Как научиться строить в майнкрафте ниндзя бриджингом

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Для многих режимов в майнкрафте нужно не только пвп,но и умение быстро строиться. Сегодня мы рассмотрим стили строительства.

[Guide] Ninja/Speed Bridging How To Do It!

What is Ninja Bridging?
If you have no clue what ninja bridging is then it's basically a shift-unshift technique, where you place a block unshift walk to the edge of the block, shift then place down another block, which you will then repeat till you have finished the bridge.

Step 1: Understand your technique of normal shift bridging
If you don't already you should be using the A+S or D+S bridging method, it is more efficient than just holding S individually and placing. But to get the most efficent movement you must have your mouse at a specific angle, Preferably like this (would of used video recording software is messing up)


Step 2: Rythmn/Timing
Ninja bridging is all about timing, making sure that you click at the right time and unshift (or shift depending where you are on the block) After you place a couple of blocks just keep practicing. Remember you shift place, unshift, shift, place and repeat.

[I would insert a video but my recording footage is messing up will update this later when it is fixed]

Step 3: Keep your cursor still
Your cursor must be on the side of the block otherwise it won't work properly. Don't move it, if you do, you'll lose your rhythm and you will fall.

Step 4: Easiest Part
Keep practising otherwise you will never get anywhere because any form of speed bridging requires practice whether it's, Ninja, Fast Staircase ect, they all require practice.

I hope this will help with your Bedwars bridging and you will be able to get those emeralds or break them beds a bit faster now!
(If people like this I will make another one on Diagonal Ninja/Speed Bridging)

Active Member
Thanks! I'm sure this will help many people! Good job on the formatting and the explaining
Well-Known Member
Joined May 29, 2014 Messages 245 Reaction score 361 Nice post!
I'm absolutely horrible at ninja/speed bridging, so bad in fact that my home is now the void because of how many times I've fallen xD But I'll try some of these tips out in game.
Well-Known Member
Nice post!
I'm absolutely horrible at ninja/speed bridging, so bad in fact that my home is now the void because of how many times I've fallen xD But I'll try some of these tips out in game.
Well-Known Member
Thanks! I'm sure this will help many people! Good job on the formatting and the explaining
Dedicated Member
Joined Jul 15, 2016 Messages 1,775 Reaction score 771
Well-Known Member
Dedicated Member
Joined Feb 8, 2015 Messages 1,909 Reaction score 3,326 Very useful and informative ! I had no idea this existed.
Active Member
Joined Jun 24, 2017 Messages 805 Reaction score 273 Good tutorial and explanation.
I can ninja bridge after a lot of practice
Well-Known Member
Joined Feb 24, 2015 Messages 275 Reaction score 309


Hey, this is one of my first posts on here but I hope you will all find it useful in some way whether its getting them diamonds or stacking on those emeralds! Hope you enjoy reading

What is Ninja Bridging?
If you have no clue what ninja bridging is then it's basically a shift-unshift technique, where you place a block unshift walk to the edge of the block, shift then place down another block, which you will then repeat till you have finished the bridge.

Step 1: Understand your technique of normal shift bridging
If you don't already you should be using the A+S or D+S bridging method, it is more efficient than just holding S individually and placing. But to get the most efficent movement you must have your mouse at a specific angle, Preferably like this (would of used video recording software is messing up)

Step 2: Rythmn/Timing
Ninja bridging is all about timing, making sure that you click at the right time and unshift (or shift depending where you are on the block) After you place a couple of blocks just keep practicing. Remember you shift place, unshift, shift, place and repeat.

[I would insert a video but my recording footage is messing up will update this later when it is fixed]

Step 3: Keep your cursor still
Your cursor must be on the side of the block otherwise it won't work properly. Don't move it, if you do, you'll lose your rhythm and you will fall.

Step 4: Easiest Part
Keep practising otherwise you will never get anywhere because any form of speed bridging requires practice whether it's, Ninja, Fast Staircase ect, they all require practice.

