Better survival гайд

Обновлено: 17.05.2024

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Если вы новый игрок XERA: Survival, это базовое руководство по выживанию в пятом сезоне, которое поможет вам повысить шансы на выживание, давайте взглянем на него.

Как выжить в XERA: Survival (5 сезон)


На карте есть обычные города, военные базы и зоны событий. Карта очень большая, поэтому найти машину необходимо на всех этапах игры. В начале игры обязательно найти хорошее место для строительства, вам нужен хороший город с как минимум двумя точками появления автомобилей, быть рядом с поселением и быть рядом с хорошим событием, таким как сложное событие или авария. сайт вертолет.


Существует 3 типа XOID: нормальный XOID (красный), Stalker XOID (синий) и тяжелый XOID (зеленый).

Синие XOID или «сталкеры» - это улучшенная версия красных, они так же быстры, как и вы. Вы не можете оглушить их, вы не можете сбить их с машины, у них примерно вдвое больше здоровья, чем у обычного XOID, и они наносят 16-20 урона за удар, вам нужно быть осторожным с ними и избегать использования против них рукопашного боя. .

Зеленый или «тяжелый» XOID самый сложный из всех, у него примерно в 10 раз больше здоровья или нормальный XOID и броня, защищающая его тело, он намного быстрее, чем вы, поэтому вы не можете оставить его позади, и он наносит сумасшедший урон 30 до 40. за кач.

Как бороться с XOID

Когда дело доходит до уничтожения XOID, необходимо иметь машину, когда вы за рулем, вы можете запускать красные XOID, когда вы превышаете 30 км, а когда вам нужно убить синий и зеленый XOID, вы можете встать внутри машины и прыгать, чтобы стрелять в них без него! может атаковать вас!


Есть 2 типа транспортных средств: квадроцикл на 1 человека и багги на 3 человека. Транспортные средства появляются в разных частях карты, и важно построить свою базу как минимум рядом с двумя точками появления автомобилей.

Другие гиды XERA: Survival - Руководство по обработке металлолома и гвоздей

Вот карта сборки автомобилей для 5 сезона (не моя)
красный = багги
желтый = квадроцикл

Составное событие

В сложном событии вам нужно будет убить 30 XOID (роботов), будет около 25 обычных XOID (красный), 4 XOID-сталкера (синий) и 1 тяжелый XOID (зеленый). Чтобы быть подходящим, вам понадобится машина, лом (для ремонта машины), достаточно бензина, около 120 патронов и около 40 хилов, стоящих здоровья.

Когда наступит событие, вам нужно будет остановить машину перед комплексом, выйти из машины и бежать, собирая как можно больше XOID, как только у вас будет больше 5 на спине, вернитесь к машине (когда вы в машине, XOID, они не могут вам навредить) и просто наезжайте, когда зеленый или синий XOID появляется после того, как вы просто стоите внутри машины и прыгаете, чтобы стрелять, пока они не могут причинить вам вред. Как только комплекс будет готов, вы сможете добыть тонны военных творений и 3 аэродрома!

Крушение вертолета

Вертолет будет разбиваться каждые полтора часа или около того и сбрасывать добычу высокого уровня, у него будет 1 зеленый робот, охраняющий добычу, поэтому не забудьте взять с собой машину и немного боеприпасов и приготовиться к бою!


Эти события немного бессмысленны, они дадут вам около 400 долларов и немного опыта, а также создадут раздачу в случайном месте на карте.

Капли воздуха

Воздушные капли будут приземляться каждый раз, когда кто-то фиксирует радиовышку в случайном месте на карте, она будет содержать броню, лечение, оружие и боеприпасы.

Как добыть металлолом и гвозди

Самый простой способ добыть гвозди и металлолом - это потопить печь. С помощью печи вы можете плавить металлическую руду в металлические прутки, из которых можно сделать 3 металлолома каждый! Вы также можете разобрать металлические рычаги и трубы на металлолом, чтобы получить свою первую печь!

Это все, чем мы сегодня делимся XERA: Survival - Руководство по выживанию для начинающих (5-й сезон), не стесняйтесь оставлять комментарии ниже. Увидимся!

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This guide will give you an explanation and walk-through of the best enchantments you can apply to everything that can be enchanted in the game.

