Exanima сохранения где лежат

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

These are my save instructions for both Arena and Dungeons, all characters included. However, the unforgiving nature of the game is just one of the many things that make it so special. You may never learn how to truly fight without the fear and exhilaration of DEATH!

The save files are usually located at C:\Users\YourUsernameLoL\AppData\Roaming\Exanima

If your saves are not located there you may search for these file names: Arena001.rsg, Exanima.set, Exanima001.rsg, Exanima.log, Exanima.ini

- Copy all the files from the Exanima folder into a new folder.
- You can alt-tab while playing and copy the files regularly. Don't mix different copies in one folder.
- If you die, exit the game, delete the files from the Exanima folder and replace them with the copied files.

Perhaps the developers should prevent us from manually saving the game, if that is their vision for the game. I am sure they are aware that manual saving is possible at this moment.

This is the best game ever created in the history of mankind.

12 дек. 2016 в 5:26 I have a different problem. I started the arena and made few silver coins and got a recruit. After loading the game I no longer had the recruit and the money. The game doesn't save so this might solve my problem. I would really like to see a save game button. I disagree with this, I didnt get good until I was freed from the fear

I totally agree Hortie, I too learned the basics by saving. Had I started over each time I died, I would lose patience and stop trying to learn.

The instructions are meant to be noob friendly so the wider community can find the game more approachable. Of course you dont need to backup the log file. But if you find it, you found the save location!

I am definitely pro saving for one of the next versions of the game.
I just wanted to point a few things out:

- Some players are not aware there is saving.
- These people are wondering why others have an army of exceptional armored characters and how easily they climbed the learning curve.
- It is unfair to separate the community into those that save and those that don't, the developers should step in and make a choice for everyone.

I think about Exanima every day <3 .

12 дек. 2016 в 6:02

this is not saving. this is meme.

i appreciate your devotion to madoc and exanima but "saving" is cheating
and real Believers would spend their time to git gud until there is no need for

I mean, if I look for you and I find you, and you get sliced across the face, there's no going back from that. And there's a lesson in that. You will fight better next time, you will think harder, you will grow. Its been decided. No more saving! But the files are over there! People are doing it! 12 дек. 2016 в 6:24 We should be solving the Hellraiser puzzle every time we want to save (or load) 12 дек. 2016 в 7:07

The game always saves, it is impossible not to save unless you force quit the game.

I would ask that the op please delete/edit this thread in respect of the devs vision of the game. The game has no issues with saving, it saves your progress everytime you press the esc key. What you are advising is how to defeat the whole idea of the game which is creating an immersive "realistic" experience. This is a request as a nod to those who overcome all odds and respect of the devs vision. If you shared this on reddit i wouldnt care but not on the devs doorstep. If the devs wanted thet could add a save button, they intentionally havent for lore and philosophy reasons, please simply respect their choice here.

If the devs wanted thet could add a save button, they intentionally havent for lore and philosophy reasons, please simply respect their choice here.

Are you saying their philosophy is to pretend the save files are NOT locally accessible by anyone and so no one backs them up?
If people discover such a thing after buying a finished game, they will feel cheated and its unacceptable. Unless its so for everyone.

If a dev asks for deletion this post will be deleted, no questions asked.
I am sure they will implement a different way of saving that cannot be backed up by the user, but right now the community is separated into those in ignorance, and those who silently save and load all the time.

This cant be a secret! Developers please lets us know if you are aware of the issue, and what you are planning to do about it:

- Will there be some immutable local saving file that cannot be backed up and restored?
- An online saving system would solve this but limit offline customers. But will you do that?
- If you are keeping it as it is, will you add a save menu to embrace the wider community or will you pretend no one does manual saving?

12 дек. 2016 в 8:08

is saving holy?
have you played undertale and such have a biased opinion on saving?

i honestly don't bother with this whole saving thing. do what you want. aslong as you are not
defacing the game or ruining the experience for yourself..

i still recommend playing it without saves because saves somewhat ruin the experience

You know what else might ruin the experience? Wondering how that person has an army of characters and how well he managed to overcome the learning curve. But then discovering he was saving. 12 дек. 2016 в 8:17 you can conquer the learning courve by just practicing and fighting until you win. and you can have multiple end game charakters by just playing over and over again.

Right now we have a save menu. It is at C:\Users\YourUsernameLoL\AppData\Roaming\Exanima

You say there is no save button, I say there is!
If the dev vision is truly an unforgiving experience, then change the current saving functionality.

