Обзор бмп 2 вар тандер

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

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Главный герой двух Чеченских кампаний.
Ветеран множеств конфликтов по всему миру и просто харизматичная машина.



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Ветеран войны в Афганистане 1979-1989, главный герой двух Чеченских кампаний 1994-1996 и 1999-2009.
И просто лучший друг любого пехотинца.
Машина была создана в результате модификации БМП-1. Работы в этом направлении велись в КБ Курганского машиностроительного завода с 1974 года под индексами ГБТУ «Объект 675» и «Объект 680». Также вопрос модернизации БМП-1 прорабатывался на Челябинском тракторном заводе с 1972 года под индексом «Объект 769». В 1980 году на вооружение был принят вариант Курганского машиностроительного завода, на котором и было развёрнуто серийное производство БМП-2.

Основными противниками станут различные М60, брэдли, М551 и еврейские Меркавы.
Если брэдли и М551 берутся с нашей 2А42 в силуэт, то над М60 и Меркавой придётся попотеть.
Братья М60 в лоб берутся с БОЛЬШИМ трудом, имеют слабую ком.башенку и пиксель в маске орудия.
Нужно понимать, что в реальном бою выцелить это трудно, поэтому по возможности выбивать ствол.
Если М60 можно ещё как-то зацепить, то еврейскую Меркаву почти не зацепить.
Имеет малейшие дыры в которые можно её задеть.
При встрече с ней у вас будет мало времени, сразу ломать ствол и заходить в борт.
Тут же против нас в основном будут Леопарды различных мастей, бронированы они гораздо слабее американских союзников.
НО,нужно понимать, что Леопарды будут быстрее занимать свои позиции и иметь больший поворот башни.
Леопард А1А1 имеет огромную дыру в погоне башни, сразу зажимать туда.
Можно ещё пострелять в оптику, профита будет маловато, но сам факт.
Синим я обвёл места в которые можно пробить только если леопард будет ромбовать.
Его премиумный брат имеет те же слабые места, но добавляется ещё дырка в маске орудия.
Различная техника ФРГ
ТАМ - стрелять только в башню
Радкампфваген 90 - стрелять только в корпус
Бигляйтпанцер - стрелять только в башню
Основными противниками будут Чифтены Mk.3/5/10,вориуры и руикаты.
Если последние два можно шить в силуэт, то Чифтен доставит немало хлопот.
Нашей 30мм пушкой взять в лоб Чифтен Mk.3/5 НЕВОЗМОЖНО.
Тут только ломать пушку.
Чифтен Mk.10 уже имеет маленький пиксель на стыке ВЛД и НЛД, скорее всего это баг в броне.
Не стоит его выцеливать в бою, сразу ломайте ствол.
Основным противником станет Тип 74.
Отличнейший танк,сочетающий пробивную пушку,скорость и броню.
Очень даже хорошая броня нивелируется большой дырой в районе триплексов мехвода и командирской башенки.
Главными противниками станут леопардоподобные OF-40 и различные чентауро.
Итальянцы исправили дырки которые есть в А1А1, но оставили главную дыру в погоне башни.
У премиумной версии те же самые слабые места.
Основными противниками станут АМХ-30 и колёсник АМХ-10.
АМХ-30, наверное, имеет одно из самых слабых бронирований на своём БРе, НО,он имеет адскую 20мм пушку.
Стоит допустить ошибку и он доберёт вас с этой 20мм пушки.
Имеет большие дыры ближе к погону башни и дыры в маске орудия.
Забрать его в лоб не составит проблем.
Основными противниками станут Strv 103.
В лоб их НИКАК не взять.
Только обходить и зажимать в борт.

Стоит помнить, что БМП-2 не всегда стоит брать в начале матча.
Это такая машина, когда у вас закончились ОВ на ОБТ и остаётся только на БМП.
Вначале можно брать на городских картах по типу "Переправа через Рейн", "Польша", "Восточная Европа" и т.д.
Раши по флангам и тылам это то,что вам нужно.
Имея отличную скорострельную тридцатку и ПТУР вы будете кромсать всё.
Использовать 2А42 дальше 250-400 метров практически не имеет смысла, сразу используйте ПТУР, благо тут он имеет отличную скорость, дамаг и пробитие.
ПТУРы не стоит экономить, не жалейте по два ПТУРа на танк, это может спасти вам жизнь.
БМП-2 прекрасная и легендарная машина, которая обязательна к прокачке.

По желанию человека из комментов.

Список песен под которые нужно играть на БМП-2:
ГрОб - Отряд не заметил потери бойца
Мы идём в тишине
Долгая счастливая жизнь
ДДТ - Пацаны
Мёртвый город Рождество
Что такое осень
Цой - Спокойная ночь


The BMP-2M is a squadron rank VI Soviet light tank (infantry fighting vehicle) with a battle rating of 8.7 (AB/RB/SB). It was introduced during Update "Starfighters". The BMP-2M is a light, mobile yet lethal light tank. Although its survivability and armour are not remarkable, its armament and utility are unmatched at its battle rating.

