Самая первая карта the escapists

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Center Perks is the first and easiest map present in the game, succeeded by Stalag Flucht.

Center Perks also has its own unique free time music.

Center Perks Map


Summary [ ]

The map is labeled as a "very easy" difficulty, featuring an indoor/outdoor prison built in a meadow. It also features "comfortable" versions of basic items.

It holds 10 inmates (yourself included) and has 5 guards.

Each cell holds 1 inmate.

If you're spotted by a guard in the prison with 89% or higher guard heat, tower guards can shoot you in inside yards.

Many of the cells are connected by vents, allowing easy access to most locations in secret. A Screwdriver or Powered Screwdriver is best for traversing vents, along with Fake Vent Covers in case something goes wrong.

Schedule [ ]

8:00-9:00 Morning Roll Call
9:00-10:00 Breakfast
10:00-12:00 Free Period
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-16:00 Work Period
16:00-17:00 Exercise Period
17:00-18:00 Showers
18:00-19:00 Dinner
19:00-22:00 Evening Free Time
22:00-23:00 Evening Roll Call
23:00-8:00 Lights Out (Best Time To Escape)

Characteristics [ ]

  • Janitor
  • Laundry (default)
  • Cook
  • Mailman
  • Metal Shop

Strategies / Ways To Escape [ ]

There are many ways to escape Center Perks, as this is the easiest prison in The Escapists.

Prison Takeover (Fastest Known Escape) [ ]

This is the fastest legitimate method of escaping Center Perks. The world record time is 29.55 seconds. (video)

  1. Get out of the bed straight away, then hit Q on as many inmates as possible. Three friends will be recommended for the start. If you cannot three inmates at the beginning, exit and restart.
  2. Attend Rollcall. Get all other inmates wherever possible to follow you.
  3. Once the guards are at Rollcall, get everyone to attack the first guard and the second guard. (Note that this will trigger lockdown.) When the third guard shows up, beat him up too.
  4. This is usually where it's completely RNG, but once the fourth guard shows up, get everyone to attack it. Once you get the warden note, go through the top entrance doors and use that to get out. You will have to be fast with it because if a guard gets up, you will be sniped and the takeover will fail.

Tip: Usually the game will play a sound effect for those who are able to follow you if you can't directly get to them. You can get the inmate from straight down right away which will follow you early for some weird reason.

No Prison Takeover [ ]

Doing no takeover is usually more consistent and requires less RNG. The fastest time without a prison takeover is 1m, 20s. (video)

  1. Once your cell unlocks, start searching desks. Also, there is a glitch to search other desks from the same cell. All you need to do is click while the "searching" bar is up. It is pretty convenient and saves a lot of time.
  2. You will need a roll of duct tape. A file will save time, but a plastic knife also works.
  3. Use the infinite durability glitch on your file / plastic knife.
    1. To do this, press the esc key, and click the profile button at the same time until it glitches. May require multiple attempts.
    2. Click into your desk and put a comb shiv in.
    3. Click out of it and back in. Take the comb shiv out of your desk. The menu should be glitched with yellow keys.
    4. Go to your profile then equip the weapon.
    5. Once your item disappears, you'll know if you've done it correctly.

    Glitchless [ ]

    Glitchless strategies are the slowest, but you have a couple of options.

