Hurttime minecraft что это

Обновлено: 17.05.2024

OK, so yesterday I was looking on the wiki, on the page that has a list of all the NBT tags, when I came across one called HurtTime. The description on the wiki described it as the "Number of ticks the mob turns red for after being hit. 0 when not recently hit." I tried it out in my redstone map, to see if I could make a mob that was permanently tinted red, but when I tried it, it didn't work. I've never had problems with this kind of stuff before, and I don't know what to do. Can anyone help?

Please excuse any and all errors, whether they be grammatical or factual. I try my best, but no one's perfect.

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Yeah, I just tried this out and I cant make it work either. Here is the command I used in a command block:

Then I tried the same thing with AttackTime because it seems to be a similar if not identical tag to HurtTime.
One would expect that to create a zombie that can't be attacked/is red for 1000 ticks, or 50 seconds, but it doesn't seem to do anything.

[Гайд] Разбираем NBT теги: Все мобы

[Гайд] Разбираем NBT теги: Все мобы

Итак, теги будут описаны в таком-же формате, как и на англоязычной WIKI.

[Гайд] Разбираем NBT теги: Все мобы

Все мобы:
HealF: Количество здоровья моба. Измеряется в половинках сердец. Если установлен, то Health игнорируется.
Health: Количество здоровья моба.
AbsorptionAmount: Дополнительное здоровье моба.
AttackTime: Сложный перевод. Описать его словами очень трудно (Number of ticks the mob's "invincibility shield" lasts after the mob was last struck. 0 when not recently hit).
HurtTime: Сложный перевод. Описать его словами очень трудно (Number of ticks the mob turns red for after being hit. 0 when not recently hit.).
DeathTime: Значение "0" показывает, что моб уже мёртв.
Attributes (Массив): Атрибуты моба.
-Name: Имя атрибута.
-Base:: Базовое значение атрибута.
-Modifiers (Массив): Будет описано отдельно.
ActiveEffects (Массив): Эффекты, наложенные на моба
-Id: ID эффекта.
-Amplifier: Уровень эффекта.
-Duration: Длительность эффекта.
-Ambient: 1 - если эффект обеспечивается маяком. Если нет - 0.
-ShowParticles: 1 - если частицы показаны. Если нет - 0.
Equipment (Массив): То, что надето на игрока.
-0: Предмет, который находится в руке.
-1: Ноги
-2: Поножи
-3: Нагрудник
-4: Голова
DropChances (Массив): Выпадающие с моба вещи.
-0: Предмет, который находится в руке.
-1: Ноги
-2: Поножи
-3: Нагрудник
-4: Голова
CanPickUpLoot: 1 - если моб может поднимать вещи. Если нет - 0.
PersistenceRequired: 1 - если моб не может естественно исчезнуть. Если может - 0.
CustomName: Имя моба.
CustomNameVisible: 1 - если пользовательское имя видно. Если нет - 0.
Leashed: 1 - если моб на поводке. Если нет - 0.
Leash (Массив): Значение данного массива и его параметры нужны только для профессионалов. Если они Вам интересны - посмотрите на WIKi.
GoldenAppleOverflow: Удалено.

Minecraft Forums

I was recently wondering how to make increase and/or decrease mobs' attack speed and I came across these three features in NBT Editor. For example, which one of these tags would I edit to decrease the mobs attack speed?


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I was recently wondering how to make increase and/or decrease mobs' attack speed and I came across these three features in NBT Editor. For example, which one of these tags would I edit to decrease the mobs attack speed?

"AttackTime" does not appear to exist at all. "HurtTime" cannot be modified (as it automatically restarts at 0 once the mob is struck) and is unrelated to a mob attacking. "DeathTime" can be modified (do not set this value to 20 or higher), but is also unrelated.

In short, you'll need an external mechanism that will, in some form, prevent the mob from being able to attack for a specific duration. Applying the Weakness effect will probably be the easiest solution since you can also specify a duration that it will last.

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"AttackTime" does not appear to exist at all. "HurtTime" cannot be modified (as it automatically restarts at 0 once the mob is struck) and is unrelated to a mob attacking. "DeathTime" can be modified (do not set this value to 20 or higher), but is also unrelated.

In short, you'll need an external mechanism that will, in some form, prevent the mob from being able to attack for a specific duration. Applying the Weakness effect will probably be the easiest solution since you can also specify a duration that it will last.

I've been very curious of "DeathTime". I can't seem to find any use for it at all, aside from being able to use it for an on summoned variable. For example, I want to replace all the squid in the world with a fish item riding an invisible squid. (I eventually gave up on this project because the items wouldn't render if summoned too far from the player.) The way I knew that the squid was already replaced was by summoning them with DeathTime:1. When you would relog onto the server, DeathTime would be reset back to 0 and the whole process would start over though. What happens when you set it to 20 or higher?

  • Full Stack
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I've been very curious of "DeathTime". I can't seem to find any use for it at all, aside from being able to use it for an on summoned variable. For example, I want to replace all the squid in the world with a fish item riding an invisible squid. (I eventually gave up on this project because the items wouldn't render if summoned too far from the player.) The way I knew that the squid was already replaced was by summoning them with DeathTime:1. When you would relog onto the server, DeathTime would be reset back to 0 and the whole process would start over though. What happens when you set it to 20 or higher?

When a mob dies, their "DeathTime" starts incrementing once per tick from the current value, which defaults to 0 (just tested it now, and it does not reset to 0 if the world is exited while it's at a different value). Once the value ticks on 20, the mob is completely removed. You can set the value to 19 and the mob instantly disappears when killed, skipping the entire death animation.

However, that only occurs on the tick of 20 and not any point afterwards. If you set the value to 20 or higher, the mob will not be unloaded but is also not capable of being targeted with @e in-game, and will be invisible (though rejoining the game will show its death animation before it becomes invisible again). Because of that, you're left with entities stuck in processing that will require a third-party editor to remove. The value will eventually overflow and the mob will be unloaded, but that could take close to an hour of straight playtime so long as the mob is in loaded chunks.

Though you cannot use the @e selector to target them, you can still target them via their UUID given you know what theirs is. There is no benefit in doing so because you are left with fewer targeting options (selector parameters), requiring larger external mechanisms to do anything with it.

Minecraft Forums

I have a system (1.13.2) which make me shoot arrows at high rate and high speed (1 arrow/tick). As the creatures have a temporary invulnerability state that makes arrow deflect from them and dealing no damage to them (so

1/5 arrows deals damage).

Here's the problem : I want to reduce their hurt time to 1 tick, altough HurtTime tag is not changeable by commands.

Another way : I want every arrow to make damage (not especialy by reducing hurttime).

Please share all your knowledge for resolving this problem! thanks!

Edit : I found a way to make "damages without hurting" : Changing the health attribute. I will make some researches on this

Also made some more or less complicated datapacks, shared here (planetminecraft).

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