This page assumes that the world is created and played in the latest game version. However, it is possible to obtain different and more extreme enchantment combinations on prior versions; early 1.14 releases notably allow more than one protection enchantment to be applied to a single piece at a given time.

The enchantments are sorted from highest to least priority.

On this page, an anvil sign means that the enchantment cannot be obtained via enchanting table, and must be added through an anvil.


Armor [ ]

Have at least one piece with protection, preferably the pants, or just enchant your entire armor set with protection (save for one situational enchantment on the chestplate).

Unbreaking is not as necessary on armor as on tools and weapons. Unbreaking III on a piece of armor only makes it last about 43% longer, but for a tool or a weapon, its durability is effectively quadrupled.

Helmet [ ]

There are multiple enchantment orders with the same cost in levels. At the same total costs in levels the cost in XP can still be different. For example two steps costing 2 and 4 levels require more XP than two steps costing 3 levels each. The optimal enchantment orders is <[(Helmet + Respiration III)@6 + (Protection IV + Aqua Affinity)@2]@8 + (Unbreaking III + Mending)@2>@9 with a cost of 6 + 2 + 2 + 8 + 9 = 27 levels.

Chestplate [ ]

The optimal enchantment orders is [(Chestplate + Protection IV)@4 + (Unbreaking III + Mending)@2]@7 with a cost of 4 + 2 + 7 = 13 levels.

Leggings [ ]

The optimal enchantment orders is [(Leggings + Protection IV)@4 + (Unbreaking III + Mending)@2]@7 with a cost of 4 + 2 + 7 = 13 levels.

Boots [ ]

There are multiple enchantment orders with the same cost in levels. At the same total costs in levels the cost in XP can still be different. For example two steps costing 2 and 4 levels require more XP than two steps costing 3 levels each. The optimal enchantment orders is <[(Boots + Depth Strider III)@6 + (Protection IV + Unbreaking III)@3]@9 + (Feather Falling IV + Mending)@2>@10 with a cost of 6 + 3 + 2 + 9 + 10 = 30 levels.

Weapons [ ]

Sword [ ]

    III V V or Smite V (allows 1-hit killing of most undeadmobs) or Bane of Arthropods V (allows 1-hit killing of arthropods) [note that axes are more useful for combat on Java Edition] (useful for melons, bookshelves and beehives) or Fortune III (only slightly useful for melons)
    or Mending V III II (Optional)

Infinity means without Unbreaking you need 383 less arrows. With Unbreaking I / II / III you need on average 767/1151/1535 less arrows (1536=24 stacks). Mending means your bow will never break if you continually gain enough experience, which will likely happen. If you have an enchanting setup and a lot of iron for anvils, infinity is better, unless you can obtain large quantities of arrows with ease. Another exception would be if you got a powerful bow early game, for example from fishing. Mending would be better because you won't have a lot of iron or an enchanting table early on.

There are multiple enchantment orders with the same cost in levels. At the same total costs in levels the cost in XP can still be different. For example two steps costing 2 and 4 levels require more XP than two steps costing 3 levels each. The optimal enchantment orders is <[(Bow + Power V)@5 + (Infinity + Unbreaking III)@3]@9 + (Punch II + Flame)@2>@10 with a cost of 5 + 3 + 2 + 9 + 10 = 29 levels.

Crossbow [ ]

    III or Piercing IV * III

Crossbows can only receive up to Quick Charge II through an enchanting table. Quick Charge III must be obtained via other means: either by combining two crossbows in an anvil, using enchanted books, or via mob drops.

Trident [ ]

Riptide is useful for fast transportation in certain weather conditions or underwater, it can also be used as a reliable substitute of firework rockets for elytra as long as there is a water source nearby, or it is raining.

Channeling makes a lightning strike on any mobs you attack with your trident (only works under thunderstorms). This can be used to turn villagers into witches, pigs into zombified piglins, red mooshrooms into brown mooshrooms, and creepers into charged creepers. A charged creeper's explosion will cause a nearby mob to drop its head (such as zombies, skeletons, and other creepers) so this enchantment is useful for farming mob heads. But beware of that as charged creepers' explosions are 50% more powerful than an explosion of TNT.