    Classic Strategy: [ ]
    1. Attend roll call to avoid triggering a lockdown.
    2. Gather four plastic forks.
    3. Start chipping the bottom wall near the entrance doors.
    4. Stop chipping whenever it hits 4%
    5. Use this time to search desks for two files and any food that might speed up the process.
    6. Use the laundry room to take a guard outfit.
    7. At lights out, place a bed dummy, and put on the guard outfit.
    8. Chip the wall and put the wall block back to avoid being placed in solitary.
    9. Move down and start cutting the fence.
    Entrance Key Use: [ ]
    1. Label the third guard's name to something like "Entrance" or "333333". This is necessary as the key pattern is always the same.
    2. Attend roll call to avoid triggering a lockdown.
    3. Search desks individually for stuff to make molten plastic, wad of putty, cutters, or even molten chocolate if you're lucky enough.
    4. Train your strength and intellect to knockout the guard and get a key mold.
    5. Knockout the third guard that has the entrance key.
    6. Take his guard outfit and key. Craft the mold, and the plastic key if possible. Remember to put the real key back on the guard though, otherwise you will be placed in solitary.
    7. At lights out, place a bed dummy, and put on the guard outfit.
    8. Use the plastic key to get outside and start cutting the fence.
    Utility Hall: [ ]
    1. Attend roll call to avoid triggering a lockdown.
    2. Gather four plastic forks.
    3. Start chipping the hall near the gym / shower area.
    4. If you are worried about playing risky, place the wall block back down. It will spawn back at 10%.
    5. Get the prisoner stash. With RNG you can get at least flimsy cutters.
    6. If you can't get flimsy cutters, search desks for files.
    7. Wait for the entrance doors to lock. The 22:00 warning doesn't mean anything as you won't be sniped.
    8. Wait for 23:00 for the snipers to despawn before you start cutting.

    Routines [ ]

    You always live in the middle row of cells on the 2nd row to the left. 8:00 is morning Roll Call. Failing to go to rollcall will cause a prison lockdown. After Roll Call, you have breakfast, which is a good time to take on favors and buy items. After breakfast is Free Period, which is good to plan your escape or complete favors to get cash. Lunch follows the first free period. Use Lunch the same as breakfast (NOTE:You could always skip out on these, but be careful of being spotted!) Your job follows lunch. If you're unemployed, you can simply take on favors, talk to inmates or try and steal someone's job. You can steal a job by beating the inmate with the job up so they get no work done. If you're starting out you probably have laundry duty (See the jobs section on how to complete it.) Finish your quota and leave. A good tactic to complete your quota is leave items ready to go for tomorrow (Like putting 2 dirty outfits in the washer and leaving them for the next day.) Finish your job and head to the gym for either weights or a treadmill. Weights give you more strength and overall health while treadmills increase speed. If you become too fatigued or it's time to go, head next door to the showers to reduce fatigue. After Shower Time, eat dinner just like breakfast and lunch, then enjoy your 3 hour free period. After, go to roll call and go to bed. Repeat until you escape!

    Fort Tundra Map

    Not to be confused with Prisons, also known as Maps.

    The Map is a feature in The Escapists 2. It allows you to see who's selling items, has a favour for you, and where everyone is. It also gives you a representation of the prison's layout, showing floors, vents, and different types of doors (doors requiring Keys are marked in the Key's color, Multiplayer Doors are grayed out so they may be hard to see. White doors can be opened at any time.) Certain areas, such as the gym, mess hall, Solitary and Infirmary, to name a few, are marked with icons on the map. These icons display the area name when hovered over.

    In the expanded map, you can switch between floors. This will not affect your location in the prison. The map does not pause the game when opened. NPC and player movements are displayed in real time, and the game will still run even if you can't see what is going on. A clock shows up in the same place as it does normally (top right) to tell you the time and routine. In the middle of the screen is a crosshair, and when targeted at an object, it displays its name. For example, in the map on the right, the crosshair is targeted at a maintenance worker, revealing his name is Walshy.

    The map is accessed by 'expanding' the minimap. There will be a key down the left hand side, stating which symbol represents which type of NPC/player. The icons are as follows:

