Как делать лайт дэш в соник адвенчер 2

Обновлено: 16.05.2024

The Light Speed Dash is a move used by Sonic the Hedgehog and Shadow the Hedgehog with the Light Speed Shoes and Air Shoes. It involves rushing along a trail of rings.


Серия Adventure

Впервые данная способность появилась в игре Sonic Adventure. Получив улучшение Light Speed Shoes, Соник получал получал способность к прототипу данного навыка - Light Spin Dash. Чтобы совершить Light Spin Dash, игроку необходимо накопить энергию, путем совершения Spin Dash, но не срываясь с места. Когда Соник будет готов использовать способность, он оповестит игрока радостным возгласом, а вокруг его тела появится бирюзовое свечение. Если подойти к цепочке колец и отпустить кнопку, отвечающую за Spin Dash, Соник на большой скорости пронесется вдоль нее.

Чуть позже, с апгрейдом Ancient Light, игрок получит способность Light Speed Attack, которая наносит повышенный урон по некоторым врагам.

В Sonic Adventure 2 было произведено одно малозначительное в глобальном плане, но положительным образом сказавшееся на скорости игры изменение: теперь, при приближении к кольцам персонажу было достаточно просто нажать на кнопку, отвечающую за Spin Dash, вместо того чтобы накапливать с его помощью энергию.

Этим приемам владеют как Соник, так и Шэдоу, но при этом им обоим сперва необходимо найти нужные улучшения: для Соника - Light Speed Shoes на уровне Metal Harbor а для Шэдоу - Air Shoes на уровне White Jungle.

Sonic Heroes

В этой игре Light Dash стал более доработанным, герои теперь более четко отзываются на команду.

Команде Соника доступна Light Speed Attack в качестве командной атаки по всем врагам в области. С помощью своих друзей: Тейлза и Наклза, Соник приобретает огромное ускорение и невероятную мощь, позволяющую ему уничтожить всех врагов в радиусе поражения на огромной скорости.

Shadow the Hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)

Как и в серии Adventure, чтобы получить эту способность необходимо получить апгрейд - Light Chip для Соника и Air Chip для Шэдоу.

Sonic Unleashed

В версии игры для Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 вновь требуется получение улучшения - Light Speed Shoes. Однако в версиях для Wii/PlayStation 2 эта способность доступна персонажу с самого начала. С помощью этого приема можно также наносить урон врагам.

Sonic Generations

Light Dash снова стал основной способностью Соника. В ней он может пролетать на сверхсветовой скорости вдоль строго определенных подсвеченных дорожек колец. первая такая появляется в середине игры - на уровне Sonic Forces

В этой игре Аватар, с помощью виспона Молния может совершать прием, похожий на Light Dash, с помощью которого можно проноситься по цепочкам колец, преодолевать небольшие участки уровней и уничтожать врагов, на которых можно просто навестись этим приемом.

Sonic X [ ]

In Sonic X, the Light Speed Dash is used by Sonic to attack Eggman's robot in Ring Tunnel that uses the Light Speed Dash to create a magnetic field.

Как делать лайт дэш в соник адвенчер 2


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This guide is here to show you every location for every upgrade for the Heroes! This goes chronologically, so upgrades you have to backtrack for are gonna be last.

I have since completed the dark side upgrades guide which you can see here.

Alright this one is easy. So starting off in Metal Harbor you just continue the level as it's supposed to be done up until this part.

This is just after the big homing attack chain with the G.U.N. beetles. Go up the pully on the left, then jump off at the top to obtain the Light Shoes.

To do the Lightspeed Dash, push the B or X button on your controller near a trail of rings (U or K for those using a keyboard).

Next up is Ancient Light which is nice, but never really serves much purpose in game. As you can see, it's in Green Forest.

So you play the level up until here where the gold beetle spawns. You still continue until you get to the top where the checkpoint is. Go in the back right and you should see an item box.

When you get up to here, start homing attacking into the back where you can't see. It's a bit difficult, but you'll get it in one or two tries.

You should end up on a little platform and there should be the Ancient Light upgrade. By charging up a spindash and not letting go for a bit. Sonic will get out of spindash mode and say "Ready", as he gets little blue spheres around him. When you let go of X or B, Sonic will home in on the nearest enemy or item box and link them into a chain. While charged up though, Sonic will move notably slower and cannot perform any action that requires X or B. Pretty much he can only run and jump.

If you legitimately needed a guide for this one, you're thinking too hard. And way this upgrade is in Pumpkin Hill. All you have to do. Is glide forward for a bit. Heck, I don't even think you have to glide.

