Poe sirus гайд

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Посоветуйте билд, чтоб можно было танковать луч 3 стадии сириуса.
не могу я его убить в 3 стадии, фпс низкий мб из за этого.
желательно не сильно дорогой.

Последняя редакция: cardonnn. Время: 6 окт. 2020 г., 17:57:27

Last bumped on 7 окт. 2020 г., 17:31:04


Посоветуйте билд, чтоб можно было танковать луч 3 стадии сириуса.
не могу я его убить в 3 стадии, фпс низкий мб из за этого.
желательно не сильно дорогой.

Дед сумонер, некр сумонер, димахер кинжал аракали, джагернаут кинжал аракали


Ты чего ругаешься?

That is not my fault!


Спонсор Страж крови

Бери любой билд Нефентуса, у него они все ИМБА и не контрятся. собираются за сущие копейки!
Не прогадаешь!


Ты опоздал с запросом. В Делириум надо было играть.

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Спонсор Мастер колдовского клинка

Спонсор Эмпирея

Спонсор Орлиного гнезда

Спонсор Мастер Гробовщик

Спонсор Горна ужаса

Спонсор Лич Бездны

Спонсор Верховного совета

Спонсор Ловец душ

Спонсор Разлома

Посоветуйте билд, чтоб можно было танковать луч 3 стадии сириуса.
не могу я его убить в 3 стадии, фпс низкий мб из за этого.
желательно не сильно дорогой.

Дед сумонер, некр сумонер, димахер кинжал аракали, джагернаут кинжал аракали

можно видео с фейстанком?

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Сирус, Пробудитель миров

Сирус, пробудитель миров является главным антагонистом дополнения Завоеватели атласа. Он представляет из себя последнего босса дополненияАтлас Миров, и лидера остальных завоевателей: Аль-Хезмин, Охотник, Баран, Крестоносец, Дрокс, Вождь и Веритания, Избавительница.


Нет… Сирус всё ещё жив? Боги, я считала его мёртвым! Когда мы запечатали Древнего, на него пришёлся основной выброс энергии. Как он выжил?

Сирус командовал отрядом изгнанников, который я набрала. Я заметила его ум, решительность и воинское мастерство ещё до того, как мы вместе отправились в Атлас. Мы… сблизились. Я была потрясена его исчезновением вместе с Древним. Сперва я решила, что другие изгнанники тоже бросились его искать, но… возможно, они знали, что он остался жив.

У меня страшное предчувствие. Возможно, Сирус как-то связан с безумием остальных изгнанников. Или стал таким же сумасшедшим, как они. Мы должны найти и остановить его. Если прочие пытаются выбраться наружу, он тоже будет пробовать сбежать.

Способности [ ]

Арена Сируса содержит множество огромных Deatomization Storms, которые наносят огромный постепенный физический урон всему, что их касается. Вокруг Сируса находится большое анимированное кольцо, которое указывает на зону безопасности, которая выталкивает штормы.

  • Обычная атака - Стреляет дальнобойным лучом вперед. Он имеет задержку и от него можно уклониться.
  • Взрыв коридоров - Создает непроходимые стены в коридоре для игрока с его местоположения, а затем стреляет медленно движущимися снарядами в игрока, по одному за раз. Сируса можно прервать, пройдя через него.
  • Метеоритный лабиринт - Создает кольцевой лабиринт, который ловит игрока в его центре. Игрок должен выбежать из всех колец, прежде чем Сирус разрушит лабиринт, нанеся урон игроку. Каждая фаза увеличивает количество стен (до трёх включительно), а также время, отведенное игроку на выход из лабиринта. Каждый слой имеет выход, расположенный в произвольном месте в круге, обозначенном анимированными вспышками.
    • Самая разрушительная одиночная способность в схватке
    • собирает всех игроков в зоне к центру лабиринта
    • often freezes and chills the player due to its high cold damage
    • "Feel the thrill of THE VOID!"
    • "You will long for NONEXISTANCE."
    • "Meaning is-" Second-long pause "-AN ILLUSION."
    • the player's camera will zoom out to grant a greater field of view when the storm is about to be placed

    Сирус также будет иметь свою проекцию, атакующую игрока время от времени (за исключением его последней фазы).

    • Сходящиеся лучи - Стреляет двумя лучами в стороны, которые сходятся к центру. Это создает огромный взрыв в центре, если вы не находитесь в зоне безопасности.
    • Метеоритный удар - Запускает четыре метеора, которые приземляются и наносят урон по области после задержки. Земля вспыхнет прежде, чем они приземлятся. Запускает гораздо больше метеоров, если вы не находитесь в зоне безопасности.
    • Метеоритный гейзер - Создает несколько гейзеров, которые наносят постепенный урон. Создает гораздо больше гейзеров, если вы не находитесь в зоне безопасности.

