Unturned вашингтон топ лут

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

"A darker map set somewhere in the United States with many pine trees, mountains, cover and height variation. This location was better prepared for the apocalypse, and the military attempted to fortify several locations."

Washington is one of five official maps in Unturned 3 along with PEI, Yukon, Russia, and Germany. It is a dark map set in Washington. A pre-release ( patch was released to add in some vehicles and weapons as preparation for the Washington Map. The map has ten military locations, and is specifically designed for player vs. player combat.

Вашингтон (Washington) - карта для Unturned среднего размера, третья после PEI и Yukon.

Представляет собой один из штатов США. На карте присутствует один город, несколько лагерей, военная база, исследовательский центр Scorpion-7, несколько ферм и много других интересных мест. Основную часть карты занимает лес и река.

Внизу, когда смотришь на карту Вашингтона, справа от гоночного стадиона есть заваленный тоннель. Около него военные зомби. Их легко убить, лута как такого там нет. А если пройти по дороге дальше, то можно увидеть разрушенную автоколонну. Там тоже военные зомби, но их побольше. Там можно найти интересные вещи, если посмотреть в машинах и кейсах.


  • Лагерь Чистая Вода
  • Ферма Кенневик
  • Город Сиэтл
  • Лагерь Камано
  • Everett
  • Ферма Шелтон
  • Ферма Арлингтон
  • Остров Рэйнбридж
  • Военная База Олимпия
  • Гоночная трасса Кент
  • Гигантский экскаватор
  • Точка эвакуации Парадайз-Поинт
  • Долина Наследия
  • Гольф-клуб
  • Город Такома

Вот карта Вашингтона Washington .


Карта Вашингтона большого размера с названиями на русском и английском языках

Секретные и интересные места

Гигантская буровая машина, НЛО, и подводная лодка.

Если проехать за озеро гольф-поля, можно увидеть большой карьерный экскаватор возле него радиация (dead zone). Лута вокруг него нет, но сам он очень интересен. Также можно пройти на гору, которую он раскапывает, и увидеть там разбитый НЛО. Вокруг него также сильная радиация и почти нету лута. (кроме shadow stalker и rail).


The Carepackage is an Epic Item Storage in Unturned 3. It appears as a form of event.

The loot in a Carepackage depends on the country the map is located in. It contains weapons that are not obtainable in any other way.