What these claws let you do is dig. Oh and more crap for Knuckles to carry. That's about it.

Next up in our list is the Booster for Tails! This allows him to fly glide! It's obtained here on Mission Street very early on too.

Now you'll get to here without the Booster because you're probably not capable to jump over there. When you fall down. You'll be pleased to know that your upgrade lays just a bit forward and to the left!

Now with this Booster, you'll be able to fly glide indefinitely, until you get hurt, or if you stop holding A.

For this one only because this is very difficult to explain, I'll make a video to show it instead of typing it out. Basically the Air Necklace lets you breath underwater forever which is very useful in the last level.

Here we are in good ol' Pyramid Cave. Now to get the Bounce Bracelet. You listening? You must play the level just like normal. I KNOW RIGHT? PRETTY CHILLING STUFF THERE.

What this bad boy lets you do is bounce. It takes two bounces to reach maxium bouncyness and you get a bracelet. Bracelets are cool. I also understand that sections for these upgrades are pointless (except for the Air Necklace & Ancient Light) because you have to get these and they're very easy to spot, but I just wanna make this drawn out and long.

Ah more crap for Knuckles to carry! Wonderful! Don't worry, this one's quick! So this is where you start. Hit that hourglass thing and go through the first door.

You'll see those brown boxes to your right. Break those open and voila! You got some more junk Hammer Gloves!

These hammer gloves allow you break open metal crates. Nothing special.

At one point in Eternal Engine, you'll come up to a big wall of metal crates which you cannot break. This is where the Bazooka comes in!

You'll find yourself finding this nifty thing and riding it up and down. It'll lead you down into another room where the upgrade lies!

The Bazooka just lets you blow up metal crates. That's it.

Meteor Herd. Not as bad as I remember you being. To get here, you run around the big middle tower for a bit until you see a platform with a big rock on it. Now here's the hard part. You gotta hit that rock into that door with the red dash in the middle. It might take a few tries, but you'll get it eventually. I recommend backing up a bit onto the white section and then charging up to it, then punch.

Now inside you'll see a metal crate you gotta break open, so you do. The camera will pan out showing you that the middle tower has been opened up. Just climb up and into the hole where you'll find your sweet shades.

Push Y a couple of times and when the option pops up, push X or B to put on your sunglasses allowing you to see and interact with hidden objects such as springs and rings. These are ok, but not my favorite. They're mainly used for Knuckles' hard mode mission for some hidden springs.

Crazy Gadget holds the Flame Ring which is just metal box breaking! Yay. This is the third section with gravity thingys. Just flip it around and find a spring behind you leading you to the Flame Ring.

These are just flames added to your somersault to break metal crates. Nothing interesting here.

This powerup requires the Light Speed Dash which is earlier in the guide. Sorry I couldn't get a better picture, but you get it. A grind rail in Final Rush. This is just after the part where there are two rails. A purple one and an orange one. Ride whichever, but when you start sinking down, jump off onto the platform below and ride the rail. It'll be this one to the left.

This is the platform that you'll end up on after you jump off the rail above. Ride the rocket, then jump on the spring to obtain you Mystic Melody for Sonic!

When you walk near little brown ruins, hardy har har, a prompt will appear to press X or B to use Mystic Melody. Sonic will pull out a flute and play some notes. This is mainly used for the Lost Chao Missions.

You require the Bounce Bracelet and Flame Ring upgrades which can be found earlier. Clearly the best upgrade there is. Better than any other yet. sarcasm It's located in the first stage, City Escape, yay!

This is just after the part with you running down a building while the camera pans infront of you. Get off the pole and run up the stairs. There'll be an enemy waiting for you on top of 4 metal crates. Beat it, then use your bouncy bounce to go down. There will be two enemies waiting for you and an annoying spring too.

These things. Are useless. You have to stand still and select it with Y then select it with X or B. It will turn the enemy infront of you into a little action figure which will destroy it and can be used as a projectile, but it kills the flow of everything and you'd be much better off just jumping on it.

You require the Bazooka upgrade to get the Laser Blaster. It can be found earlier in the guide. The Laser Blaster is located here at Prison Lane. Nothing else to say here.

It's at the end of the level to the left of the goal ring. After defeating every single enemy in the room, the cage will open up. There will be metal crates there for you to destroy. Walk down the hallway to see two robots ready to fi- Oh. You blew 'em up. Anywho, the upgrade is right there in the palm of your hands!

All the Laser Blaster does is increase the explosion radius for your lock on missles which is enough to hit other enemies within a reasonable range.

