Shantae risky s revenge прохождение

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Most of these items are available at the Item Shop, but a few aren't.

Key Items

Heart Holders

The Heart Holders increases the heart counters, and thus allow you to live longer. They are found in the wilderness and in caves. Bring a wide variety of items with you as you will need several kinds to get them all. See here for the exact locations.

Click on an area in a relevant section to see more info.


Map of Shantae: Risky's Revenge

Shantae: Risky

About this image

The Areas

Scuttle Town

The central hub of the game, where your basic videogame amenities (shops, save point, NPCs) are located.

RR-BozonMap - Scuttle Town.jpg

ShantaeRR - maps - Polyp Bay.jpg

Polyp Bay

The coastline west of Scuttle Town. A lot of platform jumping, few enemies.

RR-BozonMap - Polyp Bay.jpg

ShantaeRR - maps - Mermaid Cliffs.jpg

Mermaid Cliffs

You'll find a lot of mermaids here, and some cliffs as well.

RR-BozonMap - Mermaid Cliffs.jpg

Hypno Tower

This is the location of the

's Magic Fountain and the third and final Magic Seal. The boss of this place is the spooky Hypno Baron. To gain entrance Shantae must obtain a

from the Abner Cadaver and Poe.

See the full Hypno Tower article for more info.

Pumpkin Fields

A pumpkin patch infested with nagas and scarecrows. The Baron Desert Warp Pedestal erroneously refers to this area as 'Pumpkin Patch'.

RR-BozonMap - Pumpkin Fields.jpg

ShantaeRR - maps - Baron Desert.jpg

Baron Desert

The desert southwest of Scuttle Town occupied by Ammo Baron. Each section of desert is connected to the others by a network of caves called Desert Passage. The Monkey Bullet and Elephant Stomp relics are found here. (This is presumably the same desert as in the first game - it's in roughly the same place relative to Scuttle Town.)

RR-BozonMap - Baron Desert.jpg

Battle Tower

This is the location of the

and the second Magic Seal. It is also where Shantae first meets Barracuda Joe. To gain entrance Shantae must obtain the

See the full Battle Tower article for more info.

ShantaeRR - maps - Baron Desert.jpg

Desert Passage

The Desert Passage is an underground extension of Baron Desert. Since the game's map feature doesn't track underground movement, you'll have to remember your way around here (not too difficult).

Lilac Fields

A scarecrow-infested field. (It's probably the same place as Scarecrow Field in the original game, judging from its location and the excess of scarecrows.)

RR-BozonMap - Lilac Fields.jpg

ShantaeRR - maps - Tangled Forest.jpg

Tangle Forest

The forest isn't so twisted as to fully earn its name, but it is the biggest area and has the most stuff of any other area of the game.

The game isn't as difficult from the getgo as it's predecessor, and initially your ability to explore is limited, making where to go next rather easy to figure out. That said, here are some mostly-obvious tips:

  • Your first purchase should be the map.
  • Grab a bunch of potions as well. They're cheap.
  • There are no lives or checkpoints - if you die, you will be taken back to the last time you saved. So, when you see the Save Guy hanging out in a dungeon, it's probably a good idea to save. Just in case. Nothing worse than completing a dungeon, getting beaten by a boss, and then realizing you'll have to do the entire dungeon over again because you were too lazy to save your game.

More specific information

What is the Import Room for?

The Import Room is a place in Risky's Revenge where the player can receive gems based on the status of other WayForward games on their system. The rewards are as follows:

The above section was transcluded from Import Room. Go there to edit it.

What's up with Battle Tower?

Battle Tower is the second dungeon of Risky's Revenge , and is the location of the second Magic Seal. In order to gain entry, Shantae must become a citizen of Ammo Town by bringing the Deed to Scuttle Town to the Ammo Baron and receiving a Ammo Town Passport (and Activity Book).

Barracuda Joe guards the tower, and will let any citizen in for training for 20 . He keeps track of Shantae's record times an will give her the Forest Key upon her first completion.

The goal is to get to the end of the tower, through eleven floors, before the counter hits zero. Each floor contains one or more 'waves' of enemies that must be cleared in order to proceed to the next area, or is a platform section over an open pit. After each floor is a 'stairway' area leading to the floor above that has pots with powerups inside, including clocks that increase the time limit.

