World of warships обзор баярд

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Для того, чтобы создавать альтернативную историю, необходимо хорошо знать цепочку реальных исторических событий и уметь делать из них выводы. Так мы создали крейсер Bayard на основе чертежей крейсеров типа La Galissonnière. Давайте представим, как могла бы сложиться история, если бы французское кораблестроение пошло другим путём и продолжило развивать идеи, заложенные в первоначальном проекте De Grasse.

После подписания Римского морского договора 1931 г. с Италией ВМС Франции должны были прекратить развитие тяжёлых крейсеров и вынужденно сосредоточились на строительстве только лёгких, т. е. с артиллерией калибра 155-мм и менее. В 1931–1933 гг. были заказаны шесть весьма удачных крейсеров типа La Galissonnière с главным калибром из девяти 152-мм/55 орудий Mle 1930 в трёх трёхорудийных башнях. Однако в 1934 г. Япония спустила на воду первый из четырёх новых мощных лёгких крейсеров типа Mogami с 15 орудиями главного калибра 155-мм в пяти трёхорудийных башнях. Для защиты французских тихоокеанских владений в Индокитае, Полинезии и Новой Каледонии требовался срочный адекватный ответ. Новые 152-мм орудия, позднее получившие наименование Мle 1936 и поступившие на вооружение лёгких крейсеров типа De Grasse, находились ещё в стадии разработки. Было решено пойти по пути наращивания массы залпа и огневой мощи главного калибра просто через увеличение числа стволов. В 1934–1935 гг., не дожидаясь утверждения очередной кораблестроительной программы, на основе чертежей крейсеров типа La Galissonnière были спроектированы заметно более крупные корабли с такими же 152-мм орудиями Мle 1930 в четырёх трёхорудийных башнях. В качестве универсального калибра изначально предполагалось разместить на них шесть башенных установок со спаренными орудиями 100-мм/50 Mle 1926 HA. Но из-за проблем с ассигнованием Национальным собранием Франции средств на внеочередные крейсеры строительство затянулось, и универсальный калибр впоследствии был заменён на четыре спаренные установки 100-мм/45 CAD Mle 1937. Корабли также имели достаточно мощное торпедное вооружение из двух трёхтрубных 550-мм аппаратов.

В итоге серия этих крейсеров ограничилась одним кораблём, так как уже в 1937 г., в рамках новой кораблестроительной программы, был готов проект De Grasse, который при меньшем водоизмещении нёс новые, более эффективные орудия главного калибра. Bayard не успели ввести в строй даже к началу Второй мировой, и с поражением Франции крейсер был уведён в её заморские владения, в итоге оказавшись в США, где и простоял всю войну. По возвращении ВМС Франции корабль был переделан уже под задачу противостояния советским лёгким крейсерам проектов 68К и 68бис, так как имел достаточное водоизмещение для модернизации. Bayard получил современные средства управления огнём и радиолокационное оборудование, хотя для этого пришлось полностью изменить надстройки. Было значительно усилено зенитное вооружение, основой которого стали четыре спаренные универсальные установки 100-мм/55 Mle 1945, дополненные шестью спарками 57-мм/60 Mle 1951.

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A version that constitutes a further development in cruiser De Grasse's initial design, featuring greater firepower as a result of increasing the number of main turrets to four.

Bayard was first released for sale on 24 June 2019.


Rate of Fire
180° Turn Time
Maximum Dispersion
Maximum HE Shell Damage
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell
Maximum AP Shell Damage
Research price
Purchase price
( )
152 mm/55 Mle 19308151462,200123,300 00
Hit Points
Main Turrets
Secondary Gun Turrets
AA Mounts
Torpedo Tubes
Hangar Capacity
Research price
Purchase price
( )
Bayard34,70013120446/420 00
Rate of Fire
Torpedo Tubes Reload Time
180° Turn Time
Maximum Damage
Torpedo Speed
Torpedo Range
Research price
Purchase price
( )
550 mm 23DT0.7907.214,833609 00
Firing Range Increase
Maximum Firing Range
Research price
Purchase price
( )
PCA n° 8 Mle 1016.4 00
Maximum Speed
Research price
Purchase price
( )
Propulsion: 120,000 hp34 00

Compatible Upgrades

Player Opinion


Bayard is a Tier VIII French cruiser primarily excelling in 'run and gun' tactics. She is equipped with a powerful Engine Boost ( ) consumable which enables her to reach a very high sustained top speed, especially when used in tandem with a Sierra Mike signal flag. She sports medium caliber guns, similar to those found on the Tier VI French premium cruiser De Grasse, with the added bonus of having an additional turret. These turrets are relatively quick to traverse and feature a quick reload time, which can be further accelerated by utilizing the Main Battery Reload Booster ( ) consumable.

