Как пройти уровень boars and bears в tabs

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Boars And Bears! Totally Accurate Battle Simulator is a wacky physics-based tactics game. Experience accurate warfare through .

. Archers Only, Almost 13:52 18: Boars and Bears 14:47 19: Medium Army 15:40 20: Longships Totally Accurate Battle Simulator .

Totally accurate battle simulator (TABS) The Introduction BOARS AND BEARS walkthrough formation setup. 战斗 解 介绍.

I dont know if this strat is viable, but it has worked the 2 times i tried it, its just 4 ballistas as far back as possible basically, and then .

12 дек. 2020 в 20:54

1 I just got the game and I'm going through the Introduction campaign. I've reached the level "Boars and Bears" and I'm having trouble progressing. The units I'm allowed are Ancient units, so Zeus, minotaurs, hoplites, etc. No combination has gotten me anywhere close to defeating them. The bear-headed units use their ice-magic attack, and it basically kills everyone near them. And they also have a million hp apparently, because Zeus was laying into one of them for an entire assault and couldn't kill even one.
The thing is, I've watched a few youtube videos of people playing this level, and the bear-head guys don't ever use the ice magic attack, so I'm just wondering if it's a new addition, and the level isn't properly balanced at the moment. I've tried every combo I can think of, from spacing my guys out in waves so they aren't all taken out at once, to janky combos like just using three minotaurs.
It's also possible I'm just missing something.
Any ideas or info would be greatly appreciated. 12 дек. 2020 в 21:02 Chances are campaign levels with Jarls (the bear headed guys with the ice magic and axes) are not possible to near impossible without cheesing them now. The Jarls recieved a massive buff and campaign levels haven’t been adjusted for this. I recommend making an op low cost unit in the unit creator and enabling all units for campaign levels in the options for this one. Hi! It’s possible this is happening due to some balance changes - we will look into it. 12 дек. 2020 в 23:37

I was able to eventually beat that stage after another couple dozen attempts. Two ballista as far away as possible, and a bunch of hoplites spaced out so the Ice Arena didn't kill too many at a time (plus a few attempts using the combination to get the lucky shots).

I would say the Jarls are a bit OP. I went into the sandbox, and they can regularly go 1 v 2 against minotaurs. Had to go to 1 v 3 before the minotaurs stood a chance. Although he was no match for a Reaper, so it may partly be due to the type of units you have access to and what they're good against.

In the context of the campaign, it's a major jump in difficulty from the previous levels, but a boost in the points you have to spend may be all you need to level it out.

Regardless, enjoying the game so far, it was just a bit jarring to run into a wall like that.

13 дек. 2020 в 9:04 15 дек. 2020 в 7:07 Thanks SeraphSword, this tactic worked after a few tries. nothing else got close to even downing one of the bears.
11 янв в 3:34 The two Ballista and and spaced out hoplites and/or Sarissa did work after many attempts.
But it really just came down to luck as to what the Ballista hit. 11 янв в 22:50 just enable the "allow all units for campaign" thing in the options I just won the match by placing 3 catapults in the left map edge, one minotaurus in the top right and rest Sarissa in bottom 17 янв в 14:04 I just made a sniper unit to pick off the Jarls one at a time. (And even that didn't work occasionally!) 17 янв в 14:26 17 янв в 14:29

I was able to eventually beat that stage after another couple dozen attempts. Two ballista as far away as possible, and a bunch of hoplites spaced out so the Ice Arena didn't kill too many at a time (plus a few attempts using the combination to get the lucky shots).

I would say the Jarls are a bit OP. I went into the sandbox, and they can regularly go 1 v 2 against minotaurs. Had to go to 1 v 3 before the minotaurs stood a chance. Although he was no match for a Reaper, so it may partly be due to the type of units you have access to and what they're good against.

In the context of the campaign, it's a major jump in difficulty from the previous levels, but a boost in the points you have to spend may be all you need to level it out.

Regardless, enjoying the game so far, it was just a bit jarring to run into a wall like that.

So maybe someone can enlighten me, but it seems it seems the most recent patch giving the Jarls ice arena has made the Boars and Bears level literally impossible now. Anyone know whats going on or if I am just missing something?

I just tested it out and beat it first try. I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about it recently so it’s possible they changed it to make it fair again. Either way, I had 4800 to spend and used two ballista, six snake archers and all the rest was sarrissas. All placed near the back.

(I only took control of a unit one time when I made sure a ballista actually hit its target for once)

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