), it is possible to obliterate all incoming bombers before they inflict any damage, and even prevent opposing carriers from shelling since they have 0 bombers left. In PVP Exercises, your opponent could do AA Cut-In to your bombers, but the animation is not shown.

    There are reports that enemy ships in map 6-2 might be capable of doing AACI. Other than that, there is currently no enemy ship capable to blast all your bombers with AA weapons.

    Fleet Anti-air Defense [ ]

    Each enemy bomber slot is assigned at random to a defending ship. Those ships then, for each assigned enemy slot, have an approximately 50% chance to shoot down enemy planes. The number of planes shot down is given by the equations below:

    <\displaystyle <\text<Shot Down></p>
<p>>=<\text<Floor((Ship AA >>+<\text<Floor(Fleet Anti-air>>\times >\times 0.2125<\text<)>>>
    >=<\text>\sum ^>>\times >>" width="" height="" />

    The "Fleet Anti-Air" bonus is the sum of every equipment slot of every ship in the fleet (including the defending ship).

    Formation Modifiers [ ]
    Formation Modifier
    Line Ahead, Line Abreast, Echelon 1.0
    Double Line 1.2
    Diamond 1.6
    Equipment Modifiers [ ]
    • Any equipment that gives an anti-air bonus will contribute to shooting down enemy bombers.
    • The ship chosen to defend against bombers is not necessarily the ship targeted by that slot.
    • The ship selected to defend is not necessarily the target of the bomber. Any allied ship, including submarines, may be chosen to defend against bombers.
    • The forward sliding and machine gun animations seem to have no correlation with the calculations.
    • These calculations only apply for the allied fleet's anti-air defense; enemy fleets seem to use a different formula.

    Игровая механика

    Требуются любые самолёты наступательного типа (торпедные бомбардировщики и пикирующие бомбардировщики для AVs , и SSVs ) установленные на ваши корабли.
    Если сторона добивается превосходства в воздухе или превосходство в этой стадии, она сможет использовать Artillery Spotting.

    Обстрел, 2-й раунд (Ближний бой)

    Участники: Все корабли, за исключением SS . Порядок стрельбы меняется, приоритет у кораблей в верхней части списка.

    При количестве 4 или более судов до начала боя должно быть выбрана формация флота .Выбранная формация влияет на урон, точность и оборону судна.

    Модификаторы формаций [ ]

    Kantai collection как играть

    Эдуардо Лазаро

    Краткий ФАК по мотивации к эвенту:

    В: Что за эвент вообще?
    О: Эвент представляет из себя несколько новых мап, доступных в короткий промежуток времени (обычно 2-3 недели). Генерирует большое количество рарных кораблей, рарного эквипа, а также СТРАДАНИЙ И НЕНАВИСТИ.

    В: Зачем идти на эвент?
    О: За прохождение эвентовских мап дают новые корабли и эквип, которые вы вряд ли сможете получить где-то еще. Также, на этих мапах значительно увеличен шанс дропа рарных кораблей.

    В: Что мне надо, чтобы пойти на эвент?
    О: Большая куча разных кораблей, закаленный пукан и готовность проходить мапы с 30+ раза.

    В: Я испытываю трудности с флотом/эквипом/ресурсами.
    О: При хорошем знании того, что нужно делать (его можно позаимствовать у адмиралов-ветеранов) и высоком онлайне можно надеяться на прохождение нескольких мап, а то и всей основной операции.

    Применение экипировки [ ]

    Artillery spotting allows your ships with seaplanes to double attack and cut-in during day battle.

    • When the following conditions are all met for a ship, artillery spotting may occur.
      • Proper equipment (see below)
      • Air superiority or greater achieved in aerial combat phase
        • Thus, if aerial combat is not triggered, artillery spotting cannot occur.

        , , SONAR main guns and Day Battle Special Attacks (Artillery Spotting) [ ]

        Cut-in Type Observed Fire using 1Main 1Sec & Type 91 AP shell

        Cut-in Type Mixed Attack Observed Fire with 2 Main & Type 91 AP Shell.

        Night Battle Special Attacks [ ]

        • Damage: 120% x 2
        • Trigger Chance: Very High (??%)

        Note: If two attacks (simultaneous or consecutive) are made, the total damage is displayed together but the Damage Cap (and enemy Armor) is applied separately to each attack.

        Any enemy submarines will force Destroyers and Light Cruisers to target them. Cut-In and Double Attacks are ignored. In normal Night Battles, ASW damage is scratch damage only. In battles starting at night, Formation Modifiers apply.

        Night Double Attack Chance

        Has a high and relatively consistent activation chance. Activation rate decreases with damage states, but is not dependent on luck. This typically results in more consistent and higher average damage than cut-in setup for ships with normal luck values.

        Night Cut-in chance:

        <\displaystyle (<\text<Luck></p>

        • There appears to be diminishing returns or a hard cap on luck over 40 for three-gun cut-ins and luck over 50 for torpedo cut-ins.

        Common Setups [ ]

        ) will often trigger a potent Torpedo Cut-In attack in Night Combat.

        Type A Ko-hyoteki (to enable opening torpedo strikes) and other Torpedo Equipment .

        Обнаружение [ ]

        • Fleet LOS affects Detection rate.
        • Success increases fleet accuracy and evasion.
        • Failure prevents participation of allied planes in the aerial combat phase.

        Kantai collection как играть

        Александр Александров

        Алан Гриффит

        Играю уже несколько месяцев, но так и не вкурил, зачем нужны экспедиции 33 и 34 и как они работают?