Timesaving tips

  • Bring along Mega Pike Ball, it is the single greatest time saver. It will slice through nearby enemies an save you the time to stop to whip them. Makes short work of the knights when they attack. Bring along Magic Fill and some Magical Vials to keep it running longest.
  • If the Super Pike Ball is activated while standing on top of a jar containing a time pick-up, the ammount of time obtained is doubled. Hitting the spell when your sprite is overlapping the jar entirely, and +10 becomes +20 and +20 becomes +40!
  • Attract Magic will save you time picking up items in the stairwell areas. It will also help liberate you from the deeply-ingrained gamer impulse to grab gems whenever you see them, which could save time too.
  • Remember if there's a second or third 'wave' of enemies on each floor and plan the battle so that you walk from end to end of the floor as few times as possible.
  • Knights are the trickiest opponents because you can only hit them in the head or when their guard is down. If you are fighting multiple Knights, try to get them to stand in the same spot so you can jump-whip them in both their heads at the same time. If there is a raised surface you can use to stand and head-whip, use that.
  • Super Silky Creme will help dispatch enemies a tad bit faster.
  • Use Monkey Bullet to cross the pit areas super fast.


  • Floor 1 - One set; Nagas/Orcs
  • Floor 2 - Two sets; both Scarecrows/Archers
  • Floor 3 - Two sets; Orcs, Mummy
  • Floor 4 - Pit and platforms; Monkey Bullet it
  • Floor 5 - Two sets; Archers/Mummy, Red Knights
  • Floor 6 - One set; Slimes
  • Floor 7 - Three sets; Nagas/Pumpkin Scarecrows, Orcs/Archers
  • Floor 8 - Pit and platforms; Monkey Bullet it
  • Floor 9 - Two sets; Archers/Nagas, Archers
  • Floor 10 - Three sets; Red Knight, Red Knights, Blue Knight
  • Final Floor - Seven sets; Slimes, Scarecrows, Nagas, Orcs, Archers, Mummies, Blue Knights


the first time through, a

the second, and then an amount of gems based on your completion time every playthrough onwards.

Post your best time in the comments if you like.

There is no boss in Battle Tower. Unlike the other members of the Barons of Sequin Land, Ammo Baron does not guard his Magic Seal in his dungeon. Instead, the seal is up for grabs for anyone who makes it to the final chamber.

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I've been tasked by the Squid Baron to find his three golden children. Where can I find them?

Near the end of Risky's Revenge, Shantae is required to find these three babies, who are hiding in underwater caves. Unlike the similar collection quest in the original game, this one is mandatory.

The above section was transcluded from Golden Warp Squid Babies. Go there to edit it.

I hear there are different endings. How do I get them?

The ending of Risky's Revenge does not change, but there are special images that are shown at the end based on how many items you received and how long you took.

Reward How to Unlock Spoiler
Shantae Beat the game in over 2 hours with less than 34 items.
Risky Boots Beat the game in over 2 hours with all 34 items.
Shantae in a bikini Complete the game in under 2 hours with less than 34 items.
Rottytops Complete the game in under 3 hours with all 34 items.

The above section was transcluded from Shantae: Risky's Revenge Endings. Go there to edit it.


Where can I find all the Heart Holders?

The Heart Holders increases the heart counters, and thus allow you to live longer. They are found in the wilderness and in caves. Bring a wide variety of items with you as you will need several kinds to get them all. See here for the exact locations.

The above section was transcluded from Heart Holders (Shantae: Risky's Revenge). Go there to edit it.

So where can I find the Transformation Relics?

Transformation Relics grant special attack powers to Shantae when she is in the corresponding form. They are similar to Transformation Talismans from the original game.

The above section was transcluded from Transformation Relics. Go there to edit it.

Where can I find those Magic Jams?

Magic Jams are trade-able for magic abilities at the Item Store. "Spreads like a dream and tastes like a blot of heaven." says the Magic Jam Lady.

The above section was transcluded from Magic Jams. Go there to edit it.

iOS achievements

The game features 26 unlockable achievements, listed below:

