Quad barrel shotgun terraria как получить

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

22 мая. 2020 в 6:45 What is the point of the Quad-Barrel shotgun?

I mean, It's just a boomstick but with terrible accuracy and it does not really do anything different, it's just another generic, boring ranged weapon, why don't they add interesting stuff such as the flamethrower, the Uzi, the Sandgun, etc. Instead of only giving out cool, OP stuff for mages and melee while also nerfing interesting weapons for the ranger and also nerfing all the fun ways of playing the game?

Also most of the gun's SFX and visual effects are just tedious. Like, wouldn't it be a lot cooler if the weapons had satisfying sounds, cool visual effects such as muzzle flashes and maybe shell casings falling and disappearing from the weapons?

They wanted an excuse to justify their favouritism of the bow so they added one gun so nobody'd complain. Even though it kinda sucks 22 мая. 2020 в 7:04

Like Shotgun itself, it's best used up close and personal. The difference is availability and power in itself: Shotgun is a hardmode weapon, and the Quad-Barrel is PRE-HARDMODE.

And by the point you hit hardmode, it's better to try to make the Onyx Blaster

Отредактировано Tsukiyomaru Zero; 22 мая. 2020 в 7:05 22 мая. 2020 в 7:10

I mean, It's just a boomstick but with terrible accuracy and it does not really do anything different, it's just another generic, boring ranged weapon, why don't they add interesting stuff such as the flamethrower, the Uzi, the Sandgun, etc. Instead of only giving out cool, OP stuff for mages and melee while also nerfing interesting weapons for the ranger and also nerfing all the fun ways of playing the game?

Also most of the gun's SFX and visual effects are just tedious. Like, wouldn't it be a lot cooler if the weapons had satisfying sounds, cool visual effects such as muzzle flashes and maybe shell casings falling and disappearing from the weapons?

ranger got one of the coolest weapons in 1.4 tho lol. 22 мая. 2020 в 7:16

I mean, It's just a boomstick but with terrible accuracy and it does not really do anything different, it's just another generic, boring ranged weapon, why don't they add interesting stuff such as the flamethrower, the Uzi, the Sandgun, etc. Instead of only giving out cool, OP stuff for mages and melee while also nerfing interesting weapons for the ranger and also nerfing all the fun ways of playing the game?

Also most of the gun's SFX and visual effects are just tedious. Like, wouldn't it be a lot cooler if the weapons had satisfying sounds, cool visual effects such as muzzle flashes and maybe shell casings falling and disappearing from the weapons?

ranger got one of the coolest weapons in 1.4 tho lol.
Deleting the world with the Celebration MK2 and Mini Nuke II's is a great feature. 22 мая. 2020 в 7:48

Like Shotgun itself, it's best used up close and personal. The difference is availability and power in itself: Shotgun is a hardmode weapon, and the Quad-Barrel is PRE-HARDMODE.

And by the point you hit hardmode, it's better to try to make the Onyx Blaster

Mate there is literally a way better shotgun on pre-hardmode called Boomstick that isn't even that hard to get 22 мая. 2020 в 7:50

I mean, It's just a boomstick but with terrible accuracy and it does not really do anything different, it's just another generic, boring ranged weapon, why don't they add interesting stuff such as the flamethrower, the Uzi, the Sandgun, etc. Instead of only giving out cool, OP stuff for mages and melee while also nerfing interesting weapons for the ranger and also nerfing all the fun ways of playing the game?

Also most of the gun's SFX and visual effects are just tedious. Like, wouldn't it be a lot cooler if the weapons had satisfying sounds, cool visual effects such as muzzle flashes and maybe shell casings falling and disappearing from the weapons?

ranger got one of the coolest weapons in 1.4 tho lol. Isn't the Celebration Mk. II an Endgame weapon? I am not sure but if it is what is the point of It?
I don't need a really powerful weapon after I have already beaten the game, there is nothing else to do. Also something that annoys me is that they have added really cool looking visual effects to the new stuff but the old ones still have the old effects that doesn't look that nice if compared to the new ones 22 мая. 2020 в 7:54

Like Shotgun itself, it's best used up close and personal. The difference is availability and power in itself: Shotgun is a hardmode weapon, and the Quad-Barrel is PRE-HARDMODE.

And by the point you hit hardmode, it's better to try to make the Onyx Blaster

Mate there is literally a way better shotgun on pre-hardmode called Boomstick that isn't even that hard to get And it involves trying your luck at the jungle, while Quad-Barrel can be obtained at an earlier point with less struggle anyways. 22 мая. 2020 в 7:57 Mate there is literally a way better shotgun on pre-hardmode called Boomstick that isn't even that hard to get And it involves trying your luck at the jungle, while Quad-Barrel can be obtained at an earlier point with less struggle anyways. nah mate you still gotta kill yourself a few times and grind for at least 26 gold wich is pretty hard to get in the start of the game, and it is not even worth it because you have to use it like a melee weapon because of how bad it's accuracy is, but at least the weapon looks cool lol 26 мая. 2020 в 22:06

Like Shotgun itself, it's best used up close and personal. The difference is availability and power in itself: Shotgun is a hardmode weapon, and the Quad-Barrel is PRE-HARDMODE.

And by the point you hit hardmode, it's better to try to make the Onyx Blaster

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Дробовик Shotgun


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Дробовик — это огнестрельное оружие, выстреливающее по четыре пули за раз с большим разбросом. Каждый выстрел расходует одну пулю, также как и у заводной штурмовой винтовки. Дробовик можно купить у оружейника после победы над стеной плоти. Также есть шанс найти его в сундуках в Заметки [ ]

Тимур Агафонов

Тимур Агафонов

В засели его в кладбище и купи
В 1.4.1 нету четырехстволки

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Тимур Агафонов

Тимур Агафонов

Потому что она стала шестистволкой и покупается при тех же условиях, но после скелетрона

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Мичуринский Чел

Тимур, называется вроде четырехстволка

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Если так то ошибка перевода,а если и в англ версии так то разработчики накурились

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Мичуринский Чел

Тимур, и в англ версии так)

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Но вроде там название что-то наподобии бочки

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Мичуринский Чел

Тимур, Quad-barrel shotgun. Четырёхствольный дробовик.

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Владик Конев

Тимур, извините у кого и где в каком режиме можно его достать, в вики нету

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Тимур Агафонов

Тимур Агафонов ответил Владику

У оружейника на кладбище в мвт всегда можно купить, а в 1.4.1 только после скелетрона(желательно в пустыне поселить с медсестрой,скмдка будет 25%)

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