Маска пуро changed

Обновлено: 05.07.2024



Puro is the deuteragonist of Changed. He is a dark latex, wolf-like creature that guides and follows the protagonist through the majority of the game.

Appearance [ ]

He is a dark latex wolf with the normal characteristics of dark latex creatures, donning a white mask as well.

Background [ ]

Heralded as a failed experiment in the initial trials of the "Genetic Project", Puro recounts how as a pup he experienced The Riot; an uprising of the patients who underwent genetic transfur in order to prevent their pending extermination at the hands of the humans in the facility.

Upon their escape and consequent takeover of the facility, Puro gradually fell out of the primordial desires of his peers' hunger to transfur other humans and instead found himself scouring the library with a newfound sense of curiosity and awareness for humankind. Over the years he set out to learn to read, write, talk, and even draw as he studied in isolation. Knowing that there was still one human left in the facility, he initially thought that he could lure the latter into the library with various notes he wrote in the case that the human ever woke up in order to transfur him and become strong enough to escape on his own; however, by the time the human arrives, he no longer has this desire and instead whimsically hopes to see the outside world with him instead and is willing to help the human in any way possible. In the present, he can be seen as having a "home" in the ventilation system where he lives off of rainwater and fruit from the tree in the library.



Первое появление

тёмное латексное существо, умеющее разговаривать, читать, писать. Он следует за игроком, помогая ему. Он покрыт темным, густым, мягким мехом, на нем белая маска и белые зрачки. Его хвост больше, чем у других темных латексных.



При первой встрече с человеком, выражает малое удивление, после того как привыкает к нему, заинтересованность остаётся малой, но общение поддерживает, так как одинок. В последствии долгого нахождения с человеком, начинает воспринимать его как друга.


В отличие от своих сородичей, Пуро имеет развитый ум. Он — упорное, любопытное и даже доброе существо, которое смиряет себя в желании стать лучшим из лучших образцов своего вида. Хотя он настороженно относится к людям, он очарован и восхищается ими. Также, как тёмный латексный, является естественным врагом белых латексных монстров.

Роль в сюжете

Объявленный как неудачный эксперимент в начальных испытаниях "Генетического проекта", Пуро рассказывает, как в детстве он видел бунт; восстание трансфурмированных пациентов, чтобы предотвратить их ожидаемое истребление от рук людей.

После их побега и последующего захвата объекта, из Пуро постепенно выпало исконное желание его вида найти и захватить носителя. Обнаружив библиотеку, он с сильным любопытством решает её изучить. На протяжении многих лет он учится читать, писать, говорить и рисовать в одиночку.

Зная, что в здании все еще остался один человек, он подумал, что в случае, если человек когда-либо проснется, сможет с помощью заметок заманить человека к себе, применить его в качестве носителя и сбежать наружу. Однако при встрече с человеком у него пропало это желание, и вместо этого он надеется увидеть внешний мир вместе с человеком и готов помочь ему любым возможным способом.

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". Let me cuddle you to the exit"
Puro is the deuteragonist of Changed. He is a dark latex, wolf-like creature that guides and follows the player through the majority of the game He is a dark latex wolf with the normal characteristics of dark latex creatures, donning a white mask as well Unlike the other, more instinctual monsters, Puro exhibits a higher sapience than the rest of his species. He is a studious, curious and compassionate being that humbles himself in wanting to become a better and better exemplar of his species. Though wary of humans, he is fascinated by them and even wishes to become one. He is also the natural enemy of light latex monsters as his being implies

Heralded as a failed experiment in the initial trials of the "Genetic Project", Puro recounts how as a pup he experienced The Riot; an uprising of the patients who underwent genetic transfur in order to prevent their pending extermination at the hands of the humans in the facility.

Upon their escape and consequent takeover of the facility, Puro gradually fell out of the primordial desires of his peers' hunger to transfur other humans and instead found himself scouring the library with a newfound sense of curiosity and awareness in humankind. Over the years he set out to learn to read, write, talk, and even draw as he studied in isolation. Knowing that there was still one human left in the facility, he initially thought that he could lure the Human into the library with various notes he wrote in the case that the Human ever woke up in order to transfur them and become strong enough to escape on his own; however, by the time the Human arrives, he no longer has this desire and instead whimsically hopes to see the outside world with the Human instead and is willing to help them in any way possible. In the present, he can be seen as having a "home" in the ventilation system where he lives off of rainwater and fruit from the tree in the Library

-> Apart from the dark latex cubs, Puro is the only dark latex monster that won't attack you.

-> As some of his drawings suggest, Puro was "mortified" that the Human would kill him in a hypothetical scenario where he would finally meet the Human, prior to meeting the player.

-> Puro- being made of latex -cannot swim.

-> If one looks closely at Puro in the red crystal cave area when the player transforms, he can be seen crying.

-> If you interact with a hatch in the vents while the snow leopard is chasing you, Puro can be seen inside telling you to ignore him and run, though by the time he tells you that you'll be already absorbed by your attacker.

-> It is likely that he is "mortified" that the player is looking at his embarrassing drawings.

-> Puro mentions to the player not to "fall on his body" or else they would face the consequence

->puro(prounounced like 'purr-oh') is the welsh word for "To Purify"

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