General info

Survivability and armour

Creation of a smoke screen in front of the vehicle Creation of a smoke screen in the direction of movement of the vehicle

The vehicle's playstyle is relatively similar to the BMP-2's. The fast turret traverse speed, wide field of view, and thermals for the optics combined with a fast-firing 2A42 autocannon and four 9M133 ATGMs makes it an excellent close range combat IFV and good front line scout at open fields. Armour on this vehicle can only protect the crew from 7.62 mm fire at all angles and sometimes 12.7 mm or even 20 mm when being shot from the front. The BMP-2M is prone to hull-break, but sometimes AP rounds such as APFSDS can penetrate the vehicle without significant damage due to its large empty space inside. The hull-break mechanics will mean that even a poorly placed shot may immediately destroy the vehicle. Overall, survivability is poor, and the BMP-2M should use its manoeuvrability to flank opponents and strike before the enemy can locate you and return fire.

Armour type:

  • High hardness rolled armour (hull and turret)
  • Alloy ABT-101 (engine deck)

15 mm Bottom

13 mm Door frame

12 mm Engine deck

25 mm Gun mantlet


The design allows you to swim and control movement in the water
Game Mode Max Speed (km/h) Weight (tons) Engine power (horsepower) Power-to-weight ratio (hp/ton)
Forward Reverse Stock Upgraded Stock Upgraded
Arcade 72 12 14.5 558 687 38.48 47.38
Realistic 65 11 318 360 21.93 24.83

With 60 extra horsepower, the BMP-2M has excellent mobility compared to the BMP-2. The acceleration of the BMP-2M in off road conditions is excellent, and it is able to keep up with top tier MBTs like the T-80U, M1A2 Abrams and Leopard 2A5. The reverse speed however is still -10 km/h and it still has no neutral steering. Its amphibious capabilities can be useful to cross deep water sections to reach places normally unreachable for other vehicles.

Modifications and economy

For module research, the following order is recommended:

  • Parts, then FPE to increase the durability
  • 9M133FM-3 and NVD
  • 30 mm APDS, Laser rangefinder and Filters
  • Pick the next modules you wish to research depending on your needs


Reduces the error and increases the maximum measurable distance of the rangefinder Improves visibility by enhancing natural light or active illumination. Allows to see thermal radiation in the infrared range day and night

Main armament

As this tank has a similar playstyle to its 8.3 counterpart, the BMP-2, the main armament of the Shipunov 2A42 30 mm autocannon is a very versatile weapon, considering its vertical guidance, traverse speed, and large selection of ammo belts.

It is not recommended to engage in long-term combat without ATGMs using only the autocannon with any tank heavier than a light tank or an Anti-Tank Missile Carrier unless using the APDS ammo selection. If not using APDS, for heavier tanks it is recommended to cripple it by shooting its tracks and the main armament.


Ammo racks

Additional armament

Reduces the swing of the gun in two planes while moving


Penetration statistics
Ammunition Type of
Penetration @ 0° Angle of Attack (mm)
10 m 100 m 500 m 1,000 m 1,500 m 2,000 m
VOG-30 VOG* 3 3 3 3 3 3
Shell details
Ammunition Type of
Mass (kg)
Fuse delay
Fuse sensitivity
Explosive Mass
(TNT equivalent) (g)
0% 50% 100%
VOG-30 VOG* 185 0.28 0 0.1 55.44 79° 80° 81°

Ammo racks

Additional armament

Unlike the BMP-2 which only has one ATGM launcher and takes some time to reload, the ATGMs on the BMP-2M are arranged in 4 slots, 2 on either side of the tank. If all 4 are expended, an extra 4 will be able to reload if chosen in the battle start up.

9M133 missile Reloading rate (seconds)
Capacity (Belt) Vertical Horizontal Stabilizer Stock Full Expert Aced
8 (4) -5°/+10° N/A N/A 26.00 23.00 21.20 20.00


Penetration statistics
Ammunition Type of
Penetration @ 0° Angle of Attack (mm)
10 m 100 m 500 m 1,000 m 1,500 m 2,000 m
9M133 ATGM (tandem) 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200
9M133FM-3 ATGM-VT 61 61 61 61 61 61
Shell details
Ammunition Type of
Mass (kg)
Fuse delay
Fuse sensitivity
Explosive Mass
(TNT equivalent) (g)
0% 50% 100%
9M133 ATGM (tandem) 300 5,500 26 0.4 0.01 6,160 80° 82° 90°
9M133FM-3 ATGM-VT 320 10,000 28 0.2 0.01 9,240 79° 80° 81°

Ammo racks

Machine guns

7.62 mm PKT
Mount Capacity (Belt) Fire rate Vertical Horizontal
Coaxial 2,000 (250) 700 N/A N/A

Usage in battles

During the stock grind, the vehicle is best played as a scout, as the stock ammo with the exception of the ATGMs is poor. Once it is spaded, the vehicle is basically a complete lineup in itself. It can play the part of a light tank, with excellent manoeuvrability, the ability to scout and repair, and the fast-firing autocannon to flank and destroy light to medium armoured targets. Along with its scout capability to mark enemy armoured targets for allies or eliminate them with its ATGMs. If played cautiously, it can be played as a true IFV, supporting MBTs in close-quarters battle (CQB).

