Hogwarts mystery заклинания для дуэли

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Duelling is a significant part of the game play and comes up at different parts of the main story line, as well as Side Quests (SQ) and Time-Limited Side Quests (TLSQ). This means that your MC must win certain duels agains various friends and enemies to move onward with the story or complete a SQ or TLSQ. There is also the Duelling Club. Is a place located in the Dungeons (to the far right) where you can duel the avatars of other Hogwarts students in exchange for an entry fee.

Duels are indicated by the crossed wands icon.

These are the different options for duels:

  1. Duelling as part of the Story
    • Your first duel within the main story starts at Y1 Ch5 against your friendRowan
    • Entry costs are varying amounts of coins for each duel
    • Rewards for the win are XP to level up your character
    • Lost duels can be repeated immediately, but require the same amount of coins again
  2. Regular Duelling Club
    • Unlocks with your first duel against Rowan at Y1 Ch5
    • The first two duels cost 50 coins each. There is a 10 gem reward after the second win (for completing the 'Go to the Duelling Room' SQ)
    • Entry cost for appears to increase most Years: Y1: 75 coins, Y2: 100, Y3: 125, Y4: 350, Y5: 450, Y6: 500
    • 7 hour refresh rate between duels or pay Gems to play again (starts at 91 gems and decreases with time)
    • 1 Energy per win
    • If you lose, you get another chance to duel with no waiting time, but it costs coins again
    • There are additional rewards after a Round of Duels that consists of 7 - 12 cumulative wins
    • Round rewards are random picks of x amount of either Gems, Energy, Creature Food, Brown / Red / Blue Notebooks)
    • After completing a Round of Duels the first duel in the new round has no waiting time
  3. Duelling Club Events
    • The Dueling Club Event is time-limited (3 - 4 days) and often takes place during TLSQ
    • Reaching milestones with wins will reward you with different prizes like Notebooks or new spells
    • Every Duel costs 1 Ticket whether you win or lose
    • 3 Tickets are available at a time, which all need to be used up to trigger the 6 h refresh timer
    • 100 Coins are giftet for each win

Тактика [ ]

Сам принцип игры построен на игре "Камень, ножницы, бумага". Существует три вида тактик:

- Aggressive (Агрессивная)

- Sneaky (Скрытная)

- Defensive (Оборонительная)

Заклинания [ ]

Чем больше арсенал заклинаний и зелий, которыми вы владеете, тем выше ваши шансы на победу. Рассмотрим эффекты от заклинаний и зелий. Переключайте вкладки, чтобы подробно изучить заклинания и зелья каждой из тактик.


The Dueling Mechanism [ ]

Stances [ ]

In duels, you have a health bar at the top right of your screen. On the left side is your opponents health bar. The goal is to empty your opponents health bar to win the duel. You will be given 3 stances to choose from. It works like the rock-paper-scissors game.

- Aggressive beats sneaky: Aggressive has the most damaging spells to pick from

- Defensive beats aggressive: Defensive allows to use healing spells and potions, plus some damaging spells

- Sneaky beats defensive: Sneaky has stunning and disarming spells, plus some damaging spells

Stamina and Duelling Strength [ ]

Your Attribute Levels (Courage, Empathy and Knowledge) determine your duelling strength, because the spells that you can cast are each linked to one specific attribute. When your attribute level is higher than your opponent's, you will get bonus points (and cause extra damage). Same goes for your opponent: if they have higher stats than you, they'll be far more difficult to beat. Both parties start out with a full bar of 40 stamina points.

Opponents within the Duelling Club will be randomized based on your current attribute levels, to ensure a relatively fair duel. Your opponent is most likely to be a bot. The avatar and Facebook profile picture belongs to someone who plays the game, but a computer is controlling them in the duel. They don’t always use the most effective spell in their arsenal. They have been known to heal themselves when their health is already full or not finish you off when they could. Also they often follow a pattern of stances.

