For honor описание перков

Обновлено: 02.07.2024


Perk not Filled vs Perk Filled

Each gear piece has either one or two perks associated with them. Depending on its rarity and level, a gear piece will have different values for the perks. Rarity affects the maximum perk value a piece of gear can have and what perks are available, while the level will designate how fulfilled or unfulfilled these perks are in potential value. At Epic and Legendary rarity, all gear will have two perks.

Demonstration of Perk Gain, Loss and Potential

A perk becomes active when the total value for it across all equipped pieces is at least 600. If the value for a perk is below 600, it will not activate and will be greyed out. However, the menu will show the potential amount of value a Hero may attain if they maximize their equipped gear, shown in yellow; meanwhile, when switching gears out, gained Gear value will be indicated in green while lost Gear value will be indicated in red.

Even at common rarity, it is possible to have two perks active at any time. At Epic and Legendary rarity, it even becomes possible to have a third perk available for use. More about this is explained in the "potential combinations" section below.

Perk Pool

Each Hero has 7 perks designated to them from a perk pool of 21. The 7 perks will be selected from two of three of the perk groups mentioned before. A Hero is unable to have Perks from all three perk groups. Which groups a Hero takes from and how the Perks are distributed determines the passive play style the Hero may go for.

However, a Hero does not have access to all 7 perks from the start, as common rarity gear will only choose 3 perks to start with. With each rarity tier, a new perk becomes accessible. As a result, players should not be afraid to use other lower rarity perks until new ones are unlocked.

For Honor

4 июл в 12:59 недавно купил уже скачивается, но вообще играть не умею, и я слышал что есть сюжетка, что думаете мне проходить сюжетку что бы принаровится к игре и как долго длится сюжетка? 4 июл в 13:11

Если не проходить сюжетную линию и сразу пойти в pvp против игроков, то. Скорее всего это будет ваш первый и последний матч.

Так что, да. Сюжетная линия к прохождению - обязательна. Хоть она и устарела в плане боевой системы - пройдя хотя бы первую главу за рыцарей - вы будете хотя бы понимать, как работает For Honor.

Особенности - эффекты, приносящие дополнительные тактические возможности. Особенности имеют 5 уровней редкости:

  1. Обычный
  2. Редкий
  3. Героический
  4. Эпический
  5. Легендарный


Получение особенностей [ ]


Для того, чтобы у вас была возможность использовать особенность, у вас должно быть как минимум 600 очков особенности на выбранной вами. Максимально возможное количество особенностей на одном герое - 3 (при наличии легендарного снаряжения), то есть всего 1800 очков особенностей

Показатели экипировки.jpg

Каждый из этих показателей работает по разному, одни прибавляют\отнимают в процентах, другие в единицах. Так к примеру при полной шкале Востан. ед. за доб. удар вы будите восстанавливать здоровье полностью, а при пустой вовсе не будет эффекта, когда Атака повысит или понизит ваш урон на несколько единиц.

Материалы сообщества доступны в соответствии с условиями лицензии CC-BY-SA, если не указано иное.

Perks Explained.jpg

Perks are minor passives that a Hero can get by collecting together the right combination of Gears. Each Hero has access to 7 individual Perks, but only is able to access higher level Perks by attaining higher rarity Gear.

Perk List

Before explaining what Perk Combinations may look like, the following is a list of Perks from each group. Perks 1 through 3 are Common perks; perk 4 and 5 will always be a Rare and Heroic respectively; perks 6 and 7 can operate as either an Epic or Legendary perk. This affects perk combination, as Heroes cannot have certain perks from different groups together.

Take note that buffs such as damage bonuses and stamina reduction won't stack, instead only taking the highest value available.

Detailed explanation of the perk system has been published in an official article.

Disclaimer: At the time of making this article, the editor didn't have access to all Perks being fully maxed out, resulting in some Perk icons being their greyed out version. Maxed out icons for other perks will be added at a later date.

The perk group that focuses on gaining bonuses on kills, stamina cost reduction and increased damage, all rewarding aggressive playstyles.

Name Icon Description
Galestorm Upon Hero kill, gain a 20% movement speed buff for 10 seconds.
Devourer Upon performing an execution, heal an additional 10 health.
Early Reaper Upon Spawn or being Revived, your next attack deals 30% bonus damage (even on block). Works with Feats.
Endurance When gaining a Renown level, receive 3% Stamina cost reduction (up to 12% reduction).
Survival Instinct When in critical health (under 25 health), gain a 25% Stamina cost reduction. Works under Shields.
Crush Them Upon Hero kill, your next attack deals 30% bonus damage (even on block). Works with Feats.
Head Hunter For each unique (player/bot) Hero executed, increase max Health by 4 (up to 16 bonus health).

The perk group that focuses on survival either through shields or health gain, or rewarding a defensive playstyle, such as defending a point.

Name Icon Description
Aegis All shields received are increased by 20%. Note that Revenge Shield cannot exceed maximum health.
Shields Up When Revived, receive a 25 health shield for 15 seconds.
Bastion When in a zone (capture/archer points, healing zone, ram) or carrying a banner/offering, gain 10% damage resistance.
Vengeful Barrier When exiting Revenge, gain a 25 health shield for 15 seconds.
Last Stand When in critical health (under 25 health), gain 40% damage resistance. Works under Shields.
Fresh Focus When Exhausted, counter guardbreaks, blocks and parries regenerate 20% Stamina.
Bulk Up When gaining a Renown level, increase maximum health by 4 (up to 16 bonus health).

The perk group that covers other areas of combat not covered by the two other groups, such as mobility, revives and objective based strategy.

Name Icon Description
Radiant Rebound Upon Spawn or being Revived, gain a 20% movement speed buff for 10 seconds.
Remedy Upon Hero kill, heal 10 health.
Feline Agility When gaining a Renown level, gain 4% bonus movement speed for the first level, then 2% for subsequent levels (total of 10% bonus movement speed).
Supersonic When in Revenge, gain a 15% movement speed buff and uninterruptible sprint, persisting for 10 seconds after Revenge ends.
Clever Tactics Capture zones (capture/archer points, healing zone) and take banners/offerings 15% faster.
Rising Dawn You Revive allies to 75% health instead of 50%.
Rapid Refresh Upon takedown (kill or assist) or when reviving an ally, the Hero's Feats cooldowns are reduced by 5%.


Perks, as mentioned above, are passives that offer a Hero some minor buffs. These buffs are not meant to be stronger than a Tier 1 Feat, although they can still change the way a Hero fights.

Perks are not automatically unlocked, as the player has to collect Gear that have perk values assigned to them. The perk value of the Perk has to total 600 for a Perk to be activated; having more will not grant any bonus. A Hero has seven Perks from a list of 21 available to them, formed from three distinct groups of Perks: Offense, Defense and Assist. How many of these Perks are accessible to the Hero is based on the Gear's rarity, with Common Gear only offering the first three Perks, while Legendary offers all seven. See more details below in "combinations."

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