Starbound хранитель убежища

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

A shining key that can open a door to long forgotten places.

Vault Keys are a special dungeon key which can be acquired from the mysterious trader at the Outpost. After completing the game's main story quests he'll offer a quest, The Final Frontier, after which the key will be available for trade from him. Each key opens an Ancient Vaults dungeon at an Ancient Gateway.

This quest will task players with trading him for a Vault Key. Speaking to him again will show what items he requests in exchange for a key.

For each key he'll require a number of elemental drops, found by killing monsters or harvesting fluffalo. Specifically, he may ask for bundles of 10 Scorched Cores, Cryonic Extracts, Static Cells, Hardened Carapaces, Living Roots, Venom Samples, pieces of Phase Matter, Sharpened Claws, or Sticks of RAM; alternately, he may ask for bundles of 40 Refined Aegisalt, Refined Ferozium or Refined Violium. Once the key has been collected, players must go to an Ancient Gateway and enter the Ancient Vaults dungeon.

After opening the gate, the key will be consumed. The dungeon portal will remain opened for 30 minutes, after that it will close and another key will be required to enter a new vault.

Хранитель убежища (Vault Guardian) – это процедурно-сгенерированный босс, находящийся в конце каждого хранилища.

Хранитель связан с одним из четырех типов стихийных повреждений (огонь, яд, лед, электричество), это означает, что ему будет наноситься на 50% меньше урона от соответствующего стихийного оружия.

У каждого хранителя есть свое уникальное имя, напоминающие имена жителей древней Греции.

Эти боссы невосприимчивы ко всем статусным эффектам. После победы над Древним Хранителем из него выпадает 1250 эссенций и с шансом 50% случайный микроформер.

Поскольку хранители убежища производятся процедурно, нет универсальной стратегии победить их. Тем не менее, хорошо иметь не элементное оружие. Элемент Хранителя можно узнать по его светящимся частям:

  • Оранжевый - огонь
  • Зеленый - яд
  • Синий - лед
  • Фиолетовый - электричество

Защищенные хранители могут отключить свой щит на мгновение. Незащищенные хранители будут иметь очень высокое здоровье, либо очень высокую защиту, а у последнего будет возможность применить специальную атаку, чтобы более эффективно наносить урон.

