Как взять питомца в руки скайблок хайпиксель

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

1 - Иногда на твоем личном острове будут появляться различные мобы, разных категорий. И курицы в том числе !

2 - Надо сделать небольшой загон для куриц (желательно под загоном поставить воронки направленные в сундук) и с помощью пшеницы которую можно взять на ферме в hube, надо заманить куриц в загон. Но если лень то можно просто скафтить и поставить миньёна с курицами подальше от загона, что бы миньён их не убивал.

3 - Не выходя из лично во острова (если выйдешь то курицы пропадут) надо встать в АФК и ждать пока курица снесёт яйцо. И если курица снесла яйцо то оно просто по воронкам попадёт в сундук, а если не будет воронок то яйцо через некоторое время исчезнет.

List of Pets [ ]

There are 51 pets, each granting a variety of different benefits and advantages.

Notes [ ]

  • Important: Pet stats are increased every level, but the number displayed in the tooltip is always rounded down. This means that, if a pet gives +3.75 Crit Damage , the number displayed in the tooltip will be 3 . On the other hand, the SkyBlock Profile will display numbers rounded properly.
  • Having a specific collection is required only to craft the pet. Players can use every pet without any restrictions.

Tunneller - The Armadillo breaks all stone or ore in its path while you are riding it in the Crystal Hollows. Earth Surfer -The Armadillo moves faster based on your Speed.

Sailing Stone - Sneak to move your rock to your location (15 second cooldown)

Legendary Treasure - Gain X% Damage for every million coins in your bank.

  • Magic Bird - You may always fly on your private island
  • Eternal Coins - Don't lose coins on death

(15 sec cooldown)

mini-bosses in dungeons to drop 5 Spirit Leap Pearls.

ghost abilities in dungeons by 5.5%.

Decreases the Mana Cost of Spider and Tarantula boots by X%

Gain +X% more combat xp from spiders

On kill gain X Dmg and Speed for 5 seconds.

Pet Leveling [ ]

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Leveling [ ]

Summoned pets can be leveled up to level 100, excluding the Golden Dragon which can go to level 200. Pets gain experience equal to the player's skill experience if the skill and type are the same. If not, 1/4 of the player's skill experience is given if the skill does not match the pet type (except for the Alchemy and Enchanting skills where they rewards 1/12th of the experience instead). Also, both Mining and Fishing skill gains are given an additional 50% multiplier to the player's skill experience gain. The amount of experience that pets gain can also be increased by levelling up Taming, which gives +1% pet experience per level; and giving them Pet Items, which can give boosts to pet experience from specific skills or all skills. Pets do not gain experience from the Taming skill. Instead, it occurs in reverse: the skill gains experience at 1/4 of the active pet's rate.

For example, with a summoned Magma Cube Pet (a Combat pet), 100% of combat experience earned will grant as much experience to that pet. However, Mining experience will give only 25% of the experience earned to the pet.

Another way to level pets is by giving them Carrot Candies. There are four types of carrot candies, each giving different amounts of pet experience: Simple Carrot Candy, Great Carrot Candy, and Superb Carrot Candy unlocked from Carrot Collection 2, 6, and 8 respectively. The Ultimate Carrot Candy can be crafted with 8 Superb Carrot Candies and the Ultimate Carrot Candy Upgrade, the latter bought from Elizabeth's Bits Shop for 8,000 bits at the Community Center.

Tier Pet XP gained
Simple Carrot Candy 20,000
Great Carrot Candy 100,000
Superb Carrot Candy 500,000
Ultimate Carrot Candy 1,000,000

Pets can consume a maximum of ten candies during their lifetime. As an example, after using three Simple Carrot Candies and five Great Carrot Candies, the pet will be able to use only two more candies.

Note that consuming a skill XP boost potion will also increase experience gains for the active pet.


Leveling XP

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How to Obtain [ ]

In order to obtain the Hound Pet, players must kill Wolves in the Ruins or the Howling Cave. It is confirmed that the Hound Pet can be dropped from the Sven Packmaster.

The Pet has a roughly 1/12000 drop chance (not fully confirmed), making it comparable to a 9 Pray RNGesus drop.

Pet Items [ ]

Pet Items are items that can boost the benefits given by pets. Each pet can hold only one item at a time, and cannot be retrieved. Pet items can be given by right-clicking the pet item onto the pet physically (not in the pets menu).

The Zog NPC sells various pet Items in exchange for coins. He is located inside the Pet Shop.

Редкость [ ]

Большинство питомцев имеют несколько редкостей и получают повышенную эффективность при более высокой редкости. Более высокие редкости также дают большее повышение статов и еще более эффективные перки.

Кроме того, питомцы получают пассивные способности, присутствующие только в более высоких редкостях.

Эта таблица показывает общую закономерность количества способностей питомца в зависимости от их редкости.