        Александр Александров

        Алан, Они для 5-го мира, обе эти экспедиции поддержки, 33 - для помощи на простых нотах, 34 - для битвы с боссом

        Алан Гриффит

        До пятого мира еще не добрался.
        То есть запускаешь экспедицию, и следом за ней делаешь вылазку - от этого получаешь бонусы, верно я понимаю?

        Александр Александров

        Алан, Не совсем, посылаешь в экспедиции крутые корабли линкоры и тяжелые крейсера, и топаешь в 5 мир, что это дает, когда начинается бой, есть шанс, что экспедиция поддержки откроет артиллерийский огонь по противнику, нанеся ему существенный урон, тем самым облегчив тебе победу в битве.

        Дневной бой [ ]

        • Day Combat consists of up to 3 phases: 1st Shelling, 2nd Shelling, Closing Torpedo
        • During the first shelling stage, the order of fire is determined by the ship's maximum range.
          • Ships are arranged in order from Very Long -> Long -> Medium -> Short range.
          • The shelling order alternates from allied ships to enemy ships if able. If two ships on the same side have the same range, the ship that attacks first from between them is chosen randomly.
          • Night battle damage depends on both the Firepower and Torpedo stats for attack power. Consequently, DDs, CLs, CLTs and CAs have drastically increased strength at night.
          • Any vessel at night must not have taken more than moderate (orange) damage before attacking in order to participate in night battle.
          • Certain combinations of weapon equipment ( Main Guns , Torpedoes ) will cause Cut-In or Double Attacks at night, greatly increasing accuracy and/or firepower
            • Auxiliary equipment (e.g RADAR , SONAR , Depth Charges , Searchlights, Turbines, Special ammunition, Midget-subs ) will not affect the combination.
            • As an exception, in nodes that begin with Night Battle and in Combined Fleet Night Battle, Formation and Engagement Form anti-sub damage modifiers apply.
              • The Engagement Form is not explicitly shown in Night Battle nodes.

              Вычисление урона [ ]

              • If the result is less than 1, it becomes scratch damage, which does 6-14% of current target HP, rounded down (can be rounded to 0).
              • If the pre-cap damage (Basic Attack Power x Pre-Cap Modifiers) exceeds a certain cap value, it will be modified.
              • This formula is under constant review and updated accordingly if there any inconsistencies or mistakes happens.

              Basic Attack Power [ ]

              Type Basic Attack Power Notes
              Opening Air Strike (Bomber's Dive Bomb or Torpedo stat) × √(Number of Planes) + 25 Number of planes is post anti-bomber combat and fleet anti-air defense
              Shelling (Carriers) (Firepower + Torpedo) × 1.5 + Dive Bomb × 2 + 55
              Shelling (Others) Firepower + 5
              Torpedo Torpedo + 5
              Anti-sub warfare Bonus * ((Ship ASW / 5) + 2 * Equipment ASW + Type) Type: 25 if Sonar/Depth Charge (DD, CL), 10 if aircraft (AV, CVL, CAV, BBV)

              Bonus: 1.15 if both Sonar and Depth Charge are equipped, 1.0 otherwise.

              • According to wikiwiki, multiple SONAR/Depth charges do not boost the ASW Bonus (i.e. 2 of each still makes the bonus 1.15)

              Pre-Cap Modifiers [ ]

              These are the factors directly applied to your ship's attack power.

              Effects from the modifiers are multiplied cumulatively.

              Ship's Health Modifier [ ]
              Damage Modifier
              Minor damage (小破 Shouha) or less 100%
              Moderate damage (中破 Chuuha) 70%
              Heavy damage (大破 Taiha) 40%

              These modifiers do not affect Aerial Combat.

              Plane Scaling [ ]
              Type Attack Type Modifier Notes
              Dive Bombers, Seaplane Bombers 1 This value is fixed, regardless the situation.
              Torpedo Bombers 0.8 or 1.5 About 50% chance of either modifier.
              Файл:Night cut in.jpg

              An example of a cut-in

              Applied on bombers during the opening air strike. These are the random numbers multiplied to the plane's bombing attack power.

              Night Special Attack Modifier (Cut-In and Double Attack) [ ]

              Certain Equipment setups have a chance to cause special attacks at night, causing 20-100% more damage. Detailed set ups and damage modifiers can be found in the Combat Equipment Setups below. In Night Combat, the damage modifiers from the special attack type are applied before the cap.

              Attack Power Cap [ ]

              Applies after the pre-cap modifiers. This is a soft limit on how much damage could be dealt onto the enemy.

              Condition: If your pre-cap damage exceeds:

              • 150 for Day Battle
              • 300 for Night Battle
              • 100 for Anti-sub attacks

              <\displaystyle x></p>
<p>The Attack Power Cap will be activated, the value of which is represented below as

              <\displaystyle <\text<Attack Power After Caps></p>

              Daytime Attack Cap (150) often makes it important to utilize Artillery Spotting since they boost your attack power after the cap. Night Combat can be very dangerous and/or rewarding due to having a very high cap (300) and the inclusion of torpedo to firepower for the attack power calculation.

              Post-Cap Modifiers [ ]

              In damage calculation, Post-cap modifiers apply after the cap, but before enemy armor reduction. Thus they are very effective approach to boost your damage output (esp. against heavy armor enemies).

              Currently, the post-cap modifiers are from:

              Critical Modifier [ ]
              Attack Type Modifier
              Normal Attack 100%
              Critical Hit 150%

              It should be noted that the critical message always appears when damage dealt is greater than or equal to 40, regardless of whether the 150% modifier was applied or not. On the other hand, the critical message will never appear when damage dealt is less than or equal to 14, even if the 150% modifier was applied.

              Contact [ ]