Basil omori цитаты

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

BASIL is a major supporting character in OMORI. He serves as one of the driving forces behind the story's events as the party spends most of the game looking for him after his sudden disappearance.



Aubrey introducing Basil to her friend group.

On the day of the recital, BASIL came to SUNNY's house, only to witness SUNNY becoming frustrated and throwing his violin, causing it to break. When SUNNY is confronted by MARI, he accidentally shoves her down the stairs and kills her. In complete shock, BASIL helps him carry MARI up the stairs, and they lay her in bed. As SUNNY panics and begins crying, BASIL tries to comfort him and tell him that everything will be okay. After some time, they are forced to realize she is dead, her eyes open but unseeing. BASIL, true composure obscured by SUNNY's dissociating perspective, takes the lead in covering up the crime his best friend committed. They pick up MARI's body and lift it down the staircase, carrying it out to the backyard.

They lay down MARI's body on the ground and the two of them hang her with a skipping rope, as SUNNY fixates blindly on surrounding leaves. Afterwards, he remains staring at her, swaying in the wind, but BASIL clutches his hand and persists in walking them back into the house. SUNNY looks up with cold realization as they go, while BASIL's tired eyes silently shed tears, looking ahead. Suddenly, BASIL jerks to a stop, having looked back to see MARI's bulging eye staring at them through her hair. SUNNY, following BASIL, also looks back, further traumatizing them both.

During the time skip, BASIL is implied to have isolated himself as a shut-in, much like his best friend did, after that day. The earliest interaction he has after the time skip was when AUBREY initially noticed the photo album being covered in black marker and stole it, which is implied to have been days prior. Afterwards, it is presumed that BASIL continued to keep the truth to himself while getting bullied by AUBREY and the HOOLIGANS.


The Headspace versions of Sunny's friends.

The BASIL in HEADSPACE is introduced as a shy but gentle part of the friend group, and everyone is protective of him and his treasured PHOTO ALBUM. BASIL leads the party to his house where he introduces the many flowers that he's growing, each mirroring a person in their group (including himself). The few SPROUT MOLEs they encounter on the way also serve as a tutorial on the game's EMOTIONS.

When they reach BASIL'S HOUSE, KEL and AUBREY fight over wanting to look at the PHOTO ALBUM, causing the PHOTOS to be scattered. The party helps gather everything to put the album back together. Just when everything looks spick-and-span, BASIL notices a stray photo has fallen out. He picks it up, is stricken with fear, and tries to tell the party something about MARI. His revelation is interrupted by SOMETHING appearing, as OMORI is thrown back into WHITE SPACE.

BASIL'S disappearance becomes a driving force for the party throughout most of the HEADSPACE segments, only for them to be sidetracked by something else along the way. Eventually, as OMORI and his companions journeys back into DEEP WELL, they start to forget who BASIL was, and eventually lose track of their main motivation. It is then revealed that OMORI has been repeating this type of adventure in the dream world, heading into BLACK SPACE to retrieve BASIL before resetting the whole sequence and recreating HEADSPACE to distract himself from the truth.


Three days before SUNNY moves, he and KEL find an older BASIL talking to KIM. BASIL asks her to talk to AUBREY for him, but she refuses. KEL recognizes that it's BASIL and tells KIM not to bully him, causing the rest of THE HOOLIGANS to investigate. When BASIL tries to talk to AUBREY, he is pushed down by KIM and the two boys begin fighting with AUBREY. After SUNNY attacks her with a knife, the group flees. They check on BASIL who quietly greets them. KEL asks if he wants to hang out, but BASIL says that he needs to head home, as his grandmother hasn't been feeling well lately.

The boys walk him home and are about to leave when BASIL nervously asks them to get his PHOTO ALBUM back from AUBREY. KEL agrees and tells BASIL that they're still friends.

The two return in the late afternoon and knock on his door. POLLY, his caretaker, answers, and KEL tells BASIL who follows shortly that they've gotten the PHOTO ALBUM. POLLY invites them to dinner, and the four enter his house. KEL suggests that they look at the photo album together, to which BASIL reluctantly agrees. They look through the photos and find some are missing - notably, those of MARI. KEL tells him not to worry; they'll get them back.