You require the Shovel Claw upgrade to get Mystic Melody. It can be found earlier in the guide. Here we find ourselves in Wild Canyon! So at the start of the level, go into the big wind tunnel that sends you up.
Then proceed to the left.

This is where you should end up. Above this statue should be a painting you can dig through. After entering you should enter a room where Mystic Melody is!

Again, like Sonic's, it's only really used for the Lost Chao Missions and nothing more.

You require the Bazooka upgrade to get Mystic Melody. Last upgrade for the Heroes is Tails' Mystic Melody! You find it here in lovely Hidden Base. Just proceed through the level as normal until you get to the next picture.

When you get here, turn to the left where the metal boxes are and break 'em. Walk down a bit and there you have it. The final upgrade for the Heroes!


Как делать лайт дэш в соник адвенчер 2

22 июн. 2020 в 13:49 So, I got to Metal Harbor and was able to obtain the lightspeed shoes (before anyone tries to tell me that this is why I can't light speed dash.) But, everytime I attempt to use the light speed dash by pressing the action button (K on my keyboard), I keep falling into the water. What am I supposed to do? All the walkthrough videos I've seen of it online make it look so effortless so there must be something I'm missing. Hopefully someone here can help me narrow down what I'm doing wrong. 22 июн. 2020 в 14:40

It can be a bit finicky if you don't get used to the timing of it - try pressing the button just before you touch the ring but without touching the edge of the platform. If you're new to this game, I'd suggest you stop first and then press the button. If you somersault instead of light dash, you're not close enough to the line of rings.

Experiment with different distances and timings until you get it down. Once you get the hang of it, you can then try the light dash while running since it will be necessary in later levels and if you're going for the A ranks.

22 июн. 2020 в 14:41

Do you somersault in the water? If so, SA2 maps the same button for light speed dashing to somersaulting which is ridiculous.

I recommend getting the Action Remap On Y button mod to fix that issue.

Check out this video for more info and other mods if you're interested:

22 июн. 2020 в 15:37

Do you somersault in the water? If so, SA2 maps the same button for light speed dashing to somersaulting which is ridiculous.

I recommend getting the Action Remap On Y button mod to fix that issue.

Check out this video for more info and other mods if you're interested:

Thanks. I think I already downloaded this mod along with other ones. I'm still somersaulting but
I may just be pressing the wrong button. 22 июн. 2020 в 16:09

It can be a bit finicky if you don't get used to the timing of it - try pressing the button just before you touch the ring but without touching the edge of the platform. If you're new to this game, I'd suggest you stop first and then press the button. If you somersault instead of light dash, you're not close enough to the line of rings.

Experiment with different distances and timings until you get it down. Once you get the hang of it, you can then try the light dash while running since it will be necessary in later levels and if you're going for the A ranks.


Light Speed Dash

Light Speed Dash, или просто Light Dash (рус. Сверхсветовой рывок) — одна из способностей, появляющаяся в серии игр Sonic the Hedgehog. Этой способностью часто обладают персонажи скоростного типа.


Используя данный прием, персонаж может на огромной скорости пронестись вдоль цепочки колец. Таким образом можно преодолеть небольшой отрезок уровня, например, если он находится над пропастью или просто сократить время прохождения. Чтобы совершить Light Speed Dash, необходимо нажать на соответствующую кнопку по приближении к цепочке практически вплотную.

Usage [ ]

Sonic Adventure 2 [ ]

In Sonic Adventure 2, the Light Speed Dash is available to both Sonic (in the Hero story) and Shadow (in the Dark story). Sonic accesses the move when he, again, collects the Light Speed Shoes, which are found in the Metal Harbor stage. Shadow must collect the Air Shoes to perform the same move. The Air Shoes can be found in White Jungle.

Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog [ ]

Both Sonic and Shadow have access to the Light Speed Dash from the beginning of the game. In Shadow the Hedgehog, any rings that are accidentally collected prior to the Dash turn clear, and can still be dashed across. Additionally, in said game, the second action button (X on Gamecube) is used, instead of the first (B on Gamecube).

Sonic the Hedgehog [ ]

In Air Chip (Shadow). The move is required to reach the first stage as Sonic. Both characters can buy these items at the shop in Soleanna .

Sonic Colors [ ]

The Light Speed Dash once again appears in Green Hover .

Sonic Generations [ ]

The Light Speed Dash returns in Sonic Generations as one of Modern Sonic's normal abilities; however, it can only be performed near certain ring paths, which are surrounded by a clearly discernible ripple effect. Also, the button required to perform the move is shown.

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