Как удалить андертейл полностью с компьютера

Обновлено: 20.05.2024

Зайти в папку, где лежат сохранения/настройки и удалить всё оттуда. Обычно они лежат в папке C:\Users\Имя компьютера\AppData\L­ ocal\UNDERTALE (часто папка по умолчанию скрыта, и надо сначала сделать видимыми скрытые папки (у 10-й винды в проводнике надо нажать "вид" и поставить галочку напротив "скрытые элементы")). Когда снова зайдёшь в игру, она создаст эту папку заново. Правда способ не сработает, если игра скачана со стима - в этом случае сохранения и прогресс будут лежать на сервере

Как удалить сохранения в undertale?

Я получил плохой конец в undertale, после него нельзя зайти в игру. Переустановка не помогает. Как удалить сохранения игры? Напишите пожалуйста путь к файлу.

В компьютере вбиваешь путь C:\Users\<Имя пользователя>\AppData\Local\UNDERTALE . Находишь файл "undertale" и удаляешь его. Если версия стимовская-уже ничего не поможет.

Спасибо огромное выручил (а)! Я уж прошёл нол концовки посмотреть хочется!

Спасибо, боженька!

У меня стим версия, при этом все нормально удалилось. Только надо синхронизацию игры со Steam Cloud отключить, и все получится.

Евгений Машков Гуру (4804) в стим значит нужно искать ищи папку с по дате изменения, сохранения обычно зашифрованы несколькими числами 20156 к примеру

удалить папку C:\Users\Имя компьютера\AppData\Local\UNDERTALE а если через steam то не никак (((

У меня стим версия, при этом все нормально удалилось. Только надо синхронизацию игры со Steam Cloud отключить, и все получится.

все очень просто, посел геноцида ( плохая концовка) надо подождать 10 минут в игре, после чего чара предложит востановить мир, соглашаешься- профит

Но тогда когда будет проходить пацифист рут то не будет счастливой концовке, ведь чара каждый раз будет появляться

после плохой концовки через 10 мин чара придёт и попросить душу потом соглашаемся и всё как обычно

Как удалить андертейл полностью с компьютера


29 дек. 2015 в 3:29 Is there a way I can delete the content and start brand new? I've tried deleting the local content, but it doesn't seem to work. Is there some way I can delete the files? Of course in a legit way, I don't like hacking. I could True Reset, but I wanna 100% start over. 29 дек. 2015 в 3:47 The Undertale save folder is usually located at C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\UNDERTALE. Remove file0, file8, file9, and undertale.ini from the folder. You now have a fresh start. There's only two ways to fully reset the game.
1. Get a true pacifist ending.
2. Go to this directory
Delete every file except for playerachievementcache.dat
edit: Ok apparently Rose posted it before me but I was typing it so I'll just leave this here. this is works? i heard that Steam Cloud wont let you delete your progress this is works? i heard that Steam Cloud wont let you delete your progress Completely finishing a genocide (Selling your soul to Chara) is the only thing that saves to cloud and would be unerasable using this method. So if someone wanted to do a genocide run and then erase their game they would need to defeat Sans, not go to the next room and erase your data. Otherwise, your data would be saved to the cloud and your soul would be forever sold to Chara. 29 дек. 2015 в 4:37 The Undertale save folder is usually located at C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\UNDERTALE. Remove file0, file8, file9, and undertale.ini from the folder. You now have a fresh start.
Also, would doing so make it so that Undertale would start as if I never played it, like showing the instructions on how to play, for example? Sorry if I act like a noob. 29 дек. 2015 в 4:45 The Undertale save folder is usually located at C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\UNDERTALE. Remove file0, file8, file9, and undertale.ini from the folder. You now have a fresh start. There's only two ways to fully reset the game.
1. Get a true pacifist ending.
2. Go to this directory
Delete every file except for playerachievementcache.dat
edit: Ok apparently Rose posted it before me but I was typing it so I'll just leave this here.

Thank you! But is this legit? Does Steam approve of this?

29 дек. 2015 в 4:45 Thank you SO much everyone! But is this legit? Does Steam approve?

What. It's your computer and your account. You have every right to turn off cloud saving or delete the data.

Also just entering %localappdata%\Undertale under Run or the File Explorer address bar is way more simple than the guessed paths (which are probably right, but it's way more work to manually navigate).