Есть несколько исключений из этого правила:

  • Питомец Свинья и Питомец Камень начинаются с 2-х способностей в общей сложности. Они получают способность в ​​​ Редкой редкости в общей сложности 3 способности, а в ​​​​​ Легендарной редкости у них есть 4 способности.
  • Питомец Грифон начинается с 1 способности в обычном состоянии. Он получает вторую способность в ​​ Необычной редкости и третью способность в ​​​​ Эпической редкости. В ​​​​​ Легендарной редкости он имеет 4 способности
  • Питомец Феникс в ​​​​​ Легендарной редкости получает две дополнительные способности, в общей сложности 4 способности.

Крафченный Питомец [ ]

Когда рецепт питомца создается с помощью Зачарованного яйца, полученная редкость может быть ​ Обычный , ​​ Необычный или ​​​ Редкий .

Улучшаем Редкость [ ]

В магазине Коллекционера Питомцев есть NPC по имени Кэт в саду, прикрепленном к нему. Кэт возьмет себе питомца и обновит его редкость за счет ресурсов. Стоимость варьируется в зависимости от питомца, его редкости и уровня. Существует скидка на стоимость монеты, основанная на уровне питомца до его обновления. Модернизированный питомец будет иметь свой уровень, скорректированный в зависимости от его XP.

Например, ​​​ Редкий питомец с 4,6 миллионами накопленных XP (уровень 86) будет скорректирован до уровня 81, когда он будет обновлен до ​​​​ Эпического .

Использование предмет питомца буст Тир Питомца повысит редкость питомца на 1 (аналогично Рекомбобулятору) до тех пор, пока предмет питомца не будет изменен.


Питомцы - это вызываемые компаньоны, которые дают бонусную Статистику и пассивные полезные эффекты, за исключением Тёмном Аукционе, куплены в Аукционном Доме или как редкий дроп. Шансы падения питомца зависят от Магическая Находка .

Тип питомца определяет эффективность данного ему опыта навыка. Неофициально он также намекает на тип баффов, предоставляемых питомцам. Например, Синий кит , Черная Кошка , Лошадь-Скелета и питомец Визер Скелет .


Pets Menu [ ]

The pets menu can be opened by using the Commands /viewpetsmenu , /petsmenu , /petmenu , /pets (empty by default), or by accessing it from the SkyBlock Menu. Players can see the level of their pets as well as the Stats and abilities their pets grant from this screen. This screen is also used to spawn and despawn pets. Additionally, players can toggle the visibility of pets within the world from this screen, as well as turn their pets into trade-able item forms. Players can put a pet into the pet menu by right-clicking while holding the pet. They can convert the pet back to an item in the Pets Menu, and it will go into the player's inventory or stash.

Pet Score [ ]

Players gain additional Pet Score for every unique pet they collect. Higher rarity pets will grant more pet score. Reaching thresholds of Pet Score awards additional Magic Find . (different rarities of the same pet don't add up in the score)

Как взять питомца в руки скайблок хайпиксель

Pets are summonable companions that grant bonus Stats and passive beneficial effects, with the exception being the Jerry Pet, which is intended to be a joke. Pets can be leveled up, increasing the effectiveness of their benefits. Players can have only one pet active at any time and will receive only that pet's bonuses. Inactive pets do not grant stats or passive effects (with the exception of the Grandma Wolf, Spirit Pet, and Parrot Pet). While summoned, they are visible in the world as mobs or floating custom heads.

Pets can be obtained from Crafting or as a rare drop from a mob. Some can be bought from the Dark Auction or from the Auction House. Pet Drop chances are affected by Magic Find .

A pet's type determines the effectiveness of the skill experience given to it. Informally, it also hints at the type of buffs granted by the pet. For example, the Tiger Pet is classified as a Combat pet with three abilities granting buffs benefiting combat as well as gaining more Pet xp from combat. Note that this is not always true of all pets as their types may not match their abilities. Exceptions include the Lion, Baby Yeti, Blue Whale, Black Cat, Horse, Skeleton Horse, Bat, and Wither Skeleton Pets.

Rarity [ ]

Most pets have multiple Rarities and gain increased effectiveness at higher rarities. Higher rarities also grant greater stat boosts and even more effective perks.

Additionally, pets gain passive abilities present only at higher rarities.

This table shows the general pattern of the number of Pet Abilities according to their Rarity.

There are a few exceptions to this pattern:

  • The Pig Pet and the Rock Pet begin with 2 abilities at Common. They gain an ability at ​​ Rare for a total of 3 abilities, and at ​​​​ Legendary they have 4 abilities.
  • The Armadillo Pet begins with 3 abilities at Common, and gains an additional ability at ​​ Rare, and another at ​​​​ Legendary for a total of 5 abilities.
  • The Griffin Pet starts with 1 ability at Common. It gains a second ability at ​ Uncommon and a third ability at ​​​ Epic. At ​​​​ Legendary it has 4 abilities.
  • The Phoenix Pet at ​​​​ Legendary gains an extra ability, for a total of 4 abilities.
  • The Grandma Wolf Pet has only one ability at any rarity.

