Dota 2 player profiles что это

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

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Player Profiles are pieces of content produced for tournaments, highlighting the backstory of players playing in the tournament.

Об этом сериале

Dota 2 Player Profiles
In the summer of 2015, the world's best Dota 2 teams descended on Seattle to do battle in The International. To be skilled enough to compete at The International takes incredible sacrifice and dedication, as well as the trust and camaraderie of your fellow teammates. This series of interviews offers a glimpse at what it takes to be among the best of the best, providing an in-depth look at the lives of players from around the world.

In 2016, The International continued with new players, new teams and a new champion!

Смотреть Dota 2 Player Profiles

Доступно только в формате потокового видео. Подробнее о нём можно узнать из частых вопросов о потоковом видео в Steam.

Смотреть Dota 2 Player Profiles

Доступно только в формате потокового видео. Подробнее о нём можно узнать из частых вопросов о потоковом видео в Steam.

Об этом сериале

Dota 2 Player Profiles
In the summer of 2015, the world's best Dota 2 teams descended on Seattle to do battle in The International. To be skilled enough to compete at The International takes incredible sacrifice and dedication, as well as the trust and camaraderie of your fellow teammates. This series of interviews offers a glimpse at what it takes to be among the best of the best, providing an in-depth look at the lives of players from around the world.

In 2016, The International continued with new players, new teams and a new champion!

no longer playerОбзор

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