Когда выйдет супраленд 2

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

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“I had already decided Supraland was my favourite game of 2019 so far before I noticed it was almost entirely made by one man. [. ] It really does stand comparisons with Portal, Zelda and Metroid, which is no mean feat, and not words I’d offer lightly.”
Rock Paper Shotgun

“Talking about a game like Supraland is really hard as it is the kind of game that you have to experience to realize how special it really is.”
10/10 – MadDownload

“If you're looking for a unique take on the Metroidvania experience I can highly recommend checking out Supraland.”
9.5/10 – GameSpace

Об этой игре

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Supraland - игра-головоломка от первого лица в жанре Метроидвания. Основными источниками вдохновения являются Zelda, Metroid и Portal.
Supraland предполагает, что вы умный и позволяет играть самостоятельно. История минимальна, она ставит перед вами всеобъемлющую цель, а затем выпускает вас в огромный мир. Время прохождения:

- Метроидвания -

Вы исследуете большой взаимосвязанный мир, в котором сначала невозможно пройти большинство путей, пока не найдете новые способности для преодоления этих препятствий. Краеугольным камнем дизайна Supraland было создание настолько универсальных способностей, что они будут удивлять вас тем, сколько у них различных применений. Если вы объедините свои способности, возможности станут еще больше.

+ Receive Supraland 2 when it comes out.
+ Receive the Supraland 1 DLC "Crash" when it comes out later in 2019.

Select this reward

Pledge €20 or more About $24

Supraland 2 + Supraland 1 DLC

+ Receive Supraland 2 when it comes out.
+ Receive the Supraland 1 DLC "Crash" when it comes out later in 2019.

Select this reward

Pledge €55 or more About US$ 64

Early Access / Beta Tester

+ Receive Supraland 2
+ Reveive the Supraland 1 DLC
+ Receive Testing Access to Supraland 2
+ Receive Testing Access to "Crash" DLC for Supraland 1
+ Be listed in the credits as tester

On 1. Oct 2019 we started with the concept for "DLC2"; a 3 month mini project.
On 1. Oct 2021 we're releasing "Supraland Six Inches Under" into beta testing.

Today we start sending out beta keys to the crowdfunding backers from 2019.
We separated you into 2 groups. The first group will get the keys today; the 2nd group will get their keys in a few weeks, after the first group gave us a lot of feedback and we worked it into the game. This is to make sure we have fresh perspectives on a more polished state of the game lateron.

If you are a Tier2 backer and you don't have an email by tomorrow, check your spam folder.
Looking forward to your feedback and suggestions! The best way to stay up to date is being on the Supraland Discord [discord.gg]
And no; you cannot become a backer anymore.

SIU Development
The making of Six Inches Under (SIU) has really been an odyssey because none of us were prepared for how big it became, but we ultimately ended up with something we're really confident about.
We did major changes multiple times because things just didn't feel good. I think the big changes were worth it and our early testers have been very positive and they had no preknowledge of the Supraland series.

Some of the big things we had to change:
We had this system with different kind of ores in the map and you could mine with your pickaxe. But it was simply not fun for anyone so we completely cut all of that and replaced it with a good old money system. It was bad because the mining process (or the inability to do so because of lacking pickaxe quality) was just annoying and it creates a big mess if you have 4 currencies. Now we're back to one currency.

The other big change was that halfway we noticed the no-enemies-approach of the game didn't feel right. So we designed a combat system with new enemy types from the ground up and integrated it for a long time. Without enemies you could not really reward the player with anything for finding the plenty secrets. Also the world felt pretty tension-less. The combat is far from perfect now, but it's taking a lot different direction from Supraland 1. I'm curious what you think.

The introduction of the abilities (which you mostly already know, but not all) were pretty short but since we swapped from DLC to Standalone we had to build new regions for these abilities with good introductions. Because now we can't expect all players to know them already. I guess most players of this game will never have played Supraland 1 before.

We also just weeks ago did a major change to core parts of the story because it was just too convoluted and weird. While you're making this stuff up everything seems obvious. But players never get that deep into it and won't really understand what's happening unless it's really simple and straight forward. I really like what we have now and it has a really bizarre twist that is so weird that I love it. And I don't think I'm spoiling much when I say: While Supraland solved racism and 'Crash' solved Flat Earthers, SIU solves capitalism :D

After those first two games will have solved three of the world's major problems, Supraworld (SL2) will probably not solve anything like that but it will be a gaming-satire most of all. A meta comment on generic gaming tropes, sort of.