Tools [ ]

Pickaxe [ ]

    III III (useful for ores) or Silk Touch(useful for ice, stone, etc.) V (allows instant mining of many blocks)

Fortune III has the highest priority when you mine for most ores, especially diamonds.

Efficiency V, when combined with the Haste II effect obtained from beacons, allows the instant mining of stone, making mining much faster.

Silk Touch is useful for a variety of blocks. A notable one is the ender chest, a block used frequently in late-game, which can only be retrieved with a Silk Touch pickaxe.

Shovel [ ]

    III V (useful for grass blocks or gravel) or Fortune III (useful for flint)
    III V (allows instant mining of all blocks mineable with a hoe)(useful for obtaining leaves) or Fortune III (useful for obtaining apples and saplings from leaves)
    III (needs in Bedrock Edition) V (useful for melons, bookshelves and beehives) or Fortune III (only slightly useful for melons)

Fishing Rod [ ]


Shears [ ]

It is usually not recommended to enchant shears at all, as they can only be enchanted through an anvil, and they are crafted with iron ingots which are very easy to come by in late-game. So only enchant them if you have an abundance of enchanted books of the above categories.

Flint and Steel [ ]

Similar to shears, flint and steel is not recommended to be enchanted.

Shield [ ]

Carrot on a Stick [ ]

Being one of the least used tools in the game, it is not recommended to obtain the tool in the first place, not to mention enchanting it.

Warped Fungus on a Stick [ ]

This tool is not recommended to be enchanted, for reasons similar to carrot on a stick stated above. In addition, even if its durability is depleted, it will simply turn into a fishing rod, which means the player can simply craft the rod with another warped fungus in their inventory to make a new one.

Elytra [ ]

It is almost necessary to apply these two enchantments to elytra, as they are one of the most useful modes of transportation in late-game. Unbreaking is needed to quadruple the elytra's airborne time, since elytra breaking in mid-air can be deadly; Mending is the most effective way to repair elytra, as otherwise they can only be repaired with phantom membranes or other elytras in an anvil, and the cost increases over time.

Conflicting Enchantments [ ]

Conflicting enchantments are enchantments that cannot be combined on the same armor, weapon or tool. The following enchantments cannot be combined:

    , Projectile Protection, Blast Protection, and Fire Protection cannot be combined. , Smite, and Bane of Arthropods cannot be combined. and Fortune cannot be combined. and Mending cannot be combined. and Multishot cannot be combined. and Channeling cannot be combined with Riptide. and Depth Strider cannot be combined.

Further guide [ ]

The following armor enchantments cannot be combined: Protection, Projectile Protection, Blast Protection, and Fire Protection. Protection prevents half the damage that would be blocked by the other three. Protection is better, but there are sometimes other factors you should take into account. If you fall often in lava, it would be better to put Fire Protection on your armor. If you die often from creeper explosions, put Blast Protection armor on.

Note: More than 20 Enchantment Protection Factor (EPF) is useless. 1 Level of Protection = 1 EPF, 1 Level of specific type of Protection = 2 EPF. For example, two pieces of armor with Blast Protection IV (EPF 8 each) and a single piece with Protection IV (EPF 4) would give a total EPF of 20 versus explosions.

The following sword/axe enchantments cannot be combined: Sharpness, Smite, and Bane of Arthropods. Depending on what you want to do with the sword or axe, you can choose the most suitable. Sharpness is useful for general use, Smite is useful against undead mobs (skeletons, zombies, withers, etc.), Bane of Arthropods is useful against Arthropods (spiders, cave spiders, bees, silverfish, and endermites). Each level of Smite and Bane of Arthropods deals 2.5 extra damage to the specific group of mobs. Sharpness deals 1.25 extra damage [Bedrock Edition] and 0.5 * level + 0.5 extra damage in Java Edition. If you are going to battle a lot of undead mobs (with the same sword or axe) more than every third [Bedrock Edition / fourth [Java Edition, level I to II] / fifth [Java Edition, level III to V] time, Smite deals the most damage. The same rule is not fully valid for choosing Bane of Arthropods, as Arthropods have low health, meaning Sharpness should be enough. Sharpness is the best choice, so have another sword with Smite for zombie farming (optional), or carry both a sharpness sword and a smite sword (optional, only if you have good inventory management).

Aside from curses, there aren't any enchantments that should be avoided with other tools.

