Pillars of eternity гайд алот

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

25 апр. 2015 в 10:32 Aloth quest resolution? ::spoilers::

You have 3 options when advising Aloth about what to do about the angry scottish woman inside him:

1. don't let her take control even if she is trying to defend you
2. make some space for her because she is trying to help
3. she is trying to help but it is not yet clear whether this is a net positive or negative

When the quest resolve your choice is included in the completion text so I am thinking this will have some affect on Aloth's ending. I was wondering what each choice does to his eventual fate. Anyone know?

25 апр. 2015 в 14:01

It doesn't as far as I am aware, but then again I have never NOT taken him to Sun and Shadow, so it might change if you don't.

Basically there's another choice when you get to the final dungeon, if you have him along there will be pretty much two different choices that effect his ending.

25 апр. 2015 в 15:01

They say in the strat guide (I only saw the first conlusion myself) :

1/if you convince him the girl is a part of him, and he should work with her, he works against the Leaden Key, destroying what's left of it.
2/if you convince him of the opposite, and tell him that authority is good, he take the role of grandmaster of the Leaden Key, and try to change this organnization into something good
3/if you banish him when he admit he was part of the Leaden Key, he commit suicide.

No matter your choices, it seems you have an opportunity after speaking with the almost last NPC before the boss (the prisoner), and confirm your choice. Basically I had to choose between outcome 1 and 2.

Iselmyr [ ]

Leaden Key [ ]

Pillars of Eternity [ ]

Aloth doesn't initially disclose his ties to the Leaden Key. However, the Watcher opens his eyes to their true nature and their activates related to Waidwen's Legacy. He reveals his relationship to the group after the Animancy hearings. At which point, the Watcher can decide to either forgive Aloth for his secrecy or banish him. This choice affects his ending. If the latter is chosen, Aloth's story unceremoniously ends; finding himself with nowhere he feels he belongs, he decides in his desperation to head to Eir Glanfath, where he tracks down one of the ancient machines, ending his life by sacrificing his soul to it. Should he remain with the party, the Watcher's influence (see Endings) on Aloth expresses itself in his ending slides.

The Watcher can choose to help Aloth come to terms with his awakening during his personal quest Two-Sided and later influence his choice to either accept or suppress Iselmyr (see Iselmyr Resolution).

5 Year Interlude [ ]

The choice he made at Sun-in-Shadow defined his life over half a decade. Aloth visited Aedyr for the first time in years, visiting either his father (if he favored authority) or his mother (if he favored autonomy) and comes to terms with their actions.

Aloth focused on his goals with the Leaden Key. His drive to help kith as strong as ever. However, after having followed someone else's lead for so long, the task proved to be more challenging than he thought. As was the case with a little village in Old Vailia, where influence from a past heretical cult had left the village with a practice of ritual bloodletting.

  • If he decided to dismantle the Leaden Key, Aloth thought to end the ritual by assassinating the tyrannical priest who presided over it. So he arranged for the priest to have an 'accident'. The villagers took the death as an ill-omen and began bloodletting every single week, turning on neighbors for giving too little. villagers began to die.
  • If he decided to lead the Leaden Key, Aloth thought to end the ritual by inserting a new ruler. He "adjusted" some of the deeds pertaining to the ownership of the land. However, the comtessa who inherited the land did nothing to stop the blood letting ritual. Even worse, she taxed the villagers to pay for a new plantation and conscripted half of them to defend it.

He decided to track down an ancient and remote Leaden Key sect in the Deadfire Archipelago so he could observe their workings and use that knowledge for his goals. For this purpose he created the persona of Engferth, a talented pupil with a tragic past, to ingratiate himself with the Vailian animancers at Port Maje. Since animancy is a subject of interest to the Leaden Key, he figured this would lead him to the sect.

Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire [ ]

The Watcher meets Aloth at the Engwithan dig site outside Port Maje. Aloth may have earned a few new scars, but he's no worse for the wear. He asks the Watcher to help him find the ancient Leaden Key sect known only as "The Painted Masks".

Aloth reveals he struggles with feeling responsible for the incident in Old Valia. After investigating the mysterious sect, the Watcher either convinces Aloth that he isn't responsible (allowing him to continue is work) or that he is responsible (causing him to drop his pursuits). (See Deadfire Endings)

Interactions [ ]

Pillars of Eternity [ ]

Companion [ ]

Companion quest [ ]

  • Aloth's companion quest is Two-Sided which can be obtained by speaking to him after completing Never Far from the Queen. Aloth will also open up about his involvement with the Leaden Key after the Animancy hearings.