However, when playing close-quarter battle this, it is a support vehicle, and should not engage in frontal brawls with MBTs, as it will quickly be destroyed, due to it's thin armour. It can be played at long range, using its scouting ability and ATGMs to knock out targets at long ranges. While not its purpose, the BMP-2M can also be played as a last resort SPAA with its fast firing 30 mm autocannon and proximity fuse ATGMs in case there is no dedicated vehicle to perform this role.

Combat tactics

Avoid frontal confrontation with enemies of any kind, due to the very thin armour and hull-break in combination with the high density of ammunition and crew. Any weapon of calibre .50 cal or larger will absolutely shred the BMP-2M to pieces. The vehicle can be played in different roles:

Support and repair: this style of gameplay is most useful in close quarters environments especially when the vehicle is stock, making use of the autocannon, seeking out flanks and assisting with fast repairs. Good communication about targets is possible through the scouting feature. Adding to the support role is the 9M133FM-3 missile equipped with a HE warhead and proximity most effective against helicopters in particular.

Flanking: the main features of this strategy are the BMP-2's mobility and the 30 mm APDS belt which easily punches through the sides of any vehicle at its BR. The main focus is on targeting crew members and modules, as the post penetration damage is very localized. Basic knowledge about crew positions is most useful to get the most out of the rather short APDS belt (160 shells).

Pros and cons

  • 2A42 autocannon can punch through most vehicles at its battle rating from the back, side and sometimes front
  • Fast turret traverse speed
  • Gen-2 thermal optics for the gunner, wide field of view and 2.5 to 12 times zoom for gun sight, suitable for combat at any range
  • 1,200 mm penetration power for the standard 9M133 missile; can fire and guide all four missiles simultaneously while on the move
  • Can equip 9M133FM-3 HE missiles with proximity fuses, useful for SPAA purposes
  • Amphibious ability can be useful for crossing the water to areas hard-to-reach for other vehicles
  • Very cheap repair cost means easy Silver Lions profit from combat
  • Roof-mounted grenade launcher can clear obstacles that typically machine guns can not
  • Relatively easy stock grind
  • Can be played as a light tank, long range tank, CQB support vehicle, or SPAA
  • Missiles mounted on the turret has a chance to explode from shrapnel if too close to any form of explosion
  • Chassis can only protect the crew from 7.62 mm and with limited 12.7 mm or bigger calibre ammunition protection from the front
  • No neutral steering, and a slow reverse speed of -10 km/h
  • While driving, thermal optics vision to the left of the chassis at 30 to 50 degrees are obscured from the engine exhaust gas
  • Grenade launcher has only 6 mm of pen and generally can't destroy opponents, instead being used against obstacles and clearing ERA at close range, sometimes damaging tracks or exposed ammo racks (eg ATGMs) at very close range
  • ATGMs require discipline to use, as the urge to fire all four of them on contact is near irresistible. While firing all four ATGM ensures that the target tank is absolutely annihilated, it is a waste of ammunition if operator does not redirect remaining missiles away from already destroyed tank towards next target


In 2017, the Russian Ministry of Defense signed a contract with KBP Instrument Design (Konstruktorskoe Buro Priborostroeniya) for the modernization of BMP-2 and BMD-2 to the BMP-2M ICV "Berezhok" and "Bereg" (not to be confused with the BMP-2M made by Kurganmashzavod. The M is the general designator for modernized units). It is meant to be a cost-effective update which will augment a clear sophistication compared to the BMP-3. It equipped the B05Ya01 Berezhok turret keeping the same autocannon of the BMP-2, the 2A42 30 mm autocannon, a PKTM 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun (tank version of the PKM), an AGS-30 30 mm grenade launcher, 2 B05S011 guided weapon system which made the BMP-2M capable of firing 4 9M113M Kornet ATGM (2 launchers per turret side), new NVD from the BMD-4, 1PZ-13 commander's periscope, the BPK-3-42 gunner's primary sight (GPS), PL-1 laser illuminator, a 370-horsepower UDT-23 engine, new armament stabilizers, ballistics computer and a laser rangefinder. The "Berezhok" variant was preferred by Algeria while the Russian MoD decided for the BMP-2M made by Kurganmashzavod. Currently, the production of the BMP-2M is still kept with the first 18 units being delivered in 2020.


In the early 2000's, aside from the development of the new BMP-3, the Russian military had been looking into modernization of the widespread BMP-2 combat vehicles to face the challenges of the time. Amongst other projects proposed to the Russian Ministry of Defense under this program, an idea was raised to install the Berezhok combat complex on the BMP-2 chassis. Berezhok was a combat module created on the basis of the BMP-2 turret, but significantly increasing the overall fire potential of the vehicle. The main changes that Berezhok brought were the modern fire control system, the new highly capable Kornet ATGM, and the 30 mm automatic grenade launcher on the top of the turret. The BMP-2M with the Berezhok module was produced for export to the Algerian army, and also purchased by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.


GarageImage BMP-2.jpg



The BMP-2 is a rank VI Soviet light tank with a battle rating of 8.3 (AB/RB/SB). It was introduced in Update 1.81 "The Valkyries".