Ret-2-Go!: Shantae's daily grind.
Play dead!: Teach Wobble Bell a new trick
Heart of Stone!: It's OK to say no.
Speed Run the Hypno Baron's Lair: How fast can you go?
Old Moneybags: Max out your cash
Got the Touch, Got the Power!: Get all magic and upgrades
You are here!: Buy a MAP at the shop
Be the Hero!: Beat the game, more or less, in over 4 hours
Completionist!: Beat the game with all items in more than 4 hours
Speedy and Greedy!: Beat the game with all items in less than 4 hours.
Speed Runner!: Beat the game in under 2 hours.
Mighty Shantae Champ!: Earn all four endings
Cross your Heart. Beat the game with no extra Heart Holders
Romper Stomper!: Elephant stomp 100 foes
Yakkety Yak!: Meet everyone in town once your quest begins
Pikeball Power!: Maintain any Pikeball for 2 minutes
Move Over Zeus!: Destroy 50 foes using any Storm Puff
Late night gamer!: Destroy a Druid at midnight!
Mermaid flop to victory!: Cross Polyp Bay as a Mermaid
Potions Smotions!: Beat the Final Boss without using Potions
Electric Squid!: Beat the Squid Baron using only Storm Puff.
Elephant Obliteration!: Destroy at least 4 blocks
Fire Breath!: Destroy a Dragon Head from above
And Stay Down!: Destroy the same Skeleton 6 times
Enough for Everyone: Max out your Potions
Bonfire!: Set fire to a leafy foe

Image Description
Ret-2-go!: Beat the ambush
You Are Here!: Get the map
Yakkety Yak!: Talk to all NPCs in town
Elephant Obliteration!: Stomp more than 6 blocks in a row
Speed Run the Baron's Lair!: Lab 2 speed run
Bonfire!: Burn a vine pot
Enough for Everyone!: Max out potions
Be the Hero!: See ending 1
Play Dead!: Kill the puppy
Tinkercide: Destroy all Tinkerbats in the Sunken Cavern
Old Moneybags!: Max out the gem counter
Fire Breath!: Stomp a dragon head
Heart of Stone!: Puppy denied
And Stay Down!: Kill the same skeleton 6 times
Pikeball Power!: Keep Pikeball active for 2 min
Got the Touch, Got the Power!: Own all magic and book upgrades
Late Night Gamer!: Kill a Druid at midnight
Completionist!: Seen ending 2
Electric Squid: Beat boss 1 with only electricity
Move Over Zeus!: Kill 50 enemies with lightning
Romper Stomper!: Kill 100 enemies via stomp
Potions Smotions: Beat the genie clone without using potions
Cross Your Heart!: Beat the game with no Heart Holders
Speedy and Greedy!: Seen ending 3
Speed Runner!: Seen ending 4
Might Shantae Champ!: Seen ALL endings


  • There were no achievements for the original DSi version.
  • "Potions Smotions" will not activate if the player defeats the final boss by glitching out their damage counter.

The above section was transcluded from Achievements (Shantae: Risky's Revenge). Go there to edit it.

Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut is a fantastic entry in the beloved franchise but it can be quite a confusing journey so here's how to beat the game step-by-step. I hope this walkthrough is helpful so please let me know if it was in the comments below!

Shantae: Risky

That dastardly pirate is at it again!

The adventure begins

  1. After defeating the waves of enemies, head left to get the Egg then go right and talk to Bolo
  2. In Scuttle Town, enter the first door, give the Egg to Sky, and fight Risky Boots by hair-whipping the barrels in the ship's mouth
  3. After the fight, go back to Scuttle Town and jump on the down arrow panels twice then go all the way right to Lilac Fields
  4. Work your way right, activate the warp squid, save your progress, and end up at Tangle Forest
  5. Use the up jump panel, use the down jump panel on the right, and then run right to meet Rottytops and receive the Pup
  6. Go back, use the up jump panel, use another up jump panel to the left, and go right to activate the second warp squid
  7. Exit to the left, use the up jump panel, run all the way right saving along the way, keep using the up jump panels until you reach a little house, go inside and give the Pup (a puppy named Wobble Bell) to the cook to get the Tasty Meal
  8. Run all the way back to the room right of the save point then interact with the gate and head inside

Squid Baron

  1. After the scene, head right then up at the locked door, run left through the false wall, head up and right, and enter the door
  2. Keep going right, hair-whip the weak blocks and jump up the column, go through the door, and head left while avoiding the fire-breathing statues
  3. In the next room, hair-whip the blocks on the left, crawl through the passages, open the chest, and jump down the hole while holding left so you end up on a ledge where you can snag some extra gems
  4. When you reach the bottom, go all the way down and right then use the key on the door, slay the tricky knight, and head to the save room on the right
  5. In the big room, keep going right while whipping the spiked spheres to turn them into platforms and exit to the right
  6. Ignore the chains and go right, descend the large column and exit on the bottom-right, and keep going to face more knights
  7. Keep whipping the blocks in the next room to form a skull and defeat the enemies that spawn to receive another key
  8. Go back and ascend the column a bit until you see a locked door, use the key and enter, fight the 2 knights, and save your progress in the next room
  9. In the big room ahead, fall to the bottom, run left, ascend up the tricky platforms then drop down to the left, and exit the room
  10. Acquire the Monkey Dance from the Magic Fountain in this room then use it to climb up to the left and keep heading left only to climb the column at the end by using the monkey to attach to and leap off the purple blocks
  11. Navigate through the next room, use the monkey to shimmy up the thin passageway on the right, and then find yourself back in a familiar area where you can use the monkey to climb the centre structure on the left side to reach a Magic Jam chest
  12. Exit to the top-right and follow the path until you reach the top of the column then climb up the narrow passage for another Magic Jam and go back to the big room
  13. Take the bottom-right exit this time and go right and down the column until you see a passage on the right then enter it and carve a lizard face into the rocks to receive another key
  14. Go back and ascend the chains, climb up and use the key to enter the door, save your game, and fight the boss
  15. Squid Baron can be defeated by whipping it like crazy as you dodge its attacks and when it chows down, transform into the monkey and cling to a wall then obtain the Magic Seal when you win

