Где купить dolphin в elite dangerous

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

The Dolphin is a small passenger ship capable of transporting luxury guests, at fast speeds. It has two small weapon amounts on the underside - which are suited for defence purposes only. The 30ly range isnt bad and makes long range mission some-what easier to do than the Orca. For trading the ship offers up-to 84 units, which isnt bad. You will require Horizons to be able to buy this ship.

Hull strength

Shield strength

Power use
(max )

Total mass

(range )

Rebuy cost

Build cost
(ship cost 1,290,861)

Economy -
Business -
First -
Luxury -
Weapon damage
Thermal -
Kinetic -
Explosive -
Current -
Max -
Total -
Fuel / Max jump -
Max jumps -


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Like Saud Kruger's other passenger vessels, the Dolphin can accommodate a luxury-tier passenger cabin, allowing it to transport passengers in comfort. And despite costing significantly less than its sister ships, the Beluga Liner and the Orca, the Dolphin boasts the same sleek lines and refined aesthetic.

— In-Game Description

The Dolphin is a ship manufactured by Saud Kruger. It is the latest in that company's line of luxury passenger ships, which are known throughout the galaxy as some of the finest vessels travelling the space lanes. A small vessel with a low asking price aimed at pilots seeking to start a career in passenger transportation, the Dolphin also boasts the ability to equip luxury suite cabins exclusive to the Saud Kruger brand. Furthermore, with its above-average jump range and a sleek design, the Dolphin has carved out a distinct role for itself not only in the field of space tourism, but in exploration as well.



The Dolphin is one of the three Saud Kruger line of ships, along with the Orca and Beluga Liner. It can be considered the passenger equivalent to the Type-6. Like its sisters, it is capable of carrying Luxury Cabins and has a focus on Passenger Missions, however it is somewhat viable in other roles as well.

The Dolphin has 84T of cargo space available for trading. Considering it has a similar price tag to the Type-6 and similar combat ability this makes the Dolphin a rather poor trading vessel; however, its higher jump range makes it a good Rare Goods trader or for long range transport.

In Combat, the Dolphin is just as bad as the Type-6 and suffers from many of the same downsides with its Sidewinder grade offenses and mediocre shields and armour. However, it has better mobility and better hardpoint placement, allowing it to be much more nimble as well as making it easier to keep Fixed Hardpoints on target.

As an Explorer, the Dolphin is a suitable low-budget option. It has a potential jump range of 35 ly before engineering, higher than that of the standard Type-6 and just slightly short of the more expensive Asp Explorer. Its main weakness with regard to exploration is its low number of internal compartments, which leaves less room for staple exploration modules such as a Fuel Scoop, Guardian Frame Shift Drive Booster, Auto Field-Maintenance Unit, and Planetary Vehicle Hangar. Pilots who wish to embark on long-term expeditions may want to consider upgrading to a more spacious vessel.

Passenger missions are its focus and it does them more effectively than most other ships. It has one slot for a Luxury Passenger Cabin and plenty of space for more passengers alongside. With its very high jump range this makes it great at doing long-range passenger missions, including those looking to go thousands of light-years. It is not as good for bulk missions as it has low compartment space.

Overall, the Dolphin is a stylish exploration ship, the most efficient choice for transporting luxury VIP passengers, and a reasonable alternative to the trade focused Type-6 Transporter, but any combat activities should be avoided.

Dolphin hardpoint convergence

The cockpit is located at the front of the ship, and like other Saud Kruger ships, it features a tinted canopy that obscures the interior. The two small hardpoints are directly below the cockpit, on the underside of the ship.

Purchase Locations

System Station Date Seen Discount
Shinrarta Dezhra Jameson Memorial Always available 10% discount
Brestla i Sola Prospect Always available 20% surcharge
BD+49 1280 Archimedes City Jan. 6, 2019 15% discount
Lalande 4268 Lowry Ring Jan. 6, 2019 15% discount
Lembava Goldstein Port Jan. 6, 2019 15% discount
Ix Scully-Power Station Jan. 6, 2019 15% discount
Asellus Primus Beagle 2 Landing Mar. 1, 2019
EQ Pegasi Merbold Ring Jan. 6, 2019
Cemiess Meech Dock Jan. 6, 2019
Liu Di Sudworth Orbital Jan. 6, 2019
Mizar Judson Station Jan. 6, 2019
LHS 2651 Kennan Dock Jan. 6, 2019
Eta Serpentis Carver Station Jun. 2, 2019
Aulin Aulin Enterprise Jan. 6, 2019
Kokojina Ali Ring May 24, 2021


Main article: Outfitting

All ships are highly customisable through the Outfitting menu of Station Services. Listed below is the default load-out for the Dolphin.