This guide is designed to help new players to get into the game. It may also be useful for players that have not played the game for a while. The guide is not designed to explain the game mechanics, but instead to help you survive your first gaming hours with a few easy steps to follow. This guide is for use with SURVIVAL mode, not Creative!


When starting a new game, you will have several choices to make:

This guide is written for a SURVIVAL game on Omicron with a random Seed.



First: Check your button layout: Main Menu -> Options -> Controls This IS important, because some old and new hotkeys may save your life - or at least make it easier.

Second: Important Hotkeys are..

  • Y = If you have built a base or a vessel, use Y to activate/deactivate it. If turned off, fridge, automated turrets, oxygen station and other things will NOT work! If you turn on your base, DRONES will come for you. So be prepared!
  • F = Use/Open. Wait until your crosshair changes from to
  • J = Activate/Deactivate Jetpack. If your Jetpack IS activated, you can run, as of new update.
  • TAB = Open Inventory
  • F1 = Open PDA
  • F2 = Open Factory/Blueprints
  • F3 = Open Techtree
  • SHIFT+leftMouseClick = Move a whole stack of items from one inventory to the other (e.g.: from your personal inventory to the inventory of a constructor). This is fast and you don't need to use drag&drop. This combo has another important convenience function. We'll explain below (STEPS TO FOLLOW - Energy, Oxygen)

Third: Vehicle specific Hotkeys/Combos

  • SHIFT+SPACE = If you are sitting in a Hover-Vessel, this will allow you to JUMP over obstacles or out of a canyon.
  • SHIFT = If you are sitting in a Hover-Vessel that is laying on the side or on its top, this will orient/upgright the vessel.
  • SPACE = Will increase your vehicle's altitude (distance between your HV and the ground) in discrete steps.
  • O = Hold O and your vessel will "orient" itself to the standard horizon in space and on planets
  • C = Will lower your HVs flight altitude in discrete steps
  • U = Take off helmet. Be careful. Only take off your helmet when you are in a cockpit or on Akua. Every other location will kill you quite fast!
  • V = Change to third person view.
  • ALT = Tap once to activate free-look when in third person view (crosshairs disappear). Tap again to return to follow view (crosshairs reappear).

Undocumented Hotkeys/Combos

  • SHIFT+P = opens the settings menu for the item you are aiming at. A quick way to change colors for lights. Please note: You need to stand onto/have physical contact to the base or vehicle the item is attached to!
  • holding CTRL + left mouse button when placing blocks creates a plane of blocks!

See full key bindings here



  1. Your Toolbar: The yellow glow shows which item is selected (visible in your hands). Scroll up and down via the mouse wheel or quick-select via the number-buttons
  2. Personal Info Screen: Shows data about your Health (red), Hunger (green), Oxygen level (blue), Stamina (purple) and a few others, like Jetpack load status (orange bar; drops when Jetpack is used; refills automatically)
  3. Character View (on the right) and Player Inventory (on the left)
  4. Secondary Info Screen: Shows available info about the item you are currently holding in your hands
  5. Item Info Screen: If you hover over an item in your toolbar or in your Player Inventory, this panel will show very important details about the item (especially for food items!)
  6. Minimap. Hit M to open the planetary view
  7. Message Area (not shown): keep an eye on this one. Alerts like approaching Drones will be shown here!


This is a frequent question, so we'll explain a bit more in detail:

  1. You can shift+right click on any consumable to directly consume it from your or any open inventory.


DISCLAIMER for the "Steps to follow" topics: With the addition of DIFFICULTY SETTINGS this guide may not work on all settings. The Guide has been written for EASY mode. There is more than one way to survive even on harder planets. But, as stated above, this guide is written as a best practice, which will work in most of all cases. If you advance in your player skill, you may find different and maybe even better solutions.


  1. Get out of the escape capsule, turn around and access the escape capsules inventory by aiming at it and press T.
  2. There is a "Collect All" arrow on the top right edge of the escape capsule inventory. Click it!


You need to pick up ALL of the items, because the capsule will DESPAWN after a few minutes. Items that are left in the inventory will be LOST! Note: This "collect-all" button is available for most of the blocks with an inventory and all of the fauna or enemies you kill (and want to loot). You can of course drag & drop each item one by one!


