Vector thrust прохождение

Обновлено: 17.05.2024

Vector Thrust - аркадный симулятор, предназначенный для всех, кто любит стремительные полеты и воздушную скорость. Игра состоит из нескольких режимов: боевые сражения, несколько сюжетных кампаний и настраиваемые схватки с противником. В игре представлена глобальная кастомизация: можно менять цвет транспорта, настраивать индивидуальные параметры и даже создавать собственные игровые сценарии.

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Vector Thrust

Vector Thrust



Глобальные достижения

Vector Thrust предоставляет возможность настраивать любой аспект игры — от простых поправок до полноценных модификаций.

Самый популярный контент от разработчиков и сообщества за прошедшую неделю. (?)

List of bugged/glitched/bad challenges

Please add what you feel are the worst challenges, or ones that need fixing: F-16A Block 5: The AGM-65Fs have a tendency to dive into the ground, no matter what altitude they're launched from. Just learned that they are ASM versions of the Maverick, not the correct AGM-65Bs F-16C Block 30: No weapons, so one cannot destroy the ships(or anything) in the challenge) F-104G-HA: No weapons/ammo.(Challenge requires use of AIM-7E Sparrow) Any more from players who've gotten farther along? .

Прохождение игры Vector Thrust Ведите бои от рассвета до заката, и даже дольше, в различных одно- и многопользовательских режимах. Возвращайтесь, чтобы выполнить более 20 заданий в ряде кампаний. Сразитесь с совершенным тактическим ИИ, который реагирует на происходящие вокруг события и действия игроков-людей! Откройте более 270 самолетов в простом, но, тем не менее, захватывающем режиме сражений, состоящем из более чем 180 схваток. Сражайтесь с титаническими летающими крепостями и остерегайтесь супероружия. Сражайтесь с эскадрильями асов-истребителей, каждая из которых обладает своей стратегией ведения боя. Дорабатывайте игру при помощи простых инструментов и делитесь своими творениями с другими игроками.

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If you have Control Module installed in the world, it will just work. This is optional.


1. Load the script into a programmable block (If you don't know how to do that)
2. Run the programmable block It should be already running. if its on standby mode, you will have to pass the %standby argument
3. Setup your Cockpit buttons or use Control Module (you need %Standby either way)
4. Get in and press the jetpack button to turn the engines on.


While this is optional, I highly recommend it.
1. Place a text panel
2. Put %VectorLCD in the name
1. put "%Vector:0" (without quotes) on its own line in the custom data of your cockpit

VANILLA BUTTONS SETUP 1. Get in your cockpit, press G
2. Drag the programmable block to the bar and select "RUN"
3. Copy & paste the code for your controls. You will need:
%jetpack %dampeners %cruise %standby %raiseAccel %lowerAccel %resetAccel

Standby completely stops the script, till you press the button again (and also safely turns off thrusters & rotors) please use it in multiplayer
the last 3 control your 'Target Accel' value and are optional
Dampeners, Jetpack, and Cruise all toggle their respective values.

CONTROL MODULE X: engines on/off Z: inertia dampenerse on/off R: cruise mode on/off +: increase target acceleration -: decrease target acceleration 0: reset target acceleration

there is currently no binding for standby, so you will have to set that up with the vanilla method


This makes the craft behave like an airplane, it will drift forward, but apply inertia dampeners for any other direction.
suggested by Raiteri

Why don't my thrusters point the right way? / Why do my thrusters spin like crazy?
This is most likely the Keen Phantom Torque bug. As it stands there isn't much I can do about it. There is a workaround in the Detailed Manual (see 'Centre of Mass Issues'). If you have tried those and it still doesn't point the right way, tell me.

Does it work in Space?
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: The concept doesn't really work that well in space. It takes time for the thrusters to move to the desired position, this is made worse in space since the thrusters might need to point in any direction. In gravity, the thrusters don't need to turn as much because they mostly just need to point down.

Rotor on a Rotor?
Short answer: No.
Long answer: This is unstable and would require a large re-design.
If you really want a rotor on a rotor, you can force it by putting a thruster on each subgrid that has a rotor head.

Can I stop my ship from controlling other vector thrust ships on the base?
Yes! See the 'Tags' section in the Detailed Manual.

Why won't my thrusters turn on?
Short answer: You need to turn them on using the script, not the terminal.
Long answer: pass the %jetpack argument, or if you are using Control Module, press your suit jetpack key.

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