Three of us having been working on Suprworld all year already creating assets and I've actually started building the world of the game recently.
When SIU is out of the door the rest of the team will join us on this project. I honestly love it so much already!

On 1. Oct 2019 we started with the concept for "DLC2"; a 3 month mini project.
On 1. Oct 2021 we're releasing "Supraland Six Inches Under" into beta testing.

Today we start sending out beta keys to the crowdfunding backers from 2019.
We separated you into 2 groups. The first group will get the keys today; the 2nd group will get their keys in a few weeks, after the first group gave us a lot of feedback and we worked it into the game. This is to make sure we have fresh perspectives on a more polished state of the game lateron.

If you are a Tier2 backer and you don't have an email by tomorrow, check your spam folder.
Looking forward to your feedback and suggestions! The best way to stay up to date is being on the Supraland Discord [discord.gg]
And no; you cannot become a backer anymore.

SIU Development
The making of Six Inches Under (SIU) has really been an odyssey because none of us were prepared for how big it became, but we ultimately ended up with something we're really confident about.
We did major changes multiple times because things just didn't feel good. I think the big changes were worth it and our early testers have been very positive and they had no preknowledge of the Supraland series.

Some of the big things we had to change:
We had this system with different kind of ores in the map and you could mine with your pickaxe. But it was simply not fun for anyone so we completely cut all of that and replaced it with a good old money system. It was bad because the mining process (or the inability to do so because of lacking pickaxe quality) was just annoying and it creates a big mess if you have 4 currencies. Now we're back to one currency.

The other big change was that halfway we noticed the no-enemies-approach of the game didn't feel right. So we designed a combat system with new enemy types from the ground up and integrated it for a long time. Without enemies you could not really reward the player with anything for finding the plenty secrets. Also the world felt pretty tension-less. The combat is far from perfect now, but it's taking a lot different direction from Supraland 1. I'm curious what you think.

The introduction of the abilities (which you mostly already know, but not all) were pretty short but since we swapped from DLC to Standalone we had to build new regions for these abilities with good introductions. Because now we can't expect all players to know them already. I guess most players of this game will never have played Supraland 1 before.

We also just weeks ago did a major change to core parts of the story because it was just too convoluted and weird. While you're making this stuff up everything seems obvious. But players never get that deep into it and won't really understand what's happening unless it's really simple and straight forward. I really like what we have now and it has a really bizarre twist that is so weird that I love it. And I don't think I'm spoiling much when I say: While Supraland solved racism and 'Crash' solved Flat Earthers, SIU solves capitalism :D

After those first two games will have solved three of the world's major problems, Supraworld (SL2) will probably not solve anything like that but it will be a gaming-satire most of all. A meta comment on generic gaming tropes, sort of.

Three of us having been working on Suprworld all year already creating assets and I've actually started building the world of the game recently.
When SIU is out of the door the rest of the team will join us on this project. I honestly love it so much already!

To receive further newsposts also "Follow" it, because I might not be posting more updates on the Supraland 1 news.

Just very briefly, because I keep getting asked about the SIU-development daily, we're doing a lot of testing and polishing and it's all going well. I think release is realistic in november/december. But it's done when it's done.

- Fixed landscape cracks at edges of screen
- Fixed default map controls for French keyboards
- Fixed some problems in French translation
- Fixed problem with battery respawns while they were electrified
- Fixed missing translation for when you pick up armor
- Fixed wrong player position in the giant kid's hand in Crash DLC

I hope this is the last update for the game. But if small things come up, we'll fix them for sure.
But I might upgrade the game to Unreal Engine 5, once the engine is production ready. It could improve visuals and performance drastically without too much effort.

We're making good progress, but we're taking our time and won't crunch for a date.

The game world with all the exploration and puzzles is more or less there and ready to go. We wanna add some little puzzles here or there, and maybe some more combat encounters, but nothing major.

We recently threw out an entire region because it wasn't fun and rebuilt that. The replacement region now feels like Supraland. Previously it was lacking motivation, direction and the puzzles were too fetch-questy, not supralandy.

We also came up with a new puzzle mechanic that I'm currently building a new world area for, and this one will be available only after the end credits. It uses physical mechanisms that might not be easy to understand for most people, that's why I decided to put it after the ending.

The biggest thing left to do is balancing in terms of currency, upgrades and combat.