General info

Survivability and armour

Creation of a smoke screen in front of the vehicle Creation of a smoke screen in the direction of movement of the vehicle

Armour type:

Armour Front (Slope angle) Sides Rear Roof
Hull 15 mm (57°) 13 mm (15°), 5 mm (68°) Top
15 mm (0-25°) Bottom
13 mm (13-64°)
16 mm (17-44°)
5 mm (66-90°) Rear
8 mm (81°)
7 mm (90°) Hatches
12 mm (81°)
5 mm Engine grille
Turret 30 mm (32°)
25 mm (1-89°) Gun mantlet
20 mm (31-83°)
20 mm (30-82°)
16 mm (32-26°)
30 mm (18°) Top right
20 mm (30-82°)
10 mm (21-°) 6 mm (0-89°)
Cupola 6 mm

  • 6 mm side skirts added with BMP-2D
  • 6 mm armour layer added to the turret side
  • 6 mm armour added to hull top sides
  • The amphibious ability is lost after the armour modifications are installed
  • Tracks and wheels are 10 mm thick

The BMP-2 armour layout consists of mostly High Hardness Rolled Armour. The front plate and turret armour is sufficient to stop anything short of a small auto cannon. The sides are generally resistant to machine gun fire, although larger calibre rounds such as those fired from the 12.7 mm .50 calibre machine guns on many American tanks can penetrate the side and rear of the BMP-2. Depending on where it is hit, the BMP-2 is generally not very survivable due to the low crew count. Having only 3 crew means that if any penetrating round kills 2 of them, you are dead. Some shots might hit empty space, but you should not rely on it. Generally it is best practice to be very careful when driving the BMP-2. Even if you have disabled the enemy vehicle's main cannon, they may still be able to damage you with their heavy machine gun. The BMP-2 is also vulnerable to overpressure, it will be destroyed by large-calibre HE shells and by ATGMs.

The BMP-2 has optional add-on armour which improves its resistance to heavy machine gun and some light cannon fire from the sides and rear of the turret, at the cost of losing its amphibious ability. This armour means that you are safe from enemy tanks once you have disabled their main gun. This modification has little effect on the overpressure vulnerability mechanics of the BMP-2.


The design allows you to swim and control movement in the water
Game Mode Max Speed (km/h) Weight (tons) Engine power (horsepower) Power-to-weight ratio (hp/ton)
Forward Reverse Stock AoA Stock Upgraded Stock Upgraded
Arcade 72 12 13.2 0.8 465 572 35.23 40.86
Realistic 65 11 265 300 20.08 21.43

The BMP-2's mobility is reasonable, albeit not excellent, at a maximum of 72/65 km/h (AB\RB) on-road, however, the vehicle's acceleration and off-road performance leave something to be desired.

The BMP-2 can swim at 7 km/h.

Modifications and economy


Improves visibility by enhancing natural light or active illumination.

Main armament

Reduces the swing of the gun in two planes while moving

The main concern with this powerful main weapon is the ammo capacity. The gun has two firing modes - relatively slow (

200/minute) and extremely fast (

550/minute), while your ammo capacity is 500. To not run out of ammo during the battle, one should use full auto mode only when facing certain doom, or when sitting in an ambush position against an unknown enemy.

Its reload rate for the belts is quite fast at 1.15 seconds and it gets a choice of HEF-T, AP-T, and HVAP in belts. Every belt is universal and has at least 1 AP and 1 HE in them, HE belt carrying 2 of HEF-T for 1 AP-T per cycle.

The HVAP belts have enough penetration to obliterate lighter tanks such as Leopard A1A1s, AMX-30B2 BRENUS and Warrior frontally, however, when engaging other larger targets it's only possible to completely defeat them from the side, though you can still cripple enemy tanks frontally by shooting cannon barrels and tracks.

The main difference of the HVAP compared to the APDS of other autocannon-equipped vehicles is that it is very bad against angled tanks and when attacking tanks on high ground (Refer to the table, to see how bad it can get). Because of that, targets usually easily dealt with such as the Striker may deflect fire from your main gun when heavily angled. When facing something the main gun cannot deal with, you'll need to use the secondary weapon:


Ammo racks

Additional armament

BMP-2 also has an ATGM launcher. Its guidance system is semi-automatic, so it's easier to use in RB. It is a default modification on the vehicle, unlike the BMP-1, so doesn't need to be researched.

The ATGM is able to penetrate most tanks BMP-2 will face at its BR and often above when aimed well. The 9M113 is also fairly useable at range, although it generally won't reach sniping helicopters. The BMP only has 4 ATGMs, so it's a good idea to be stringent with them.


Penetration statistics
Ammunition Type of
Penetration @ 0° Angle of Attack (mm)
10 m 100 m 500 m 1,000 m 1,500 m 2,000 m
9M113 ATGM 600 600 600 600 600 600
Shell details
Ammunition Type of
Mass (kg)
Fuse delay
Fuse sensitivity
Explosive Mass
(TNT equivalent) (g)
0% 50% 100%
9M113 ATGM 248 3,000 14.5 0.05 0.1 4,230 80° 82° 90°

Ammo racks

Machine guns

7.62 mm PKT is only useful for destroying light obstacles to avoid losing momentum. Alternatively, it can be used to mark the enemy in Realistic battle. Using it for anything else is pointless, as your 30mm is far more effective otherwise, and the 7.62mm won't cause damage to anything but early aircraft or open-top vehicles with exposed crew.