He then goes to help POLLY with dinner after she interrupts them, leaving BASIL and SUNNY alone in the living room. BASIL becomes uncomfortable speaking alone with him, and SUNNY leaves to see BASIL'S GRANDMA. BASIL soon follows and says that she can't hear them. Her health is poor enough it seems to leave him on his last legs, emotionally. He makes small talk, increasingly anxious at SUNNY's silence, before giving him his PHOTO ALBUM. He shares his hope that one day, things can return to how they once were, and KEL calls them from the kitchen. The four eat dinner together and BASIL tells KEL that he gave the photo album to SUNNY. KEL replies that SUNNY will moving away in three days, which leads to BASIL panicking in response. He quickly excuses himself to run to the bathroom.

SUNNY follows him, finding BASIL chanting that everything will be okay with the lights off. SUNNY begins to see an odd shadow start to envelop the boy, mirroring the moments before the dream world's counterpart disappeared when he was last asleep. BASIL asks if he can see it too. SUNNY appears horrified and runs away in his panic, leaving behind a terrified BASIL who collapses into tears after begging him not to leave again.


KEL and SUNNY briefly meet BASIL in the park, and KEL repeats that he hopes BASIL's alright after yesterday. BASIL panics, but calms down when KEL mentions the supposed stomach ache, which BASIL goes along with for an excuse. Once more, he passes on hanging out with them, and the pair leave him.

BASIL later goes to HANGOUT SPOT, but THE HOOLIGANS later arrive, and try to verbally force him to leave, causing him to yell for help. KEL and SUNNY, who are searching for him on POLLY's request, hear him yelling for help. THE HOOLIGANS tell him not to make a scene and that they peacefully want him to leave, but he continues to cry. KEL intervenes and they begin fighting with THE HOOLIGANS.

Regardless of who wins, the rest of THE HOOLIGANS leave AUBREY with the other three when she goes silent. She begins crying and says she just wants to be left alone, that all three of them have been just as bad as her. BASIL approaches her from the end of the lake dock, but she mistakenly shoves him out of frustration and he falls into the lake. SUNNY jumps in after him, attempting to help, but the two are saved by HERO. He then carries BASIL back to his room where they leave him to rest.

That evening, his grandmother is rushed to an intensive care unit.


SUNNY, KEL, HERO, and AUBREY go to BASIL's house to asks if he wants to hang out. POLLY tells them that he's in the hospital visiting his grandmother, but he should be back sometime in the afternoon.

SUNNY wakes up in the middle of the night, having re-experienced the truth behind MARI'S death, and, depending on his choices, the story diverges.

SUNNY turns to find something behind him, and BASIL asks where he's going. He begins to cry, once more begging him not to leave again. He grows increasingly hysterical in trying to dissociate his best friend from the crime, as well as the subsequent abandonment.

The two boys end up fighting desperately, and both severely injure each other. Matching with BASIL's attempt to get rid of that something, SUNNY's left eye is severely damaged. The two end up becoming too injured to continue fighting, passing out in the process. They both soon taken to the hospital at some point afterward.

SUNNY goes back to sleep and wakes up to find that the others found BASIL had died by suicide. Each is equally devastated, KEL asking why this was happening to them again, AUBREY is completely broken by BASIL's death, while HERO tries to shield SUNNY from looking and tells him to just go for his clean new start. If SUNNY chooses to look into BASIL's room, he'll find BASIL's corpse on the floor, surrounded by his SOMETHING.


After a climactic struggle against OMORI, SUNNY awakens in his hospital bed. He limps out of his room and follows the STRANGER to BASIL'S room, where KEL, AUBREY, and HERO await. SUNNY admits the truth behind MARI'S death, and the friends' reactions are left to the viewer's imagination as the game cuts to the credits.

If the player has made the effort to water BASIL'S flowers during each day in HEADSPACE, an additional cutscene is added after the credits. SUNNY and BASIL gaze at each other and smile as their SOMETHINGs fade away, showing that regardless of how everyone else has reacted, the burden that they have shouldered for four years has lifted and they are both ready to heal.



In HEADSPACE, BASIL is a medium-height boy with pale skin, teal eyes, mint green chin-length hair, and wears a purple-blue and pink flower crown. He wears denim overalls with a large pocket on the chest and a white t-shirt under. He doesn't wear any shoes.

