Dayz expansion техника

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

В DAYZ EXPANSION есть такой файлик VehicleSettings.json. так вот там есть пара любопытных параметров "PlayerAttachment" (Разрешить или запретить игрокам оставаться на движущихся объектах, таких как автомобили, вертолеты, самолеты или лодки), и "Towing" (Разрешить или запретить автомобилям буксировать другие автомобили. Вертолеты могут буксировать любые типы транспортных средств). Понятно что "1" включает а "0" выключает.

Вопрос в следующем: как эта механика работает в игре. на просторах сети я не нашел ни описания ни видео. На официальном сайте есть только описание параметр но нет описания механики в игре.


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Создаем свой серверный мод. [DayZ 1.4 to Discontined]

123new опубликовал тему в Версия 1.0 и выше, 9 июля 2019

В данной теме я распишу возможность создания серверного мода для сервера на собственном примере и объясню как его собрать.

4 ответа на этот вопрос

Персональный скин, точка спавна, и сет с лутом при респавне, стартовый лут для всех!

123new опубликовал тему в Версия 1.0 и выше, 8 марта 2019

Скрипт, добавляющий админу сервера возможность указывать для каждого игрока индивидуальный скин спавна, его персональную точку спавна и один из имеющихся на сервере стартовых наборов с лутом, которые можно составить самим.

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Увеличение карты х2

vitacite опубликовал тему в Картостроение, 6 октября 2020

Доброго времени суток комрады. После успешного портирования карты 2048 на 2048 ProvingGrounds, решил исполнить свою "детскую мечту" и сделать ее большой ;)))) С этой целью для начала я решил увеличить ее в два раза.

О проекте S-Platoon

. На нашем сайте вы сможете найти множество гайдов по установке различных дополнений и скриптов для DayZ EPOCH, DayZCC, а так же таких модов как DayZ Origins, Overpoch, Overwatch, Epidemic и ARMA3: DayZ EPOCH, гайды по ARMA3: Exile, ARMA3: Altis Life, админский софт, античиты и различные программы для упрощения работы с серверами и модами, дополнения для карты Черноруси, Napf и остальных, а так же всегда сможете задать интересующий вас вопрос в разделе помощи по серверам.

Будущее проекта S-Platoon
Наш проект имеет огромные амбиции, а команда портала делает всё что бы помочь пользователям и не дать угаснуть идее. Мы всем сердцем хотим развиваться и не стоять на месте. Именно наш настрой, а так же дружелюбный коллектив пользователей форума является первым шагом и фундаментом к дальнейшей работе и развитию.

--> Первостепенным направлением проекта является создание серверов DayZ Standalone и создание серверов DayZ мода. На нашем сайте вы сможете найти множество гайдов по установке различных дополнений и скриптов для DayZ EPOCH, DayZCC, а так же таких модов как DayZ Origins, Overpoch, Overwatch, Epidemic и ARMA3: EPOCH, гайды по ARMA3: Exile, ARMA3: Altis Life, админский софт, античиты и различные программы для упрощения работы с серверами и модами, дополнения для карты Черноруси, Napf и остальных, а так же всегда сможете задать интересующий вас вопрос в разделе помощи по серверам.

DayZ Expansion is a feature-rich modification that brings many long-awaited features and quality of life improvements to DayZ. With countless changes and additions to the game, DayZ Expansion is sure to change up the core gameplay a lot. More vehicles, reimagined locations, completely new types of vehicles such as helicopters and boats, improved base building, and much more, get ready to relive those nostalgic DayZ mod memories!

It's time to lift off: DayZ Expansion brings a fleet of new vehicles to play with, including long-awaited helicopters and boats including the MH-6 Little Bird, Merlin, UH1H and your favorite pocket chopper - the Gyrocopter, as well as several iconic ground vehicles from the DayZ mod era, such as the Vodnik, or maybe you enjoy to cozily drive across the lands in a Tractor?

This standalone mod is still under heavy modifications.
You currently need CF, Community Online Tool DayZ Expansion Core and DayZ Expansion Licensed.

After starting your server with the DayZ Expansion mod for the first time, the server will generate the ExpansionMod folder in your profiles folder, in that folder all DayZ Expansion related settings and storage will be stored, if you want to toggle any part of DayZ Expansion proceeded into settings folder and open the specific file you want to tweak.

Хотите присоединиться к обсуждению? Для этого нужно войти или создать аккаунт. 12 3 2 0 5 июн. 2020 в 6:04

First of all: Thanks a lot for this awesome mod! I have only seen streams with parts of the content so I decided to try it out myself.

Unfortunately, while the server initializes the mission, I get the following error I have not yet gotten around:

Any help?
Thanks in advance!

DayZ_Exp_Licensed should be named Dayz_Expansion_Licensed 5 июн. 2020 в 6:19

Right. Thank you! Corrected it, but unfortunately it didn't solve the problem.

I'll investigate further. Where does such a problem usually come from? Does this happen, when a mod that the expansion depends on is not loaded correctly?