    Уникальные предметы с босса [ ]

    Please consider helping keep the wiki up to date. Check the to-do list of updates needed for version 3.14.0.

    Game data exports will becoming later as the technical changes in addition to regular changes take some more time.


    Sirus, Awakener of Worlds

    Sirus, Awakener of Worlds is the main antagonist of the Conquerors of the Atlas expansion. He acts as the final boss of the Atlas of Worlds, and the leader of the other conquerors: Al-Hezmin, the Hunter, Baran, the Crusader, Drox, the Warlord and Veritania, the Redeemer.

    Sirus was the leader of the Elderslayers, and according to the game lore, disappeared along with The Elder after defeating him, much to the dismay of Zana, who grew attached to him during their time together. Once a hero, Sirus turned mad after defeating the Elder and then destroyed Oriath, forcing the player to eventually fight and defeat him. After defeating Sirus for the first time, the town of Oriath can no longer be accessed and is instead replaced with Karui Shores.

    Unlike bosses like The Elder and The Shaper, a Sirus fight cannot be spawned using Map fragments. Instead players must chase the conquerors across the Atlas and defeat each conqueror many times before they are able to locate Sirus within the Atlas and spawn a Sirus fight. The portal to the Sirus arena is opened by Zana.

    Sirus has various exclusive and high-value drops such as the Awakener's Orb Awakener's Orb Stack Size: 10 Destroys an item, applying its influence to another of the same item class
    The second item is reforged as a rare item with both influence types and new modifiers Right click this item, then left click the item you wish to take the influence from, then left click an item of the same item class you wish to apply it to.
    Shift click to unstack. used for end-game crafting, and the Hands of the High Templar Hands of the High Templar
    Crusader Gloves Quality: +20%
    Armour: (326-387)
    Energy Shield: (64-76) Requires Level 66, 51 Str, 51 Int Can be modified while Corrupted
    Can have up to 5 Implicit Modifiers while Item has this Modifier
    (150-200)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
    (7-12)% increased maximum Life
    +(20-30)% to Fire and Lightning Resistances The laws of the faith do not apply to its leader. , a versatile set of gloves that can have multiple powerful implicit mods.

    Sirus is considered one of the toughest bosses in Path of Exile, as he deals massive amounts of damage of every type, including large amounts of Chaos damage. In order to defeat Sirus, players require decent amounts of life regeneration and at least 1 million DPS (damage per second). Many of the Sirus attacks are complex mechanics that must be dealt with and players cannot simply facetank Sirus, unlike many of the other bosses in the game.

    The difficulty of a Sirus fight changes based on the player's current Atlas Awakening Level, and is colloquially known as A0 Sirus through A9 Sirus. If players wish to fight an easier Sirus battle, albiet with lower-tier drops, they may unsocket all watchstones from the Atlas, returning their Awakening Level to 0, and then open a portal to the Sirus arena.



    The following is recommended:

    • At least 1 million damage per second (rolling over your main attack ability should show 100K+, because Path of Exile in-game tooltip cannot display DPS properly)
    • Capped elemental resistances (fire, cold and lightning resistance at 75%)
    • At least 0% Chaos resistance (not required but recommended)
    • Any Jewel with the implicit mod: Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you
    • At least 5,000 Effective hit points (Life pool)
    • At least 20% block or evade chance, or Mana before Life defenses

    The following is optional:

    • Atziri's Promise Atziri's Promise
      Amethyst Flask Lasts 4.50 Seconds
      Consumes 35 of 65 Charges on use
      +35% to Chaos Resistance Requires Level 68 2% of Chaos Damage Leeched as Life during Flask effect
      Gain (15-20)% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage during effect
      Gain (10-15)% of Elemental Damage as Extra Chaos Damage during effect "Death needs not your understanding. It needs only your loyalty."
      - Atziri, Queen of the Vaal Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters. improves your Chaos resistance by 35% and provides a damage boost as well.
    • Blood of the Karui Blood of the Karui
      Sanctified Life Flask Recovers 2920 Life over (2.86-2.50) seconds
      Consumes 15 of 30 Charges on use Requires Level 50 100% increased Life Recovered
      (5-20)% increased Recovery rate
      Recover Full Life at the end of the Flask Effect "Kaom fought and killed for his people.
      Kaom bled for his people.
      And so the people gave, the people bled,
      So their King might go on."
      - Lavianga, Advisor to Kaom Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters. has the highest life point restoration of any Life Flask (some players take 5 of these)
    • Rumi's Concoction Rumi's Concoction
      Granite Flask Lasts 4.00 Seconds
      Consumes 30 of 60 Charges on use
      +1500 to Armour Requires Level 68 +(14-20)% Chance to BlockAttack Damage during Flask effect
      +(6-10)% Chance to BlockSpell Damage during Flask effect "Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world.
      Today I am wise, so I am changing myself."
      -Rumi of the Vaal Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters. can increase your defensive ability if you keep dying (spellcaster and ranger builds only)
    • Lion's Roar Lion's Roar
      Granite Flask Lasts 4.00 Seconds
      Consumes 30 of 60 Charges on use
      +1500 to Armour Requires Level 27 Adds Knockback to Melee Attacks during Flask effect
      Knocks Back Enemies in an Area when you use a Flask
      75% chance to cause Enemies to Flee on use
      (7-10)% more Melee Physical Damage during effect A sprinkle of hunger, a spoonful of menace
      and three generous cups of Might. Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters. can increase your defensive ability if you keep dying (melee builds only)


