Shadowrun hong kong оружие список

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

iirc with regards to Ettiquettes can get all Karma points with just Gang and Security
theres a check vs Shadowrunner but as mentioned can be gained via STR 4 or Unarmed 4

Academic think just adds flavor and a little more $$

dont recall at the moment thought you needed CHA 7 (6+1) to get the code for the monster in Properity Tower (and the 1 Karma)

iirc this is accounted for under 'Exit Stage Left : Enter Party'
there are a few ways to enter the party
ie Decker / CHA / Gaichu all yield the 1 Karma

If you can get STR 4 before leaving the walled city the first time (City of Darkness) you can get everything else on the list with companions and natural CHA 6 Et Gang, Security, Academic.

If not then you'll need Et Shadowrunner instead of Academic for City of Darkness (CHA 4 Et Gang. SR)

This means you'll need Conjuring 6 or Spellcasting 5+1 from Amulet to legitimately get the code to release the monster in prosperity tower, the only other option is natural CHA 8 for 4 Etiquettes which is pretty much a waste since CHA 6 +1 is all you need for all of the main game and expansion

Lastly it is possible to get 1 Karma point from helping Reliable Matthew WITH or WITHOUT Academic but you don't get more than one, just that the dialogue is different

Shadowrun: Returns, Dragonfall, Hong Kong

Тимур Валиулин

Тимур Валиулин запись закреплена

Есть ли разница между оружием со смартлинком и без?

Дмитрий Архипов

в теории оно точнее, для героев с разъемом в башке и плохими боевыми навыками. На практике, по цифрам непонятно

Тимур Валиулин

Короче, проще не тратить слот на этот долбанный дата-джек :) Спасибо :)

Дмитрий Архипов

Ну у меня был тролль файтер, у него 6 вроде очков сущности и удалось написать довольно много имплантов, в том числе датаджек на сдачу. Снайперка со смартлинком, пулемет и шокер.

Тимур Валиулин

Когда я проходил эльфийкой-снайпершей, датаджек мне помешал поставить именно такую конфигурацию, какую хотелось. Как раз не хватало 0,5 сущности :D

Алексей Алексеев

Алексей Алексеев ответил Дмитрию

Дмитрий, не подскажешь такой вопрос,а когда появится пулемет и будет ли броня как в первой мисси на орке?

Дмитрий Архипов

Боюсь соврать, вроде после уничтожения боевиков в крейцбазаре. Броня увы. Невнятный кожаный плащ с подсумками будет. К слову как работает пулемет вообще не ясно. Очень большой разброс по цифрам.

Павел Кирюшин

смартлинк увеличивает точность попадания по цели вроде как 6% альфа и 3% обычный

21 авг. 2015 в 1:49

I'm playing a Decker/Rigger character.

This is my dilemma, my character only have 3 weapon slots, ONE for my gun, ONE for my cyberdeck, ONE for my drone, that's it.

What that mean is I can't carry 2 drones because there isn't enough weapon slot. Is there a way to increase weapon slots to 4 instead of just 3.

21 авг. 2015 в 2:15

Good question actually.

I think 3 is the maximum? you start with 2 slots, you gain 1 from having 3 points in a ranged weapon of your choice OR from having decking at 3.

(Edited because drunk.)

21 авг. 2015 в 2:20 There is also weapon slot increase in Close Combat 3, but it doesn't stack with Range weapon. 21 авг. 2015 в 2:24 There is also weapon slot increase in Close Combat 3, but it doesn't stack with Range weapon.
Isn't there also a slot increase in drone control/combat? Maybe that stacks with the others, can't remember. 21 авг. 2015 в 3:00 Isn't there also a slot increase in drone control/combat? Maybe that stacks with the others, can't remember.

No there isn't. To my knowledge there are only 2 places you can increase weapon slot. Close Combat 3 and Range Weapon 3, the problem is, they don't stack with one another.

I believe you started off with 2 weapon slots active and one of the above skill points unlock the 3rd weapon slot. It may look like 3 weapon slot is the MAX, even though the space in the interface can fit 4 weapon slots.

21 авг. 2015 в 3:03 The limit is purposeful. If you want two drones you need to commit to being a Rigger. 21 авг. 2015 в 3:20 The limit is purposeful. If you want two drones you need to commit to being a Rigger.

It's more like a game design flaw to me, you can play as Mage/Rigger or Mage/Decker with very little compromise at all. In fact in my first play through of Dragonfall my character is a Mage/Decker, it works very very well with very little compromise.

Rigger and Decker are "Support" character, they are needed (especially Decker) on the field. If you have both a dedicated Rigger and a dedicated Decker they occupy 2 team slots already which is quite "expensive". And you still need a mage, a shooter and a tank.

I don't understand the logic why Rigger/Decker character combination is being handicapped? This character combination does not make the player unfairly super powerful.

21 авг. 2015 в 3:23 The limit is purposeful. If you want two drones you need to commit to being a Rigger.

It's more like a game design flaw to me, you can play as Mage/Rigger or Mage/Decker with very little compromise at all. In fact in my first play through of Dragonfall my character is a Mage/Decker, it works very very well with very little compromise.

Rigger and Decker are "Support" character, they are needed (especially Decker) on the field. If you have both a dedicated Rigger and a dedicated Decker they occupy 2 team slots already which is quite "expensive". And you still need a mage, a shooter and a tank.