Виды атак

  1. Рывок: Ифрибор влечет за собой удар со своим мечом и выпадами у игрока. Это может быть серия коротких ударов или одного длинного выпадения. Способ избежать этого - продолжать двигаться и использовать либо технологию Sprint, либо Blink Dash. Во время Multi Jab, Sprint взад и вперед, и если вы должны развернуться, пройдите мимо него между атаками. Он не наносит контактного повреждения, и прыжок через него просто заставит вас попасть.
  2. Шары: Хранитель создает большие стеклянные шары, которые движутся горизонтально на высоте любых платформ вокруг арены. Это делается для того, чтобы отключить игрока или создать атаку, подобную атаке лавы Kluex Avatar. Когда это настраивается, это делается так, что заставляет игрока регулярно менять платформы, чтобы избежать повреждений.
  3. Лава/Яд(илиЗаполнение пола): после размещения шаров хранитель заполняет арену яркой лавой или ядом. Наблюдались только пожарные и ядовитые стражи. Игрок должен использовать платформы или Spike Sphere, чтобы избежать повреждений. Лава или яд - только плитка или два высоких.
  4. Создание привязных конструкций: Хранитель помещает две крошечные пурпурные шары, которые становятся привязанными парами конструкций после того, как они будут размещены. Один из них - стационарный страж, а другой - плавучая конструкция в форме рыбы, которая медленно преследует игрока. Если кто-то убит, другой исчезает, однако, если они встречаются, они сливаются в большую рыбную конструкцию. Если Хранитель, который их породил, является не экранированным Хранителем с высокой защитой, сплавленная конструкция будет создавать особую зону повышения урона при уничтожении, позволяя игроку наносить более значительный урон Guardian. Если он защищен, плавкая конструкция немедленно превратится в небольшую пурпурную сферу с указателем, подобным персонажам Kluex Avatar или снарядам Staff Klewx, и стреляет в игрока после небольшой задержки. Снаряд отключит щит Хранителя, позволяя ему повредиться.
  5. Рыбная Конструкция: Ифрибор размещает две сферы, например, когда она порождает привязанные конструкции, но результирующие «рыбные конструкции» имеют более квадратное лицо и стреляют по небольшой серии синих шаров во всплесках. Уничтожение их как можно скорее было бы лучшей идеей для игрока.
  6. Создание птичьих конструкций: Ифрибор размещает 4 шара, которые превращаются в «птичьи конструкции» с острым лицом. Они не стреляют и не следуют за игроком по полю. Игрок должен победить их, чтобы получить повышение статуса повышения урона, чтобы эффективно атаковать опекуна с защитой от полировки.
  7. Отражающийся лазер: Страж заряжает и запускает лазер, который отражается вокруг арены, нацеливаясь на игрока. Он не меняет свою цель, когда он стреляет. Пучок мгновенно отражается, и безопасные зоны будут выше или ниже, где игрок находился, когда лазер был уволен.
  8. Лазер с самонаведением: Страж на короткое время запускает лазер у игрока, меняя цель следить за игроком. Продолжайте двигаться, чтобы избежать этого.
  9. Альтернативные лазеры: Хранитель перемещается на одну сторону арены и стреляет синими лазерами из его рук, которые подметаются вверх и вниз. Он всегда находится в нижней части комнаты, а самая высокая точка немного выше высоты Хранителя, поэтому лучшая стратегия заключается в том, чтобы либо подняться над ним на платформе, либо встать рядом с ним за половину урона (его руки в шахматном порядке - одна более продвинута, чем другая, так что меньше урона может быть получено, если игрок ждет за одной рукой).
  10. Вращающиеся лазеры: Хранитель стреляет из коротких непрерывных лазеров из рук и вращает их вокруг тела, следуя за игроком. Лучший способ избежать - стоять на вершине Хранителя (между лазерами) или бегать непрерывно.
  11. Снайперская стрельба: Хранитель стреляет из распылителя маленькие круглые снаряды на игрока. Снаряды стражников могут взорваться через короткое время. Используйте платформы и продолжайте двигаться, чтобы избежать этого. Некоторые арены также имеют пару переключателей, каждый из которых ненадолго активирует длительный всплеск энергии. Этот шип сломает щит Хранителя, позволяя игроку напасть на него. У одного хранителя нет щита, но порождает погоню за «конструктами», которые должны быть побеждены, чтобы создать зону «усиления урона», которая исчезает после того, как четвертая упала. Может быть больше стратегии атаки / арены, не перечисленные здесь. Если вы его видите, добавьте его.

Следует отметить, что длинный выпад, по-видимому, осуществляется только защищенными боссами, у которых на арене есть два коротких энергетических шипа. Это ключ к отключению щита, так как вы должны заставить их залезть в шип. Шипы вообще не вредят игрокам. Иногда Страж совершает широкую атаку, когда он идет в одну сторону от пола и бросается на всю арену, врезаясь в противоположную стену. Pulse или Multi Jump могут легко уклониться от этого.

Once the main story is completed, the mysterious trader will offer a new quest: The Final Frontier. After accepting this quest, the player will be able to trade various crafting materials in exchange for Ancient Keys. Ancient keys can be used once to unlock a dungeon at an Ancient Gateway, found at the edge of many solar systems.

Using the Ancient Console at an Ancient Gateway while a key is in your inventory will allow you to activate a temporary portal to an Ancient Vault. This portal will close after 30 minutes or if the console is used to close the portal; if the player does not enter the Ancient Vault before this time or is defeated after it closes, another key will need to be used in order to open a portal to a new Ancient Vault.

Ancient Vaults are not associated with the gate that the player uses to access them. The same gate can open portals to a number of different dungeons when a Vault Key is used.

While inside an Ancient Vault, players do not experience depletion of their Hunger bar, can beam to their ship at any time, and do not drop items on death.

Ancient Vaults are procedurally generated, possess a difficulty Tier of 8, and have one of four elemental themes: fire, ice, electric or poison. The elemental theme determines the types of rooms and monsters that will appear in the Ancient Vault; this also influences the types of weapons that are most effective due to the resistances and weaknesses of the monsters. However, most of the Ancient Vault is composed of ancient blocks and other ancient architecture.

Vault Guardians

Guardians are procedurally generated bosses which are found at the end of each vault. Ancient Guardians and their minions, unlike other monsters in the vault, are Tier 7 monsters.