In the beginning of your Round of Duels or the Duelling Event your first opponent will have lower Attribute Levels (stats) than you, but the next opponent will be closer to you in stats, and soon you will be fighting opponents with the same stats as you. In the end it is possible that one of your opponents attributes is higher than yours.

Warning: Opponents, especially enemies, you come across within the Story might have an edge over you, since they are not randomized. You can always see the recommended attributes below the title in that case. The needed Attribute Levels are determined by the progress you should have made up to that point. So don't neglect your stats. They are especially important in case you're doing a TLSQ with duels. There is a list below that shows which story parts come with a duel.

How to Duel [ ]

The Duelling Mechanic was changed as of June 25th 2020. As of now, whomever wins the stance choice picks a spell, then the other player (if not stunned) also gets to pick a spell. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Татьяна Гайдаенко

Татьяна Гайдаенко

Елена Муковоз

Елена Муковоз

Татьяна Гайдаенко

Татьяна Гайдаенко ответила Елене

Елена Муковоз

Елена Муковоз

Владислав Руссков

Татьяна, ну, windy spell тоже неплох. Пусть наносит урон меньше на 2 единицы, но есть шанс застанить на 3 хода

Карина Миранда

Интересно, можно будет получить заклинания, на которые ивенты уже прошли?

Карина, несколько раз было повторение старых заклинаний в Дуэльном клубе.

Карина Миранда

Елена Муковоз

Елена Муковоз И я страстно надеюсь я 16 пропустила

Елена Муковоз

Елена Муковоз

Анна Granger

Если повезет, Инсендио лучше всех (когда соперник долго горит). Ну и стандарт (Флиппендо, Депульсо), а все заклинания из событий — так, баловство больше

Александра Полдушева

Александра Полдушева

Анна, из событий Arrow shooting spell неплохое, урон чуть меньше Депульсо, зато есть вероятность bleeding

Лана Тигрина

Лана Тигрина

Анна, До изменения дуэлей Babbling curse стабильно выдавало стан на 2-3 хода, обожал это заклинание
Но теперь может вообще не сработать :с

Rowan Khanna / Роуан Ханна - с начала игры
Ben Copper / Бен Коппер - 4 глава 1 курса
Penny Haywood / Пенни Хейвуд - 8 глава 1 курса

Bill Weasley /Билл Уизли - 7 глава 2 курса

Nymphadora Tonks/Нимфадора Тонкс - 2 глава 3 курса
Tulip Karasu / Тулип Карасу - 6 глава 3 курса
Barnaby Lee / Барнаби Ли - 9 глава 3 курса

Andre Egwu / Андре Эгву - 2 глава 4 курса
Charlie Weasley/Чарли Уизли - 4 глава 4 курса

Jae Kim / Джэ Ким - 3 глава 5 курса
Badeea Ali / Бадия Али - 4 глава 5 курса
Liz Tuttle/Лиз Таттл - 8 глава 5 курса
Diego Caplan/Диего Каплан - 19 глава 5 курса

Где можно повысить уровень дружбы.
Поиграть в плюй-камни. Play Gobstones (Lower Floor – West, Courtyard)
Поесть в Большом зале. Meal with a Friend (Lower Floor – West, Great Hall)
Выпить сливочного пива. Drink Butterbeer (Hogsmeade – Three Broomsticks). Открывается на 8 главе 3 года.

Ниже приведены верные ответы в диалогах с друзьями.

Пенни Хейвуд. Penny Haywood.

Дуэли - отличный способ проверить свои навыки против других ведьм и волшебников, а также получить уникальные призы.

Дуэльный клуб существует в Хогвартсе на постоянной основе, но иногда используется и в качестве временного события Duelling Event, в котором помимо ценных призов можно выиграть уникальные заклинания.

Чтобы начать дуэль нам необходимо внести 350 . После каждого удачного раунда дуэли требуется кулдаун 7 часов (можно завершить за 91 ). В случае проигрыша, вы можете повторить попытку, заплатив 350 .

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