Starcraft 2 как купить воразун

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Vorazun uses the power of cloaked units to wreak havoc around the battlefield, combined with a powerful ability to stop time.

Level Unlocks

Level/Icon Name Description
Shroud of Adun
Shroud of Adun Vorazun's Dark Templar have improved shields and cost less vespene gas.
Spear of Adun: Orbital Assimilators
Spear of Adun: Orbital Assimilators The Spear of Adun harvests vespene gas from orbit without the need for Probes.

  • Centurions are briefly cloaked and can pass through other units when charging.
  • Allows Centurions to stun nearby enemies.
  • Allows the Stalker's Blink to cloak and restore shields over time.

Powerful attack caster. Can use the Confuse and Mind Control abilities.

  • Enables Dark Templar to teleport to nearby locations.
  • Grants Dark Templar the ability to disable units, preventing them from attacking or being attacked for 10 seconds.
  • Dark Archons start with full energy.
  • Allows a Dark Archon to take control of a targeted unit permanently.
  • Permanently cloaks all Corsairs and Oracles.
  • Increases the range of the Void Ray's weapon as it continues to attack.
  • Enemies affected by the Oracle's Stasis Ward can now be attacked.

Highlighted rows denote large power spikes for the commander.


Achievement Name Description
Event Horizon
Event Horizon Kill 15 units trapped in a single Black Hole on Hard difficulty.
My Turn
My Turn Kill 5,000 enemy units with Vorazun's cloaked units in Co-op Missions.
Shadow Guard
Shadow Guard Kill 50 units with Vorazun's Shadow Guard in a single mission on Hard difficulty.
Your Turn
Your Turn Your ally kills 1,000 units while Vorazun's Spear of Adun Time Stop is activated in Co-op Missions.


  • At the start of the game, warp in your first Dark Pylon to save you from building one for power and supply.
  • Any other Pylons should only be warped in at strategic locations.
  • Use your Dark Pylon's Recall ability to move efficiently around the map.
  • Cooldown: 60 seconds
  • Energy Required: 25
  • Use this with Corsairs to deal with armored air units.
  • A good placement of a Black Hole will allow you to deal with attack waves without losing any units.
  • Cooldown: 0 seconds
  • Energy Required: 25
  • The first Shadow Guard should be used to clear out your expansion.
  • Make use of their Blink ability to move them quickly from one location to another, in addition to any Dark Pylons you have out.
  • Cooldown: 180 seconds
  • Energy Required: 50
  • One of the most powerful calldowns in the game.
  • This should be used as soon as it is off cooldown, so make sure you are ready to push.
  • Push into heavily fortified bases and use this as soon as enemy units start attacking you.
  • Coolup: 240 seconds
  • Cooldown: 240 seconds

The Deploy Dark Pylon ability brings a Dark Pylon onto the battlefield. This structure has abilities itself, shown below:

Dark Pylon

Ability Name Description Cooldown
Recall Teleports all friendly units in the target area to the location of the Dark Pylon. 60 seconds

The Deploy Shadow Guard ability brings Shadow Guards onto the battlefield. These units have abilities themselves, shown below:

Shadow Guard

Ability Name Description Cooldown
Shadow Fury
Shadow Fury Jump from target to target, dealing 20 (+15 vs. Light) damage with each jump. Hits 5 times. 15 seconds
Blink Teleport to a nearby target location. 10 seconds
Void Stasis
Void Stasis Places target unit or structure in stasis for 10 seconds, disabling the unit for the duration of the effect. Units and structures in stasis cannot be attacked or affected by abilities.

Sub-Ascension Leveling

As Vorazun's Corsairs can't cloak during early levels and Black Hole does not negate armor, build Dark Templars and Stalkers as your core army composition. Stalkers can deal with air units fairly well, especially when they have their Blink upgrades which can regenerate their shields rapidly. Due to the lack of Emergency Recall during early stages of leveling, use Black Holes liberally to ensure you do not lose Dark Templars.

While leveling through Mastery levels, allocate points into Power Set 3's Spear of Adun Energy mastery until you hit the desired number of points, before allocating them to Chrono Boost efficiency.


Below are the three Power Sets for Vorazun with the recommended point allocations for each. Note that these are meant to serve a general, all-purpose build that is effective across all maps with no Prestiges selected. You are highly encourged to change these masteries to suit your playstyle and particular challenges you face (e.g. Weekly Mutations).