16 сен. 2018 в 17:56 Where can you find a dolphin? So I've been looking for the past 4 hours on any source I can find, including the Elite Dangerous Wiki, ebbd, and past forum posts, for any station that has the dolphin, and every station they said had the dolphin actually didn't have the dolphin. Anyone know where I can find this ship? (besides at the founder's planet)

The Dolphin requires Horizons. If you don't have that DLC, you won't see the Dolphin for sale.

The Orca is the only passenger-specialized ship in the base game.

16 сен. 2018 в 18:00

The Dolphin requires Horizons. If you don't have that DLC, you won't see the Dolphin for sale.

The Orca is the only passenger-specialized ship in the base game.

16 сен. 2018 в 18:05 16 сен. 2018 в 20:22

That's one sexy ship *nerdgasm*

Mechanical led you down the right path, the EDDB is an invaluable resource. Learn it, use it, love it. I always keep it open in the background and alt+tab to it when needed. So much better than the galaxy map in so many different ways.

16 сен. 2018 в 20:37 That's one sexy ship *nerdgasm*

I very much agree. :)

It's a great early game ship, that doesn't cost an arm and a leg (you only give up on legs), can fly, and can jump, too!

16 сен. 2018 в 20:41 That's one sexy ship *nerdgasm*

I very much agree. :)

It's a great early game ship, that doesn't cost an arm and a leg (you only give up on legs), can fly, and can jump, too!
im disappointed in you. you could have said "here i am"

16 сен. 2018 в 20:44 In the Ocean 16 сен. 2018 в 21:40

The dolphin's a decent enough passenger/trader/explorer. Type 6 is probably slightly better price wise and they're comparable. Type 6 has more optional slots and a larger cargo bay. It has a decent unladen jump range of about 30LYs max with a ranked FSD and you can devote a class 5 to the best FSD booster for a 10LY jump increase.

Dolphin lets you equip luxury cabins for those lucrative passaneger missions, has a slightly higher unmodified jump range. and functions as a cheap starting explorer too if you wanted to do that, though it's internal compartments are lacking. Forcing you to use it's only class 5 for a cargo rack, hull/module reinforcement. or passenger cabin which denies you the highest grade FSD booster.

Type 6 is probably the better all around pick, even for passenger missions that don't require a luxury cabin, but that's just my opinion. the Dolphin's only slightly more expensive, but is a DLC ship. Both are good at what they do, I just prefer versatility.

Отредактировано Felony Ferret; 16 сен. 2018 в 21:44 16 сен. 2018 в 22:47 I very much agree. :)
im disappointed in you. you could have said "here i am" I wanted to wave, but it seems the OP doesn't have Horizons. So. :)
17 сен. 2018 в 1:22
im disappointed in you. you could have said "here i am" I wanted to wave, but it seems the OP doesn't have Horizons. So. :) So we're still disappointed in your ;-P 17 сен. 2018 в 2:06 I wanted to wave, but it seems the OP doesn't have Horizons. So. :) So we're still disappointed in your ;-P To all those with the Horizons:

You can find me and my bigger sisters at HR 1257 (Jacobi Platform), at a 15% discount. Use the discount code: "Dolphins are froody". :)

Отредактировано Dolphin Bottlenose; 17 сен. 2018 в 2:19 17 сен. 2018 в 2:23 So we're still disappointed in your ;-P To all those with the Horizons:

You can find me and my bigger sisters at HR 1257 (Jacobi Platform), at a 15% discount. Use the discount code: "Dolphins are froody". :) You and your sisters are husselers, eh. I see you trying to pass a Li Yong-Rui discount off as one of your own lol.

17 сен. 2018 в 2:28 You and your sisters are husselers, eh. But we are the top 1% of all passenger liners out there! :)
18 сен. 2018 в 16:22

Thanks for all of the responses, didn't even realize that you needed horizons to get the dolphin.

The dolphin's a decent enough passenger/trader/explorer. Type 6 is probably slightly better price wise and they're comparable. Type 6 has more optional slots and a larger cargo bay. It has a decent unladen jump range of about 30LYs max with a ranked FSD and you can devote a class 5 to the best FSD booster for a 10LY jump increase.

Dolphin lets you equip luxury cabins for those lucrative passaneger missions, has a slightly higher unmodified jump range. and functions as a cheap starting explorer too if you wanted to do that, though it's internal compartments are lacking. Forcing you to use it's only class 5 for a cargo rack, hull/module reinforcement. or passenger cabin which denies you the highest grade FSD booster.

Type 6 is probably the better all around pick, even for passenger missions that don't require a luxury cabin, but that's just my opinion. the Dolphin's only slightly more expensive, but is a DLC ship. Both are good at what they do, I just prefer versatility.

On this page you can do a search for places to buy the Dolphin.

Allegiance colours: Federation , Independent , Empire

Buy within ly of Outposts, Stations, Planetary bases, Megaships. Please wait.

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