Every guardian has a name reminiscent of ancient Greece, and is associated with one of the four types of elemental damage, indicated by the color of their glowing parts. Specifically, fire, poison, ice and electric guardians have orange, green, blue and purple glowing parts, respectively.

Like other procedural monsters, Ancient Guardians are assembled using different pieces; there are many variants of head, body, and weapon parts, and guardians can use a variety of special attacks, which are chosen on generation. Most have small summoned minions and a personal shield which must be deactivated in order for the player to be able to deal damage to them. Several types of shields exist which must be deactivated in different ways, and some guardians have no shield at all; these guardians often have very high amounts of health to make up for not possessing a shield.

Ancient Guardians are immune to all Status Effects that can be inflicted by players. In addition, they possess a resistance to damage with an elemental type identical to their own. Specifically, Fire Guardians, Poison Guardians, Ice Guardians, and Electric Guardians take 50% less damage from fire-type, poison-type, ice-type, and electric-type weapons, respectively.

The door to the boss room is a one-way door, forcing one to defeat the boss in order to open a doorway on the opposite side. The strategy for defeating a given guardian varies based on the set of attacks used by that guardian as well as by the kind of shield (or lack of shield) possessed by the guardian. After defeating the guardian it will always drop 1250 Ancient Essence; in addition, it has a 50% chance to drop a random mini-biome terraformer. Defeating the guardian will open a door that leads to a room with two unique crafting stations, which only appear at the end of Ancient Vaults.

  • Terraforge - This powerful crafting station can assemble planetary Terraformers. They can be placed to change the climate and biome of a planet when supplied with Ancient Essence. Terraformers require 3000 Ancient Essence and either 50 Scorched Cores, 50 Static Cells, 50 Venom Samples or 50 Cryonic Extracts to craft, depending on the biome of the terraformer.
  • Weapon Upgrade Anvil - This special anvil can make non-Tier-6 Legendary unique weapons more powerful in exchange for Ancient Essence. Weapons will have their tier upgraded to 6, replacing their original tier's base damage multiplier with tier 6's 3.5x base damage multiplier. Upgraded Legendary unique weapons will have a gold star next to their name inside the tooltip window as well as a different appearance.

Mission Bosses

Mission Bosses are found at the end of quests and key story points in the game. These bosses are usually monsters (such as the Ixodoom), but can also be (or include) humanoid beings such as the Bone Dragon or Asra Nox. They will sometimes drop codexes that give information on them, which usually contain the name of the boss in the title.

Erchius Horror

The Erchius Horror is found in the Erchius Mining Facility mission. It spreads damaging beams of energy around it, one at first, then two after it's been shot once. It also spawns a Moontant after each beam phase.

Players must activate switches around the boss to power a plasma cannon. Being struck with the cannon will cause the crystal to crack and shards will fall to the ground. After three shots the boss will be defeated, allowing players to complete the mission.


It first appears as an egg when you encounter it and then hatches into its main form. It appears as a giant, four-legged creature made of bone and muscle. The player fights this boss with Nuru.

Asra Nox

Fought in the Great Pagoda Library mission.

Asra Nox appears at the end of the Hylotl mission. She has an energy shield, can turn into a Distortion Sphere and has a powerful sword known as the Solus Katana

Kluex Avatar

The Kluex Avatar appears at the end of the Avian mission. It fires powerful laser blasts and can summon ice pillars. It also is able to create lava.

Big Ape

Fought in the Miniknog Stronghold mission.

Big Ape appears at the end of the Apex mission. It fires powerful laser blasts and explosives.

Bone Dragon

Fought in the Baron's Keep mission.

The Bone Dragon appears at the end of the Glitch mission. It breathes fire at the player and Occasus cultists also spawn to hinder the player.

Bone Dragon.jpg

The Ruin

Fought in the final mission.

The Ruin, or The Heart of Ruin, appears at the end of the final mission after opening the gate at the ark. It flails giant tentacles, fires powerful cone lasers from its eye and summons monsters to fight alongside it.

The Ruin.jpg

Post Endgame

Post endgame bosses are accessible only after completing the final boss mission and serve as the ultimate challenge for even the most skilled players.