Power Value Recommended Points to Add Further Considerations
Dark Pylon Range 2% per point
60% maximum
0 Dark Pylon range can be used if you intend on using Dark Pylons offensively with units that do not have cloak. For example, Void Rays can benefit from the general cloaking passives that Vorazun offers. By warping in a Dark pylon near your army, you'll be able to take advantage of those buffs, even if you use units that do not naturally have cloak.
Black Hole Duration 2% per point
60% maximum

Black Hole Duration is a better mastery as it gives your units more time to deal with enemies.

Power Value Recommended Points to Add Further Considerations
Shadow Guard Duration 2 sec per point
60 sec maximum
30 Additional points into Shadow Guard Duration increases up time of the Shadowguard to allow for clearing of the expansion as well as dealing with early game attack waves. It provides Vorazun with an early-game pushing capability. However, they will be sacrificing Time Stop movement speed increases which will allow them to take out more high-priority targets.
Time Stop Unit Speed Increase 1% per point
30% maximum

Shadow Guard is generally a more versatile pick, as it provides Vorazun with a way of handling the early game. However, it does mean that Time Stop cannot be used as effectively to snipe targets.

Power Value Recommended Points to Add Further Considerations
Chrono Boost Efficiency 1% per point
30% maximum
0 Points may be taken out of the Initial Spear of Adun energy mastery for the Chrono Boost mastery. However, this will sacrifice a player's early-game pushing potential.
Initial and Maximum Spear of Adun Energy 3 per point
90 maximum

A full 30 points into the initial energy will provide Vorazun players with the early-game pushing potential they require while they build up army and compounds very well with 30 points into the Shadow Guard duration mastery above. The Shadow Guard will need to be microed more carefully to take advantage of their full timer, but as a result, can solve Vorazun's Early game problems.


Below are the prestiges for Vorazun. Note that "Effective Level" is the level at which the prestige achieves it full effect.

  • Advantages:
    • Emergency Recall recalls cloaked units to the closest Nexus or Dark Pylon instead of the primary structure and heals life and shields to full.
    • Deploy Dark Pylon cooldown and cost reduced by 50%.
    • Dark Pylons lose Recall.
    • Advantages:
      • Void Stasis, Confusion, Stasis Ward, Disruption Web, and Darkcoil may affect Heroic units and cause enemies to lose 20 life per second. This effect cannot kill.
      • Combat units deal 25% reduced damage.
      • Stasis Ward duration reduced by 75%.
      • DoT effects do not stack
      • Only way to deal DoT damage to air units is using Confusion
      • Advantages:
        • Time Stop becomes targeted. All Shadow Guard who have died are resurrected at the target location.
        • Shadow Guard duration reduced by 40%.
        • Shadow Guard duration Mastery applied first, then duration reduced by 40%
        • Shadow Guards do not need to be killed. Despawned Shadow Guards will also spawn
        • Time Stop is still a global effect. Target location is where Shadow Guards spawn

        Both Spirit of Respite and Keeper of Shadows are solid picks for general Vorazun-play, and will come down to the player's preferred playstyle. However, playing Vorazun without a Prestige Talent selected also works fine.

        Recommended Army Composition

        The recommended army composition for Vorazun is below. Note that this assumes no Prestige talent selected and recommended Mastery Allocations. This is a basic recommendation for your army framework. It is recommended to gain an understanding for each of the units in the Units section and further add tech units so that you are able to better handle the situations you face.

        Dark Templar

        Dark Templar/Corsair builds can handle anything that is thrown at them. The ratio of Dark Templars to Corsairs will depend on the enemy composition you are facing.

        Combat Units

        For more information on Vorazun's unit stats, comparison between units and upgrade calculations, visit the Data Tables page.

        Воразун — вымышленный персонаж из вселенной StarCraft. Командир в совместных заданиях за неразимов для опытных игроков.








        Род занятий

        • Советник матриарха(ранее)
        • Матриах тёмных тамплиеров


        Актриса озвучивание (en)

        Рейчел Робинсон

        Актриса озвучивание (рус)



        Она родилась примерно XXIII веке. Из её детства мало известно. Она — дочь легендарной предводительницы неразимов Рашжагал. Упорно тренировалась с теневой косой, чтобы пройти "Путь Тени".