Iselmyr resolution [ ]

Although not a factor in Aloth's ending slides, the player can guide Aloth to either accept or suppress Iselmyr. If Iselmyr's favor is 1 or above, Aloth will accept her. If her favor is 0 or negative, Aloth will suppress her.

  • The first dialog that affects this choice happens after completing Never Far from the Queen when Aloth first speaks about Iselmyr.
    • "She seems reckless." → -1 Favor
    • "Sounds like you could take a few cues from her." → +1 Favor
    • "You can't let her make these decisions for you." → -1 Favor
    • "I think she's trying to help you stand up for yourself." → +1 Favor
    • "I can't imagine having her in my head." → -1 Favor
    • "She's not that bad" → +1 Favor

    Endings [ ]

    Aloth's endings change depending on which trait is higher, Autonomy or Authority. There are several conversations where the player can influence these traits:

    • During Two-Sided.
    • Speaking with Aloth after completing Two-Sided will provide additional dialog about Iselmyr and his parents:
      • "Not necessarily. Most people have more sense than that." → +1 Autonomy
      • "That's true. People are too easily led." → +1 Authority
      • "She shouldn't have abandoned you like that." → +1 Autonomy
      • "I'm sure she was trying to take care of you in her own way." → +1 Authority
      • "Nonsense. You accomplished that on your own, and you would have been fine without him pushing you." → +1 Autonomy
      • "It's hard to see it at the time, but sometimes pressure is useful." → +1 Authority
      • "Like it or not, she's part of you. And she could be a source of strength if you learn to work with her." → +1 Autonomy
      • "Your whole life, you've been taking orders. If you can't assert your authority over her, you'll never have it anywhere else." → +1 Authority
      • "That's how it's supposed to be. You search for answers elsewhere and find them in yourself." OR "I've been with you the whole way. I still am." → +1 Autonomy
      • "Most people need that kind of guidance. You don't." OR "You haven't been on your own. I got you through Brackenbury, remember?" → +1 Authority
      • "I'm sure we'd find our way on our own." → +1 Autonomy
      • "Let's just hope that's not the case." → +1 Authority
      • "Thaos is wrong. Most people are fundamentally decent. Knowing the truth can only make them better." → +1 Autonomy
      • "It's an outrage! There's no excuse for misleading people like this." → +1 Autonomy
      • "People need something to believe in. " → +1 Authority

      Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire [ ]

      Companion [ ]

      • Aloth is found at the Engwithan Digsite, posing as Engferth among the animancers. He will rejoin you quite promptly, though before you embark on a dungeon crawl, you can listen to the glowing recommendation he received from Selona and the backstory he crafted for himself in order to ingratiate himself with the animancers.
      • If you do not recruit him at the digsite, he will be found in front of Governor Clario's Estate in Port Maje Harbor.
      • If you do not recruit him at all, he will make his way to Ori o Koīki, but will be killed by the Wahaki tribe.
      • He comes with the unique Keybreaker Scepter or Thaos' Headdress (depending on whether he rejected Thaos or took his place respectively) and his old leather armor, which now has a blue Aedyr sash.
      • The class options available to Aloth are wizard, battlemage (wizard + fighter), or spellblade (wizard + rogue).

      Reputation [ ]

        Aloth likes:
          Autonomy: Believes kith should have the freedom to determine their own futures and appreciates efforts that support this principle (if he decided to dismantle the Leaden Key in Pillars of Eternity). Stewardship: Believes in benevolent authoritarianism (mutually exclusive with Autonomy). Dutiful: Admires people who take responsibility and don't shirk the tasks presented to them.
          Irresponsibility: Finds it distasteful when others do not take their duties seriously or attempt to evade their rightful responsibilities. Pride: Is put off by people who proclaim their own merits in defiance of all decorum and decency. Traditional: Is wary of traditionalism for its own sake and distrusts those who adhere rigidly to old habits and rituals.

        Relationships [ ]

          and Maia's dutiful approaches results in a natural increased reputation for Aloth. 's carefree attitude and hubris greatly vex Aloth.
        • If Aloth became Grandmaster of the Leaden Key it causes some negative reputation with Edér.
        • The Watcher can romance Aloth if your reputation is 2 and you pass a dialogue check (give Aloth his space).

        Deadfire endings [ ]

        Aloth's endings change depending if he feels responsible for the consequences of his actions or absolved. The endings are decided in one of two ways:

        Алот Корвайзер (ориг. Aloth Corfiser) — лесной эльф, спутник в игре Pillars of Eternity .


        Биография [ ]

        Алот родился в Цитвуде, части основной территории Аэдирской империи. Его родители служили вельможами, что позволило ему получить образование. Но работы, которая бы требовала его знаний там не было и поэтому он отправился в путешествие. По словам самого эльфа, он «привык держать свои мысли при себе».

