Мастер клинка варкрафт 3

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Жившие в магическом городе Даларан, верховные маги представляли собой вершину магической силы. Используя свои замысловатые чары, эти своенравные старые волшебники приходили на защиту человечества со всей их магической мощью. Передвигавшиеся на своих верных конях, они были вооружены старинным посохом, который они использовали для направления их свирепой магической энергии во время битвы. Хотя были они немного грубы и отчуждены, само наличие этих опытных магов вселяло надежду на любом поле боя, где решалась судьба человечества.


Имена героя

Тенн Огненный, Нилус Премудрый, Андромат, Шеал Заклинатель, Аран Волшебник, Марон Певец, Ландазар, Дорил Чародей, Перил Заклинатель, Рекс Колдун, Фордред Аран, Далар Рассветный, Келен Искатель.


Характеристики [ ]

Имена героев [ ]

Тодзара, Никоро, Кадзин, Микаса, Самуро, Акино, Мадзуру, Йоцура, Дайсе, Кигаме, Арасикаге, Могул Хитрый, Дзюбей

Information [ ]

The Blademaster is a favorite Hero of many Orc commanders. The Blademaster is one of the most powerful melee Heroes when combined with Mirror Image and Critical Strike. Blademasters can quickly destroy enemy units and buildings when they are powered up with items and levels. The Blademaster's greatest advantage is Mirror Image, which confuses the enemy and focuses their attention on fake copies of the Blademaster. Critical Strike allows the Blademaster to do very high damage attacks. Wind Walk can allow the Blademaster to go invisible and run away when he's about to die or sneak into enemy towns. The Blademaster's Bladestorm ultimate ability can do serious damage.

There are many point spending strategies with the Blademaster. Typically players first place points in Mirror Image and then place points in Critical Strike. But other players who wish to Hero rush or do hit and run attacks in the enemy towns or against Creeps sometimes place their first point in Wind Walk then follow in Critical Strike.

Buy up items at the Marketplace to further enhance the Blademaster's power.

Use Dispel on the Illusions or find out which is the real Blademaster and focus your attacks on him. Ranged units with focused fire work very well against Blademasters once you find the real one.

Cast silence on Orc Blademasters. They won't be able to Wind Walk, Mirror Image or use Bladestorm.

Spells and abilities [ ]

Стремительность ветра [ ]

  • Use Wind Walk to get away when the Blademaster is about to die. Use Wind Walk to scout the map without being attacked. You can walk into an enemy town, look around, then leave.
  • Use Wind Walk to sneak into an enemy town or upon stopped collections of enemy units and do a Bladestorm.
  • Wind Walk can be used for soloing Creeps at the start of the game. A cool trick is to run into a group of Creeps, kill the leader to get the best items, grab the items, then go invisible using Wind Walk.
  • The Blademaster can use Wind Walk early in the game to use Fountains of Health, Fountains of Mana, or other Neutral buildings while they are still being defended by Creeps.
  • The Blademaster can wake up a bunch of Creeps, and then lead them to the enemy. The Blademaster can then use Wind Walk to become invisible giving the Creeps a new target, that enemy player.
  • Because Hero Speed is capped at 400, the Blademaster is not able to advance beyond 400 speed. 400 is reached with Level 2 Wind Walk. The Blademaster's speed does not increase after level 2. The main benefit of reaching level 3 is for the longer duration.
  • Wind Walk can be used to walk through units.

Dark Ranger 's Silence (to prevent Wind Walk), Иллюзия [ ]

Confuses the enemy by creating illusions of the Blademaster and dispelling all magic from the Blademaster.
Level Duration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect Hero Level Req
1 60 sec. 3 sec. 115 N/A N/A N/A Creates 1 illusion 1
2 60 sec. 3 sec. 115 N/A N/A N/A Creates 2 illusion 3
3 60 sec. 3 sec. 115 N/A N/A N/A Creates 3 illusion 5

Mirror Image is a very effective spell because it breaks target lock and creates a duplicate of the Blademaster. Enemy players are often unable to tell which is the real Blademaster.

The Blademaster can concentrate and create alternate illusions of himself. The player can discern the illusions graphically, but opposing players see an exact duplicate. The illusions have the same hit points as the Blademaster, but no special abilities. Illusions can attack, but do no damage. When attacked, the Illusion takes double damage.

Each casting dispels your previous images. Mirror Images are created at "current" hit points, to make it more difficult to detect the images. Mirror Images appear to level when the parent Blademaster levels. Mirror Images appear to get Critical hits.

At level 1 you can only summon one Mirror Image. You cannot summon more than 3 Mirror Images.

Use Mirror Images to scout the map since it doesn't matter if you lose them. You can use a Mirror Image to spy on the enemy or scout for expansions. It's better to scout at night since the Mirror Images will not be attacked by Creeps.