In the real world, he has blond hair and has a single pink flower tucked behind his left ear. He wears a green knitted sweater vest over a white t-shirt, beige shorts, and black shoes, resembling the same clothes that SUNNY wears. He also appears shorter than most of his friends, being as tall if not shorter than SUNNY.


BASIL is depicted as a relatively shy and socially anxious boy, well seen right after being introduced to the friend group, being very insecure and fearing of being perceived as a burden. He enjoys taking pictures, as his memories with his friends are his most treasured belonging, perceiving them as a way to permanently capture the moment. He also enjoys taking care of flowers, art, and reading. Basil seems to develop strong emotional attachments to many of his possessions, mentioning "He will never throw away anything, no matter how worthless it is."


BASIL's HEADSPACE counterpart is rather cheery, yet shy and humble. He is quick to forgive, as can be seen by his encounter with BOSS after hide-and-seek, and he is very empathetic. He's quite friendly, and his shyness seems to stem from thinking lowly of himself and putting others' needs above his own.

He's very sentimental, keeping memorabilia of his friends and happy memories through photos, and planting flowers that remind him of his friends, taking great care to plant flowers with flower language corresponding to how he sees his friends. His empathy stretches to his plants as well, showing a lot of worries when they're in danger of being hurt, and talking to them as he would with his friends. It is noted that he avoids conflict. He doesn't learn to battle, even after his friends nag him to.


Compared to HEADSPACE BASIL, the real-world version is more anxious and sensitive. He appears to fear major changes in his life and finds the most comfort in maintaining his reality as "uncompromised" as possible. This can be observed through analyzing his logic, when helping SUNNY with the shielding of MARI's death, often mentioning when referring to SUNNY "he did it, in hopes of things becoming fixable".

This could also explain his sense of comfort behind physical possessions making him recall pleasant memories. He is a target for bullying, typically by AUBREY and her friends, but usually KEL and SUNNY save him from the harassment. In some scenes, such as when he locks himself in his room, he appears to be more closed off than usual. Due to being a witness to MARI's murder, it can be inferred that he suffers from guilt or worse, possibly in the form of SOMETHING.




SUNNY and BASIL were childhood friends. BASIL takes more photos of SUNNY than any of the other members of the group and refers to him as his best friend. They were closer to each other than the other people in their friend group. One of the captions in the PHOTO ALBUM reads "I always end up venting to him when I get upset or stressed." He anxiously wonders if he's burdening him as a result, but little suggests SUNNY believes so.

During and when recalling that day, BASIL's own dissociative measures focus on removing the guilt from SUNNY, as he doesn't want to believe that his best friend was capable of such a thing, or even could be now. To protect him, along with his very understanding of him, he takes the lead in covering up MARI's death. At first he was likely afraid of SUNNY going to jail, but increasingly afraid of what caused the cover-up in the first place and increasingly desperate to separate that from who he knew to be SUNNY.

This later drives him to take the fall for his own photographs being ruined with AUBREY; not to protect SUNNY, but to protect his best friend - the person he thought he knew, and still does, even if it's hard to accept it. Nevertheless, this desire also fuels much of their fight, in which he believes he can prevent SUNNY doing those awful things ever again by destroying the something behind him, unable to realize the eye glaring at him this time is ultimately still SUNNY's.

There's no way to know what would have happened if SUNNY hadn't shut himself in, but it left BASIL to deal with the fall entirely alone as the only one who truly knew what happened, and it left him very fragile. It's heavily implied he shut himself away not long after SUNNY's ruining of the photographs and later perceived abandonment, both of BASIL himself and their chance at healing, and only came out of total isolation days prior to SUNNY's chance to do the same.

While he seems to strongly desire to reconcile with their past, believing that everything can be okay if SUNNY is there, the other teen's repressive instincts often leave him forced to hide behind a fragile illusion he doesn't appear to be able to believe the same way SUNNY believed in his own. This already shattering illusion and the loss of the many other things that tried to anchor him inevitably lead to his breakdown the night of DAY 3.


AUBREY is implied in SUNNY's flashback to have been the one to introduce BASIL to their friend group, but their previous relationship is obscured by SUNNY's limited point of view.