12 дек. 2016 в 9:16 The save files are intentionally easy to access due to the game being in development and the save files are useful for bug testing. Many times when a bug occurs Madoc will request people send the save file so he can further investigate and fix the problem. 12 дек. 2016 в 9:58 This game would do fine with a simple 'enable/disable saves' toggle. Save scumming should be a player choice for each character. Why not provide options for both hardcore and softcore players? 12 дек. 2016 в 10:37 This game would do fine with a simple 'enable/disable saves' toggle. Save scumming should be a player choice for each character. Why not provide options for both hardcore and softcore players? Because saving is a design decision as well, saving is available, what isnt available is a way to save points at will because it ultimately makes the game pointless, experiences get completely ruined because if things are not as favourable as the playee wants all he does is rewind back till its perfect, you destroy any dynamic nature of the game.
The devs have provided a way to save, they just see manually saving as cheating the game and the intended experience. I am asking that you as someone who loves the game respect that, share it on other media just not in their house where it can ruin the intended experience for others. The devs did not force anyone to buy their game, we all are here for the love of their work, lets simply respect their work. 12 дек. 2016 в 11:48 This game would do fine with a simple 'enable/disable saves' toggle. Save scumming should be a player choice for each character. Why not provide options for both hardcore and softcore players?

Because saving is a design decision as well, saving is available, what isnt available is a way to save points at will because it ultimately makes the game pointless, experiences get completely ruined because if things are not as favourable as the playee wants all he does is rewind back till its perfect, you destroy any dynamic nature of the game.
The devs have provided a way to save, they just see manually saving as cheating the game and the intended experience. I am asking that you as someone who loves the game respect that, share it on other media just not in their house where it can ruin the intended experience for others. The devs did not force anyone to buy their game, we all are here for the love of their work, lets simply respect their work. It is a design decision, but whether the availability of arbitrary save points will completely ruin everyone's experiences. I don't believe that. Just lock the option in for the entire save and those who want the classic experience will still have it, and those who want to load any time will have theirs.

Personally I love the game, especially the unique combat and equipment system, but I simply don't have the time to replay the same levels each time my character dies, and I find it to be an unnecessary and dull repetition, a padding of content. I played Arena instead where characters are more expendable (got afew to Master), and it was fine, a very entertaining experience! And permanently losing a character was adequately dramatic, but not punishing in a way that'd cause unnecessary frustration. With what I've heard of Sui Generis and character death, it sounds like the game will have a more similar approach to current Arena mode when controlling hirelings - dying will set you back significantly, but it will not reset the world and indeed make all you've done so far meaningless.

Ultimately I believe in human agency, and if someone knows their experience will be ruined by the ability to arbitrarily reload the game from an earlier point, then they could pick the 'hardcore' option from the start, or simply refrain from using the ability to reload from an earlier point. The same way right now players can decide whether they want to back their saves up or leave them alone.

Exanima: Сохранение/SaveGame (Арена, 9999 золота в начале) [v0.7.3d]

Exanima: Таблица для Cheat Engine [] <Sigan></p>

Exanima: Трейнер/Trainer (+11) [0.8.2c] <Horse4Horse></p>

Exanima: Сохранение/SaveGame (Пройдено до 5 уровня) [] + карты уровней

Exanima: Таблица для Cheat Engine [] <Sigan></p>

Exanima: Трейнер/Trainer (+11) [0.8.2c] <Horse4Horse></p>

Exanima сохранения где лежат

Exanima | Sui Generis

Кидаем сюда свои сохранения.
Небольшое описание на каком этаже находитесь и какие навыки развивали.

Алексей Миронов

Выход из портала - имеются хорошие доспехи и неплохой двуручник , здоровье не очень много , навыки развиты не сильно

Exanima | Sui Generis

Сохранение для арены.
Перенесено очень много вещей из подземелья в частности все 6 артефактов. Присутствует 4 наемника мастера, торговец, 2 рекрута.
2 наемника и один рекрут - обучены владению щитом

Димон Трофимов

5 этаж, големов не трогал, шмотки норм, навыки - max на данный момент, что можно развить, наверное.

Сергей Постовалов

Сергей Постовалов

2 и 3 сохранение - куча крутого шмотья и сетов (вся цветная броня в полном комплекте). Максимум ТОП-наемников

Глеб Громов

Глеб Антоневич

Алексей Миронов

Иван Воронин

Всем привет. А ни у кого нет файла Exanima.set с полным глобальным опытом?

Даниил Новожилов

Andrey Gorbushin

Иван, не уверен что такой существует, мне удалось прокачать, убивая всё что двигается (в том числе всех големов, вроде их 45, с двух кстати не выпали кристаллы) - все доступные для изучения навыки мечей, брони и 3 или 4 слота со щитом, им не пользовался и активировал по мере появления нового слота для изучения.

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