Open your inventory (I) and move the following items from your inventory to your toolbar via drag & drop

  • Depending on the difficulty setting, you might NOT get all the items named above or in this overview!
  • You do not need to add ammo or charges to your toolbar! These will be used/reloaded directly from your player inventory.
  • Of course you need to move any block you want to place to a free slot in your toolbar first.

STEPS TO FOLLOW: Energy & Oxygen



  1. Go and search for a nearby lake.
  2. Select the Survival Constructor from your toolbar (e.g. slot 4)
  3. Search for a suitable place on the shoreline to set him up
  4. If the wireframe around the Survival Constructor becomes BLUE, you are free to place it! (left-mouse click; You can pick it up with SHIFT-F)
  5. Access the Constructor (T)
  6. Hold SHIFT and use left-mouse click on the following items in your player inventory (This will move the whole stack to the constructor inventory [1]!): All of the ingots (silicon, copper, iron..), Magnesium Powder, Promethium Pellets,Core
  7. Open the COMPONENTS template folder on the top left side of the constructor screen (see screenshot -> [2] -> [3])
  8. Hold SHIFT and use left-mouse click on the Fuel Pack (Promethium) template four or five times. For each click, this will add 10 templates to the construction queue [4].
  9. Find the ON/OFF switch on the top right edge of the constructor screen [5]. Click once to set to ON. (OFF = default)

The survival constructor will now start to produce the ordered items (You need to set the constructor to OFF if you want to remove templates from the queue!)



  1. Turn to the nearby lake where you had set up your survival constructor
  2. Select the O2 Generator from your toolbar (e.g. from slot 5)
  3. Place the O2 Generator on the ground of the lake: only the very base of the O2 generator needs to be in water. It does not need to be submerged, and doing so will not increase the efficiency; it will either be 80% because it counts as in water, or zero because it does not count as in water. (some planets have less efficient ways of gathering O2, such as placing the generator on snow)
  4. Access the O2 Generator (T)
  5. Add TWO (!) of your fuel packs to the Energy Reservoir [1]: left-Click on the fuel pack stack in your player inventory on the left side. Move to the right side of the screen and left-click on a free slot of the "energy pack" reservoir to add one fuel pack into each slot.
  6. If done so, the status screen [3] will start a countdown timer, showing when the next Oxygen Bottles will be available

Now, get out of the water and head back to the shore.


As the small constructor only has a reduced range of blocks to choose from, we will first be building a base to improve our situation on Omicron, then build a Hover Vessel to explore our surroundings.



  1. Return to the Survival Constructor and access it (T)
  2. If you were following the steps described in the "Energy" chapter above, you should now have around 70 Fuel Packs waiting to be picked up from the constructor inventory [1]. Drag and Drop the stack to your player inventory (or hold SHIFT and click once)
  3. Find the link=Metal Plate>> Metal Plate template in the COMPONENTS template directory [2]. Hover over the Metal Plates template. The Item Info Screen on the right side tells us, we will get 10 Metal Plates (Output) from each template we add to the construction queue. Hold SHIFT and left-Click on the template once to add 10 templates to the construction queue. We will get 100 Metal Plates. We'll need a lot of them.
  4. While these are in the works, switch to the Building Blocks template folder. Hold SHIFT and click on the Hull Block (Grey) template twice. This will get us 20 grey hull blocks.
  5. Next, click on the Base Starter template ONCE. We need this block to create the first stage of your base.
  6. Wait until these are created. Switch to the DEVICES template folder.
  7. Create the more complex Devices: a Small Generator, a Small Fuel Tank and the Large Constructor. You may want to use the Quick Construction Queues help as described in the next chapter!


IF you don't want to calculate the needs of the components, just use this Quick Construction Queues we have put together for you!





While waiting for the basic blocks to be created, head back to the beach and find a place close to the water, where we can place our base. To be able to place the Base Starter we need to have flat terrain. But most terrain isn't plane. So we need to do something about this:

  1. Select the Filler & Flatten Tool from your toolbar (e.g. slot 2)
  2. Aim for the ground and click&hold the RIGHT-mouse button. This will flatten the ground around you DOWN to about the the level where your feet are! Just walk around and get some practice!

