Mr hopps playhouse 2 концовки

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

Канал GMD13 включает в себя интереснейшие разборки смыслов многих известных игр и художественных ресурсов, ведь все хотят узнать пасхалки, или, проще говоря, секреты, которые игрокам оставили разработчики компьютерных игр. Их найти очень сложно, ведь они надежно спрятаны, но сообразительным и любопытным данные приложения раскроют свои секреты.

Возможно, не сразу, ведь на поиск часто уходят месяцы и даже годы. Некоторые игроки часто играют не ради самого процесса, а ради интриги нахождения уловок разработчиков. Дополнительные уровни, неожиданные артефакты, подсказки и тайные элементы скрываются в самой глубине игрового процесса.

Например, большой популярностью пользуется видео, где автор по-своему трактует феномен песни Парад розовых слонов из мультфильма Dumbo, говоря о том, что это один из самых страшных образов в киноискусстве, недаром во взрослой поп-культуре он теперь символизирует галлюцинации, сопровождающие всевозможные допинговые развлечения.

На канале уже числится около полумиллиона подписчиков. Некоторые видео в аккаунте построены на комментариях к популярной игре Bendy and the Ink Machine раскрывают тайны головоломок в стиле Survival horror. Автор детально проходится по многим видеоиграм-ужастикам: BatDR, Hello Neighbor, HeartBound и другим. Не обошел ведущий вниманием и нашумевшую игру Among Us.

Есть у него и другие личные пристрастия. Например, он любит покопаться в играх run and gun, таких, как Cuphead и американских компьютерных романах типа Doki Doki или поведать историю парня с голубыми волосами из Sally Face, которая представляет собой тайну. GMD13 также проводит интересные распаковки игр.

Below is a list of all the possible endings for Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 2.


"Bad Ending"

This ending occurs only when Esther fails to acquire all Six medallions scattered throughout the Blacklands Manor Orphanage. She ends up being confronted by Isabelle and then chased by the Entity who demands she play with it. Esther escapes the orphanage, but when she makes it outside, she loses all memory of the events that had transpired and finds Mr. Hopp.

The scene then cuts years later, to the inside of Esther's house with Esther no where in sight. A radio announces the sixty-seventh anniversary of the disappearance of everyone in the orphanage, stating that Esther was the only survivor. Soon after, Mr. Hopp's face will come into view and lunges at the screen as it cuts to black.

"Sleep Tight" Ending

This ending occurs when Ruby finds that her parents have disappeared. She claims that its just a bad dream and goes to bed. However, when Ruby went to bed, Mr. Hopp finds her.

"Escape Ending"

This ending is achieved during the sixth chapter of the game. In this ending, Esther will have decided that she has had enough of the horrors that she has experienced so far and decides to leave the orphanage.

In order to get this ending, Esther must go to the library and enter the restricted part of the orphanage. Once there, Esther will find a stool and must push it down to the end of the hall where a door will be. The stool will end up outside and Esther must continue to push it until it reaches the bushes by the wall of the orphanage. Once the stool is in place, jump on top of it and then over the wall and continue right.

"Escape Artist" Ending

This ending is the ending when Ruby acquires a slingshot and uses it to escape Mr. Hopp. However, the police arrive and arrest Ruby. From inside a police car, Ruby witnesses Mr. Hopp watching her from the house window.

"Joke Ending"

This ending occurs when Esther is locked up in the cellar by Miss Beverley. Escaping her confinement and exploring the cellar, Esther will come across a crack in the wall but will have no way to break it. When escaping Mr. Hopp and acquiring a crowbar, Esther will need to head back to the crack in the wall and use the crowbar to break through to the other side. Inside, Esther will find a shell surrounded by candles with the words "All Hail, painted onto the wall.

In the ending, Esther asks the shell what she must do about the situation she is in and it replies ". nothing". Esther obeys the shell instructions and does nothing.


"True Ending"

This ending occurs when Esther successfully collects all of the Six medallions scattered throughout the Blacklands Manor Orphanage. This unlocks a secret chapter in the game, sending Esther to the underworld where she confronts Isabelle and the Entity. Esther eventually finds all of the children, including her friends, and some of the matrons of the orphanage. She does battle with the Amalgamation before defeating it and saves everyone. They are all sent back to the orphanage with Esther being the only one who apparently remembers what happened. Esther is happy to see Molly and Isaac and plays hide and seek with them, and Molly notices Esther's necklace with the Six.

Years later, an elderly Esther is seen sitting contently in her house until she hears the music of Mr. Hopp who appears from behind her in the darkness as a worried expression appears on her face.

Below is a list of all the possible endings for Mr. Hopp's Playhouse.


A young girl needs to find her friends, unravel a dark mystery and escape the clutches of her cursed toys.

At Blacklands Manor Orphanage, three toys arrive in a donation box for Esther and her two friends Molly and Isaac. They call the tiger toy Mr. Stripes, the panda toy Miss Bo and the rabbit toy Mr. Hopp. A mystery begins to unravel around the three toys as Molly and Isaac go missing.