Vault Guardians

Vault Guardians are procedurally generated post endgame bosses found at the end of every Vault. A Vault Guardian is associated with one of the four types of elemental damage (fire, poison, ice or electric) which means it will take 50% less damage from its respective element weapons. It has its own name reminiscent of ancient Greece. These bosses are immune to all status effects. After defeating an Ancient Guardian it drops 1250 essence and has a 50% chance to drop a random microformer.

As Vault Guardians are procedurally generated, there's no universal strategy for defeating them. However, it's good to have a non-elemental weapon (the Asuterosaberu DX and Ex Machina work well) or weapons of all elements to minimize the chance of bringing a low-effective weapon or even maximize the chance of bringing the high-effective one (an Adaptable Crossbow is useful here). A Guardian's element is recognized by its glowing parts (orange is for fire, green for poison, blue for ice and purple for electric).

Due to their procedural generation, each one is different, though they draw their attacks from a pool. Shielded Guardians will have some way of momentarily disabling the shield. Non-shielded Guardians will either have very high health or very high defense, and the latter will have a way for you to apply a special damage buff to more effectively damage them.

The following attacks have been observed. Names are not official. If anyone has better/the official ones, please replace the names below.

  • Jab: The Guardian winds up for a jab with its sword and lunges at the player. This can be a series of short jabs or one long-distance lunge. The way to avoid this is to keep moving, and use either the Sprint tech or the Blink Dash. During the multi jab, sprint back and forth, and if you must turn around, run past it between attacks. It does not deal contact damage, and jumping over it will simply get you hit.
  • Orbs: The Guardian creates large, glass-like orbs that travel horizontally at the height of any platforms around the arena. This is done to force the player off them or to set up an attack similar to the Kluex Avatar's lava attack. When this is being set up, it is done so in a way that forces the player to regularly change platforms to avoid damage.
  • Lava/Poison/Electric spikes: After placing orbs, the Guardian fills the arena with either bright lava or poison. Only Fire, Poison and Electric Guardians have been observed to do this. The player must use the platforms or the Spike Sphere to avoid damage. The lava, poison or spikes only goes a tile or two high.
  • Spawn Constructs: The Guardian places two tiny purple orbs, which become a tethered pair of constructs once both are placed. One is a stationary sentinel, and the other is a fish-shaped floating construct that slowly pursues the player. If one is killed, the other disappears, however, if they meet, they fuse into a larger fish-shaped construct. If the Guardian that spawned them is a non-shielded Guardian with high defense, the fused construct will spawn a special damage boost zone when destroyed, allowing the player to deal more substantial damage to the Guardian. If it is shielded, the fused construct will immediately turn into a small purple orb with a pointer, similar to the Kluex Avatar or Kluex Staff's projectiles, and fire at the player after a short delay. The projectile will disable the Guardian's shield, allowing it to be damaged.
  • Spawn Construct Turrets: The Guardian places two orbs, like when it spawns tethered constructs, but the resultant 'fish constructs' have a squarer face and shoot a small series of blue orbs in bursts. Destroying them as soon as possible would be the best idea for the player.
  • Spawn Construct Breakers: The Guardian places 4 orbs, that turns into 'bird constructs' that have a pointed face. These do not shoot and follow the player around the field. The player must defeat these to get a 'damage boost' status boost to effectively attack the guardian with buffed defense.
  • Reflected Laser: The Guardian charges and fires a laser that reflects around the arena, aiming for the player. It does not change its aim once it fires. The beam reflects instantly, and the safe zones will be above or below where the player was when the laser was fired.
  • Sweeping Laser: The Guardian fires a laser at the player for a short time, changing its aim to follow the player. Keep moving to avoid this.
  • Alternating Lasers: The Guardian moves to one side of the arena and shoots blue lasers from it's hands that sweep up and down. It's always in the lower section of the room, and the highest point is slightly above the height of the Guardian, so the best strategy is to either get above him on a platform or stand next to him for half damage (his hands are staggered - one is more forward than the other, so less damage can be taken if the player waits behind the one hand).
  • Spinning Lasers: The Guardian fires short, continuous lasers from it's hands and spins them around it's body, following the player. The best method of avoidance is to stand on top of the Guardian (in between the lasers) or run continuously.
  • Projectile Spray: The Guardian fires a spray of small, round projectiles at the player. Fire Guardians' projectiles may explode after a short time. Use platforms and keep moving to avoid this.