Ammo Baron

  1. Warp back to Lilac Fields and on the way to Scuttle Town, jump up as the monkey to get a Heart Holder from a chest
  2. Go left from the furthest up plane in Scuttle Town then scale a cliff with the monkey to receive some gems from a chest and keep going to reach Polyp Bay
  3. Cling to or hop on top of the platforms with the monkey (you can safely jump down whenever you see trees) and you'll eventually reach a save point and Seaside Retreat along with your third warp squid
  4. Make sure to snag the Magic Jam from the leftmost chest, talk to the mayor to receive the Town Deed, warp back to Lilac Fields, keep running left to reach Pumpkin Patch, and then go left to activate your fourth warp squid
  5. Keep going then enter the small purple cave to get another Magic Jam, carefully scale the left wall outside of the cave and you'll soon reach a save point as well as the entrance to Baron Desert
  6. Traverse the purple cave to reach the other end of the chasm, enter another purple cave to the left to access Desert Pass, follow the path then go left at the crossroads, and exit the cave to find a tent and a Magic Jam in a chest to the left of it
  7. Enter the tent and talk to the Ammo Baron to trade the Town Deed for a Passport, head back to Desert Pass, go right past the weak blocks, and then head right when you reach the bottom for an eventual save point and access to Battle Tower
  8. Battle Tower can be intimidating but the key to success is to smash the vases between floors so you can extend your time with clock power-ups and the Super Pike Ball spell is very useful, too
  9. You'll eventually win (congrats!) and receive the second Magic Seal as well as the Forest Key so keep running left and after a long stretch, you'll work your way to the fifth warp squid then use it to warp to Tangle Forest

Powering up

  1. Run all the way left then use the monkey to scale a wall and open a Magic Jam chest then head back and down 1 plane
  2. Use the leftmost down jump panel then run left to save your progress, go right and enter the cave before the chasm then traverse the linear path to receive the Elephant Dance
  3. Work your way back then use the up jump panel, run right to a new area, get another Magic Jam from a treetop chest after scaling the right wall with the monkey, and smash the boulder with the elephant to reveal a cave with a Heart Holder inside
  4. Go back and keep jumping on the up panels to reach the topmost plane, go right to save your progress, run right some more, smash a boulder and enter the cave to receive Coffee Beans
  5. Exit this cave and run all the way left, smash the golem with the elephant, and retrieve the broken Coffee Machine at the end
  6. Make sure you have fire magic, warp to Baron Desert, run right then smash the boulder with the elephant, enter the cave, use fire on the branches, and scale the left wall with the monkey to receive the Monkey Bullet
  7. Keep running right a long way until you go past Battle Tower, enter the cave, ascend a bit, destroy the boulder with the elephant, and traverse the cave inside to receive the Elephant Stomp
  8. Outside this room, ascend the rest of the cave to reach a familiar room, run right until you reach a boulder, smash it, head inside, and you can hop on the platforms if you deploy a Super Pike Ball before jumping on them then snag the chest's Magic Jam
  9. Exit the cave and run right to Scuttle Town, jump up 1 plane, enter the first door on your left, and trade the Grinder to Sky for a Latte then stock up on supplies from the shop to the right while making sure you have Puff (lightning magic)
  10. Jump up 1 more plane, go all the way right, smash the golem with the elephant, enter Mermaid Cliffs, run right, save your game, and cling to the platform at the end with the monkey then use Monkey Bullet to leap to the right
  11. You'll eventually reach the sixth warp squid, go right to trade the Latte for the Plastic Explosive, run left back to the sealed doorway, plant the explosive, use Puff magic in front of the door, and head inside