    • Players are marked as colored arrows. are marked as a person icon with blue clothes. If you have knocked them out before, they will have a key/keycard icon above their head. This represents which key and/or keycard they have on their person. are person icons with orange clothes. Inmates with Favours are green exclamation marks. Robinson in Center Perks 2.0 is a red exclamation mark, as he is unique (See Center Perks 2.0 for more info). Shop inmates are marked as coins.
    • Doors are marked as colored rectangles (as well as the white rectangles shown in the legend). Each door's color corresponds to the colored key needed to open them. White doors are unlocked doors you can freely pass. Note that Multiplayer Doors requiring Keycards are not colored on the map, thus using dark colors akin to walls, making them harder to see. Other dark-colored doors are either medic-only doors or guard-only doors that can only be opened wearing their respective outfits.
    • Orange doors are solitary confinement doors that cannot be opened regularly. are brown dog-head icons.
    • Medics are person icons with cyan clothes. (Medics cannot be attacked.)
    • Maintenance Staff are person icons with yellow clothes. (Maintenance staff cannot be attacked.)
    • The map will also mark locations players have marked manually, as X symbols corresponding to player color. You cannot directly mark places on the map.
    • Players' cells are marked with house icons in colours corresponding to players. and information boards/inmate notes are also represented as a white circle with a blue 'i' in the middle. These can be read by interacting with them.
    • Favour objectives are pinpointed by a golden object resembling a stamp, or a pin in a map.

    All of these icons show up on the minimap as well, with small yellow arrows showing up or down if they are on floors above or below you, respectively.

    The Escapists — Карта "Карцер" [1.0] » Моды и скины

    1. Добраться к генератору и отключить его,сломать стену и разрезать забор.
    2. Сделать подкоп ложками возле ящика уборщика. Железнобетонных стен нету.

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    Когда игра ни в какую не поддается и кажется непроходимой, на помощь приходят специальные программы - читы, скины, моды, трейнеры для игр и т. д. С их помощью игрок может получить преимущество: дополнительные ресурсы, много денег, бессмертие, повышенную скорость и многое другое.

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    При скачивании файлов нужно обратить внимание на версию игры, для которой он предназначен. Трейнеры для игр, например, не всегда совместимы со всеми версиями игры, так как разработчики, выпуская обновления, могут менять архитектуру игры и принципы работы тех или иных ее механик. Обычно версия, с которой совместим файл, указывается прямо в его названии.

    The Escapists - что это за игра, трейлер, системные требования, отзывы и оценки, цены и скидки, гайды и прохождение, похожие игры

    The Escapists — веселая инди-игра про побег из тюрьмы. Сделать это можно любыми средствами. Например, организовать бунт. Или прокопать туннель прямо под тюрьмой. Или незаметно стащить форму охранника. Но перед этим придется научиться не выделяться из толпы — посещать переклички, работать в тюрьме и прятать украденные вещи. В игре вас ожидает 8 полностью разных тюрем, 10 рабочих должностей и почти две сотни уникальных предметов. Также вы сможете спроектировать собственную тюрьму и поделиться ей с сообществом.


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    Системные требования

    Минимальные системки для игры:

    • Windows XP
    • Процессор: Двухядерный 2,4 ГГц
    • 2 GB ОЗУ
    • 2 GB HDD
    • Intel HD Graphics 4000, Nvidia GeForce 8000, ATI Radeon HD 4800 Видеопамять: 64 MB

    Подробные и рекомендуемые требования к PC ищите на странице системных требований для The Escapists.

    Даты выхода

    The Escapists уже вышла на PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Mac, Linux.

    Полный список дат выхода и платформ смотрите на странице релизов.

    Где купить игру со скидкой?

    VGTimes ищет и сравнивает цены на The Escapists в разных магазинах, чтобы вы могли купить игру дешевле, чем в Steam, PS Store и других официальных сервисах дистрибуции.

    Сейчас The Escapists продается в таких магазинах, как Gama-Gama, Plati, GameRay и других. Самая низкая цена, которую нам удалось найти - 111 рублей. Игру можно активировать в Steam.

    Вот некоторые актуальные предложения:

      в магазине Steampay за 122 руб в магазине Zaka-Zaka за 129 руб в магазине Gamivo за 114 руб в магазине HRK Game за 111 руб в магазине Gabestore за 129 руб

    Еще больше скидок и вкусных цен ищите здесь.

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