In the real world, after MARI's death, he and AUBREY grew apart. One day, AUBREY begged to study at BASIL's house. When he eventually complied, she finds his photo album. Hoping to see their old happy memories, she opened the photo album, only to find all their faces scribbled out in black marker-- an act later found to have been committed by SUNNY.

Because of this misunderstanding, AUBREY started calling BASIL 'creep', and the rest of her new friends joined in on the bullying not long after. During the final chapter of the game, AUBREY finally apologizes to him.

BASIL was introduced to HERO by AUBREY. Not much is known about their relationship due to their limited interactions, but it is shown that HERO does care about BASIL, similar to the rest of the friends.

After BASIL is hospitalized, HERO is found next to BASIL's bed, along with AUBREY and KEL.

KEL, like with most others, was a positive and supporting force in his and BASIL's friendship. Though they grew estranged after the incident, KEL is quick to assure BASIL that they are still friends after BASIL refers to their friendship in the past tense. He remains somewhat dense, or more likely too unsure to talk about BASIL's problems, but as with SUNNY, he tries to be there for him.

KEL and SUNNY help him find his photo album after Aubrey steals it from him. KEL cries heavily over BASIL's death in the Neutral endings.

BASIL and MARI had a fruitful and caring friendship. It was MARI who gifted the camera to BASIL, aiding him in preserving his memories of the past, and giving him his most precious treasure, the PHOTO ALBUM. They also both seem to share the same appreciation for flowers, and being the peaceful aspect of the group SUNNY was closest to.

While BASIL's actions during the incident could be disassembled as uncaring, especially with SUNNY's limited perspective, he too was panicking at the violent confutation of who he knew SUNNY to be, the idea of his best friend going to jail, and the death of the girl everyone their friend group loved all at once. Not unlike SUNNY, BASIL shakily made his own illusion that something else was responsible for what SUNNY had done wrong, he too unable to accept what had happened. In the present, BASIL is deeply mortified and consumed by guilt from that day, yearning for their past peaceful days and feeling horribly alone in his turmoil that can drive him to suicide.

While his personal guilt still focused on his sudden, violent crisis of faith in his best friend, he does seem to hold some guilt for MARI's death entirely - an unfortunate mirror to HERO's, "if only I'd understood sooner."

It can be assumed that he has visited MARI's grave recently, if not relatively often, as a well-kept white egret orchid can be seen next to it.


POLLY is known as BASIL's caretaker. She cares deeply for BASIL, going to KEL's house to ask them to help look for BASIL once he disappears and thanking the group profusely for caring about BASIL.


As she has been his real parent for nearly his entire life, BASIL has shown to care a lot about his grandmother. During "ONE DAY LEFT," BASIL prioritizes visiting her in the hospital over doing anything else in FARAWAY. Her condition is likely the final straw leading to his breakdown that night.

These flowers are called lily of the valley. It's said that
they're able to ward off evil spirits and help people see a
brighter future.
I guess that's why they remind me of MARI.
I can always count on her to help me stay positive.

HERO doesn't remind me of any rose in particular.
I think HERO is like all roses, because he's versatile and
universally loved.

These are a type of flower called the gladiolus, also known
as the "sword flower".
As you might guess, they represent strength of character.
Someone who is honest, with strong moral values. someone who stands by their convictions.
The gladiolus reminds me of AUBREY because she's always true to herself.

Cacti are very sturdy and resilient plants by nature. They
don't need much care and can survive even in seemingly
impossible conditions.
I guess what I'm saying. is that even you could take care of
a cactus, KEL.

And these. These are white tulips. Tulips aren't very flashy
plants. They're not too big or small, not too elaborate or
If I could put it in another way. I guess I would say that.
They're comfortable, simple, modest, and perfect.
Just like SUNNY.

Everything is going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay.

I miss you, Sunny. You were always someone I could depend on to listen. My problems. my hopes. my dreams. You knew them all. So if you're still there. please let my words reach you one last time.