Edit: It's a completely fresh server installation
Edit 2: I'm on discord now and investigating there

5 июн. 2020 в 7:01 Did u edit ur serverDZ.cfg file for the correct template loading? 5 июн. 2020 в 7:05 5 июн. 2020 в 7:06

Yes, I did, forgot to mention that in the first post. But I got it working now:

2nd: I was used to put the mod-parameters in " " . which seemd to prevent the mods from loading correctly. I changed the string to

and now everything is working fine.

5 июн. 2020 в 9:14 I put the path to 'ExpansionMissionConstructor'in server.cfg nothing changes remains ChernarusPlus what do I do wrong? 5 июн. 2020 в 10:29 I put the path to 'ExpansionMissionConstructor'in server.cfg nothing changes remains ChernarusPlus what do I do wrong?

Do you have the exact same problem? If so, here is exactly what I have done to make it work, from start to finish (this is for LAN-servers):

0. If you don't have a freshly installed DayZ Server I recommend to do a new installation (uninstall via steam, than delete the remaining folder manually, then reinstall the DayZ Server via Steam)

1. Subscribe to the DayZ Expansion mod via the steam workshop and install all dependencies with it (DayZ Expansion Licensed, Community Framework (CF) and Community Online Tools.
2. Start the DayZ Launcher (the official one that comes up when you Start DayZ) and activate the previously installed four mods. This should create the following four folders in your local Steam installation/Workshop folder:

start "DayZ Server" /wait "DayZServer_x64.exe" -config=serverDZ.cfg -port=2302 -mod=@CF;@Community-Online-Tools;@DayZ-Expansion-Licensed;@DayZ-Expansion -dologs -adminlog -netlog -freezecheck

I have also added "-profiles=G:\DayZServerProfiles" because I am using a seperate profile-folder. No need to do this, but here is where you would put this.
After the mod-parameter, it is absolutely critical that you use the exact same folder-names as they appear on your server - in contrary to what some tutorials might say. There might be some who rename them, but I never had problems with "-" oder "_" in the folder-names.
Save and exit.

11. I have also copied all missions from the local workshop folder over to my local mpmissions folder. I don't know if this is neccessary or if the mod/server handles everyhing, but I think there is no harm in doing so
12. Run the previously created bat-file to launch your server with the mods. It should now come up fine.

What I figured are key points: Freshly install all mods (clean everything before manually) to get all the up-to-date versions and always use the exact folder names, including upper- and lowercase.

This did the trick for me. Also have a look at the developers discord! It lists most of the errors that might appear and what causes it. This will generally lead you into a good direction as to where to look at.

5 июн. 2020 в 14:21

looks like my server is up but i keep getting when i join :/

State AuthPlayerLoginState Error Client contains PBO which is not part of server data: dta\bin.pbo

5 июн. 2020 в 15:07 I put the path to 'ExpansionMissionConstructor'in server.cfg nothing changes remains ChernarusPlus what do I do wrong?

Do you have the exact same problem? If so, here is exactly what I have done to make it work, from start to finish (this is for LAN-servers):

0. If you don't have a freshly installed DayZ Server I recommend to do a new installation (uninstall via steam, than delete the remaining folder manually, then reinstall the DayZ Server via Steam)

1. Subscribe to the DayZ Expansion mod via the steam workshop and install all dependencies with it (DayZ Expansion Licensed, Community Framework (CF) and Community Online Tools.
2. Start the DayZ Launcher (the official one that comes up when you Start DayZ) and activate the previously installed four mods. This should create the following four folders in your local Steam installation/Workshop folder:

start "DayZ Server" /wait "DayZServer_x64.exe" -config=serverDZ.cfg -port=2302 -mod=@CF;@Community-Online-Tools;@DayZ-Expansion-Licensed;@DayZ-Expansion -dologs -adminlog -netlog -freezecheck

I have also added "-profiles=G:\DayZServerProfiles" because I am using a seperate profile-folder. No need to do this, but here is where you would put this.
After the mod-parameter, it is absolutely critical that you use the exact same folder-names as they appear on your server - in contrary to what some tutorials might say. There might be some who rename them, but I never had problems with "-" oder "_" in the folder-names.
Save and exit.

11. I have also copied all missions from the local workshop folder over to my local mpmissions folder. I don't know if this is neccessary or if the mod/server handles everyhing, but I think there is no harm in doing so
12. Run the previously created bat-file to launch your server with the mods. It should now come up fine.

What I figured are key points: Freshly install all mods (clean everything before manually) to get all the up-to-date versions and always use the exact folder names, including upper- and lowercase.

This did the trick for me. Also have a look at the developers discord! It lists most of the errors that might appear and what causes it. This will generally lead you into a good direction as to where to look at.

Cheers mod I have seems to work but not completely like ordinary grass and kill feed does not work and the party may not create,can you help?

Мотоцикл в DayZ Standalone 1.09 (Expansion mod)

Разработчики мода "Expansion" продолжают радовать.

На сей раз Администрация проекта DayzLand протестировала мотоцикл ТТ650 который сейчас находиться в разработке. Сама модель и анимации ещё не готовы, но выглядит очень многообещающе.


Думаю в ближайшем будущем такой вид техники появиться на сервере 3: DeerIsle HARD PVE, а может и не только

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