I don't understand the logic why Rigger/Decker character combination is being handicapped? This character combination does not make the player unfairly super powerful. as decker/riger, you don't need a weapon.
just use 2 drones, and in the beginning you can't do anything else anyway.
and later you can use you extra AP to mark targets.
there is really no need for a weapon as rigger/decker.

21 авг. 2015 в 3:29 as decker/riger, you don't need a weapon.
just use 2 drones, and in the beginning you can't do anything else anyway.
and later you can use you extra AP to mark targets.
there is really no need for a weapon as rigger/decker.
If you don't shoot. then what would you do with the 1AP you have after you activate your drones?
21 авг. 2015 в 3:39 If you don't shoot. then what would you do with the 1AP you have after you activate your drones?

Start punching. Or better yet, install a cyberweapon. I don't have one yet, but according to description, the monowhip is ranged.

Alternately you can not attack and use that AP to debuff the enemy.

21 авг. 2015 в 3:47 as decker/riger, you don't need a weapon.
just use 2 drones, and in the beginning you can't do anything else anyway.
and later you can use you extra AP to mark targets.
there is really no need for a weapon as rigger/decker.
If you don't shoot. then what would you do with the 1AP you have after you activate your drones? already wrote that.
mark targets. 21 авг. 2015 в 3:49 Cyber weapons suck beyond measure with Rigging cause they are all short ranged (even whip is only 7 tiles long). And with one action per turn youd better just mark the target than try to use whip or claws. Riggers gona rig, its kinda silly to expect a dude who controlls two killer bots to also contribute to combat like brainless gunnners do. 21 авг. 2015 в 4:18 Cyber weapons suck beyond measure with Rigging cause they are all short ranged (even whip is only 7 tiles long). And with one action per turn youd better just mark the target than try to use whip or claws. Riggers gona rig, its kinda silly to expect a dude who controlls two killer bots to also contribute to combat like brainless gunnners do.
Whip or Claws probably next to useless for character with only 1AP. 1AP is barely enough JUST to walk, let alone walk AND attack. Not to mention fighting close quarter with only 1AP is suicidal. Only Tank character such as Gaichu or Duncan can withstand tanking. 27 авг. 2015 в 22:48 The reason for there being 4 slots in the UI is because everyone can hit with fists so "unarmed" if you will is your 4th 27 авг. 2015 в 22:50 The reason for there being 4 slots in the UI is because everyone can hit with fists so "unarmed" if you will is your 4th
Though you CAN fill that slot with Stun Gloves, since they essentially replace your unarmed attack. But yeah, that's still a short range attack. :) 27 авг. 2015 в 23:09 The limit is purposeful. If you want two drones you need to commit to being a Rigger.

It's more like a game design flaw to me, you can play as Mage/Rigger or Mage/Decker with very little compromise at all. In fact in my first play through of Dragonfall my character is a Mage/Decker, it works very very well with very little compromise.

Rigger and Decker are "Support" character, they are needed (especially Decker) on the field. If you have both a dedicated Rigger and a dedicated Decker they occupy 2 team slots already which is quite "expensive". And you still need a mage, a shooter and a tank.

I don't understand the logic why Rigger/Decker character combination is being handicapped? This character combination does not make the player unfairly super powerful.
Actually Mage/Rigger and Mage Decker, make thier compromise right off the bat. To use a deck or drones, you need a datajack, and since essence cost rounds up, any Mage/Decker or Mage Rigger, start with 1 essence drained. That is the immediate consequence of any mage tech combination.

So compared to a pure mage, they are dealing with reduced spell cooldown right away. While it is a smaller compromise, to say it is little or no compromise, is showing a lack of understanding how important that essence can be for a pure mage, and just how powerful a full essence mage can be. The mere choice of wanting a deck or drone, makes you a weaker caster.

You make a choice to be less efficent at some things for being able to more different things, period. In the case of the mage combos with tech, its that immediate essence factor, which since your dealing with it from the start, is overlooked, or at the very least is something you get used to by later in game.

The drone thing only seems unfair, cause you don;t notice it to later, even thou it should be obvious. This is the 3rd game in the series now, and at any point ever, could we have more than 3 weapons on any character at any time? Even without knowledge of that, you should notice your limit on slots well before you purchase that drone upgrade.

The only truly sensible solution is to ask yourself in the decker/rigger case,is whether to stop just short of upgrades for 2nd drone on rigging, and focus more on your decking and direct combat, or if the upgrades to 1 drone beyond the upgrade for the 2nd, is the more prudent choice.

20.11.2013 Анонс Shadowrun Dragonfall

"Город Ангелов" – Эли Гарретт
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Цикл: Shadowrun. Кровь и Хром

В независимом городе Лос Анджелес властью являются корпорации и местные банды. Здесь каждый может стать легендой, но не каждый может после этого остаться живым.

Декс Бренн оставляет тяжёлое прошлое на другом побережье и переезжает сюда ради славы и нью-йен. Он - талантливый, злобный и харизматичный адепт. И ему нужен соответствующий фиксер и команда, чтобы покорить этот город. Но первое же пустяковое дело идёт совсем не так, как планировалось. Дексу придётся разобраться, кто подставил его команду под удар, распутать клубок змей под названием "тени Лос Анджелеса" и оставить от каждого виновного лишь кучу хрома и крови.

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