Abandoned space station escape прохождение

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

For years there had been this orbiting thing just outside Earth and for years as well, scientists and astronauts have been trying their best to understand it, but until now they got nothing. That day, Albert is now in the ship trying his best to also figure-out the thing, he had been doing this for quite a while now and each time he just discovers more halls but no definite answers of where this thing might have come from or who put it there. It almost looks man-made actually with all of the fixtures and all, maybe this is really man-made? But they should have known about that by now. As usual, Albert moves around keeping his eyes open for anything, but then something new happened and Albert was definitely caught off-guard of it!

He got lost in there for the very first time and potentially even trapped! Albert needs to follow procedure then and because this thing looks like it had been abandoned for a long time, he should be very careful for there is a possibility of getting even more lost and rescue then will be very close to impossible. Escape players, this orbiting station is still very much a mystery to everyone, and especially to Albert here. So will you help him navigate back so he can still send his report and of course, get back to Earth safely?

Abandoned Space Station Escape is the newest point and click space escape game from 365 Escape.


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As a person who knows nothing of what’s going-on and why he is being held against his will and sometimes, he just wakes-up in a location which he didn’t even know where, Remus had grown numb with it and he somehow gets a clue that he is being experimented on for he just wakes-up in and out of consciousness in different places which he then ventures into and then he passes-out after a certain time. It’s crazy and confusing, but Remus just lets that be now for it seems there is no escape from this as it keeps happening. One day however, he just woke-up in some place again but this time, he has a strong urge to finally escape from where he was and maybe if he can, to see and gets some answers from whoever his captors might be.

Remus found himself in what seems to be an abandoned space station or something and for the first-time, he woke-up in a place which has halls for most times he just wakes-up in different wildernesses and his typical stone cell. Remus has hopes now that he will be able to escape even though in the back of his mind he things he’ll never be able to from whomever is doing this to him, still there is hope when there is still a breath to take. Escape players, you can begin your escape here with Remus from a place where he woke-up into, be careful and move quickly.

Abandoned Space Station Escape is a brand new point and click complex escape game from Selfdefiant.


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After months spent on the space station, it was time to return home. You were so excited that you couldn’t sleep for days. And when the big day come, you felt asleep and didn’t hear any noises. It seems that everyone left home, forgetting about you. When you woke up, you found yourself trapped in an abandoned space station. It’s your last chance to escape, so do your best to activate the door and escape. This game was developed by 365 Escape and offers a great variety of puzzles and challenges to solve in order to escape Have fun!


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