Hypno Baron

  1. Hit the eye statue so that it's looking down, enter the next room, navigate the false walls with the monkey, and fall down the hole at the end to get a Key
  2. Go back and hit the statue until it's looking up, proceed, unlock the door at the end of the chain room, kill the 3 skeletons in quick succession to unlock the doors, and save your game
  3. Climb the chains in the next room and go all the way up and exit right, and at the top of this room, ensure both eye statues are open and exit right to eventually get another Key
  4. Back in the statue room, close both eye statues, go to the right room again if you want a bunch of gems, and head to the left room when you're done
  5. Smash the fire-breathing statue with the elephant, enter the locked door, and carefully navigate the next room with the monkey using the Monkey Bullet in the middle to reach the left-hand side
  6. After saving your game, hop on the platform when it's looking up, position the eyes so they're both looking up then enter the room, keep hopping on the blocks when they're looking up, and you'll get a key at the top
  7. To get the next 3 keys, position the eyes so they're both looking in the same direction (first right, then down, and finally left) then traverse each room trial as the monkey which makes them slightly easier
  8. For an extra Magic Jam, position the left eye up and the right eye down
  9. When you have all 4 keys, position the left eye right and the right eye left, unlock all the doors, and make note of where the statues' eyes are pointing (mine were left, right, down, right)
  10. Position the left eye left and the right eye right, enter the room, and position the statues the way they were in the previous step to receive the Mermaid Dance from the next room
  11. Go all the way back to the save point, run right to the room where you can open both statues' eyes and do so, exit left, and use all 3 transformations to proceed and get the Bottom Half of Skull
  12. Back at the open-eyed statue room, go down, navigate back to the first room past the save spot, point the eye left, enter the room, and use the mermaid to reach a chest with Half a Skull in it
  13. Head back to the statue, point it up, enter the door, go past the save room, and use the Skull Key to unlock the door
  14. The fight with Hypno Baron is easy as long as you viciously attack him while keeping a Pike Ball deployed and healing when needed then you'll get the third and final Magic Seal as your reward

Risky Boots

  1. Head left past the save point and transform into the mermaid when you see a gap in a bridge, go down and left, swim down a false wall on the left, and keep heading down and left to reach a room with a Golden Baby Squid in it
  2. Work your way back to Scuttle Town, run left and talk to your friends for a scene then hop into the water to the left as the mermaid, swim down and right through a false wall to receive a Heart Holder from a chest
  3. Keep running left past the lighthouse to Polyp Bay, enter the purple cave if you want a Magic Jam from a tricky monkey challenge room, and save your game to the left
  4. Enter the water to the left as the mermaid, swim all the way to the bottom and ascend the passage in the center ceiling for the second Golden Baby Squid
  5. Go left one screen and warp to Mermaid Cliffs, head right, enter the water as the mermaid, swim right, down, and all the way left to find the third and final Golden Baby Squid
  6. Head back to the lighthouse left of Scuttle Town and trade the 3 Golden Baby Squids to Squid Baron for the Mermaid Bubble
  7. You can now explore for Magic Jams and buy supplies and once ready, head right of Scuttle Town to Mermaid Cliffs and dive into the first bridge gap as the mermaid, swim all the way down and right and shoot a Mermaid Bubble at the blockade to proceed
  8. Activate the warp squid for access to Sunken Caverns, save your game ahead, play through a fun shoot 'em up segment, and then activate the eighth and final warp squid for access to Risky's Lair
  9. Keep descending this next room until you enter some water, transform into the mermaid, swim down, right, and up, run right, climb the right wall as the monkey, head left, up past the fire-breathers, and around to the boss door
  10. To defeat Risky Boots, avoid her cannonballs, duck under the anchor attack, whip any pirate underlings that emerge, and attack the barrel in the ship's mouth whenever it shows
  11. In the final battle, deploy your best Pike Ball and go nuts whipping her while healing your HP and MP whenever needed and you should take her down eventually - hooray!

Congratulations; you beat Shantae: Risky's Revenge! However, there's still more to do so go exploring if you want to collect all of the items and if you would like an extra challenge, try to achieve all 4 endings. In case you were wondering, here are their requirements:

  1. Beat the game in over 2 hours without getting all of the items
  2. Acquire every item and complete it in over 4 hours
  3. Finish the game and get every item in less than 4 hours
  4. Speedrun the campaign within 2 hours without obtaining every item

Good luck! Also, if you need any further assistance or you're stuck at all then leave a comment and I'll try my best to help you out.

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