Алира path of exile где находится

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

Всем привет!
Подскажите пожалуйста, как вернуть убийство Алиры?
Когда проходил вначале - убил всех. Затем для билда нужно было помочь Алире. Вернул с помощью рецепта.
Сейчас снова нужны 2 пункта на дереве.
После 90-го уровня каждое очко с трудом дается.
Возвращался в западный лес во 2-м акте, Алира есть, но убить ее нельзя. И задания на ее убийство не нашел.
Кто-нибудь с этим сталкивался?

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Алира — уникальный разбойник. Найти Алиру можно в Западном лесу.

Убийство Алиры — часть задания Разбойничьи дрязги. После победы над колдуньей вы получите Амулет Алиры Амулет Алиры Коварно присвоенный, этот артефакт
жаждет воссоединиться с семьей. , предмет, нужный в задании (часть верхушки пирамиды).

Если вы примете решение помочь Алире, в награду вы навсегда получите:

Регерация 5 маны в секунду
+20% к глобальному множителю критического удара
+15% к сопротивлению всем стихиям

Wiki поддерживается сообществом, поэтому подумайте над тем, чтобы внести свой вклад.

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Прохождение [ ]

Это задание даётся персонажем Эрамиром в Лесном лагере после завершения задания По святой земле или разговора с любым лидером бандитов. Есть три лидера бандитов. Вы можете как помочь одному из них (и убить двоих оставшихся) и получить соответствующее вознаграждение, так и убить всех, получив награду у Эрамира.

  • Крайтин: Находится в области Разрушенный мост (вход в области Старые поля → Перекресток)
  • Алира: Находится в области Западный лес (вход в области Пойма реки).
  • Дуб: Находится в области Топь (вход в области Пойма реки).
  • Убить всех: Если вы выбрали убийство всех лидеров бандитов, отнесите все 3 амулетаЭрамиру в Лесной лагерь, чтобы получить в награду 2 очка пассивных умений.

Вне зависимости от того, приняли ли вы сторону одного из бандитов или убили их всех, по завершении задания вы получите предмет Верхушка Верхушка Хотя его сила была разделена,
Верхушка может явить большее. , который вам необходимо будет применить на Темном алтаре (Топь → Пещеры → Древняя пирамида).

Таблица наград [ ]

Следует обратить особое внимание при выборе вознаграждения, так как цена за изменение награды достаточно высока.

Изменение награды [ ]

Уже после завершения задания, вы можете изменить свой выбор, и соответственно, награду за него. Для этого вам следует воспользоваться следующим рецептом торговца:

  1. Чтобы узнать, какому бандиту вы помогли, вы можете ввести команду "/passives" в окне игрового чата или поговорить с Эрамиром, бандит, которому вы помогли, появится в качестве опции разговора.
  2. Любая из этих книг может быть продана, чтобы вернуть 20 Сфер раскаяния Сфера раскаяния Размер стопки: 40 Возвращает очко пассивного умения Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по предмету, чтобы использовать.
    Для разделения щелкните мышкой с зажатой клавишей Shift. , которые использовались для ее создания. Однако амулет будет утерян.
23 сен. 2019 в 12:05 Kill Alira ?

I'm doing the bandids quest, and i found one of the three i have to kill, Alira. The game now gives me the choice to kill her or join her in exchange of some buffs. I saw online that killing all of them should grant me with 3 exp points, but. first of all, i don't really like to kill friendly npcs, and second, the buffs she gives me looks good for my character (I'm a necromancer witch)

What should i do ? DX

23 сен. 2019 в 12:08 first of all, i don't really like to kill friendly npcs, "Friendly" might be a bit of a stretch. They're bandits posing a threat to the encampment offering you a deal, should you help them destroy the other "tribes". they're warmongers. Отредактировано The_Driver; 23 сен. 2019 в 21:28 23 сен. 2019 в 12:11 it's good to kill all bandits for +2 passive points. 23 сен. 2019 в 12:11 first of all, i don't really like to kill friendly npcs,

"Friendly" might be a bit of a stretch. They're bandits posing a thread to the encampment offering you a deal, should you help them destroy the other "tribes". they're warmongers.
Uh, yeah, maybe friendly is not a great word for them ^^"

Still tho, it's worth to let her live ? Mostly for the buffs she grants ?

23 сен. 2019 в 12:13 alira is not good for necros. 23 сен. 2019 в 12:15 alira is not good for necros.

You sure ? That 2 mana points regen and the 15% to all elemental resistances sounds useful.

Correct me if i'm wrong tho.

