Эндерал тараэль как спасти

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Tharaêl Narys is a member of the Rhalâta, and the protagonist of the Rhalâta quest line. The Prophet is introduced to Tharaêl during the quest Blood and Dust.


  • Спящий
  • Наследник
  • Аколит
  • Голос
  • Провидец
  • Первый Провидец
  • Известные члены Ралаты
  • (Тараэль) - Голос Отца, принимающий участие в событиях сюжетной линии Ралаты
  • Брат Скорбь - Голос Отца, его доверенный телохранитель
  • Сестра Гордыня (Несса) - Голос Отца, убить которую отправляют в ходе квеста В наших тенях
  • Первый Провидец
  • Наследник Густав - дает квест

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Записи в журнале

Мне удалось пройти испытание. Нам с Калией остается только принести священную клятву, которая сделает нас хранителями первого сигила. Мне следует поговорить с Теалором Арантеалем в обители.

Мне удалось пройти испытание. Нам с Калией остается только принести священную клятву, которая сделает нас хранителями первого сигила. Теалор Арантеаль сказал, что мне следует вернуться через день - столько займет подготовка церемонии.


  • Blood and Dust
  • Qalian's Last Smile
  • In Our Shadows
  • Old Wounds
  • Brothers
  • Dark Chambers of our Mind




Tharaêl lived on the streets with his friend Letho, until there were two available beds at the Orphanage. The Orphanage, known as Refuge, was run by Sha’Gun until she died from a fleshmaggot infestation. When Tharaêl was six, he and Letho, along with at least a dozen other orphans, were sold to The Father to be subjects of his experiments.

At sometime between the ages of twelve and fourteen, after The Father thought the experiment had failed, Tharaêl was dumped into a pile of dead bodies.Tharaêl tells the Prophet that this is his only memory after he was taken from the orphanage. He attempted to get guards in Ark to do something about this, but since the Rhalâta control the Undercity, they ignored his plea.

Years later, after teaching himself how to fight and survive, he entered the as a fighter in the Dust Pit. One of the Voices of The Father, noticed how well he could fight and offered Tharaêl the chance to join the Rhalâta as a Scion. Over the next eight years he made his way through their ranks until he became a Voice himself. Sometime later he saw the Prophet fight in the Pit, and offered them the chance to become a mercenary in his plot of revenge against The Father.

Часть чего-то значительного, часть 3

После испытания Священного ордена главный герой просыпается в лазарете Храма. Перед пробуждением ему/ей снились Высшие, убеждающие персонажа в его никчемности и слабости. Но теперь тревожные видения позади. Разговариваем с Калией, которая также успешно прошла испытание и отправляемся к Великому магистру Арантеалю, чтобы узнать о дальнейших планах.

  • Заберите ваше снаряжение из сундука
  • Следуйте за Калией (не обязательно)
  • Поговорите с Теалором Арантеалем в Эмпориуме
  • Подождите, пока Теалор Арантеаль подготовится к церемонии



Tharaêl displays symptoms that are similar to those of persons suffering from dissociative identity disorder or DID (formerly known as multiple personality disorder). In the quest "Old Wounds" when the player brings him the book, tharael acts like a traumatized child, sharing memories revolving trauma whilst trying to play. He then feels dizzy and wants to go to sleep, hinting at dissociation, the core symptom of DID. When Tharaêl awakes, he reassumes his 'normal' personality and doesn't recall the things 'child tharaêl' did and said, hinting at another DID symptom: Dissociative fugue, a form of selective amnesia. Having a child identity along with other identities, ignorant of the trauma is typical for people with dissociative identity disorder. It is possible that the fathers experiments caused tharaêls personality to split into at least two identities: The child who preserves his innocence but recalls the trauma and the sociopathic antihero who does what he has to to survive and forgets a lot of traumatizing details.

Основные сведения



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Вступительный квест

Ралата (ориг. Rhalata) - фракция в игре Общая информация

Enderal:Old Wounds


This quest will begin automatically after you give the heart to the First Seer during In Our Shadows. Wait one in-game day and go back to the Undercity. You'll be approached a girl who then gives you a note made by Tharaêl, asking you to meet him in his hideout. Go to the hideout, the same one used in the previous quest, and you'll find Tharaêl there.

Tharaêl will ask if you really killed Sister Pride, and you can choose to say yes or no regardless of your actual actions in the previous quest. If you say you didn't kill her, Tharaêl gets angry and tells you that there's a fifty-fifty chance that The Father will recognize the heart as fake. Either way, he says that you have to wait, but that he wants your help in a personal matter for the time being.

Tharaêl wants your help to infiltrate the Refuge and find papers made by Sha'Gun that confirm or deny that she was willingly selling children to the Rhalâta. Meet Tharaêl in front of Zorkban and Sons then follow him, fighting the hordes of undead that now litter the abandoned orphanage, until he finds Sha'Gun's office. There are no papers related to the Rhalâta in sight, but Tharaêl is certain that they exist, and so he asks you to search for hidden stashes in the orphanage. There is a total of three hidden stashes in the orphanage, but only one contains the quest objective:


Главный герой просыпается без своего снаряжения, но в разговоре с Калией узнает, что все его вещи в целости и сохранности - их можно забрать из сундука возле кровати, на которой мы спали. Также, беседуя с девушкой, можно выполнить первую часть ее личного квеста Константином Огневспыхом, подслушав которую узнаем, что неримский маг хочет взять для нового задания некого наемника (несложно догадаться, кого именно). Подходим к Теалору, который поздравит героя с успешным прохождением испытания. В разговоре магистр упомянет, что видел сон о Высших подобный тому, что только что видели мы. Удивляемся очередному странному проявлению коллективного подсознания.

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