Ah. SUNNY. It's just you. I'm glad you came. It's. it's so good to see you. It came to you that day. The day MARI died. When MARI. When MARI fell. You. you couldn't have done it. It was something behind you. wasn't it? You're a good person, SUNNY. I know you're a good person! A good person wouldn't do something like that. After all this time. you've finally come back for me. But. tomorrow. you're going away. H-HOW COULD YOU DO THAT. That's mean, SUNNY. That's so mean! Ah. there's something all around us now. Can you see it, SUNNY? There's no way out of this, is there? Where are you going?! Stop trying to leave me! S-stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! I don't. want to be. alone. not again. You. can't. leave me. again.

I'll protect you no matter what, SUNNY. You can count on me!

Hi, Sunny! You found your way back home. I don't know if I've ever said this properly, but. I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble. When I gave you my PHOTO ALBUM. I really did want you to have it. But somehow. whenever I try to help. I always end up burdening you instead. Even back then. all this pain we've been feeling. The guilt in our hearts. That we have no choice, but to carry on. But. that's up to you. AUBREY, KEL, and HERO are good friends. You have to trust that they'll forgive us. It's hard to truly believe that. but. The photos in our album. They're not just photos. They're real memories. Our memories! It's proof of our friendship. Hold those pictures close. and remember what you want to protect. Haha. I'm sorry. It looks like I'm burdening you again. It's not much, but. I'll be cheering you on. Sunny. let's make some new memories together, okay?


  • "Growing watermelons here has been fun, but I really miss my flowers back at home. How are they doing? Did you take care of them while I was gone? Hehe. "
  • "Watermelons sure are delicious! We used to cut them up and eat them all the time at the beach! I can still see KEL with those watermelon seeds all over his face, haha. Summer vacation with friends was the best, wasn't it?"

I remember a while back. You told me that a big spider fell
on your shoulder just as you were about to dive into the lake
at our secret hangout spot!
I know that the spider must have looked so scary to you, but
I promise that you probably looked a lot scarier to the spider!
No offense. of course. Haha.

There's so many spiders here all of a sudden.
I can feel them crawling all over me.
Maybe they're just saying hello?
Hi, spiders! It's me, your friend BASIL!

Ack! They're biting me!
Oh. I'm probably just scaring them.
There there, spiders. It's okay! I'm not here to hurt you!

There's so many of them. I can't get them off!
OMORI. Please. help.

I assure you friends, this photo is necessary to preserve out precious childhood memories.

Le seemingly innocent photo album has arrived

I mean. basil does live in a shoe.

The plot unfortunately thickens.

Not to get too analytical about it, but this is of course the Headspace version of the photo real BASIL took, which is a more-innocent shot of everybody wearing shoes.

Ergo. OMORI/SUNNY is the one with a foot fetish?

i do not like it

thanks! i hate it

Not only that, but Sunny is also capable of thinking about tentacle fish girls.

Oh Basil has a foot fetish. ok.

“Not to get too analytical about it, but this is of course the Headspace version of the photo real BASIL took, which is a more-innocent shot of everybody wearing shoes.

no it was sunny who made the wish that everyone could be happy it said as he blew out the candles I to made a wish and the wish was that everyone could be happy

wait so sunny erased the faces?? i didn’t know, where did you find the info?

SAME bruh, I remember seeing the trailer and thinking yeah something is up with these two and I also thought that their secret was them having feelings for each other or something like that since in the black room arc basil kept saying the truth that sunny has locked away so I was like yeah it’s definitely love or something but as we saw that was definitely not the case

As far as we know, nothing explicitly mentions that Basil has any romantic feelings for Sunny, so it’s mainly left to your personal interpretation of their relationship.

But when Basil was introduced, he immediately reminded me of the protagonist from Omocat’s comic series “Pretty Boy,” which is a slice-of-life comic about a gay couple. He shares the same qualities of being small, feminine, and reserved. Perhaps omocat unintentionally carried over the same qualities onto Basil.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Basil was confirmed to be romantically attracted to Sunny, but it’s all up in the air. Personally, I follow the theory that Basil was so emotionally damaged and mentally unstable after a poor upbringing that he latched onto Sunny (given how he constantly says he’s a “good listener” and “the only one who will listen to my problems”) and began idolizing him to an unhealthy extent.

It’s hard to discern if it’s romantic attraction or desperate idolization when he literally helps him cover up a murder.


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