        StarCraft: Brood War

        Когда кхалаи, сбежавшие из Айура под натиском Роя зергов на Шакурас, привели за собой огромные орды, Воразун была одной из первых лично защищала родной мир. Именно тогда она добыла в бою череп гидралиска, с тех пор ставший частью ее наплечником.

        Придя в гнев от вида того, как Зератул , раскрыв обман Королевы Клинков, положил конец мучениям управляемой Рашжагал, Воразун обвинила его в убийстве. Вряд ли она когда-нибудь признает, что её ненависть выросла на банальных эмоциях.

        Не являясь членом Сумеречного Совета (замена погибшему Конклаву), Воразун тем не менее продолжала посещать встречи, на которых часто не соглашалась с Артанисом. Когда Совет пришёл к решению, что для эффективного управления необходимо выбрать лидера, именно будущий матриарх была против избрания на эту ответственную должность молодого Артаниса. На самом деле и сам кхалай противился общему выбору, говоря, что ему суждено быть лишь воином.

        Воразун лишь поддержала Артаниса в его отказе, но Моэндар, ссылаясь на способность командовать как кхалаями, так и неразимами, вновь настоял на его избрании. На следующий день Артанис все же согласился принять мантию иерарха.

        Во время дэлаамских подготовлении к запуску "Золотой Армады" в сторону Айура, Воразун чуть не отозвала из общего войска неразимских воинов. Она была уверена, что общество Шакураса держится не на поступках, а на словах, о чем рассказывала и своему ученику Тэлусу. Так, сопротивляясь уничтожению своей культуры, Воразун убедила Совет в том, что богатая минералами гора Нашжар имеет для них огромное значение, и нельзя просто так отдавать её.

        Со временем она стала видеть в действиях Моэндара слабость и излишнюю приверженность Артанису и идеям тамплиеров. Все чаще стали греметь меж ними споры на тему важности культуры неразимов. Однако, как бы то ни было, Воразун все еще прислушивалась к советам и мнению старого друга, все время оказывавшего ей поддержку.

        Искрой будущего конфликта стало столкновение отряда фениксов с неразимскими транспортными кораблями, вылившееся в 27 невинных жертв. Артанис, вместо того чтобы посетить погребение, показав жителям Шакураса, что он равен им, решил посвятить свое время дальнейшей подготовке, чем жутко разозлил Воразун. После ожесточенной дискуссии с Моэндаром, она приняла решение высказаться против строительство "Золотой Армады", и поддержать отзыв неразимов из флота. Хоть в душе и надеялась на мирный исход возникших неприятностей.

        Воразун и Моэндар

        Неразим темных тамплиеров захватил цитадель Совета в Телематросе. План бунтовщика был прост — спровоцировать айурских протоссов на драку, тем самым посеяв между ними семя раздора, впоследствии способное вылиться в полноценное изгнание уже кхалаев. Без особых проблем раскрыв замысел своего ученика, Воразун решила уладить все дипломатично… Не получилось, Воразун с Моэндаром направились прямиком в цитадель, спеша не допустить кровавой резни. В бою они обезвредили всех четырех бунтощиков, но коса искривления Тэлуса удалось добраться до груди Моэндара, насмерть поразив старого неразима. Придя в ярость от увиденного, Воразун набросилась на бывшего ученика и убила его мощным ударом в торс. В последние мгновения его жизни она поняла, почему Артанис посетил церемонию погребения и даже взял на себя проведение обряда. Воразун сказала ему, что неразимы бок о бок с кхалаями вступят в бой на Айуре, но настояла, чтобы "Стражи Тени" останутся вместе с ней на Шакурасе.

        Артанис поддержал становление Воразун — матриархом. Приняв наконец это бремя, героиня заняла почетное место за столом Совета.

        Когда Амун поразил своей порчей священную Кхалу, именно войска неразимов оказались единственными, кто был неподвластен пагубному влиянию падшего зел-нага. Чуть позже, вновь доказав свою преданность поступками, Воразун поддержала Артаниса в его намерении объединить все протосские племена в походе против Амуна.