        Впервые Хранитель встретит Алота в Позолоченной Долине у трактира « Чёрная гончая ». У трактира будут стоять четверо и, судя по повышенному тону и резкой жестикуляции, станет ясно, что спор достиг своего пика. Герой вмешается в разговор и услышит от обозлённых горожан, что эльф дразнит и оскорбляет их, несмотря на то, что он приезжий. После небольшой словесной перепалки, в зависимости от выбранных реплик, жители либо нападут на Хранителя и Алота, либо, чертыхаясь, уйдут. После непродолжительной беседы Алот либо присоединится к группе героя, либо останется стоять у трактира.

        Позже выяснится, что такое поведение мужчины вызвано тем, что его душа Пробудилась. Его прошлая личность — заносчивая женщина по имени Изельмир. В моменты опасности или стрессовых для Алота ситуаций, Изельмир берёт контроль над эльфом и действует самостоятельно. Во время прохождения квеста « Снаряжение [ ]

        Первоначально Алот одет в кожаный доспех Алота, вооружён скипетром (основное оружие) и рапирой (дополнительное). Слоты для головы и шеи заняты обычным капюшоном и плащом соответственно. В слоте для гримуара находится гримуар Алота.

        Постоянные спутники — это персонажи, которые присоединяются к главному герою и путешествуют с ним, пока не погибнут или не будут исключены из группы. Исключённых из группы спутников можно вновь взять с собой.

        Более подробная информация о спутниках находится в соответствующих статьях.

        Имя Раса Класс Биография Место встречи
        Pillars of Eternity
        Алот Лесной эльф Волшебник Аристократ Позолоченная долина
        Эдер Человек с лугов Боец Фермер Позолоченная долина
        Стоик Человек с лугов Священник Клирик Кана Островной аумауа Певчий Учёный Каэд Нуа
        Сагани Полярный гном Рейнджер Охотник Пернатый богоподобный Паладин Солдат Бухта Непокорности, Дар Ондры
        Орлан Друид Бродяга Скорбящая мать Человек с лугов Сайфер Повитуха Pillars of Eternity: The White March, Part I
        Человек из саванны Монах Философ Дьявол из Карока Улучшенный конструкт Авантюрист Звероловы Pillars of Eternity: The White March, Part II
        Прибрежный аумауа Варвар Бандит Деревня Сталварт

        Временные спутники [ ]

        В отличие от постоянных, временные спутники сопровождают Хранителя лишь некоторое время, ограниченное обычно несколькими квестами.

        1 сен. 2019 в 12:22

        Я играю только на английском, поэтому не знаю как имена, топонимы и названия квестов переведены на русский, поэтому опишу, употребляя английские варианты.

        Без сильных спойлеров:

        В игре основной сюжет делится на несколько актов. Второй акт заканчивается, когда в герцогском дворце вы принимаете участие в слушаниях по Анимантии (Animancy Hearings).

        1) До того как вы примете участие в этих слушаниях вы должны завершить первую стадию квеста вашего сопартийца - мага Алота (Aloth). Его личный квест называется Two-Sided. В определенный момент вы должны посетить вместе с Алотом Психлечебницу (Sanitarium) и выполнить там часть его личного квеста. Если вы не посетите с ним Лечебницу и не просканируете его душу до конца Второго Акта, то квест продолжить будет невозможно.

        2) В городе-столице "Defiance Bay" вы сможете встать на сторону одной из трех фракций-группировок. За каждую фракцию можно выполнить только один первый квест. Как только вы примете второй квест любой из фракций - вы автоматически будете отрезаны от квестов оставшихся двух, поэтому выбирайте тщательнее, какую фракцию поддержать.

        3) Для того, чтобы продвинуть вперед квест священника-сопартийца Durance, нужно не только периодически разговаривать с ним, но и регулярно "отдыхать" (разбивать лагерь) с ним в дикой местности или в подземельях (не в крепости или тавернах).

        В дополнении White March:

        4) В определенный момент у вас будет возможность спасти людей из горящего дома. Это нужно сделать, как только вы с ней столкнетесь - при первом посещении селения Stalwart. Если вы покинете карту, не "войдя" в дом через "текстовое приключение", то эта возможность будет упущена.

        5) В квесте про Волка-Оборотня: если вы решите вылечить оборотня и покинете его пещеру, оставив там охотников, то их съедят. Но если вы перед этим спасете от смерти раненного волка на карте с пещерой, то он заступится за охотников и они выживут. Это оптимальное решение квеста.

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