"Firestarter" Ending

Ruby manages to acquire matches and lighter fluid during the game. With these items, she lights up a piece of cloth and burns down the house. After escaping the house, Ruby will watch as the house is engulfed in flames with Mr. Hopp pleading and begging her to save him and her family.

Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 2 is the prequel to the original Mr. Hopp's Playhouse and the third installment in the series.



Esther starts off in a dream exploring an abandoned orphanage. When she reaches the bottom floor, she will reach a dead end and is forced to go back, but in her way is a shadowy shape of a toy rabbit, which then grows into a giant monster. What previously was a dead end, is now a seemingly endless hallway where Esther runs as far as she can as a giant hand comes for her. Escape from the hand is impossible. When caught, Esther sees the image of a girl being burned, screaming out for help. Esther awakens from her nightmare, and it seems she has woken up the other children in the orphanage as well. Come morning, Esther talks with her friends, Molly and Isaac. She says she has the same dream over and over again. While Isaac suggests that it means something, Molly tells Esther that she is just going crazy. The head matron, Miss Beverley, gives the children a box of donated toys; claiming that they are "more things to make a mess with". 3 specific toys stick out; a tiger, a panda, and a rabbit. When Esther reaches for the rabbit, she gets the glimpse of the burning girl, 6 symbols, and the rabbit. Esther says she feels she seen the rabbit before, Isaac finds them unsettling, but Molly thinks they're adorable. Molly calls takes the panda toy and calls it Miss Bo, Isaac calls the tiger toy Mr. Stripes, and Esther calls the rabbit Mr. Hopp.

"Chapter I: Hide and Seek"

"Follow Molly and Isaac."

Esther goes to follow Molly and Isaac downstairs in the dining area. Isaac asks Esther if she wants to play hide and seek, and Molly snarks about Esther's appearance; and Esther is chosen to count and the lift, which seems to be out of order, is where she starts counting. Before going to find the other children, she places Mr. Hopp on the table next to the lift.

"Play Hide and Seek."

In the library, Esther will see Mr. Stripes and Miss Bo on the table. Isaac will be on the left of the upper floor, hiding behind the pedestal with the bust. At first, it would seem Molly is nowhere to be found, but after you find Isaac, Molly will be on the right of the lower floor. When the game ends, Molly is called out for cheating, they start shouting at each other; Miss Beverly comes up behind and tells them to keep the noise down. Esther says they can play somewhere else, and she goes to get Mr. Hopp.

"Get Mr. Hopp."

When Esther goes to get Mr. Hopp, he appears to have fallen over, as he looks like he was trying to reach something. Esther thinks she simply put him too close to the edge.

"Chapter II: The Hunt"

During the night, Mr. Hopp's left eye peers at Esther, and when she begins to wake up, she notices Mr. Hopp has disappeared. Esther hears the sound of his music box; and goes to find him, Assuming Molly took him.

"Find Mr. Hopp."

Like the first game, many toys have been scattered across the floor, making it difficult for Esther to leave quietly without alerting anyone. When Esther successfully leaves, Mr. Stripes will speed past behind her, appearing in the door to the children's room. Esther continues on, seemingly not seeing Mr. Stripes. Matrons are patrolling the hallways, if they see Esther, she will be sent back to her last checkpoint; She can avoid them by hiding in cabinets. Mr. Hopp is in the kitchen. When entering, Miss Bo will peek behind the doorway. When Esther picks up Mr. Hopp, she will question how he got all the way down here, looking slightly unsettled.

"Get back to the children's bedroom."

As Esther makes her way back to the children's room with Mr.Hopp, she is caught by Miss Beverley. Miss Beverley threatens to send Esther to the cellar if she is found out of bed again. She is then sent off to bed and has another dream.

"Chapter III: The Six"

During the dream, Esther wakes up in a room with a chandelier and an open area. Approaching the chandelier will cause it fall, breaking as it hits the floor. Entering the door at the end of the room will lead Esther to a three-floor area, where she has to collect The Six. Toys and black spikes are scattered around the floors. If Esther touches the spikes, she will take damage. When the first symbol is collected, Mr. Hopp's music box will start playing. The area will have more obstacles, such as pendulums, fists, and spikes; the obstacles will increase in difficulty as more symbols are found. Standing in an open area is dangerous if Mr. Hopp is nearby, as he will catch Esther if he reaches her before she can get away from the open area. Upon collecting the last symbol, Mr. Hopp will disappear, and the sound fire crackling can be heard. Going down to floor one reveals a new floor, which has been partly set on fire. Upon approaching the fire, Esther says she needs to put it out before it spreads. When the fire is put out, a black, tripod-like figure will appear. Upon approach, a black scorpion- and spider-like figure called The Entity will appear, and Esther will see the image of Mr. Hopp, all the six symbols, and will then wake up from her dream.