23 сен. 2019 в 12:15 it's good to kill all bandits for +2 passive points.
I could surely use them, but the buffs Alira grants (i dunno about the others) seems kinda worth. but again, please correct me if i'm being wrong DX 23 сен. 2019 в 12:21 killing the bandits is almost always the better option, because those two passive points you'd earn could just as easily be used to unlock a jewel-slot on the passive tree, and the benefits provided by jewels most-always surpasses the bonuses that sparing a bandit gives 23 сен. 2019 в 12:24 killing the bandits is almost always the better option, because those two passive points you'd earn could just as easily be used to unlock a jewel-slot on the passive tree, and the benefits provided by jewels most-always surpasses the bonuses that sparing a bandit gives
Mh. you got a point there ^^"
Alright then, time to slay the thot then. 23 сен. 2019 в 12:24

ITT: People being rude to Oak. Poor Oak, what did he ever do to you? :P
As a Physical bow build, I have always taken Oak, and the new stat change he got awhile ago is extremely strong for my build.
The life regen alone stacks with nodes on the tree enough to give you blood rage without it ever degening me, which makes me a lot stronger.
I don't know how well a Ranger can reach 4% life regen from nodes on the tree without that boost from Oak, and I don't know how many Jewels have %life Regen, which really gets silly with Holy Relic. 500+ Life Regen with 4500 health is nothing to sneeze at.

Also, Alira is a little creepy. I don't like her at all, and her damn exploding minions. well, I don't know how she has so many suicide bombers. :P

Отредактировано davidb11; 23 сен. 2019 в 12:25 23 сен. 2019 в 12:28

ITT: People being rude to Oak. Poor Oak, what did he ever do to you? :P
As a Physical bow build, I have always taken Oak, and the new stat change he got awhile ago is extremely strong for my build.
The life regen alone stacks with nodes on the tree enough to give you blood rage without it ever degening me, which makes me a lot stronger.
I don't know how well a Ranger can reach 4% life regen from nodes on the tree without that boost from Oak, and I don't know how many Jewels have %life Regen, which really gets silly with Holy Relic. 500+ Life Regen with 4500 health is nothing to sneeze at.

Also, Alira is a little creepy. I don't like her at all, and her damn exploding minions. well, I don't know how she has so many suicide bombers. :P

Welp, i'm a necro, so. :p

Also, my minions literally slayed her in less than one minute. almost alone ._.

Отредактировано Red Blade; 23 сен. 2019 в 12:28 23 сен. 2019 в 12:30 Yeah. She doesn't put up as big as a physical fight as Oak or Kratlyn. Oak is really the only one people have trouble with, because well, he hits like a slegehammer made of a neutron star, :P
The Ranger's line for Alira is really cool though. "I hate to pluck a pretty flower, even a poisonous one like you."
The Shadow has a great line too, "Did the Earth move for you, baby? You sure hit the ground hard enough!" :P
Отредактировано davidb11; 23 сен. 2019 в 12:31 23 сен. 2019 в 12:36 Yeah. She doesn't put up as big as a physical fight as Oak or Kratlyn. Oak is really the only one people have trouble with, because well, he hits like a slegehammer made of a neutron star, :P
The Ranger's line for Alira is really cool though. "I hate to pluck a pretty flower, even a poisonous one like you."
The Shadow has a great line too, "Did the Earth move for you, baby? You sure hit the ground hard enough!" :P
Lol, right xP 23 сен. 2019 в 13:08 2 mana is barely anything and if you do it right you barely get to resummon. Crit is not useful for a summoner. Ele res is only there if you have crappy gear and the necro ascendancy has a node that gives 30% ele res. 23 сен. 2019 в 13:48 2 mana is barely anything and if you do it right you barely get to resummon. Crit is not useful for a summoner. Ele res is only there if you have crappy gear and the necro ascendancy has a node that gives 30% ele res.
I did the right thing then, i guess. 23 сен. 2019 в 14:58

I'm doing the bandids quest, and i found one of the three i have to kill, Alira. The game now gives me the choice to kill her or join her in exchange of some buffs. I saw online that killing all of them should grant me with 3 exp points, but. first of all, i don't really like to kill friendly npcs, and second, the buffs she gives me looks good for my character (I'm a necromancer witch)

What should i do ? DX

Nobody really explained what's going on here. There are three bandits. Each one will offer you something different.

The best option depends entirely on your build. The two passive points are never really a bad idea and you can basically default to that on most builds.

Oak's rewards are good if you're doing a physical damage based build with life regen. The phys damage reduction is a nice bonus to those benefits.

Alira's good if you're doing a crit build, especially so if you know you're going to be using a few uniques that will limit you in where you can get elemental resists.

Kraityn's are probably the most niche of the group. Dodge chance, attack speed, move speed, it's definitely the most useful overall but for the smallest number of builds. You're typically already getting enough of all these on the tree and your gear but if you're looking to max out like in a Lab runner you'll want that move speed.

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