Dark souls 3 дропы фпс

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

5 мар. 2017 в 3:25

I started to play again DS3 after some months of inactivity to try the last dlc. Some months ago the game was fine solid 60 fps even in 2k.Now the game drop fps every ten second causing the game stuttering hard. I tried every setting possible in game and in the nvidia panel, i did a clean driver reinstallation too. Im the only one with these problems or is a patch issues??need help.

i72600- GTX 970 game on SSD

5 мар. 2017 в 4:04 5 мар. 2017 в 4:23 5 мар. 2017 в 4:31 try rolling back, i used to have meh framerate but then i rolled back to 376.66 on my GTX960 and i've been playing everything with no lags 5 мар. 2017 в 11:20 5 мар. 2017 в 11:24 5 мар. 2017 в 12:53 I'm having the same issue, the game just stutters into a pause for about 2-3 seconds completely randomly. Ran diagnostics and checked all my components, as well as reinstalled the game. Still stutters. Really weird, and especially annoying. 5 мар. 2017 в 13:14 i had the same issues with the newest drivers and solved it by using earlier ones 5 мар. 2017 в 13:21

Some possible solutions:

-Check your power settings, make sure is set to "High performance"


21 апр. 2016 в 14:18 So I'm playing on GTX 770 and i5-4570 cpu, maintaining mostly 60 fps, but sometimes it'll jump around and even go as low as 20 fps sometimes.
Can I do anything to make the framerate more stable? 21 апр. 2016 в 14:32 Pray to the statue in the sewers. It'll be more effective than praying to bamco to fix it. 21 апр. 2016 в 14:40 I get the same problem. I have a pretty good PC, nothing monstrous but I can manage 60fps averages on most games with mid-high settings. Dark Souls 3 is giving me 40fps max with all the settings on low or off, frequent drops to around 15-20fps and on really bad occasions down to 2-6fps. An optimization patch is beyond necessary for this game. It should have been out the same week of release but hasn't yet, and if it doesn't I'm afraid I might have to never do multiplayer because it wouldn't be fair to suddenly drop or freeze frames in the middle of a fight, die, and end up getting banned or something because performance is crap. 21 апр. 2016 в 14:42 The latest patch did some weird things. Let us hope the next one will fix it, because you are not the only one having problems. Good thing it didn't affect my constant smooth sub 20 frames. 21 апр. 2016 в 16:24 I'm having the same problem.. FPS dropping like a heavy ball 21 апр. 2016 в 20:43 same here, i have a gtx 760 and an i7 3770k, the game used to run just perfectly at 60 fps on max settings, but then all of a sudden the fps just drops to the point that it's unplayable 21 апр. 2016 в 20:46 21 апр. 2016 в 20:47

Welcome to Dark Souls III

The latest patch did some weird things. Let us hope the next one will fix it, because you are not the only one having problems. Good thing it didn't affect my constant smooth sub 20 frames. 22 апр. 2016 в 1:15 22 апр. 2016 в 1:22 Identical set-up. Been having this problem since launch, just fixed it tonight. Windows was limiting my cpu to 5% in the advanced power options. 22 апр. 2016 в 1:42 Identical set-up. Been having this problem since launch, just fixed it tonight. Windows was limiting my cpu to 5% in the advanced power options. Mine is set to 100%, still drops, but thanks for trying ^^ 25 мая. 2016 в 10:08 i have a 780ti and im running the game at 1080 max 60fps with adaptive vsync and sometimes the fps drops to 45-57 fps and the game stutters like crazy:O

All performance issues in dark souls 3 stem from one thing: single threaded cpu logic.

It only uses 1 core to 70% or so, whilst your other cores sit near idle at 20-30%.

Due to this, no cpu currently available is powerful enough to push past From's bad code and maintain 60 throughout the game.

25 мая. 2016 в 13:25

All performance issues in dark souls 3 stem from one thing: single threaded cpu logic.

It only uses 1 core to 70% or so, whilst your other cores sit near idle at 20-30%.

Due to this, no cpu currently available is powerful enough to push past From's bad code and maintain 60 throughout the game.

actually i get 60%+ on all the cores of my i5 4590 so i dont think it is the problem
Well you're the only one that seems to. And even so, its still 60% when 90%+ would actually make this game run near flawlessly. 25 мая. 2016 в 16:20 25 мая. 2016 в 16:30 30 авг. 2016 в 11:46

You can make the fps drops less perceptable using a cap on ur max fps in game. I used the program rivatuner which came with msi afterburner to limit the fps to 50. Drops from 60 to 40 is much more perceptable than 50 to 40.

But it is recommended a video card with 4gb, if your have 2gb version of an old video card there is nothing you can do to fix lag. Some areas of the game require more than 2gb and if you only have 2gb, ur system will use ur ram to compensate which is slower.

Lower your resolution from 1080p to 900p or 720p and lower graphics settings. Use the medium preset and low shadows, turn off antialiasing, depth of field and motion blur.

In my case lowering the resolution make the game playable w fps varying between 40-50 in most areas and on rare exceptions drops to 37 in firelink and even 30 in dragon barracks area.

Данный фикс устраняет или пытается уменьшить резкие падения фпс (фризы), мод не увеличивает фпс, а всего-лишь пытается сделать его стабильным.
Мод был протестирован мною, и результат был положителен, было 44-13 фпс, стало 41-26.
Переместить файлы из мода (без папок внутри) в директорию с .exe файлом игры.
Файл из папки Nvidia или Ati (зависит от производителя карты) переместить туда-же.
При первом запуске отрубаем инет, и программы для мониторинга фпс. (ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО ЗАПУСК ОТ ИМЕНИ АДМИНА . )
Описываем результаты и вопросы в комментах.
Надеюсь мод вам понравится . :D


Dark Souls 3 "Yapped v1.1.1 - Изменение параметров оружия и т.д."

Dark Souls 3 "Yapped v1.1.1 - Изменение параметров оружия и т.д."

Для этого гайда должны быть верны две истины – вы играете в Dark Souls 3 и у вас есть видеокарта от nVidia. Если все верно, тогда можете попробовать следующий способ, чтобы повысить производительность Dark Souls 3.

Удивительно простой способ повысить производительность Dark Souls 3 на PC с GPU от nVidia

Удивительно простой способ повысить производительность Dark Souls 3 на PC с GPU от nVidia

Способ был найден игроками, и, вроде как, помогает повысить производительность, правда, он не спасает от “падения” клиента игры в определенных моментах. Мною способ был опробован, но на 780Ti разницы нет никакой, так частота в Dark Souls 3 зафиксирована на 60FPS, и даже на максимальных настройках производительность на высшем уровне 99% игрового процесса.

Но вы можете опробовать этот способ: Перейдите в “Панель упраления nVidia”, выберите параметры 3D приложений и добавьте туда Dark Souls 3.exe, чтобы иметь возможность настройки.

Затем прокрутите список до самого низа и найдите параметр “Пре-рендер кадров Виртуальной Реальности” (Virtual Reality pre-rendered frames) и восстановите значение “По умолчанию”, то есть “1”

Это проблема не повсеместна, но имеет место быть, так как GPU, почему-то, используется для обработки VR по умолчанию.

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