7.62 mm PKT
Mount Capacity (Belt) Fire rate Vertical Horizontal
Coaxial 2,000 (250) 700 N/A N/A

Usage in battles

The BMP-2 is best played as a light support vehicle, avoiding being a primary target in the front of the battle.

Where possible, scout opposing vehicles for teammates while staying near heavier friendly vehicles, helping repair and support them as necessary. By staying mostly in cover and near more threatening targets, you'll avoid being a target yourself. The BMP isn't particularly fast for a light tank, but if you can move into a position that enemy tanks will be passing, you'll be able to make quick work of them with the 30 mm gun.

Before the armour modification has been researched, the players can take advantage of the amphibious capacities of the BMP-2 to either infiltrate in the enemy territory to scout or to flank that enemy access and retain the enemy advance; at least for a short time.

As an advance from the BMP-1, the BMP-2 offers a great improvement in combat usage, as there's no need to research the better ATGM armament. Another upgrade in the playstyle is the possibility of close range anti-air duties thanks to the 30 mm Shipunov cannon, particularly to the omnipresent helicopters at this rank, such as the American AH-1G. The cannon is also useful for light and medium ground targets with slightly sloped armour, however, the stock HE performance against armour is poor and the need for the APDS belt will be evident. Therefore the anti-air duties are an essential part of the early playstyle and module research.

Anti-air role

The BMP is somewhat vulnerable to aircraft fire, particularly larger cannons will make quick work of the vehicle through its near non-existent top armour. Where possible, find positions with a good overhead cover or minimal visibility for overhead aircraft (beneath over-arching rocks, near or in buildings, under dense tree cover). If for any reason you do become the target of a strafing run, don't be afraid to fire back - the 30 mm will make quick work of most aircraft, and in head-on engagements is particularly easy to get on target.

It is recommended to improve the turret targeting speed with the modifications, as this provides faster target acquisition. The ATGM can also be put in use against any helicopter hovering close to the battlefield, remember the 3 km range when engaging them.

Close support

The BMP-2 is a light combat vehicle with good offensive power, as such, a recommended combat tactic is to remain near the tougher tank comrades assaulting and capturing points in the core of the action. Not only because of the proficient anti-air capabilities of the BMP-2 or the mighty Konkurs' ability to deal with any heavily armoured targets like the Maus. But also because the BMP-2 can act as a field mechanic for allied tanks along the frontline.

Acting as a team-player also entails using every mean of protection to ensure the teammates' safety, this will be usually achievable thanks to the various smoke discharges available.

The BMP-2 is not only capable of fiercely defending itself but is also capable of providing scouted targets for the whole allied team. Becoming the force of change in any assault or defence and a decisive piece in the road for victory.

A single BMP-2 can find a suitable covered position on a hill or a ditch deep enough (like on the Kursk map) and proceed to scout any enemy in the binoculars sight. It doesn't matter if the BMP does not have a gun solution, the purpose is to relay the enemy's position to the team while remaining in secret. This not only helps the teammates on anticipating any threats, but once the airstrike modification has been researched, it also enables the player to jump into any suited aircraft and continue supporting the team.

Pros and cons

  • Can easily destroy other light vehicles with both its main gun and its ATGM launcher
  • At times is surprisingly survivable, the vehicle's internals are largely non-critical components
  • Can ford rivers/canals to get to locations that are normally difficult or sometimes impossible to reach
  • Somewhat effective as an AA with fast-firing 30 mm
  • ATGMs will comfortably destroy almost any vehicle with a well placed missile
  • 30 mm HVAP can quickly disable tracks/gun barrel on any target
  • The 30 mm HVAP is not as powerful as APDS on other AFVs and has extremely bad angled performance
  • Small maximum ammo load, can only take a single APDS belt, exactly 160 shells (Changing to low rate of fire is recommended)
  • Vulnerable to HMGs and light cannons at close ranges, particularly without add-on armour
  • Vulnerable to overpressure (HE shells, bombs, rockets, ATGMs and artillery strikes).
  • Konkurs ATGM is highly ineffective against vehicles with ERA like the Sho't Kal Dalet (Great Britain) or the M60A1 RISE (P)



After the Yom Kippur War, it became clear that the armament of the BMP-1 was proven to be insufficient, as well as the protection. Egyptian and Syrian BMP-1's had been knocked out by 12.7 mm (.50 in) machine gun fire through the sides and rear. The BMP-1P was developed in order solve some of the problems with the BMP-1, but a new model was needed. Work began on creating an improved version of the BMP-1, called the BMP-2.

The hull of the BMP-2 was nearly identical to the hull of the BMP-1. The armour was unchanged - other than the side armour which could now withstand 12.7 mm machine guns - as was the shape of the hull itself. The turret, on the other hand, was of a new design. It was the same general shape as the turret of the BMP-1, but it was much larger. The commander sat to the right of the gun breech and the gunner sat to the left of the gun breech. The main armament consisted of a 2A24 30 mm autocannon, with a secondary armament of a co-axial 7.62 mm machine gun, with some models receiving a 40 mm automatic grenade launcher. There is also a 9M111 and 9M113 anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) launcher on the roof of the turret. There were some other differences as well. The infantry hatches on the roof of the troop compartment was reduced to 2 from 4. In addition, only 7 infantry soldiers could be carried, instead of the 8 that could be carried by the BMP-1. The BMP-2 was also heavier than the BMP-1, but received a more powerful engine, and as such had similar mobility to the BMP-1.