    Tip: Sirus is highlighted in a green circle, and green arrows indicate the direction in which you have to run. Yellow lines indicate impassable walls.

    • Sirus's arena contains multiple huge Deatomization Storms, which deal massive damage and damage over time to anything touching them.
    • Around Sirus is a large animated ring which indicates a safety zone / arena zone which pushes out the storms.
    • If players touch the Storm, it will deal:
      • Deals 2102 to 3154 Damage (50% Physical, 25% Fire, 25% Chaos)
      • Deals 1095 Base Fire Damage per second
      • Deals 1095 Base Chaos Damage per second
      • Sirus will also spawn a Storm every time he reaches 75%, 50%, or 25% health; or if the player is outside of the safety zone for too long.
        • Sirus retreats to his throne, but the throne phase will end if the player comes into close proximity with Sirus after the Deatomization Storm is created.
        • This takes a number of seconds during which time, a pulsating knockback encourages the player to move away from the new Deatomization Storm.
        • Sirus fires a beam forward. It has a delay and can be sidestepped.
        • If not avoided, the beam will deal:
          • Deals 2628 to 3942 Damage (40% Physical, 30% Fire, 30% Lightning)
          • Sirus fires 3 beams that deal a huge amount of damage which can one-shot most builds.
          • The only way to avoid this is to listen for the dialogue and move away from the current position to avoid it, or, to maintain constant movement and mobility in the arena.
          • Before casting this, Sirus says "DIE!" .
          • If players have not moved from their original location, EACH beam fired by Sirus will deal ONE of the following types of damage:

          • Deals 1526 to 2289 Physical Damage
          • Always applies Corrupted Blood if players don't have the jewel
          • Players need a jewel with the implicit mod: Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you

          • Sirus creates impassable walls in a corridor to the player from his location and then fires slow moving projectiles at the player, one at a time.
          • Sirus can be interrupted by moving towards and through him, in the direction of the green arrow.
          • Each projectile will:
            • Deal 2628 to 3942 Damage (25% Physical, 25% Fire, 25% Lightning, 25% Chaos)
            • Sirus creates a ring maze that traps the player in its center.
            • Sirus summons all players in the zone to the centre of the maze.
            • The player must escape from each layer before Sirus collapses the maze, damaging the player.
            • Each phase increments the number of walls up to three, and the time given for the player to exit the maze.
            • Each layer has an exit placed at a random location in the circle indicated by animated flares.
            • If the players have not exited the maze, Sirus will launch a meteor in the middle of the maze, which will deal:
              • For 2 ring mazes: Deal 16,344 to 24,517 Damage (25% Physical, 25% Fire, 25% Lightning, 25% Chaos)
              • For 3 ring+ mazes: Deal 21,793 to 32,689 Damage (25% Physical, 25% Fire, 25% Lightning, 25% Chaos)
              • Sirus splits into 4 illusions, blasting an area with lasers to spawn a core.
              • The real Sirus will flash blue briefly before firing the beams.
              • The core fires rotating beams that apply Corruption of the Awakener, which stacks, slowing you and increasing damage taken.
              • When the core expires, it leaves behind a small area of degeneration that deals damage over time, negates life leech, reduces maximum resistances, and applies a powerful Shock effect.
              • Sirus will rapidly dash to a location nearby and summon 12 clones in a large circle, hiding among them as an illusion.
              • The location Sirus initially moves to will remain as the location he attacks with Multiclone beam from.
              • He will then fire the Multi Clone Die Beam (see next attack)
              • After summoning his 12 clones, Sirus will then charge up a variant of his extremely damaging "Die Beam", and fire it midway through the voice line he uses during it, as seen below.
                • "Feel the thrill of <fires> THE VOID!"
                • "You will long for <fires> NONEXISTENCE."
                • "Meaning is. <fires> AN ILLUSION."
                • Sirus will fire 3 beams, EACH beam fired will deal:
                  • Always Shocks
                  • Deals 2278 to 3416 Damage (25% Physical, 75% Lightning)
                  • 200% increased Shock Duration on enemies
                  • Sirus says "Rain of stars!"
                  • Sirus launches many meteors that land and deal AoE damage after a delay.
                  • Sirus launches many more meteors if you are not in the safety zone.
                  • The ground will flare up before they land.
                  • If not avoided, each meteor will:
                    • Deal 2102 to 3154 Damage (25% Physical, 25% Fire, 25% Lightning, 25% Chaos)
                    • Sirus says "Be utterly annihilated!" or "Creation itself!"
                    • Sirus fires two beams towards its sides, which converge towards the center.
                    • It creates a huge explosion at the center if you're not in the safety zone.
                    • If players come in contact with the end of the beam, it will deal:
                      • Deals 280.3 to 420.5 Damage (50% Physical, 25% Fire, 25% Chaos)
                      • Deals 194.7 Base Fire Damage per second
                      • Deals 194.7 Base Chaos Damage per second
                      • Sirus says "Fury of the cosmos!" or "You are nothing!" or "Why resist!"
                      • Creates multiple geysers that deal damage over time.
                      • Creates many more geysers if you are not in the safety zone.
                      • If not avoided, each geyser will:
                        • Deal 525.6 to 788.4 Damage (40% Physical, 30% Fire, 30% Lightning)