We recently removed an entire system from the game because it was creating more frustration than fun. It was basically a mining system where you could mine different kind of ores with different pickaxe upgrades. The two things that made this unfun were that you could not mine something you stood in front of, but your pickaxe wasn't buffed enough yet and you would have to memorize where exactly this was and come back to it later, which is not an interesting interaction at all; just a tedious one.
The other problem was, that we had so many currencies: coal, iron, diamonds, coins. it was really annoying. We're getting rid of all of that and limit it to just coins.
But currently we have no balance in the game at all in regards to how many coins you find, what upgrades cost, what upgrades you can buy at all. So that's coming soon.

Combat is equally unbalanced as some weapons and enemies are not fully done yet. We'll get to this soon, and it's the kind of thing that makes or breaks a game.
If combat is boring, too easy or too hard, and if the secret upgrades are not balanced well, the player won't be engaged. I felt that myself in my last playthrough where combat was way too easy and coins were useless. Which led to two things:
- I didn't care for secrets because I didn't need upgrades anyway
- I had no fun collecting coins, because I couldn't use them for anything.

Combat itself will be separate from puzzles. Some encounters are more puzzly though. There is no more one-fits-all weapon and most enemies need slightly different approaches. There are no more respawning enemies, but the encounters are mandatory and you cannot run past them. If you die during an encounter, it will get reset and you need to try again. The idea is that they are properly challenging but by finding lots of secret areas with upgrades, you can make them much easier.

We're currently spending a lot of time optimising the code. It's the same problems that I recently fixed in Supraland 1. It's all about objects on the other side of the world being active while you're not even close.
There are 500 coins spinning in the world somewhere? The engine won't spin them because they are not visible, but it will ask the game on everyframe "should I spin? should I spin? should I spin?".
Same for NPCs that are roaming around in a far away region or the glowing sparks and bubbles rising out of a lava hole somewhere.
All of these things combined can take so long for the CPU to check that your FPS is cut in half. So we came up with a system that automatically disables all these things when they are out of range so the game won't even ask if they should do something. This saves a lot of CPU time and this system only gets pinged every few seconds, not every frame.
So when your FPS in Supraland was not great in the past, it was probably not a problem of your GPU. Drawing the image is easy peasy. But all the work the CPU had to do before drawing was what took so long. In Supraland 1 I fixed this in a more complicated way. But now we have this system which automates a lot and does most of the work for us.

When we have an OK balance, we'll let some handpicked people play it with us watching.
In the next round it goes out to Tier 2 Crowdfunders.
Then we'll go either Early Access or Release right away, depending on how we feel about it at that point.
I have no dates for either of those steps, but upvoting this post surely speeds it up. probably.

- Added frequently requested Map upgrade
If you wanna get spoilered where to find the map: It can be found on top of the facility at the blue crystal. I think this is a great moment to get it, because it's the first moment in the game when players could get seriously lost sometimes.
It is an optional upgrade that can be found in the game world. It only shows you the regions you've already discovered, the rest is black until you go there.
You can freely paint anything on the map that you like.
So you can do what any self-respecting, mature person would do:

- Added DLSS support
DLSS is an AI upscaling feature that new graphic cards support. It allows to run the game in a lower resolution and the AI automatically scales it up to be sharp. Magic!

- FPS improvements
With a lot of little optimisation work done to the game, the CPU has to do much less work now. The GPU load should not be affected by this. My FPS went from

120. So it can be really significant.
Please tell me about your experience in the comments.

- Added easy to use backup save system
We always saved backup files incase you needed to dial back time but it had to be done with manual file management. Now you can select backup savegames from the main menu.

- Huge kid is now animated instead of static
- Skeleton warrior now throws you back while parrying during sword combat
- Laptop puzzle is now less confusing
- Fixed rare bug where you would get robbed in Blue Ville again after loading
- Orange in color machine looks more orange than yellow now
- Fixed small problem with ammo-recharge number after loading game
- Fixed ammo-recharge speed; it was faster or slower depending on your FPS; now it's the same for all
- Fixed a way to glitch way up into the air with the cube + beam
- Cosmetic improvements here and there
- Lots of little improvements and fixes all over the place

Hotfix 1.22.9
- Fixed missing jumppads in Crash DLC

Hotfix 1.22.10 - 12.05.2021
- Fixed NPCs talking with wrong text color
- Made tiny adjustment to cube-on-rising-pillar puzzle in volcano area

600k+ players, Six Inches Under Status, SL2 pre-production

Supraland 1

Supraland now has had over 600,000 unique players (plus pirates) and word of mouth is doing fantastic for it. And there is more great news in a few days.