Carepackage America
Ranger Magazine 6.2%
Bulldog 4.1%
Bulldog Magazine 4.1%
Calling Card 4.1%
Calling Card Magazine 4.1%
Determinator 4.1%
Empire 4.1%
Empire Magazine 4.1%
Luger 4.1%
Luger Magazine 4.1%
MP40 4.1%
MP40 Magazine 4.1%
Scalar 4.1%
Scalar Magazine 4.1%
Teklowvka 4.1%
Teklowvka Magazine 4.1%
Vonya 4.1%
Vonya Magazine 4.1%
Augewehr 2.1%
Devil's Bane 2.1%
Devil's Bane Magazine 2.1%
Fusilaut 2.1%
Maplestrike 2.1%
Military Magazine 2.1%
Nightraider 2.1%
Swissgewehr 2.1%
Swissgewehr Magazine 2.1%
Ekho 1.0%
Ekho Magazine 1.0%
Timberwolf 1.0%
Timberwolf Magazine 1.0%
Hell's Fury 0.4%
Hell's Fury Drum 0.4%
Carepackage Canada
Ranger Magazine 5.3%
Bulldog 3.5%
Bulldog Magazine 3.5%
Calling Card 3.5%
Calling Card Magazine 3.5%
Determinator 3.5%
Empire 3.5%
Empire Magazine 3.5%
Luger 3.5%
Luger Magazine 3.5%
MP40 3.5%
MP40 Magazine 3.5%
Sabertooth 3.5%
Sabertooth Magazine 3.5%
Scalar 3.5%
Scalar Magazine 3.5%
Teklowvka 3.5%
Teklowvka Magazine 3.5%
Viper 3.5%
Viper Magazine 3.5%
Vonya 3.5%
Vonya Magazine 3.5%
Augewehr 1.8%
Devil's Bane 1.8%
Devil's Bane Magazine 1.8%
Fusilaut 1.8%
Heartbreaker 1.8%
Military Magazine 1.8%
Nightraider 1.8%
Swissgewehr 1.8%
Swissgewehr Magazine 1.8%
Ekho 0.9%
Ekho Magazine 0.9%
Grizzly 0.9%
Grizzly Magazine 0.9%
Hell's Fury 0.4%
Hell's Fury Drum 0.4%
Carepackage Peaks
Military Magazine 14.8%
Calling Card 7.4%
Calling Card Magazine 7.4%
1911 7.4%
1911 Magazine 7.4%
Eaglefire 7.4%
Scalar 7.4%
Scalar Magazine 7.4%
Yuri 7.4%
Yuri Magazine 7.4%
Dragonfang 3.7%
Dragonfang Box 3.7%
Maplestrike 3.7%
Ekho 1.9%
Ekho Magazine 1.9%
Timberwolf 1.9%
Timberwolf 1.9%
Carepackage Russia
Military Magazine 6.8%
12 Gauge Shells 3.4%
Avenger 3.4%
Avenger Magazine 3.4%
Bluntforce 3.4%
Determinator 3.4%
Eaglefire 3.4%
Empire 3.4%
Empire Magazine 3.4%
Luger 3.4%
Luger Magazine 3.4%
MP40 3.4%
MP40 Magazine 3.4%
Peacemaker 3.4%
Peacemaker Magazine 3.4%
Sabertooth 3.4%
Sabertooth Magazine 3.4%
Scalar 3.4%
Scalar Magazine 3.4%
Swissgewehr 3.4%
Swissgewehr Magazine 3.4%
Viper 3.4%
Viper Magazine 3.4%
Desert Falcon 1.7%
Desert Falcon Magazine 1.7%
Devil's Bane 1.7%
Devil's Bane Magazine 1.7%
Dragonfang 1.7%
Dragonfang Box 1.7%
Heartbreaker 1.7%
Maplestrike 1.7%
Grizzly 0.9%
Grizzly Magazine 0.9%
PDW 0.9%
Timberwolf 0.9%
Timberwolf Magazine 0.9%


The Carepackage appears rarely from an airdrop event. This event involves a Coalition-manned airplane flying over one of many pre-designated locations, and dropping a Carepackage. Carepackages will emit a red smoke trail a dozen meters into the sky for 60 seconds. Once landed, the Carepackage will last for 10 minutes before self-destructing harmlessly with a small "pop."

A Carepackage can also be summoned using the "@airdrop" command.

There are no Carepackages on the Yukon map.


Germany has thirty-five areas where a Carepackage can drop.

  • Northeast edge of Ostsee Compound.
  • Northwest of Ostsee Compound.
  • Southeast of Ostsee Compound.
  • South of Munich.
  • Northeast of Moritz's Farm.
  • Southeast of Moritz's Farm.
  • Fernweh Prison.
  • Southeast of Fernweh Prison.
  • Southwest of Cologne.
  • Southeast of Cologne.
  • Northeast corner of Oskar's Farm.
  • Northeast of Oskar's Farm.
  • East of Oskar's Farm.
  • South of Oskar's Farm.
  • East edge of Frankfurt Airfield.
  • Southeast of Frankfurt Airfield.
  • West edge of Hamburg.
  • Center of Camp Stuttgart.
  • North of Zugspitze Peak.
  • South of Svalbard Seedbank.
  • West Edge of Mawby's Farm.
  • Southwest of Mawby's Farm.
  • West of Neuschwanstein Castle.
  • East of Neuschwanstein Castle.
  • South of Schwarzwald Military Base.
  • Northeast corner of Schwarzwald Military Base.
  • East of Schwarzwald Military Base.
  • South of Aerospace Defense Complex.
  • Southeast corner of Aerospace Defense Complex.
  • North of Aerospace Defense Complex.
  • East of Aerospace Defense Complex.
  • South of Limestone Quarry.
  • West of Camp Dusseldorf.
  • West of Camp Dusseldorf.
  • Southwest of Berlin.