Production and Service

The BMP-2 entered service in 1980, and it is unknown how many have been produced. It is thought that at least 20,000 BMP-2 have been produced so far, but some estimates have the total production at up to 35,000. These numbers are for the Soviet/Russian military alone, not including license built copies or export models. BMP-2's have seen combat in a number of conflicts, although not so much as the BMP-1 as it entered service later.

The BMP-2D was an upgrade package that could be installed on a regular BMP-2. It consisted of applique armour on the sides of the vehicle and under the driver and commander positions, and 6 mm of applique armour on the turret. It also added the ability to attach a mine clearing device on the front of the vehicle. Because of the added weight of the upgrade package, the BMP-2D was not amphibiously capable.


The arrival of the BMP-1 infantry combat vehicle in the Soviet Army greatly increased the firepower and mobility of infantry formations on the battlefield. However, there were also significant shortcomings, mainly in the armament department. The 73 mm Grom gun, which was installed on the BMP-1 wasn't particularly efficient against infantry units, tanks and low flying air targets. In addition to this, the flight of the trajectory became impossible to predict if even a small crosswind was present. To account for these issues, a decision was made to create a new vehicle based on the BMP-1 with the automatic rifled gun. Among the several projects carried out, the vehicle designed by Kurganmashzavod engineers was acknowledged to be superior to the rest. The BMP-2, which was put into service in 1977, had a similar design to the BMP-1 in terms of the layout and general configuration. However, the turret underwent significant changes. It now had space for two crew members – the gunner and the commander, and the automatic 30 mm 2A42 gun became its primary armament. Just like its predecessor, the BMP-2 was fitted with a launcher capable of firing either the Konkurs or Fagot anti-tank guided missiles, which the vehicle could deploy when engaging tank units. The vehicle was regarded as fairly successful, and over the years of its service, the BMP-2 underwent a series of modernizations and modifications directed at improving the vehicle's defences and increasing its destructive capability. The BMP-2 remains in service till now and is in great demand abroad.


GarageImage BMP-2.jpg



The BMP-2 is a rank VI Soviet light tank with a battle rating of 8.3 (AB/RB/SB). It was introduced in Update 1.81 "The Valkyries".

General info

Survivability and armour

Creation of a smoke screen in front of the vehicle Creation of a smoke screen in the direction of movement of the vehicle

Armour type:

Armour Front (Slope angle) Sides Rear Roof
Hull 15 mm (57°) 13 mm (15°), 5 mm (68°) Top
15 mm (0-25°) Bottom
13 mm (13-64°)
16 mm (17-44°)
5 mm (66-90°) Rear
8 mm (81°)
7 mm (90°) Hatches
12 mm (81°)
5 mm Engine grille
Turret 30 mm (32°)
25 mm (1-89°) Gun mantlet
20 mm (31-83°)
20 mm (30-82°)
16 mm (32-26°)
30 mm (18°) Top right
20 mm (30-82°)
10 mm (21-°) 6 mm (0-89°)
Cupola 6 mm

  • 6 mm side skirts added with BMP-2D
  • 6 mm armour layer added to the turret side
  • 6 mm armour added to hull top sides
  • The amphibious ability is lost after the armour modifications are installed
  • Tracks and wheels are 10 mm thick

The BMP-2 armour layout consists of mostly High Hardness Rolled Armour. The front plate and turret armour is sufficient to stop anything short of a small auto cannon. The sides are generally resistant to machine gun fire, although larger calibre rounds such as those fired from the 12.7 mm .50 calibre machine guns on many American tanks can penetrate the side and rear of the BMP-2. Depending on where it is hit, the BMP-2 is generally not very survivable due to the low crew count. Having only 3 crew means that if any penetrating round kills 2 of them, you are dead. Some shots might hit empty space, but you should not rely on it. Generally it is best practice to be very careful when driving the BMP-2. Even if you have disabled the enemy vehicle's main cannon, they may still be able to damage you with their heavy machine gun. The BMP-2 is also vulnerable to overpressure, it will be destroyed by large-calibre HE shells and by ATGMs.

The BMP-2 has optional add-on armour which improves its resistance to heavy machine gun and some light cannon fire from the sides and rear of the turret, at the cost of losing its amphibious ability. This armour means that you are safe from enemy tanks once you have disabled their main gun. This modification has little effect on the overpressure vulnerability mechanics of the BMP-2.


The design allows you to swim and control movement in the water
Game Mode Max Speed (km/h) Weight (tons) Engine power (horsepower) Power-to-weight ratio (hp/ton)
Forward Reverse Stock AoA Stock Upgraded Stock Upgraded
Arcade 72 12 13.2 0.8 465 572 35.23 40.86
Realistic 65 11 265 300 20.08 21.43

The BMP-2's mobility is reasonable, albeit not excellent, at a maximum of 72/65 km/h (AB\RB) on-road, however, the vehicle's acceleration and off-road performance leave something to be desired.