        Не желая видеть свою родную планету нечистым оплотом зергов Амуна, матриарх приняла нелегкое решение взорвать Шакурас изнутри, перегрузив фазовую призму храма зел-нага. Проявив недюжинную смелость, Артанис вызвался в одиночку защищать необходимый для этого механизм, чем заслужил бесконечное уважение тёмных тамплиеров успешно прошедшим неразимский "Путь Тени".

        На Ульнаре иерарх Артанис попал в ловушку Амуна, и Воразун пришлось объединиться с очень вовремя появившимся высшим посвященным Алараком, как раз-таки рассказавшем ей об опасности, грозившей дэлааму. Общими усилиями они спасли Артаниса и закрыли портал в Пустоту.

        Во время айурской битвы Воразун со своими бойцами защищала Ключ с западного подхода. Совместными усилиями объединенных протоссов удалось отбить даже атаки "Золотой Армады". И очистить от него Кхалу, навсегда.

        A New Leader

        "Yes, we all believe Artanis would serve well as hierarch. Yet clearly he intends a life dedicated to the Templar only. What about you, Mohandar?"
        "My young matriarch. Artanis alone commands the respect of both factions. We can agree on no one else."

        - Vorazun and Mohandar discuss Artanis becoming hierarch. (src)

        Vorazun and Mohandar discuss Artanis

        Children of the Void

        As the launch of the Golden Armada to reclaim Aiur neared, Vorazun stood in staunch opposition to the Daelaam and the erosion of Nerazim culture. She stood for an ideal that actions and not words should be what keep the Nerazim whole, an ideal she imparted on her pupil Taelus. When the Daelaam wished to mine the Naszar, a mineral rich mountain range important to Nerazim culture, Vorazun managed to convince the Hierarchy to block the proposal.

        Over time, she began to see Mohandar as weak and subservient to Artanis and his Aiur protoss. She vocally disagreed with his decisions, and would regularly get into heated arguments over the erosion of Nerazim culture. However, she still respected his council and opinion.

        During a training exercise, a squadron of phoenixes collided with a Nerazim transport, killing twenty-seven Nerazim. Artanis did not attend the funeral of the twenty-seven in favor of making more preparations for the Golden Armada. Vorazun was angered by this, and vocally fought with Mohandar over the accident. She decided that she would vocally speak out against the Golden Armada, and support the Nerazim's withdraw from the reclamation of Aiur.

        Mohandar and Vorazun

        However, she still sought peace among the two people. When her student Taelus captured the Citadel with a handful of insurgents, Vorazun personally sought to find a diplomatic solution that would prevent bloodshed. She and Mohandar entered the Citadel, but Taelus was set on fighting the Aiur protoss to provoke violence between the two people, which would lead to the Aiur protoss being expelled from Shakuras. Not willing to see this come to pass, Vorazun and Mohandar fought the insurgents. Initially the two employed non-lethal tactics, but Taelus impaled Mohandar through the chest, killing him. Vorazun engaged him in single combat, and eventually killed her former student with a slash to the torso.

        Vorazun carried Mohandar's corpse out of the Citadel, and told the crowd that it was the Nerazim that slew him, and that they should not fear the new Daelaam future. She saw that Taelus was buried alongside Mohandar, as a sign of respect. Artanis attended this funeral, and said he would personally carry the rite of passing for Mohandar. Vorazun said she would commit Nerazim forces to the Golden Armada, but that she and a cadre of forces would have to stay behind on Shakuras. Artanis stated he would support Vorazun's ascension to Matriarch.

        Legacy of the Void

        "The young Matriarch Vorazun serves as the leader of the nomadic dark templar. She is a strong and capable warrior, who leads through her people through example, and works tirelessly to ensure her people maintain their unique heritage and traditions in this time of uncertainty."

        Vorazun overlooking Shakuras, now ravaged by Amon's forces

        Vorazun battles First Ascendant Alarak

        Return to Aiur

        "The blades of Shakuras descend upon the Dark God!"

        When the Daelaam returned to Aiur with the intention of casting Amon to the Void. Vorazun served alongside Alarak in destroying the khaydarin crystal at Antioch, and she used her abilities to bypass zerg defenses to open the sealed gates in the old ruined Citadel of the Executor. She defended Alarak as he blasted open the final gate to destroy the crystal. The operation was successful, and the crystal was destroyed.

        A World for All Protoss

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