PEI has fourteen areas where a Carepackage can drop.

  • Near Belfast Airport, off the side of the road. , at the split in the fences.
  • Off the side of the road between Montague and Liberation Bridge.
  • On the coast leading to Tignish Farm, by the Canister. 's parking lot.
  • At the entrance to the castle on Oulton's Isle. 's wheat field.
  • Near the radio tower at Pirate Cove.
  • The center of Holman Isle.
  • Atop the hill next to Alberton.
  • In the field between Confederation Bridge and Summerside Military Base.
  • Atop the hill between Stratford and Summerside Military Base.
  • On the construction site in Stratford. 's parking lot.



Russia has thirty-five areas where a Carepackage can drop.

  • East of Kivgrad Harbor.
  • North of Kivgrad Harbor.
  • Northeast of Kivgrad Harbor.
  • Center of Keryev.
  • Just south of Tomsk Farm.
  • North of Tomsk Farm.
  • East of Keryev.
  • Northwest of Novobirsk.
  • East of St. Petersburg.
  • North of Jhavesk.
  • Just east of Camp Kazan.
  • Just west of Chersky Farm.
  • Just west of Camp Belaya.
  • Just west of Nordvik Farm.
  • South of Nordvik Farm.
  • North of Camp Oleksandr.
  • Northeast of Camp Oleksandr
  • Southwest of Yekativurg.
  • Southeast of Yekativurg.
  • North of Yekativurg. .
  • Northeast of Shereyavo International. .
  • Southeast of Mount Nivek.
  • North of Mount Nivek.
  • Center of Moscow.
  • North of Moscow.
  • Northeast of Moscow.
  • Northeast of Moscow.
  • East of Silo 22.
  • East of Zavod.
  • East of Volk Military Base.
  • Southwest of Volk Military Base.
  • Northwest of Volk Military Base.
  • Northeast of Krovi Estate.



Washington has thirteen areas where a Carepackage can drop.

  • Island in the middle of Bellevue Golf Course.
  • Peninsula southwest of Clearwater Campground.
  • Island south of Clearwater Campground.
  • North of Scorpion-7.
  • East of Kennewick Farm.
  • South of Kennewick Farm.
  • Near the high-rise building with a helipad in Seattle.
  • East of Shelton Farm.
  • Southwest of the Olympia Military Base.
  • Eastern edge of Rainbridge Island.
  • North of Paradise Point.
  • Center of Kent Raceway.
  • Corner of Arlington Farm field.



  • On Space PEI, the Carepackage moves upwards, meaning they are impossible to loot.
  • If a Carepackage self-destructs, any remaining contents will be dropped.
  • The wreck of the AC-130 supposedly meant to drop Carepackages in Yukon can be found in the mid-southern section of the map. Strangely, it does not show any sign of having carried any actual Carepackages.
  • The Carepackage is unobtainable through normal means, as it is meant to be for the Carepackage event rather than as an actual item.
    • Since it was not meant to be an actual item, it has no inventory icon because no camera was made for it.
    • Since it was not meant to be an actual item, it cannot be placed due to not having any animations to allow it.

    The Airdrop is a type of loot system in Antique. They spawn in a random place at Heritage City.

    Am I the unlucky one that cant find detonator in Washington?

    If someone found one please tell me where you found it.Thanks

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    But Yea. I checked washington item spawn points in editor and it seems detonators are not added to washington or I just didnt check properly.

    They do spawn, this was only an issue two patches ago. The only spawn in the Special_America spawn points. This means in the open rifle cases and mega zombies.

    Dude.. they are there in single player for me. Killed like 15 megas until one finally dropped from the mega in Seattle. Then proceeded to find another 10 minutes later on one of the military cases on military checkpoint on the bridge running over seattle.

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