Mirror Image can help the Blademaster become unstuck when he has become trapped by Entangling Roots or Ensnare. If you are rooted, use Mirror Image to break free. This can also be used when the Blademaster has been trapped by enemy units surrounding him.

It's important to control all of your Mirror Images when attacking. If you only control the REAL Blademaster and leave the Mirror Images alone attacking "wrong" things, the enemy might pick up on which one is the real Blademaster and which are the imposters. If the enemy figures out which is the real Blademaster, cast Mirror Image again to mix them up.

Mirror Image Counters

If you are trying to identify which is the real Mirror Image, hold down alt and watch the HP bar of the Blademaster being attacked and watch the hit points go down. Mirror Images take more damage so if you notice the hit points dropping quickly instead of slowly, it's not the real Blademaster.

You can often tell which is the real Blademaster by which Blademaster the enemy controls the most or how the enemy seeks out specific targets with only one of their Blademasters. If the enemy is smart they will try to fool you but average players won't have these skills. If you can't figure out by how they are controlled, use the hit point method instead.

You can use dispel to damage Mirror Images.

Player Submitted Tip When countering Mirror Image, if you hold down alt and watch to see the timing of the Blademasters' attacks with the timing of damage applied to your building/unit, it is quite easy to determine which one is real. This works better when with a hero rush or any time there are only a few units attacking, otherwise there may be too much going on to differentiate damage dealt by the Blademaster from that of other units. - BigPossum on Azeroth

Смертельный удар [ ]

Gives a 15% chance that the Blademaster will do more damage on his attacks.
Level Duration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect Hero Level Req
1 Unlimited N/A N/A N/A N/A Self 2 times normal damage 1
2 Unlimited N/A N/A N/A N/A Self 3 times normal damage 3
3 Unlimited N/A N/A N/A N/A Self 4 times normal damage 5

There are few players that pass up Critical Strike. Critical Strike can allow for some very high damage attacks as the Blademaster gets equipment and levels.

Red numbers will float around the Blademaster indicating that you have made a Critical Strike and how much damage that Critical Strike was.

Critical Strike does not work on buildings.

Critical Strike does not receive damage from the Вихрь клинков (Ultimate) [ ]

Causes a bladestorm of destructive force around the Blademaster, rendering him immune to magic and dealing 110 damage per second to nearby enemy land units.
Level Duration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect Hero Level Req
N/A 7 sec. 180 sec. 200 N/A N/A Ground, Enemy, Neutral 110 damage per second 6

The Blademaster is not invulnerable while casting Bladestorm, but has Spell Immunity.

Bladestorm does equal damage to all of the units in its area.

Bladestorm is great against low hit point buildings such as Towers and Внешние ссылки [ ]



Please add any available information to this section.


The blademasters are known to have existed long before the corruption of the orcs at the hand of the Burning Legion when the Burning Blade clan was still dwelling in Hallvalor in Nagrand and using elemental fire magic. Judging by the Ancient Blademaster, the way of the blademaster was already an ancient one years before the forming of the Old Horde.

Third War

This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.

The Blackrock Scouts and Blackrock Warriors, sub-groups of the Blackrock clan loyal to the Burning Legion, were also led by blademasters.

Fel orcs

Alliance-Horde War

This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

Garrosh Hellscream employed several blademasters during the campaign in Pandaria, with the Mag'har orc Ishi serving as his champion and with several blademasters stationed at Domination Point in Krasarang. He also recruited so-called Blind Blademasters into his True Horde during the Siege of Orgrimmar.

Iron Horde

This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

On the alternate Draenor where the orc clans rallied into the Iron Horde as a result of Garrosh's actions, the Burning Blade, led by a blademaster known as Azuka Bladefury, willingly joined. Following Gul'dan's takeover of the Iron Horde, a blademaster called Jubei'thos became a member of his Hellfire High Council.

Abilities and customs

The Masters' Cavern, where warriors of the Burning Blade train to become blademasters.

“A blademaster without a blade is no blademaster at all.”

Warcraft III abilities

This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.


Blademaster Telaamon, a Lightforged draenei blademaster.


Warcraft III

This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.

This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Note: Many of these are random hero names in Warcraft III.


Other blademasters

In the RPG

Orc gladiator, a blademaster in the RPG.

This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Notes and trivia

Хотя их совсем немного, закаленные мастера клинка (жарг. бм, блейд) представляют собой элиту военной силы в Орде. Эти опытные бойцы на мечах когда-то были частью злополучного клана Пылающего Клинка, который поразила порча Легиона. После того, как их клан был разрушен, а его члены разъединены, эти гордые воины приняли мрачную клятву: навсегда освободить себя и своих братьев от контроля демонов. Под командованием Тралла они вернулись в Орду и служат в ней как личная почетная охрана вождя.



Имена героев

Тодзара, Никоро, Кадзин, Микаса, Самуро, Акино, Мадзуру, Йоцура, Дайсе, Кигаме, Арасикаге, Могул Хитрый, Дзюбей.

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