Bayard serves best in open water environments, utilizing her speed and agility to dodge enemy fire. If cornered, she has a torpedo armament to defend herself. Bayard will likely benefit from division play wherein the player is escorted by a destroyer or cruiser with a smoke generator to provide portable cover or a way to return to concealment when an engagement goes wrong. Bayard will be punished by medium and large-caliber armor-piercing (AP) rounds. For this reason, it is critical to maintain a reasonable distance from enemy capital ships in order to provide a small window of time to employ evasive maneuvers.

  • Fragile, small health pool and large exposed citadel block
  • Fairly short main gun range
  • Bow/stern armor is thin, can be easily overmatched by large caliber guns
  • Rather weak torpedo armament
  • Poor main battery firing arcs


As a premium ship, Bayard doesn't have any upgrades to research.

Optimal Configuration


The recommended upgrades for Bayard are as follows:

If available, Engine Boost Modification 1 ( ) should be mounted in Slot 2.

Commander Skills

+15% main battery traverse speed .

+5% torpedo speed .

-10% cooldown time of Main Battery Reload Booster, Torpedo Reload Booster, Spotting Aircraft, Catapult Fighter, and Defensive AA Fire .

-50% time to switch loaded shell type .

Receive a warning of a salvo fired at your ship from more than 4.5km .

The ship remains able to move and maneuver - slowly - while the engine or steering gears are incapacitated .

Demolition Expert

+1% chance of main and secondary HE shells causing a fire.

+15% to the fragmentation damage area of HE ordnance fired at submarines .

-10% torpedo tubes reload time .

+10% action time of Hydroacoustic Search, Surveillance Radar, Smoke Generator, & Engine Boost .

The detection indicator will show the number of enemies targeting you with main battery .

–10% reload time of Air strike armament .

+10% HE and SAP shell damage.

+15% ship detectability guns 149mm and up .

+15% torpedo damage .

-0.2% reload time of all armaments per 1% HP lost

+0.2% AA continuous damage per 1% HP lost .

+5% damage for AP shells 190mm and larger .

+1 charge to all consumables .

Survivability Expert

+450 HP per ship tier .

Top Grade Gunner

-10% reload time of secondary batteries

If enemy ship is spotted within detectability range, -8% reload time of main battery .


If there are fewer allies than visible enemies within the ship's base main caliber firing range:

+8% ship speed
-10% main battery dispersion .

Radio Location

Shows the direction to the nearest enemy ship.

The enemy is alerted that a bearing has been taken. .

+25% armor penetration of HE shells

Base fire chance reduced by half .

-10% detectability range of the ship .

+20% continuous AA damage.
+20% flak damage.
+15% damage from depth charges .


Bayard can equip the following consumables:


As a premium ship, Bayard comes with Type 10 camouflage that lowers her detection radius, reduces the accuracy of incoming shells, reduces her repair costs, and increases the amount of experience she earns.


+5% continuous AA damage at all ranges.

+5% damage from flak bursts.

+5% to secondary battery maximum firing range.

-5% to maximum dispersion of secondary battery shells.

-5% to secondary battery loading time.

+1% chance for HE bombs and shells with a caliber above 160mm causing a fire.

+0.5% chance for bombs and smaller shells causing a fire.

+5% to the risk of your ship's magazine detonating.

+15% chance of causing flooding.

+5% to the risk of your ship's magazine detonating.

+1% chance for HE bombs and shells with a caliber above 160mm causing a fire.

+0.5% chance for bombs and smaller shells causing a fire.

+4% chance of torpedoes causing flooding.

-20% to damage received when ramming the enemy.

+50% to damage dealt when ramming the enemy.

-5% reload time on all consumables.

+5% to the ship's maximum speed.

+20% to the amount of HP recovered when Repair Party ( ) is used.

-20% to flooding duration.

-20% to fire duration.

-100% to the risk of magazine detonation.

+15% action time of a Smoke Generator ( ).

+10% action time of Hydroacoustic Search ( )

-10% reload time of Defensive AA Fire ( ).

+20% credits earned for the battle.

-10% to the cost of the ship's post-battle service.

+50% XP earned for the battle.

+50% Commander XP earned for the battle.

+300% Free XP earned for the battle.

+50% credits earned for the battle.

+100% XP earned for the battle.

+100% Commander XP earned for the battle.

+333% Commander XP earned for the battle.

+50% XP earned for the battle.

+150% Commander XP earned for the battle.

+250% Free XP earned for the battle.

+30% credits earned for the battle.

+50% XP earned for the battle.

+100% Commander XP earned for the battle.

+200% Free XP earned for the battle.

+20% credits earned for the battle.

+50% XP earned for the battle.

+150% Commander XP earned for the battle.

+25% credits earned for the battle.