"Chapter IV: Molly"

Upon wake, Esther questions the symbols and why she keeps seeing them. keeping the experience to herself this time.

"Look for Molly and Isaac."

Esther will find Molly and Isaac standing near the door to the children's room with Mr. Stripes and Miss Bo on the floor. Esther accuses Molly of moving Mr. Hopp down to the kitchen to get her in trouble, to witch Molly denies. Isaac asks Esther if she wasn't just sleepwalking. Esther confronts out Molly for acting like a princess, and tells her they all might actually like her if she didn't. Molly gets huffs off, and takes Miss Bo with her. Isaac tells Esther to go apologize to her, telling her that that was rude.

"Apologise to Molly."

While walking towards the library, Esther questions where Molly went. Upon entering the library, Esther meets an another resident of the orphanage named Billy. She asks him if he has seen Molly anywhere, to which Billy replies he'll tell her if she retrieves his ball, that Miss Beverly confiscated, back from the storage room. Esther argues at first, stating that he's aware that they're not allowed in that part of the house; Billy convinces her with making it clear he won't tell her where Molly is if she doesn't get his ball.

"Get Billy's ball back."

Near the chair Molly hid behind is a door that leads to what seems to be one of the orphanage's living rooms. A matron can be seen walking back and forth between an open cardboard box and a bookshelf. Esther has to hide behind the closed cardboard boxes to not get noticed by the matron, if she fails it will send her back to the conversation with Billy. After making it past the living room, Esther has to get the key to the storage room by hiding from Miss Beverly. At the far end of the storage room, Billy's ball can be seen on a cardboard box. Mr. Hopp can also be seen behind one of the other cardboard boxes. Upon collecting the ball, a giggle from an unknown girl can be heard. Going past the wardrobe in the middle of the room will result in Mr. Hopp grabbing her, and she must struggle to get free. Failing to do so will send Esther back to her last checkpoint. If she successfully gets free, Mr. Hopp will let go, and Esther will deny that it could've been real and that she just needs sleep. When Esther brings the ball back to Billy, he reveals that he isn't actually certain where Molly is, but suggests that Esther looks in the second floor bedroom, located in the east wing.

"Find Molly."

When Esther enters the bedroom, she sees that Miss Bo is sitting on the dresser at the far end of the room, with Molly nowhere to be found. Esther picks her up, questioning why she's sitting there all by herself. At the hallway with the two big paintings and a bookshelf, Esther sees Dee standing near the entrance to the main hall. Before Esther can ask if she's seen Molly, Dee asks her if she can hear the whispers and the evil that roams the halls. When going back towards the children's room, Esther finds that Isaac is no longer there, and Mr. Stripes' claws can be seen at the curb of the open area. Upon approaching the claws, Mr. Stripes will go back into the darkness. Esther reports the absence of Molly and Isaac to matron Ruth, who says that they're hiding somewhere and they'll be dealt with accordingly, and that Esther should stop worrying and go back to bed. Esther goes to sleep and has another dream.

"Chapter V: The Loop"

Esther finds herself in another dream. But this time, she faces more than the demonic version of Mr. Hopp. She now must face him along his friends, Miss Bo and Mr. Stripes. Esther must walk and reach the end of a long hallway without being caught, the only way to the stay safe is to not move when you see them. However, running is also not an option, as it will cause too much noise.

"Chapter VI: Whispers"

Esther will wake up from the dream to hear Molly and Issac whispering, crying out for help.

"Follow the whispering"

She will then leave the children room, being careful as to not create too much noise, and will attempt to find the source of the noise; being careful of the matrons. Esther will proceed to find a bedroom guarded by a matron. Find a vinyl record and play it on the gramophone to distract the matron and enter the room. When you pass the dark hallway on the right of the room, Miss Bo will run past; When going near the closet, Esther will hear Molly and Issac saying that Miss Beverly locked them in there and that the key is in her room.

"Get the key"

On the way to the library, Esther will hear a deep voice commanding her to "give yourself to us". Upon entering the library, Esther will will see a shadowy figure that will quickly vanish. This is when you can get the escape Endings (Mr. Hopp’s Playhouse). When she goes up the stairs, Esther will see Mr. Stripes slam the door. She then heads into Miss Beverly's room and here, she will find the key and circle back. When Esther is about to exit the library, a shadowy, legless Mr. Hopp will emerge from the floor and proceed to chase her. She escapes and claims that Molly might be right and she is going crazy. Esther will then go back upstairs and to the room that she heard Molly and Isaac in; thankfully the matron did not keep guarding the room. Esther will unlock the door and Molly and Issac will thank her for freeing them. However, both of their faces will then become distorted, grinning and oozing black liquid. Miss Beverly will then arrive arrive and shut the door, not appearing to have noticed. Miss Beverly then punishes Esther for once again sneaking by taking her down to the cellar.


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