The BMP-2 can swim at 7 km/h.

Modifications and economy


Improves visibility by enhancing natural light or active illumination.

Main armament

Reduces the swing of the gun in two planes while moving

The main concern with this powerful main weapon is the ammo capacity. The gun has two firing modes - relatively slow (

200/minute) and extremely fast (

550/minute), while your ammo capacity is 500. To not run out of ammo during the battle, one should use full auto mode only when facing certain doom, or when sitting in an ambush position against an unknown enemy.

Its reload rate for the belts is quite fast at 1.15 seconds and it gets a choice of HEF-T, AP-T, and HVAP in belts. Every belt is universal and has at least 1 AP and 1 HE in them, HE belt carrying 2 of HEF-T for 1 AP-T per cycle.

The HVAP belts have enough penetration to obliterate lighter tanks such as Leopard A1A1s, AMX-30B2 BRENUS and Warrior frontally, however, when engaging other larger targets it's only possible to completely defeat them from the side, though you can still cripple enemy tanks frontally by shooting cannon barrels and tracks.

The main difference of the HVAP compared to the APDS of other autocannon-equipped vehicles is that it is very bad against angled tanks and when attacking tanks on high ground (Refer to the table, to see how bad it can get). Because of that, targets usually easily dealt with such as the Striker may deflect fire from your main gun when heavily angled. When facing something the main gun cannot deal with, you'll need to use the secondary weapon:


Ammo racks

Additional armament

BMP-2 also has an ATGM launcher. Its guidance system is semi-automatic, so it's easier to use in RB. It is a default modification on the vehicle, unlike the BMP-1, so doesn't need to be researched.

The ATGM is able to penetrate most tanks BMP-2 will face at its BR and often above when aimed well. The 9M113 is also fairly useable at range, although it generally won't reach sniping helicopters. The BMP only has 4 ATGMs, so it's a good idea to be stringent with them.


Penetration statistics
Ammunition Type of
Penetration @ 0° Angle of Attack (mm)
10 m 100 m 500 m 1,000 m 1,500 m 2,000 m
9M113 ATGM 600 600 600 600 600 600
Shell details
Ammunition Type of
Mass (kg)
Fuse delay
Fuse sensitivity
Explosive Mass
(TNT equivalent) (g)
0% 50% 100%
9M113 ATGM 248 3,000 14.5 0.05 0.1 4,230 80° 82° 90°

Ammo racks

Machine guns

7.62 mm PKT is only useful for destroying light obstacles to avoid losing momentum. Alternatively, it can be used to mark the enemy in Realistic battle. Using it for anything else is pointless, as your 30mm is far more effective otherwise, and the 7.62mm won't cause damage to anything but early aircraft or open-top vehicles with exposed crew.

7.62 mm PKT
Mount Capacity (Belt) Fire rate Vertical Horizontal
Coaxial 2,000 (250) 700 N/A N/A

Usage in battles

The BMP-2 is best played as a light support vehicle, avoiding being a primary target in the front of the battle.

Where possible, scout opposing vehicles for teammates while staying near heavier friendly vehicles, helping repair and support them as necessary. By staying mostly in cover and near more threatening targets, you'll avoid being a target yourself. The BMP isn't particularly fast for a light tank, but if you can move into a position that enemy tanks will be passing, you'll be able to make quick work of them with the 30 mm gun.

Before the armour modification has been researched, the players can take advantage of the amphibious capacities of the BMP-2 to either infiltrate in the enemy territory to scout or to flank that enemy access and retain the enemy advance; at least for a short time.

As an advance from the BMP-1, the BMP-2 offers a great improvement in combat usage, as there's no need to research the better ATGM armament. Another upgrade in the playstyle is the possibility of close range anti-air duties thanks to the 30 mm Shipunov cannon, particularly to the omnipresent helicopters at this rank, such as the American AH-1G. The cannon is also useful for light and medium ground targets with slightly sloped armour, however, the stock HE performance against armour is poor and the need for the APDS belt will be evident. Therefore the anti-air duties are an essential part of the early playstyle and module research.

Anti-air role

The BMP is somewhat vulnerable to aircraft fire, particularly larger cannons will make quick work of the vehicle through its near non-existent top armour. Where possible, find positions with a good overhead cover or minimal visibility for overhead aircraft (beneath over-arching rocks, near or in buildings, under dense tree cover). If for any reason you do become the target of a strafing run, don't be afraid to fire back - the 30 mm will make quick work of most aircraft, and in head-on engagements is particularly easy to get on target.

It is recommended to improve the turret targeting speed with the modifications, as this provides faster target acquisition. The ATGM can also be put in use against any helicopter hovering close to the battlefield, remember the 3 km range when engaging them.

Close support

The BMP-2 is a light combat vehicle with good offensive power, as such, a recommended combat tactic is to remain near the tougher tank comrades assaulting and capturing points in the core of the action. Not only because of the proficient anti-air capabilities of the BMP-2 or the mighty Konkurs' ability to deal with any heavily armoured targets like the Maus. But also because the BMP-2 can act as a field mechanic for allied tanks along the frontline.