Some arenas also have a pair of switches, each of which briefly activates a long spike of energy. This spike will break the Guardian's shield, allowing the player to attack it.

One Guardian has no shield but spawns chasing 'constructs' that must be defeated to spawn a 'damage boost' zone that disappears after the fourth has fallen.

There may be more attacks/arena strategies not listed here. If you see one, please add it.

The Swansong

The Swansong is a post endgame boss encountered in the mission The Dantalion, at the end of the bounty hunting questline.

The Swansong.jpg

Ancient Essence

The player can hold up to 999,999 units of Ancient Essence at a time. If a player reaches their Ancient Essence limit, they must spend some Ancient Essence at a Terraforge, Weapon Upgrade Anvil, or placed Terraformer before they can pick up more Ancient Essence.

Vault Murals

One of six ancient mural pieces is found at the beginning of each Ancient Vault. This is their appearance when edited together.

When a player enters an Ancient Vault, a piece of a mural can be found near the entrance. The mural has text in the ancients' language. Six different pieces can be found, which can be combined to reveal a full message that translates into the following text:

Bosses are very powerful enemies that require skill and strategy to defeat. They come in two types: mission Bosses and side Bosses. They are unique to other enemies in that they have a much more advanced AI, and that they cannot be afflicted with any Debuff but at the same time possess no elemental resistance of any sort with one exception (see Vault Guardian).


Vault Monster Drops

Unique monsters in Ancient Vaults always drop 7-13 Ancient Essence; in addition to this, they will drop nothing (80% chance), one of their characteristic monster drops (19.88% chance), or their Action Figure (0.12% chance).

Monster drops in Ancient Vaults differ from those outside of Ancient Vaults in several ways:

  • Monsters in Ancient Vaults never drop raw meats.
  • Monsters in Ancient Vaults have the same drop probabilities regardless of whether a hunting weapon or a non-hunting weapon deals the killing blow.
  • Action figure drop chance from monsters in Ancient Vaults (0.12%) is 20-50% higher than that from monsters outside of Ancient Vaults (0.08% for no-meat monsters and non-hunting kills of meat-dropping monsters, 0.1% for hunting kills of meat-dropping monsters).

Removed Bosses

These are bosses that once existed in the game or game files at some point but have been removed from one or both of these. If others are known, please add them here.

Jelly Boss (Brian)

Jelly Boss (also known as Brian) was an optional boss from pre-Upbeat Giraffe versions. It was summoned by using a Peanut Butter Trap, which required a Monster Lab to manufacture (both have since been removed). The boss dropped Endomorphic Jelly, and the codex Jelly (codex). The boss would summon Skeye Jelly minions, potentially overwhelming the player if not quelled.

Fatal Circuit

The Fatal Circuit was an optional boss from pre-Upbeat Giraffe versions. It was summoned by using a Inactive Robot, it can be crafted with Steel Bars and an Artificial Brain. The boss dropped a Processor, and the codex Fatal Circuit.

Once the Inactive Robot is put in the floor and triggered with E, it will activate and immediately begin trying to kill the player. The boss is level 20 and attacks the player with both melee attacks and a ranged flamethrower attack.



The Tentacle Comet was a planned boss that would have supposedly been added in future updates. Not much is known about it. However, it is suspected that this creature was related to the one that destroyed Earth, scattering the human race throughout the galaxy.

Once defeated, it was likely supposed to drop the Tentacle Comet Codex, which had some lore info on the boss.

Mini Bosses

Mini Bosses are a slightly weaker variant of boss that are not encountered during the main story; rather, they are fought during side and optional quests. Nevertheless, they are still formidable foes and require preparation and strategy to defeat.

Dreadwing the Penguin

Encountered in the Dreadwing mission, given by the penguin at the penguin bar at the outpost.

It appears as a giant flying saucer piloted by a penguin. It spawns penguin soldiers, tanks, and mini saucers. It attacks by shooting laser beams that can break blocks or by slamming itself into the ground.

This boss was first revealed in public stream at Insomnia Gaming Festival [1]

Penguin UFO.jpg

Shockhopper MK I

Shockhopper MK I is a mini-boss encountered in the quest Penguin Weaponry Testing Site, given by Dr. Akaggy in the outpost.

After he's defeated the shop will open up, offering weapons for sale.

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