I hope this will help with your Bedwars bridging and you will be able to get those emeralds or break them beds a bit faster now!
(If people like this I will make another one on Diagonal Ninja/Speed Bridging)


The shift unshift Bridge isnt called ""ninjabridge", its name is shift-no-shift btw

2- Ниндзя бриджинг

Так же популярный вид строительства.Он изменен от Нуб Бриджинга только тем что во время постановления блока нужно отпускать Shift.
Этот слиль строительства довольно быстрый и легкий.

SpeedBridging / NinjaBridging Automatic Training map for new players

s o, hello ppl ;P , i've made this map bcs i usually play german bedwars and now i've switched to hypixeland i've seen alot of players failing the speedbridge and it reminded me how i learned to do it, my tip is, don't practice it on servers with practice mode bcs lower ping = harder do it and so if u master it in singleplayer where u have 0 ping u won't ever fail it again on any server , i hope some ppl find this helpful and i f there are any bugs or if you have any suggestions please dm me and ill take a look , the map is also based on speedbridging but if there are enough players interested i will continue to develop it. <3<3

the map is pretty self explanatory u dont need any tutorials for it but i made one incase of need

there are 4 sides u can bridge to

once u finish you will automatically be teleported to the middle of the map and the blocks u placed will automatically break

if you fail and fall into the void you will automatically be teleported to the middle of the map and the blocks u placed with automatically break

1- Нуб Бриджинг

Самый первый стиль строительства,по совместительству самый легкий.
Для данного стиля нужно просто зажать Shift и развернуться назад для того чтобы строить.

как строится ниндзя бриджинг

КАК НАУЧИТЬСЯ БЫСТРО СТРОИТЬСЯ за 3 МИНУТЫ ? Ninja Bridging Turoial ◇ Resource Pack: .

Часть 2. Тренируем бриджинг - строительство мостов на сервере. Объясняем по шагам, как быстро строиться в Бед Варс .

Всем привет ребят с вами я тему лета гейминг и сегодня я вас научу ниндзя bridging упоминали вот смотрите менди .

В этом видео я вам покажу как строиться ниндзя бриджингом (отжатие шифта), одинстак (лесенкой) и по диагонали в .

привет с вами ТОХА, и в этом видео я покажу вам КАК Я ОСВОИЛ БРИЗЛИ ЗА 1 ЧАС. В этом видео я научу тебя строиться .

Всем привет ребята с вами RumtiYT и это обучение NINJA BRIDGING.

Всем привет с вами Liryz, в этом видео я вас научу таким видам строительства как Breezily,Bleeple,GodBridging .

Всем привет сегодня я вас научу виду строительсва Ninja Bridging Моя группа: club181350888 Моя группа .

Спасибо за 100 подписчиков :) Я вам очень благодарен, спустя 2 ГОДА мы сделали это! Ну что же, я думаю не надо .

Сегодня я вам покажу самый быстрый вид строительства в майнкрафт (по диагонали), ну и возможно даже научу им .

Хей ёо с вами Liryz, в этом видео я вас научу строиться такими видами стротельства как Бризли,Мунволк,Год бриджинг .

3- Бриззли бриджинг

Данный вид строительства похож на Ниндзя Бриджинг.Для данного способа нам не нужен Shift.Жмем кнопку назад и поочередно нажимаем на кнопки A и D.

как научиться строить в майнкрафт ниндзя бридж

КАК НАУЧИТЬСЯ БЫСТРО СТРОИТЬСЯ за 3 МИНУТЫ ? Ninja Bridging Turoial ◇ Resource Pack: .

Хей ёо с вами Liryz, в этом видео я вас научу строиться такими видами стротельства как Бризли,Мунволк,Год бриджинг .

привет с вами ТОХА, и в этом видео я покажу вам КАК Я ОСВОИЛ БРИЗЛИ ЗА 1 ЧАС. В этом видео я научу тебя строиться .

Всем привет ребята с вами Тоха и сегодня я обучу вас год бриджу за 10 минут! Сейчас я научу вас строиться самым .

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