                        Sirus will also have his projection attack the player occasionally (except in his last phase).

                        Video tutorial


                        Sirus, Awakener of Worlds poster


                        Shared with other Conquerors

                          (items with the Warlord influence) (items with the Crusader influence) (items with the Redeemer influence) (items with the Hunter influence)

                        Awakened support skill gems

                        Sirus, during the battle:

                        A fellow exile? One more fool under Zana's sway. Allow me to destroy you before she has a chance to betray you, too. At least my way will be quick.

                        There is nothing left for me here. For a few brief days, destroying something real may make me feel alive again.

                        You slew my friends. You brought ruin to my worlds. You have invaded my very sanctum. I should be furious, and yet. I feel nothing.

                        You want the Atlas? Take it. It's yours. But Oriath? Oriath I will burn to the ground. Perhaps the suffering of my fellow citizens will finally stir something.

                        Zana, before players defeat Sirus:

                        No. Sirus is still alive? Gods, I thought he was dead! He took the brunt of the energy released when we sealed the Elder. How did he survive?

                        Sirus was the leader of the group of Exiles I recruited. Brilliant and determined, and a force to be reckoned with even before we travelled the Atlas together. We. grew close. I was distraught when he vanished with the Elder. At first i thought the other Exiles were looking for him as I was, but perhaps they knew he was still alive.

                        I have a terrible feeling that Sirus may be tied to the madness of the others. Or perhaps he is just as mad as they are. We need to find and stop him -- if the others are looking for a way out, I'm certain he is too.

                        Zana, after the first time players defeat Sirus:

                        My home. Our home. It's. it's just. gone. After everything it has been through, I still thought Oriath could recover, could become the place I always hoped it would be.

                        Now. Now it's just ash. There's not even enough rubble left for us to scavenge through.

                        Sirus, why did you have to--.

                        *sigh*. I'm sorry, Exile. I should be happy. I should be thanking you for your help. I should be focused on the future. But I don't even know where to begin. Oriath, and the people who were in it, are scattered to the wind. We'll just. keep going, I suppose. What else can we do? Perhaps we can settle here. Stay in one place for a change.

                        But at least you're done now, right, Exile? You'll leave the Atlas alone. right?

                        Number of tries (A8): 104

                        Helmet: 52

                        Gloves: 36

                        Sword: 4

                        Crimson Jewel: 11

                        Good Watchstone (stones worth more than 20c): 23

                        Bad Watchstone: 16

                        1ex + Gem: 7

                        Bad gem: 14

                        Awakener orb: 21

                        Good gems:

                        Curse on hit: 8.5 ex

                        Curse on hit: 8.5 ex

                        Controlled destruction: 9.5 ex

                        multiple proj: 15 ex

                        area of effect: 1.5 ex

                        added cold: 2.5 ex

                        Generosity: 1 ex

                        All in all, I feel like I might have gotten a bit unlucky (feels like gem/awaken orb might be 1/3), except with the swords which probably was above average.

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