While flattening the terrain, have a look at the lower left corner of your screen. Between your Personal Info Screen and your Toolbar you'll notice NUMBERS piling up. These are EXPERIENCE POINTS (XP). XP are used to unlock items from the tech tree.

  • Press (I) to open your Inventory Screen. There you will notice the XP-Progress bar below your avatar. It will show you how many XP you are away from your next unlock.
  • We'll discuss this topic later on.
  • For now, close the inventory view and keep leveling the ground. This will add quite a heap of XP to your progress bar.



If you managed to flatten an area big enough for our needs, we can now start to place our core base elements

  1. Access the small constructor
  2. Move all the base blocks to your toolbar: Base Starter, Small Generator, Small Fuel Tank and Large Generator
  3. Also move the Hull Blocks to your toolbar
  4. Head over to our excavated site
  5. Select the Base Starter block
  6. Aim at the ground. When the red wireframe becomes BLUE, you can place the block.
  7. Now add the four other base blocks to this base "grid". It may look like the screenshot on the right with the precious blocks added to the basement (increased cover, less exposed)

First, lets collect some XP to unlock those blocks needed!


In order to ramp up your XP and because you should scout your surroundings anyhow, let's go for a walk. Take these notes with you:

    Pick up everything you can find. This not only adds XP, but you'll need it sooner or later!

Find out MORE about Fauna and Flora on the planet overview pages of Omicron and Akua!


=SPEND SOME XP (Unlock Lvl 3 Blocks)=

In the meantime, you should have reached level 3 with ease. Time to spend some XP.

  1. Open the Techtree (O)
  2. Select the WEAPONS tab and have a look at the items of "Level 3"
  3. Click on the Assault Rifle item and click "UNLOCK" (found on top of the techtree). Note: Charges and Ammo for each Tool or Weapon are unlocked automatically!
  4. Select the BASE tab
  5. Unlock Oxygen Station (CV,BA), Fridge (T1) and Cannon Turret from "Level 3"
  6. Select the MISC tab
  7. Unlock Cargo Box from "Level 2"

Now we are good to go.


In a final step, we will now create all the blocks necessary for a fully functional base with some storage and defense. Because the survival constructor cannot build those, we need to activate our base. This will call in the drones sooner or later, so we need some more firepower, but first things first.


  1. Head over to your survival constructor and access it (T)
  2. Switch to the WEAPONS template category
  3. Create an Assault Rifle
  4. Create 100 rounds of 5.8mm Ammo (click template 4x)
  5. Wait until this has finished
  6. Then pull everything from the survival creator inventory: ingots, resources, devices, components. everything. (Reason: if the Survival Constructor gets destroyed in a failed drone attack, we are losing a lot of resources!)
  7. Equip your Assault Rifle: Move it to slot 1 of your toolbar (Leave the ammo in your inventory)
  8. Select the Assault Rifle and click R. This will load the first clip of 25 rounds (enough for 1 drone or a monster on full-auto mode)


To make our base fully functional, we need to fire up the base and create the following devices with the help of the Large Constructor

  1. Access the Small Fuel Tank of your base.
  2. Hold SHIFT and click on the Fuel Pack (Promethium) stack in your personal inventory. This will fill up the whole fuel tank to its maximum capacity.
  3. Stand on the top of your base and hit Y.

Now, your base is activated. and sooner or later, a DRONE ALERT will pop up. Stay alert when performing the following steps!


  1. Access the Large Constructor (T)
  2. Create the following DEVICES. Just use the QUICK CONSTRUCTION QUEUES (QCQ) if you like.





When these are done, we suggest to create at least one Cargo Box and at least 20 Truss Block

Hey guys could you help me with some mods for survival that make it a little bit more intersting.

I was away from minecraft since 1.6 so i am not up to date with mods, and survival mode is definitively my favourite way of enjoying minecraft.

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Infernal Mobs - This mod is for if you want to make your game more challenging. Some mobs will be generated with powerful buffs, such as shooting fireballs or teleportation or even returning the damage you do to it back to you. These mobs are rare, and when killed they drop an enchanted piece of armor or a tool, varying on the difficulty of the mob. Can make for some interesting fights, overall.

Dynamic Lights - When you hold a light source, such as a torch, it will dynamically light your surroundings. This is great for traveling at night, or through a dark cave, torch in hand.

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