Note: Use of the Juliet Charlie signal makes detonation impossible.












Historical Info

Bayard, 1953


16,627 tons displacement, standard 197.1m length 18.7m beam 6.2m draft



Main belt: 105-120mm Torpedo bulkhead: 25mm Decks: 19-38mm Bulkheads: 45-90mm Barbettes and Turrets: 70-95mm barbettes, 100mm turret faces, 40-50mm turret sides Conning tower: 60mm





World of Warship’s Bayard is an entirely fictional warship. The design of Bayard is based on a ‘what-if’ scenario where Italy and France sign a treaty (“Rome Naval Treaty of 1931”) in 1931 agreeing to cease construction of 10,000-ton heavy cruisers in favor of smaller cruisers with guns of a 155mm caliber or less. In this scenario, with the launch of the Mogami-class light cruisers (fifteen 155mm guns) by Japan in 1934, the Marine Nationale felt obliged to respond in order to protect their holdings in Indochina. The design features a larger development of the most advanced light cruisers then built in France – the La Galissonnière-class. The design of the new cruiser was to expand the main battery with an extra turret for a total of twelve (4x3) 152mm guns, and featured a stronger secondary battery of four twin mounts featuring the 100mm/45 CAD Mle 1937. Due to a shift in focus towards the De Grasse-class, only one ship is laid down, but was not completed before the fall of France in 1940. Thus, the ship escaped to the United States, and was completed post-war with a new anti-aircraft armament and modern fire control equipment. The full article describing the design of the fictional warship can be found here, on World of Warships’s main website.

French Cruiser Programs historically, 1936-1960;

In reality, there was no ‘Rome Naval Treaty of 1931' – in fact, Italy and France had little in the way of negotiations on the subject of cruisers, rather focusing on the question of battleship construction, as both nations were allowed to build 70,000 tons of battleship earlier than other naval powers as per the terms of the Washington Naval Treaty. Historically, both parties ceased construction of the 10,000-ton heavy cruiser due to the London Naval Treaty of 1930. Although neither country had signed on to Part III of the treaty specifically limiting the construction of the type, there was an informal agreement between the two to stop building these expensive warships.

Historically, French cruiser construction past the six 7,600-ton La Galissonnière-class focused on getting as much as possible out of the extra 400 tons they could build on (as the London Naval Treaty limited light cruisers to 8,000 tons standard). This created the 8,000-ton De Grasse-class, which mainly focused on increasing anti-aircraft armament and armor protection over the 7,600-ton cruisers. Three ships were planned, but only one was laid down. The next cruisers France would look to build were the ‘C5’ type, which were a move back to 10,000-ton heavy cruisers in order to counter the German construction of their own heavy cruisers – the Admiral Hipper-class. Three were planned, to replace the Duguay-Trouin-class. Japan, too far away for France to deal with and a far less pressing threat than the Italian or German navies, never figured into French planning. The ‘C5’ series produced two designs – C5 A3, re-created in-game as the Charles Martel, and C5 SA1, which discarded the standard aviation suite in favor of increased anti-aircraft armament. Due to the outbreak of war with Germany over the invasion of Poland in 1939, work on ships not already laid down was suspended, and in this period the class was re-designed to be substantially larger – by 3,000 tons. This new version, known as the Saint Louis-class, would have been built under the same program as the two planned Alsace-class (N°1 type) battleships, a light cruiser, six contre-torpilleurs, sixteen destroyers, and six submarines.

Due to the fall of France, this program collapsed and ultimately none of the designs were ever raised again.

Immediately following the liberation of France, the Marine Nationale began planning its post-war posture, which required the construction of new warships. Ideally, France wished to have by 1960 twelve modern light cruisers – six conventional light cruisers armed with 152mm guns, and six anti-aircraft cruisers. In March 1945 the navy began exploring designs for a twelve-gun 152mm light cruiser, but this effort was ultimately ceased in January 1948, ending the history of French light cruiser development - the funding was simply not available. However, in 1949 France joined NATO, and thus began receiving financial assistance the Mutual Defense Assistance Program (MDAP), and from this the Marine Nationale was able to fund the conversion of the De Grasse, laid down but not completed prior to the Second World War, into an anti-aircraft cruiser (55% of the funding coming from MDAP), and based off of the conversion the purpose-built Colbert was also constructed. The two anti-aircraft cruisers, combined with the three surviving La Galissonnière-class light cruisers completed in 1937, was substantially less than the ambitious 6-6 cruiser fleet originally planned, but it was what post-war finances could afford (and most navies began moving away from gun-cruisers in this period anyways, with the Italian Marina Militare rebuilding the light cruiser Giuseppe Garibaldi into Europe’s first guided missile cruiser in 1957, only three years after Colbert was laid down).

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