Crafted Pet Rarity [ ]

When a pet recipe is crafted with an Enchanted Egg, the resulting rarity can be Common , ​ Uncommon , or ​​ Rare .

When a Super Enchanted Egg is used, the resulting rarity is instead ​​​ Epic or ​​​​ Legendary . When crafted this way, the resulting pet has a base 80% chance of becoming ​​​ Epic and a 20% chance of becoming ​​​​ Legendary . The chance is increased by 0.2% per 1 Pet Luck the player has gained either via their Taming skill, Pet Luck potions, or other sources.

Upgrading Rarity [ ]

At the Pet Collector's Shop, there is an NPC named Kat in the garden attached to it. Kat will take a pet and upgrade its rarity at the cost of resources. The cost varies depending on the pet, its rarity, and the level. There is a discount on the coin cost based on the level of the pet before it is upgraded. The upgraded pet will have its level adjusted based on its XP.

For example, a ​​ Rare pet with 4.6 million cumulative XP (level 86) will be adjusted to level 81 when it is upgraded to ​​​ Epic .

Using a Tier Boost Pet Item will boost the rarity of a pet by 1 (similar to a Recombobulator) until the pet item is changed.

Some pets cannot be rarity upgraded from Kat. For example: Griffin Pet and Grandma Wolf Pet]].

Players can also use a Kat Flower, purchased in the Bits Shop for 500 Bits, to skip a day.

Selling [ ]


Query Tool

Tip: Enter the pet, level and rarity below to see its detailed stats

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Hound Pet

Hound Pet.jpg

Stats [ ]

Меню Питомцев [ ]

Меню "Питомцы" можно открыть с помощью Команды /viewpetsmenu или /pets (по умолчанию пусто) или получить доступ к нему из Очки Питомцев [ ]

Игроки получают дополнительный Балл Питомца за каждого уникального питомца, которого они собирают. Более редкие питомцы дают больше Баллов Питомцов. При Достижении порога Очков Питомцев даётся дополнительный шанс Магической Находки. (Разные редкости одного и того же питомца не складываются в счет)

* Очки Пит. - Очки Питомцев

Guide [Guide] SkyBlock Pets (Contributions Appreciated — Now Updated with Pets V2!)

Notice: This thread is a WIP. Contributions for missing values are appreciated.


On February 21, 2020, the Hypixel SkyBlock Pets Update was released! This guide aims to give information on all the pets in one place.


Right-click the pet when it is in your inventory to add it to your pets menu. Once you have a pet equipped, the pets menu can be accessed by right-clicking the nether star in your hotbar and clicking on the bone icon. The pets menu can also be accessed with the command /pets — using this command does not require having a pet equipped.


Clicking on any of your pets in the menu will summon them. Most pets look like a floating head that follows you around. If you want to remove a pet from the menu, click on the grey dye at the bottom-centre. This will turn all pets you click in the menu into an item. You can also hide other players' pets by clicking the stone button in the bottom-right corner of this menu.

(Thanks to Jayavarmen's news thread for this information.)

Your pets earn experience as you play SkyBlock — levelling up skills also levels up pets. Pets will earn more experience from the skill they are linked to. For example, a farming pet earns more experience from levelling up the farming skill. The maximum level a pet can reach is 100.

(Thanks to Collusions and nightlibra for this.)
Pets gain 25% of skill EXP that is not of its type (for example, 25% of Combat EXP for a Bee), and gain 100% of the skill EXP of the pet type (for example, 100% of Farming EXP for a Bee). However, the Alchemy skill only grants about 8.3% (1/12) EXP to pets not of the Alchemy type.

As you level up pets, the stat bonuses that it gives you and its perks will upgrade. Both upgrade linearly — for the most part, this means that it will increase by x value every level. However, there are some stat bonuses that only upgrade every few levels.

The amount of experience to level up a pet varies depending on the rarity of the pet. Higher-rarity pets require more experience to upgrade. The amount of experience required to level up a pet also increases every few levels. Here's an excellent spreadsheet by Kilster with most EXP amounts.


There are currently 16 craftable pets. For the most part, the recipes are unlocked at high-level collections.

The rarity of the pet depends on the type of egg it is crafted with. Enchanted eggs (144 eggs) give a chance for Common, Uncommon, or Rare pets. Super enchanted eggs (20,736 eggs) give a chance for Epic or Legendary pets. The chance to obtain a Legendary pet using a super enchanted egg is 20%.
Note that some pets (Blaze, Pigman, and Wither Skeleton) can only be crafted using super enchanted eggs.

Kat Caretaking Costs [ ]

Kat can upgrade this pet from ​​​ Epic to ​​​​ Legendary . For each level the pet has, there is a 0.3% discount. For example, at level 50 there will be a 15% discount to the price listed below. Also, the cost listed is for the pet of that type to be upgraded, after which time the rarity will be that of the above type. The time listed is also in real life days as opposed to the in-game equivalent.

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