Supraland 1.5 / Six Inches Under

But let's get to the one question you're here for: When is Supraland Six Inches Under done?
Short answer: Not Q1 or Q2. But in Q2 we'll sure start public alpha testing.

Most of you just want to play the final version and not alphas or betas. But many are also waiting for the unfinished version. But because I'm not alone anymore, we can push the early access phase back a lot. We get so much feedback from internal testing that we have a huge todo list to work on.
Once internal testing can't provide more useful feedback we'll release the game to the Tier2 crowdfunders. And after that, we'll release it Early Access on Steam. After that comes the actual release. Currently the game is pretty much playable from start to finish, but there is a lot to be done.

Meanwhile a screenshot from the current pre-alpha:

If you missed it: it started as a DLC for SL1 and was more like an experiment. But it grew into a standalone game that we consider something like Supraland 1.5. Not quite SL2, but way more than a DLC.
Since we changed plans from DLC to standalone we had to rethink a couple of things. We can't assume that players know all the abilities, so we had to come up with new ways to introduce them from the ground up. So we're putting in some small new areas here and there. We also noticed pacing problems that we're trying to fix and there is small stuff that should be improved around every corner.

The new enemy/combat system is getting into the final stages now. The combat balancing process and the exact spread of upgrades will only start now. This is a crucial step and I want to spend as much time on it as needed. There is no deadline besides "when it's good". In SL1 the combat was only interesting up to the point where you got the blaster combo and beyond that it kinda fell apart because it was too simple afterwards. The combo was just destroying everyone too easily. From now on there is no more one solution to killing every enemy type. The blaster won't even exist in this game. There will be completely new weapon types.

An often requested map feature is currently in the works and it's soon finished. It will also be added into SL1 when it's done. But I don't want everyone to just have the map; I think it's much more valuable if you have to earn it.
So it will be an optional map that only shows the areas you've been to. If you like, you can paint on it to mark stuff.
There are no symbols on it at all, because I think that's the worst a map can do, because it takes you out of the 3d world and you're just staring at the map. I remember that moment I had when I played Assassin's Creed Unity and I realised, all of this beautifully crafted world is irrelevant; it's just gameplay wise useless geometry with nothing to discover. All interactable things were marked on the map. There was no more need to look at the actual world, which should be what makes adventure games interesting in the first place.

Anyway, if you have more questions regarding Six Inches Under, put them in the comments! I usually answer everything.

Supraland 2

Meanwhile the Supraland 2 pre-production is in full swing. I'd love to talk about all the great ideas, but that would ruin the surprise party we have planned for you in 2-3 years I guess. I'm making this number up. I have no idea when it's done. But nothing besides a doc exists yet.

But basically the set of abilities is being specified at the moment and the order in which you get the abilities will soon be locked down. I'm planning for half of the game to be purely optional, with lots of completely optional abilities. They will make puzzles and combat encounters easier, but they are not necessary.

I'm also trying to work in planned sequence breaks (instead of accidental ones. ) and completely alternative ways to beat the entire game. It's a complex web to weave but should be mindblowing if it works out as planned.

When coming up with abilities for metroidvanias everyone tends to mostly go for stuff that allows you to reach higher places or break stuff. I try to avoid this pattern in favour of things that let you think in new ways. I'm pretty bored by all metroidvanias doing the same stuff. higher jumps, double jumps, dashes, wall climbing and lots of different attacks that break different kinds of walls.
Our new set of abilities will be far less about verticality and jump'n run stuff but more about intelligent and versatile interactions.
Also the combat encounters will be far more puzzly. Certain enemies only react to certain interaction types, not to others. It mostly depends on the materials they are made of. So fire works great against the paper enemy but is useless against the metal one. The enemies are being designed and sketched right now.

A big question remains: should we call it Supraland 2 or something else? When you see a 2, do you think you need to play the first? We don't want the number to stand in the way for new players. Most of the movie and game industry seem to totally avoid numbers on their sequels. Only very few still do that. Opinions in the comments are very welcome!
[Edit] The name "Supralandland" was suggested in the comments. Why do I like this way more than I should? :D [/edit]

If you want to help work on Supraland 2, amaze us with your skills! We're looking for FX artists, Sound Designers, 3d Modelers (assets and characters), Voice Actors (if you can make a voice that suits our NPCs) and whatever else you think would be great for the game. Send us whatever will make it impossible for us to reject!

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