29 дек. 2015 в 5:24 The Undertale save folder is usually located at C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\UNDERTALE. Remove file0, file8, file9, and undertale.ini from the folder. You now have a fresh start. There's only two ways to fully reset the game.
1. Get a true pacifist ending.
2. Go to this directory
Delete every file except for playerachievementcache.dat
edit: Ok apparently Rose posted it before me but I was typing it so I'll just leave this here.

Thank you! But is this legit? Does Steam approve of this? No, Toby doesn't approve of doing 100% restarts at all, in any way.

29 дек. 2015 в 5:25

Thank you! But is this legit? Does Steam approve of this?

No, Toby doesn't approve of doing 100% restarts at all, in any way.
Is there a link where he says this? 29 дек. 2015 в 5:33 No, Toby doesn't approve of doing 100% restarts at all, in any way.
Is there a link where he says this? :papyrus: Ever think why he made it so hard to be able to reset? 29 дек. 2015 в 5:38 Resetting isn't hard, and True Reset just requires you to finish a Pacifist Route. Hmmmmm. Is there like, a Tweet he made regarding deleting files? The Undertale save folder is usually located at C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\UNDERTALE. Remove file0, file8, file9, and undertale.ini from the folder. You now have a fresh start. There's only two ways to fully reset the game.
1. Get a true pacifist ending.
2. Go to this directory
Delete every file except for playerachievementcache.dat
edit: Ok apparently Rose posted it before me but I was typing it so I'll just leave this here.

Thank you! But is this legit? Does Steam approve of this? What would Steam have not to approve of? It's literally just editing the game files.
Also, turning off cloud doesn't work.

29 дек. 2015 в 12:35

Yeah, it's fine to erase your save file. You bought the game, so it's your right. And the game won't be able to know or mock you for erasing the save. Although you might see the "room of dog" if you improperly edit your save file.

The game also slightly encourages save manipulation since it's the only way to see "Fun" events, and the game has a heavy emphasis on how the Player has ultimate control over the timeline progress of the world.

19 янв. 2016 в 5:51

Making it this hard to reset the game is pathetic. I haven't even done the genocide run, nor do I want to (haven't killed any monsters. yet), I just want to start over with a new name without playing through again. At this point I am so angry I feel like just uninstalling, and forgetting I even have it. I am sure that is what Toby intended all along.

BTW, I have looked for C:\Users\YourUsername\Appdata\Local\UNDERTALE. But when I get to the USERNAME part, I do not see /Appdata anywhere. Apparently I am doing something wrong or am missing something. I am using Windows 8.

19 янв. 2016 в 8:20

Making it this hard to reset the game is pathetic. I haven't even done the genocide run, nor do I want to (haven't killed any monsters. yet), I just want to start over with a new name without playing through again. At this point I am so angry I feel like just uninstalling, and forgetting I even have it. I am sure that is what Toby intended all along.

BTW, I have looked for C:\Users\YourUsername\Appdata\Local\UNDERTALE. But when I get to the USERNAME part, I do not see /Appdata anywhere. Apparently I am doing something wrong or am missing something. I am using Windows 8.

Как удалить андертейл полностью с компьютера

When you complete the Genocide route (spoilers) your game will be fully destroyed. So if you're feeling up to reset your game without selling your SOUL then here is a guide that will show you how.




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1: Exit Steam. (Make sure it is completely closed)

2: Go to Computer > Local Disk (C:) > Program Files (x86) > Steam > userdata > (Folder of you Steam Id) > 391540 > remote > system_information_962 or system_information_963 .

3: Open the file in Notepad and delete everything in there (so the "a") and save.

4: Now close the file and back out from the remote folder into the 391540 folder.

5: Delete remotecache.vdf .

6: Start up Steam then Undertale and you will get a Cloud Sync Conflict window.

7: While the Cloud Sync Conflict window is open, remove everything in the 391540 folder.

8: Click on 'Upload to the Steam Cloud' on the Cloud Sync Conflict window.

9: Start up Undertale and while it's running, right click on Undertale in the Steam window and click on Properties.

10: Go to the Updates tab and disable Steam Cloud synchronization.

11: Exit Steam and Undertale.

12: Back out to your Steam Id folder and delete the 391540 folder.

1: Open up the Start Menu and search for 'run' (the program).

2: Type in %appdata% .

3: Back out into the AppData folder and open up the Local folder.

4: Open up the UNDERTALE folder and delete system_information_962 or 963

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