Acting as a team-player also entails using every mean of protection to ensure the teammates' safety, this will be usually achievable thanks to the various smoke discharges available.

The BMP-2 is not only capable of fiercely defending itself but is also capable of providing scouted targets for the whole allied team. Becoming the force of change in any assault or defence and a decisive piece in the road for victory.

A single BMP-2 can find a suitable covered position on a hill or a ditch deep enough (like on the Kursk map) and proceed to scout any enemy in the binoculars sight. It doesn't matter if the BMP does not have a gun solution, the purpose is to relay the enemy's position to the team while remaining in secret. This not only helps the teammates on anticipating any threats, but once the airstrike modification has been researched, it also enables the player to jump into any suited aircraft and continue supporting the team.

Pros and cons

  • Can easily destroy other light vehicles with both its main gun and its ATGM launcher
  • At times is surprisingly survivable, the vehicle's internals are largely non-critical components
  • Can ford rivers/canals to get to locations that are normally difficult or sometimes impossible to reach
  • Somewhat effective as an AA with fast-firing 30 mm
  • ATGMs will comfortably destroy almost any vehicle with a well placed missile
  • 30 mm HVAP can quickly disable tracks/gun barrel on any target
  • The 30 mm HVAP is not as powerful as APDS on other AFVs and has extremely bad angled performance
  • Small maximum ammo load, can only take a single APDS belt, exactly 160 shells (Changing to low rate of fire is recommended)
  • Vulnerable to HMGs and light cannons at close ranges, particularly without add-on armour
  • Vulnerable to overpressure (HE shells, bombs, rockets, ATGMs and artillery strikes).
  • Konkurs ATGM is highly ineffective against vehicles with ERA like the Sho't Kal Dalet (Great Britain) or the M60A1 RISE (P)



After the Yom Kippur War, it became clear that the armament of the BMP-1 was proven to be insufficient, as well as the protection. Egyptian and Syrian BMP-1's had been knocked out by 12.7 mm (.50 in) machine gun fire through the sides and rear. The BMP-1P was developed in order solve some of the problems with the BMP-1, but a new model was needed. Work began on creating an improved version of the BMP-1, called the BMP-2.

The hull of the BMP-2 was nearly identical to the hull of the BMP-1. The armour was unchanged - other than the side armour which could now withstand 12.7 mm machine guns - as was the shape of the hull itself. The turret, on the other hand, was of a new design. It was the same general shape as the turret of the BMP-1, but it was much larger. The commander sat to the right of the gun breech and the gunner sat to the left of the gun breech. The main armament consisted of a 2A24 30 mm autocannon, with a secondary armament of a co-axial 7.62 mm machine gun, with some models receiving a 40 mm automatic grenade launcher. There is also a 9M111 and 9M113 anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) launcher on the roof of the turret. There were some other differences as well. The infantry hatches on the roof of the troop compartment was reduced to 2 from 4. In addition, only 7 infantry soldiers could be carried, instead of the 8 that could be carried by the BMP-1. The BMP-2 was also heavier than the BMP-1, but received a more powerful engine, and as such had similar mobility to the BMP-1.

Production and Service

The BMP-2 entered service in 1980, and it is unknown how many have been produced. It is thought that at least 20,000 BMP-2 have been produced so far, but some estimates have the total production at up to 35,000. These numbers are for the Soviet/Russian military alone, not including license built copies or export models. BMP-2's have seen combat in a number of conflicts, although not so much as the BMP-1 as it entered service later.

The BMP-2D was an upgrade package that could be installed on a regular BMP-2. It consisted of applique armour on the sides of the vehicle and under the driver and commander positions, and 6 mm of applique armour on the turret. It also added the ability to attach a mine clearing device on the front of the vehicle. Because of the added weight of the upgrade package, the BMP-2D was not amphibiously capable.


The arrival of the BMP-1 infantry combat vehicle in the Soviet Army greatly increased the firepower and mobility of infantry formations on the battlefield. However, there were also significant shortcomings, mainly in the armament department. The 73 mm Grom gun, which was installed on the BMP-1 wasn't particularly efficient against infantry units, tanks and low flying air targets. In addition to this, the flight of the trajectory became impossible to predict if even a small crosswind was present. To account for these issues, a decision was made to create a new vehicle based on the BMP-1 with the automatic rifled gun. Among the several projects carried out, the vehicle designed by Kurganmashzavod engineers was acknowledged to be superior to the rest. The BMP-2, which was put into service in 1977, had a similar design to the BMP-1 in terms of the layout and general configuration. However, the turret underwent significant changes. It now had space for two crew members – the gunner and the commander, and the automatic 30 mm 2A42 gun became its primary armament. Just like its predecessor, the BMP-2 was fitted with a launcher capable of firing either the Konkurs or Fagot anti-tank guided missiles, which the vehicle could deploy when engaging tank units. The vehicle was regarded as fairly successful, and over the years of its service, the BMP-2 underwent a series of modernizations and modifications directed at improving the vehicle's defences and increasing its destructive capability. The BMP-2 remains in service till now and is in great demand abroad.

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